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Necromancer’s Sorrow: (Series Finale)

Page 48

by Pablo Andrés Wunderlich Padilla

  “We have been sent by Her. I’m Luchy. This is Flóregund and this is Mojak,”

  The centaurs were amazed. “Luchy the Warrior and her guardians!” Astherion said, unable to control his emotions. “But this is nothing short of a miracle! My predictions have come to pass! This is cause for celebration!”

  “No, my dear host. It is time for us to carry out our mission.” Luchy had decided to keep Manchego’s whereabouts to herself. She trusted no one and needed to be wary of what she said and who she said it to.

  “If the warrior would be so kind as to tell me where she is going,” Astherion said with the utmost respect. “Then I might be able to assist her and take her to her destination.”

  “Don’t tell this man-horse anything,” said Flóregund. “So far, we’ve looked after ourselves and we haven’t done so badly. We don’t need an escort. As long as they point us in the right direction, that’ll be enough.”

  I understand your distrust, Luchy and Flóregund, but you have to understand that we know nothing whatsoever about this world, and unfortunately I can’t tell where Tempus Frontus is. I simply can’t see the place. I’m sorry. We’ll have to tell them where we’re going if we want to get directions.

  Flóregund gave the centaurs a murderous glare. “Luchy, we can’t tell them anything.”

  “But Teitú’s right. Mojak, what do you think?”

  We’ve overcome so many obstacles to get here, Mojak replied. It would be a catastrophe if we were betrayed at the last minute. By telling them where Manchego is, we might be endangering his safety. But Teitú is right. We can’t go on without directions, so we don’t have many options. Flóregund cleared his throat and muttered something to himself.

  “We’re going to Tempus Frontus,” Luchy said bluntly.

  “Tempus Frontus?” said Astherion. “I don’t know the place, warrior. I’m sure it isn’t in the Republic of Gatasclán.” The Erard was afraid even to consider that a place like that might be in Gorsbath. He hoped it was not. Who could he ask to check the location of Tempus Frontus? Would they know about it? Whatever the case, he felt an urgent need to help the travelers find whatever it was they were seeking.

  “Why do you need to go there?” Astherion asked. He placed his hands in front of his chest. “What are you looking for? If you’ll allow me, I’d love to help you carry out this mission. I suggest you come with me to the capital of our Republic where our leaders, the Jubilatus, would be delighted to meet you. I’m sure that once we’re in Evanescent, it’ll be easy to find out how to reach your destination. I promise to welcome you with all the luxuries you could imagine as well as food and drink aplenty.”

  Luchy put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot on the ground. “Lord Horse-Man called Astherion, let me tell you something. We haven’t come here to be regaled or impressed by anyone. We’ve come to rescue the God of Light, Alac Arc Ángelo, who is in Tempus Frontus. If you have the remotest idea who he is, you’ll understand why we’re in a hurry.”

  Astherion put his hands to his chin and considered her words for a few moments. Meanwhile, Flóregund and Mojak were concerned that she might have revealed too much information about their mission. It was too late and the words had been spoken. Hopefully, these people would be able to help them find him and were not servants of Mórgomiel.

  “My apologies, Luchy,” Astherion said. “I think I finally understand why you’ve come. Saalma let me know you were coming, but not what your purpose was. It makes a great deal of sense that you’ve come to rescue the Archangel. But why this world? Is this where the God of Light is? And if he’s in Tempus Frontus… I’m afraid I won’t be much help to you. I simply don’t know where this place is.” He turned to the soldiers who were with him. “Do you?” None of the centaurs had ever heard of it.

  “You don’t know?” Luchy asked. “You have no idea of what Tempus Frontus is or where?”

  “Unfortunately, I don’t. But if you’ll allow me, I could help. If you follow me to Evanescent, I’m sure that—”

  “I might be able to help,” said another voice. They all turned to see who had spoken. Flóregund raised his sword, ready for a fight. Mojak was already ready, his mace in his hands.

  “To arms!” shouted the soldiers. The five centurions leveled their halberds at the bear’s back. Between the five of them, they would make mincemeat of the beast.

