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Angels In Leather

Page 3

by Bella Jewel

  “I’ll find you, Meadow,” Axel roars. “Mark my fuckin’ words.”

  I have no doubt he will.

  But like always, I’ll find a way to escape him.



  Let your demons beat you, so I can defeat you.

  “Motherfucker,” I bellow, driving my fist into a nearby tree over and over until my knuckles bleed. She got away again.

  I spin to Cobra, my Vice President, and I can feel water running down my back. She made me fuckin’ jump in after her. I’m getting desperate; time is running out. I need that information, and I need it fucking now. I managed to slip a tracker into her pack, but the water might have stopped it from working. I need to find out.

  “Get me the program for that tracker. I need to find her.”

  “Got it in the van, boss.”

  With a growl, I storm back towards the roadhouse and over to where our bikes are parked. My entire body is swelling with rage, and I’m beginning to lose my control. I wanted to lay my hands on her, to hurt her. I wanted to put my fingers around her throat, and strangle her until she gives me what I desire. I want her to suffer the same way she’s made me suffer this year.

  I’m all kinds of fucked up.

  I stalk towards the van, and slide the door open. Cobra is tapping in some information on a tiny laptop. He narrows his eyes, and bites the rings in his lower lip. Then a smile appears on his face, and he turns to me, giving me a look full of victory.

  “It’s working. She’s heading on the highway, south.”

  “We’ll wait until she stops. If she hears us coming, she’ll run. Get the boys ready. I want them all. I don’t want her escaping again. Give me drugs, whatever I have to use to stop her. I’m done playing nice.”

  “On it. You want injected drugs?”

  “Yeah,” I grunt.

  He nods. “I’ll let you know when she stops.”

  I stare out the window of the van.

  This ends tonight.


  “Yes ma’am, that will be eighty for the night,” the too-friendly receptionist says as I check into a motel four hours later.

  I’m still damp, and shivering. I didn’t get a chance to dry; it’s not warm enough out. I ran until I couldn’t possibly run anymore.

  I didn’t get as far as I would have liked, and I didn’t really want to stop, but I had no choice. I’m exhausted.

  I dig through my purse and I give the lady the amount she needs. The only reason I’ve been able to keep myself going is because of cash jobs. There’s a lot in this area.

  “Thank you.” She smiles, and hands me a key. “You’re in room 303, out this door, to the left, and up the long corridor.”

  “Thank you.” I force a smile.

  “There’s room service if you’re hungry.”

  I nod, keeping that fake smile. “I appreciate it.”

  I take the key and turn, leaving the reception. I let my eyes scan the street before slowly following the directions she gave me.

  When I find my room, I unlock it and step inside quickly. My entire body is aching, and my mind is spinning. Axel isn’t the man I remember, and the idea of being caught by him is beginning to scare me.

  I flick the light on, and peer around the room. It’s small, but very clean and tidy. It’s one-bedroom, with a bathroom and toilet off to the side. A small two-seater sofa sits in front of a tiny box-television diagonal from the double bed. It’s nice, and it’ll do just fine. I turn and lock the door, before dropping my backpack down and shrugging out of my hoodie.

  I head straight for the shower. I don’t hurry it, I just enjoy the feeling of warmth that slides through my body as I stand under the misty spray. I finish up by washing my hair and shaving my legs with the complimentary items, and then I dig through my backpack and find some clean clothes. I am thankful in that moment that I purchased a good, waterproof backpack. It took me a good two months to save for, but it was more than worth it.

  I find my brush and drag it through my hair before dropping down onto the sofa and sighing loudly. I need to find a way out of this mess. I believe Raide is still located in Los Angeles, and it’s not cheap to get there. He’s been next to impossible to track down, but the only leads I have are in L.A., so that’s where I need to get to.

  I lift my fingers and rub my temples, massaging them to try and ease the throbbing behind my eyes. God, this can’t possibly go on forever. What could be on that USB that Axel wants so badly he’d kill my father for it? I don’t understand. I peer down at the bag, and I lean down, taking hold of it. I zip it open, and find the tiny device. I need to hide this. If I don’t, my life remains in danger. If someone catches me and I don’t have it, they’re likely to keep me alive.