  Luchy looked closely at the being that had interrupted their conversation. It was a giant bear, although rather skinny. Its fur was thick and black, and its huge body was covered in armor made of leather strips that protected its back and the upper part of its limbs. It wore no helmet so that they could see its head. The beast was huge, as was its snout, with a pair of enormous sharp-toothed jaws. The bear also looked in a bad way. Malnutrition was not the only thing wrong with it.

  This bear. Where has it come from? Teitú thought. It’s very strange. I can’t feel his energy, and I think that’s why I didn’t notice him when he appeared. He doesn’t look evil but don’t trust him, Luchy. Watch out, all this is very odd. The moment you mentioned Alac’s name and where he is, this bear appeared. Was he listening to us?

  He looks harmless, Luchy thought back. A lost bear, although he’s huge. Mojak could take him out if necessary, she decided. The travelers were impressed by the reaction of the horse-men.

  “Gurtha! Hands up! Give up your weapons or we’ll kill you right here!”

  Teitú translated the bear’s words in the minds of Luchy and her companions. “Easy! Easy! I’m just a messenger! And I’m not carrying any weapons, for the Gods’ sakes! Don’t kill me yet. At least listen to the bloody message I’m bringing you. You centaurs are the prisoners of fear, by Norcal...” The language the bear used was the same as that of the centaurs.

  “Centaurs?” repeated Luchy. “Is that the name of your species?”

  “Yes. And he’s a Gurtha, a species of giant bears.”

  “We’re humans,” Luchy said, introducing each of them. “This is an elf and this is a Naevas Aedán.”

  “Luchy!” Flóregund said in reproach. “You don’t need to tell these people everything about us, you know!”

  Luchy shrugged and said, “Can you think of any other way to get to know these foreign people? Did you know that these are centaurs and he’s a Gurtha? No, you didn’t. So shut up and let me deal with the people we’re talking to. If it were up to you, you’d be on your way back to Allündel already with your tail between your legs!”

  The elf looked chastened. “You needn’t be so rude.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.” She put her hand on the elf’s shoulder.

  Flóregund gave her a wan smile and returned his attention to the giant bear.

  Astherion considered the Gurtha carefully. He was certainly unusual. He moved lightly and swiftly, which was strange considering the massive, heavy movements of the typical Gurtha. He was not carrying weapons. And he was moving warily… Who was this bear?

  “And who are you supposed to be?” Luchy demanded. She folded her arms and leaned her weight on one leg, tapping her foot on the ground.

  “I like your attitude, warrior. It’s the right one for the storms to come. I’m Riziel, a good servant of the powerful Exzalor.”

  Nobody had ever heard of him or his master, as the bear noticed when nobody reacted.

  “What are you doing here, big bear? Answer me!” she demanded.

  The Gurtha’s fur hid the fact that he was emaciated. “Bear? What is a bear? I have come by the mercy of Exzalor to tell you that you do not need the centaurs. We know where the entrance to Tempus Frontus is, where you must go as soon as possible.”

  Luchy began to feel alarmed. How on earth did this giant bear know that she needed to get to Tempus Frontus? And how come he was offering her exactly what she needed? Had he heard what she had said? Could he be a spy?

  Astherion’s face twisted. He felt hatred toward this Gurtha for having offered Luchy what he had been unable to. The
soldiers, the Erard noticed, were as impressed by the Gurtha’s way of moving as he was himself. This was no casual encounter with the giant bears.

  “How can I trust you when you’re making me think you were spying on us? I’m sure you heard me saying where I was going.”

  “It is true,” said Riziel. “I have been walking for days to reach the ancient temple of Merrem. It is where you appeared, the place your guardian shattered.”

  “And why did you come?”

  “The centaurs are not the only ones who can read the stars. When I found out that you were coming to this world, I knew it was not simply to visit us. Although Terigión is a beautiful world, I admit. I knew you would need help to complete your mission. I did not know what it was, but now I do because it’s true that I heard you saying that the God of Light is in Tempus Frontus.”

  “Don’t trust a Gurtha!” Astherion spat out. He was furious. “They’re wicked beings who will betray you!”