  I stare around the room. Maybe I could hide it here? In the roof, perhaps? I look up to the ceiling and glimpse a large hole that leads up into the roof. One they use for repairs. No, it’s too risky. What if someone went up there? I groan loudly, and drop back into the sofa.

  That’s when I see it. From this angle, I can see a tiny device in my pack. I sit up quickly and lunge towards it, pulling the tiny silver circle out. It’s no bigger than a twenty-cent piece, in fact, it look remarkably similar.

  I know what this is.

  My blood runs cold.

  It’s a tracker.

  I leap to my feet, letting my eyes dart around frantically. All along, Axel was baiting me. That’s why he didn’t just throw himself on me and tackle me to the ground; he wanted to track me. He’s smarter than I thought, and the hunt is getting a whole lot more interesting now.

  I need to hide this USB. Having it on me is getting more dangerous. I stare around the room. Maybe I can leave it here? I can’t see any hiding places, until I look up at the hole in the roof again. It looks like it’s going to be my only choice. No one would look there, and it would be safe until I could make a decision about my next step.

  I take hold of the sofa, and drag it directly underneath the hole, then I climb on top of it. I wobble a little, but manage to get my footing by reaching up and gripping the handle on the large hole. I tug once, and it doesn’t budge. Come on. I pull hard four times, and finally I hear a creak. Another few pulls later and it swings open. Dust fills my eyes, and I cough and splutter, waving my hand around. I guess people don’t go up there that often.

  When the dust has cleared, I reach up and I pop the USB into the large space. It’s warm up there, the heat from the roof trapping itself. I move my hand to the left, and make sure it’s set on the wood of the roof and won’t fall, then I shove the door closed and lower myself down. I hope I’ve made the right choice. Until I can find Raide, I think this is my only option. I can’t be carrying that USB around. If Axel gets hold of me now, he might not hurt me since I don’t have what he wants.

  Someone knocks on my door.

  I stiffen, and turn, facing it. Has he found me? I swallow, and tilt my head to the side, peering at the windows. They’re not big enough to get out of, and they’re locked. The front door is it. Another knock sounds out. If it were Axel, he’d be yelling at me...wouldn’t he? He never comes unannounced. He’s always loud and boisterous. I can’t risk it, though, not after that tracker. I stare at the window again. Maybe I can get a look.

  I tiptoe over, and lower myself to the ground, crawling the remainder of the way. I gently lift the curtain, and I peer out. There he is: Axel, and about ten bikers. My heart leaps into my throat. Shit. Fuck. How the hell am I going to get away? If he knows I’m in here, he won’t let me go. They’re probably surrounding the entire building. I frantically turn and crawl back to the sofa, taking hold of my my pack.

  “I know you’re in there, Cricket. The nice lady at reception told me so. Open the fuckin’ door, I’m not playin’ anymore.”

  I feel myself begin to shake. There’s no escape. Not here. I can’t. I close my eyes. Think, Meadow. Think. Then I look up at the roof. If I’m quiet enough, I can get in there. I gently
crawl over, and climb onto the sofa. I stare at my pack, realizing it’s better to leave it down here. Axel will think I’ve gone out. He will take it, thinking the USB is in there. I dig through and take my cell, and my purse - the rest I leave.

  “Three seconds, and I blow the fuckin’ lock off.”



  I leap up onto the couch, and I’m thankful when it doesn’t squeak. I grip the handle on the hole, and luckily for me it comes open easily. I take hold of the ladder and pull it down. It squeaks. I stiffen.


  He didn’t hear me. Thank God. I begin to climb until I’m up in the dusty, no doubt snake-filled hole. I pull the ladder up, and then lean down, pulling the door closed. I have to put my hand over my mouth to stop myself breathing in the dust and coughing. I find the USB, and I tuck it into my pocket.