  “And tell me,” Riziel asked. “Why should you trust a centaur? Has he not invited you to his precious Republic to meet his leaders? Do you realize that your mission is not his priority, whereas it is for me? I think you cannot trust either of us but I am the only one who has offered you what you want. Exzalor knows how to reach Tempus Frontus and shares your need for haste.”

  “Stay out of this, Gurtha!” Astherion shouted. “I won’t allow you to meddle in the affairs of the Jubilatus. I’ve been sent to escort Saalma’s envoy and ensure her safety.”

  “Perhaps you read the signs wrongly,” Riziel said. “Perhaps your role in this was not to take them to Evanescent, where you would waste time speaking to the Jubilatus. Perhaps your mission was to accompany the warrior, join in her efforts, and ensure that she reaches her goal.”

  “One thing’s true,” said Luchy. “I’m not going with the centaurs to any city of any kind. I don’t care if the king wants to see me. If he does, then let him come here. But I have a mission to save the universe and I’m not going to stop to please anybody. We’re going with the giant bear, this Riziel. Maybe his methods are not too trustworthy, but he’s offering something that the centaurs don’t even understand.”

  The decision was made there and then. Her certainty was so strong that it left the centaurs paralyzed.

  “I won’t let any beast of Gorsbath lead you into their trap or manipulate you in any way!” Astherion cried. “Warrior, I beg you, let me join your side and join your warriors. You’ll see that I’m a centaur who is both trustworthy and good in combat.” He added nervously, “My soldiers will escort us until we reach this Exzalor and will ensure your safety.”

  “Erard,” said one of the five soldiers. “We can’t cross the border. Shaama’s orders.”

  “Then go back and tell her what’s happened here. I can’t go back with you. The summons to join this warrior from another world is too strong. For Saalma, I must help protect her heroes against this treacherous Gurtha.”

  Astherion was agitated, nervous, and anxious. He had no idea what was going to happen or why he was doing this, but he knew that leaving the warrior in the hands of such a strange bear would be a mistake.

  “Erard,” said the soldier. “Are you sure you want to do this? Crossing the border… You’ll be in Gorsbath and all centaurs know what happens to anyone who ventures there alone.”

  “Soldier, I understand your concern but this is much bigger than you or me. The warrior, her mission is to save the God of Light, didn’t you hear what she said?”

  “Very well, Erard Astherion. We can’t stop you and we’ll say that we tried to dissuade you from this folly, which is the truth. Farewell.” With this, the five soldiers turned and left as fast as they could go, leaving Astherion beside the group of travelers and a strange Gurtha.

  “Let’s go, Riziel,” Luchy said. “I can’t wait any longer.”

  “Wait, not so fast. Don’t you want to wait for your friends?”

  “My friends? What on earth are you talking about?”

  Luchy, Mojak, and Flóregund all spun around when they heard a clatter behind them. They stared in amazement at the sight of a violet vortex forming very near where they had entered this world thanks to Teitú.

  Astherion was staring in amazement. This was what he would have considered a heresy. Before his eyes, magic and all its mysteries were unfolding.

  The sound grew louder and the vortex went on gyrating, sending flashes of light that blinded the audience for moments. Luchy was able to watch in detail the way it suddenly opened and out of it, she saw a young man emerging. She recognized him at once. The youth was followed by others, some of whom were human and others were beings she had never seen before. There was a gigantic crystal, an enormous he-goat walking on four legs, a winged horse, a lady who looked like a dwarf, and finally Elgahar.

  Luchy smiled from ear to ear. Her heart burst into a thousand emotions, and she ran to hug Turi and Elgahar. Flóregund ran after her, although he had to take a step back to let her embrace her friends. Mojak remained behind, studying the new arrivals. Teitú followed Luchy as he, too, wished to greet Elgahar.

  Riziel smiled. His smile was real, although on a bear’s snout, a smile is more like a snarl. Astherion felt inferior and he immediately resented the Gurtha. Something was wrong. This bear knew too much.

  He clenched his fists. I’ll join the warrior from another world to protect her, he told himself. By Dulstar, I’ll be her guardian and keep an eye on this sorcerer.