  I hear a shot, and then I hear the door being kicked open. I close my eyes, and try to focus on anything but the small, dark space I’m cramped in. If he sees any dust, he might figure it out. I hear him order the men to search the room, and I hold my breath, praying he doesn’t find me. Minutes feel like hours as I hear them shuffling through my room.

  “Here’s the bag, boss,” I hear someone say.

  “She’s taken all her fuckin’ stuff,” Axel barks. “Fuck her!”

  I hear something smash, and I slowly let my breath out. He doesn’t know I’m in here.

  “Let’s go, she can’t be far.”

  I hear more shuffling, and then my door slams. I wait for a long ten-or-so minutes, before swinging the door open and glancing down. They’re gone, but I have to get out of here. I realize my backpack is gone, and I curse. Dammit. I was hoping he wouldn’t take it. I climb out of the small space, and close it up. I have to get out of here—I just don’t know where I’ll go. I need to figure out a way to keep myself hidden. I don’t know how to do that.

  I’m so tired of running.

  I’m so tired of being hunted.



  I am the devil’s friend. I’ll be there to the end.

  “Where are you headed, darlin’?” the old truckie says when he pulls over to the side of the road early the next morning.

  “I’m heading to San Diego,” I say, hoping he can get me that little bit closer to L.A.

  “I can take you there. It’s on my route.” He nods.

  He looks friendly enough. In case not, I purchased a good knife that’s tucked into my jeans. I open the truck door and climb in, sitting as far away from him as I can. I clutch the USB stick like it’s my lifeline.

  “What’s a young, pretty girl like you doin’ catchin’ rides with strangers?” he asks as he pulls out.

  “I’m just in a bit of a pickle, that’s all. I’ll see my family in San Diego,” I lie.

  “Oh? You got folks there?”

  “Ah, yeah. A mom and dad.”

  Another lie.

  “You goin’ to school?”

  “No. I never really had an interest to do anything professional.”

  He nods as if he understands. “Fair enough.”

  I peer around the truck, and see empty packets of food, drink cartons, and smoke packets everywhere. Gross. Then I spot the laptop tucked into the side of the seat. Oh God; maybe it works?

  “Does that laptop work?” I ask.

  He nods. “Yeah, have a look if you need.”

  I grip the computer and place it on my lap, turning it on. I wait for it to load up.

  “Does it get service?”

  “Yeah, got me one of those fancy-ass little sticks that give me Internet.”

  I nod, forcing a smile. The computer connects to the Internet, and I begin researching Raide. I have only had limited access to the Internet, so it’s not been easy trying to locate him.

  I start searching all the Raide’s in L.A. Turns out the name is actually quiet popular, and there are thousands of them. I add in a profession, which is police officer, and narrow it down to about thirty of them.

  Some are too young, or too old, so I rule them out. Some are retired, so they’re gone. I narrow it down to three, and I pull out my cell and write down their numbers. That’s when curiosity sparks. I’ve always wanted to know what’s on the USB, but I was scared of being tracked. I won’t be in this truck long, so the chance of tracking me is slim. I pull it out of my pocket, glance at the truckie who is whistling and focusing on the road, and then I put it in.

  It takes a long time to load. When it finally pops up on the screen, I glance at the hundreds of files. What is this? I click one, and narrow my eyes. There are loads and loads of pictures of drugs, all tightly packed in what seems like a warehouse. The next lot of pictures has my stomach turning. Oh God, they’re dead bodies, like police shots. Why the hell does my father have police shots?

  The information is extensive. There are drug locations, and information on all the massive motorcycle clubs, but there’s a lot in there about Axel’s club. I don’t get a chance to read the rest because truckie is glancing at me, and I don’t want him to get suspicious. I eject the USB, and tuck it back into my pants.

  He shifts, and the seat squeaks loudly. “So what’s your name, girlie?”

  “Laila,” I lie.

  “Pretty name.”

  “Thanks,” I mumble.