  “Luchy!” Turi cried as he caught sight of her. “I don’t believe it! What a coincidence!” The two embraced. Turi could not hide his natural admiration for the girl, who, with her elven suit and cloak, was looking very attractive. But there was something in her gaze, Turi noticed, looking at her face as she hugged Elgahar. That look. Her face had grown harder. She was no longer the same girl he had known in the Meridian.


  Luchy and Turi were talking nonstop in front of the ruins of what had once been the Temple of Merrem, telling one another about the adventures they had been through. Elgahar had joined in the conversation, taking the opportunity to get to know Flóregund and Mojak.

  Mojak was of great interest to the Interworld Committee. The Wild Man was a giant and did not speak, but he radiated unique goodness they could all appreciate. Unna and Mojak greeted one another as is usual in Devnóngaron, bowing their heads and looking deep into one another’s eyes, a sign of respect that says, I see what you are made of. When Unna realized Mojak was mute, her interest in speaking with him faded. The big man moved aside, because he found social events tedious.

  Tenchi of Allündel and Teitú had greeted one another like butterflies fluttering in spring. After a long greeting, they exchanged thoughts, sharing their adventures and vital information about the members of each group. Tenchi told him about Allündel and Teitú, in turn, described his visit to Tutonticám.

  Flóregund was an immediate object of interest to Funia and Unna. The thief, now a healer, had to come to blows with the Wild Woman when they were both trying to flirt with the elf. It took Elgahar and Ekimidos to separate the two women so that they would not break each other’s noses.

  Riziel and Astherion were the last ones to be introduced. It all took on the air of a family reunion where all were so happy to see one another that they lost all notion of time. The bear and the centaur were not the only ones who felt excluded. Ekimidos and Perófias were talking about their isolation, while the fairy Amana was the only one to take an interest in introducing herself. She met Mojak, Teitú, and, of course, Luchy. Amana had begun a frank conversation with her, and they were both talking animatedly as if they had known each other for ages.

  “These are the ones,” Luchy was saying as she turned to introduce her guides. “This is Astherion, a centaur, and this is Riziel, a Gurtha.”

  Perófias and Ekimidos were studying the centaur with special interest. The Catalgar’s features were very similar to those of the centaur including six limbs, a human torso an
d arms, and a horse’s body. Perófias, on the other hand, had a horse’s body but he also had the two wings that differentiated him from both the Catalgar and the centaur.

  “He doesn’t seem very nice,” Perófias said.

  “And he has a big nose,” said the Pegasus. “He has the face of a human. He’s ugly, this guy!”

  “Ugly or not,” Ekimidos said. “It’s amazing that we look alike, if only slightly, when we come from such distant worlds. Doesn’t it seem fascinating to you?”

  “That’s right. It’s as if we shared a common lineage.”

  “Riziel has offered to take me to you know where,” Luchy was telling Elgahar as if he were her father and she was introducing her new friends to him to gain his approval. “And Astherion has offered to join our group to offer me safe-conduct.” She pointed to the centaur and the Gurtha. “They don’t trust each other and I don’t trust either of them.”

  Elgahar was looking closely at the bear, trying to get some insight into him. “At least the giant bear has offered to take you where you want to go. That bear has magic powers, I can feel it. Be careful of him, but if he’s offered what you want, then I guess you’ll have to go with him. And then the centaur. What did he offer?”

  “To come with me,” Luchy said. “To be my escort against the giant bear.”

  “It doesn’t sound a bad idea for the centaur to go with you, seeing that he doesn’t trust the Gurtha. At least you know they’re not working together and they’ll be wary of each other.”

  “That’s a good point, Elgahar. I’m so glad to see you! You remind me of home.”

  Elgahar hugged Luchy. “We’re going through insecure times and I know you’ve fought tooth and nail to get here. I’d love to be able to come with you and make sure neither of those two betray you, but you know I can’t. I have my mission to carry out.”

  Luchy hugged the mage again. “You’ve given me a great idea,” she said. “We’ll put the bear and the centaur to a test. Look at this,” She went over to Riziel and Astherion. Behind her was the Interworld Committee.


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