  I can’t concentrate. What does all that information mean? Why was my father gathering information on clubs when he was running one himself? Is that why he and Axel had a falling out? Was my father working for someone else? I don’t understand it, and the confusion is making my head feel likes it’s spinning. Is this Raide guy safe? Or am I running into a trap?

  I don’t know, and it scares the hell out of me.


  “Thank you,” I say, jumping out of the truck at San Diego.

  “Any time.” The truckie smiles before pulling back onto the road.

  I glance around, trying to get my bearings. I’ve been here before, but I need to find somewhere that’s safe, somewhere Axel wouldn’t think to look for me. I have no doubt he’ll catch up to me—he always does—but I am hoping I might get a night’s rest. I need it. If I don’t get it, running will become difficult.

  I walk out onto the road and flag down a cab. I need money to be able to survive all the way to L.A. I have enough from my last cash job to get me through a few more days, but I’m going to need to find something low-key to make sure I can get through. A bright yellow cab screeches to a halt beside me, and I climb in.

  “Nearest hotel,” I say.

  “You got a price limit?” The older, gray haired man says, staring at me through the rear-view mirror.

  “Nothing expensive. Something cheap, under one hundred if possible.”

  He nods, and puts his blinker on before pulling out into the busy traffic. I stare out the window as he drives, and wonder how long it will take Axel to find me here. Will I get enough time to get myself a job, maybe some extra money in case I can’t find Raide? I hope so. I’m running low. I close my eyes and rub my temples, feeling the urge to throw up.

  I need to change my look.

  The thought hits me very suddenly, but it’s a brilliant idea. It might buy me a few days. Axel is looking for me. He knows what I look like, and if I change it up, he might be thrown off my trail a little. I lean over the seat and say to the cab driver, “Never mind the hotel, take me to a salon. Again, preferably a cheap one.”

  He raises his brows but nods, and turns into a small side street. He pulls over on the curb, and nods toward a bright pink store. “They’re said to be good.”

  I smile, and hand him a twenty. “Thank you.”

  Another nod.

  I get out of the car, and he drives off. I peer up at the large, overly pastel store, and then I grip my hood and lower it. I pull off my sunglasses and grab the handle. A little bell jingles as I pull.

  When I step inside, it smells like hair products, and
is buzzing with people. A young, very attractive blonde girl saunters over, smiling at me. She has massive hair, all piled up on her head. I could never achieve that if I tried.

  “Hello, how can I help?” she says, stopping at the desk.

  “I...need a change. A big one.”

  Her eyes widen, like I’ve just made all her dreams come true. “Oh?”

  “I need to look different. I’m tired of this color and this style.”

  She nods, and walks over. “May I?”

  I bob my head as she reaches out, takes my hair between her fingers, and begins inspecting it. She lets it out, and loosens it, before circling me.

  “I think dark. You have the skin tone for it, and your eyes are stunning. I’m thinking a dark chocolate brown, if you’re willing to do a change that drastic?”

  I nod, liking the idea. “Sounds good to me.”

  “I say we take some length off too, and shape it. Is that okay?”

  “Yes,” I say. “That’s great.”

  “Well, if you will just come over to the sink, I’ll wash it for you.”

  I do as she asks, and settle myself in the large, leather chair that she points to. I tilt my head back and let it fall into the sink, and she begins washing it for me. My entire body breaks out in tingles. It’s been so long since I’ve felt something so good. I want to moan, only I don’t want to come across as creepy so I put a lid on it.

  “Okay, all done, come over to this chair and we’ll sort this out for you.”

  The next few hours pass by in a blur. She colors my hair and then trims it, and by the time I walk out of the salon, I don’t recognize myself. I stop in at a cheap travellers’ store, and I pick myself up a new pair of jeans and a tank, deciding to ditch the hoodie. Axel is looking for that. I get a new pair of sunglasses, and then I flag down another cab.

  He takes me to the nearest hotel, and I book myself a room for three nights. It was cheaper than I expected, so I’m able to give myself a little extra time. The room I’m in is basic, modern and comfortable. The hotel doesn’t look like it’s been around long, so everything is fairly new.


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