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Only You

Page 5

by Kaleigh James

  "Shane?" Camden choked out. He wasn't even inside her yet, and she felt like she might orgasm spontaneously.

  "Yeah, Sunshine?" He nuzzled her neck.

  "I need you now," she murmured in his ear. Shane lifted his head, meeting her eyes. Camden saw the unspoken question. Are you sure? She and Shane didn't need words. It was like they were two halves of the same whole. "I'm sure," she encouraged.

  Shane nodded and positioned himself at her entrance. He slowly guided himself into her waiting warmth. Camden gasped at the contact, and Shane's movements stilled. Before he could worry that she was already second-guessing their coupling, Camden jerked her hips, as if begging him to go deeper.

  "Don't stop, Shane," she complained. Shane couldn't help the grin on his face, although it faded quickly as he continued his journey into Camden's depths. Her warm, tight heat was the best thing he had felt in his entire life. The walls of her pussy gripped him so tightly he thought his balls would explode immediately. He stilled himself momentarily to gain control. He did NOT want his first time with Camden to end before it had even started. He was hoping for something more along the lines of tantric sex...hours upon hours of sexual gratification with the beauty currently underneath him. Camden's feet pulled at Shane's ass, trying to tug him deeper, so Shane began his slow torturous pumping.

  Gradually, the need intensified, a reality neither Camden nor Shane could imagine. Shane's movements became stronger, faster, deeper. Camden's walls continued to swell and tighten. The tent was filled with the sounds of panting and moans, skin against skin, and Camden thought it was the most wonderful sound ever.

  Shane grabbed her legs and shifted their position to give him deeper access. Camden screamed at the new sensation. She felt herself drawing close to an orgasm, and when Shane thrust deeply one more time, she screamed his name as she felt herself break into a thousand pieces. Gently, Shane continued pumping, whispering sweet words into her ear, but Camden had no idea what he was saying, as she was currently coming back to reality.

  Suddenly, Shane flipped them over, and Camden was sitting upright, Shane's dick still firmly planted inside her. His eyelids were lowered halfway, full of lust, as his hands reached for her full breasts. He began to tease each nipple, as he encouraged her to ride him. Camden soon found her rhythm, and she relished the control of being on top. If she angled her body just right, Shane's penis rubbed her g-spot with every move. Shane was also enjoying the feeling, as each time Camden lowered, his dick was pressed so tightly to her that she was pushed hard against his balls. The sensation was nothing but amazing.

  Camden's movements became erratic as a long moan escaped her lips. Shane grinned when he realized she was moaning his name. He'd never heard something so wonderful. Suddenly, Camden screamed his name once more, and he felt her juices running down his thighs. He couldn't help the pride that filled him. Already, she had climaxed twice, and he was still holding. But not for long. Shane knew he was close to the edge, so he threw his arms around Camden's waist, flipped them once again, and barreled into her with all the force he had. In one session of lovemaking, they had experienced slow, sweet sex, and they had experienced deep, measured sex, but now, Shane could only promise fast, driving, frenzied pounding.

  Camden was loving this side of Shane. He was entering with such force, it almost hurt, but it was a mixture of pleasure and pain, and it was too intense for words. He chanted her name over and over as his dick went deeper than ever before. Camden couldn't stop the continuous moaning escaping her with each thrust. She was already on the precipice of her third climax. Her nails bit into Shane's skin as he gripped her hips and slammed into her with all the force he could muster. Three more times he entered her so hard she thought she would rip in two, but the feeling was miraculous. Finally, with one last pump, Shane held Camden's hips, pressing her to him as they screamed each other's names in ecstasy. He spilled his seed inside her as her release dripped down his shaft.

  Breathing heavily, Shane pulled Camden to him. His grip tightened as he realized he never wanted to be anywhere but in her arms. Camden's head rested on Shane's shoulder, as he slowly softened inside her. Before either one realized, they fell asleep tucked in each other's arms.


  Chapter 8

  Camden twitched her nose as something soft tickled it. She groaned incoherently and rolled into Eric’s chest. She buried her face into the crook of his neck and froze. That chest definitely was not Eric’s, and that amazing fragrance wasn’t his either. A smile slowly spread across Camden’s face when she realized who had her wrapped in his arms.

  Shane chuckled when he saw the smile on Camden’s lips. They had dozed for thirty minutes at most, but the experience was enough to convince him that he wanted to wake up this way every morning for the rest of his life.

  “We need to talk.” Camden shivered as Shane nuzzled her neck, his lips tickling her skin as he spoke.

  “About what?” She yawned as she stretched her arms.

  “About us.” Shane grinned like a schoolboy, before his expression became more serious. “We have a lot to discus.”

  “D-d-discuss?” Camden stuttered. There was so much she couldn’t tell Shane. She panicked, thinking he would press her for more information than she was willing to give.

  “Yeah,” he murmured as he gently kissed her brow. “We need to clear up some things about the last few years.” He paused and gazed into her eyes. “Starting with your graduation party.”

  Camden jerked as if she had been slapped. She immediately began shaking her head and shoving Shane away. She did not want to think about the day he broke her heart. It was one of the worst days of her life. When she continued her struggle to move away from him, Shane gripped her wrists and moved his forehead flush to hers.

  “I lied, Camden. I’ve never in my life seen you as a sister.”

  The words stilled her immediately, and tears filled her eyes. “What?” Camden whispered. The words seemed to rush out Shane’s mouth, like he needed to explain everything in one breath.

  “Camden, I felt the same way you did. Always, I wanted you so much, and when I came home that week, I planned the most romantic night I could imagine. After your party, I was going to take you to Rice Lake. I had a picnic planned, and I’d even bought a promise ring.”

  Camden’s gasp halted Shane’s monologue. “What?!” she whispered again, this time with hints of horror in her tone. Shane’s thumb wiped a stray tear from her cheek, his expression dejected.

  “I received my orders about two hours before your party.” Shane’s tone was full of sadness.

  “Your orders?” she squeaked.

  “I was leaving in two weeks to go back to Afghanistan. I couldn’t do that to you.” His voice was pleading, begging for understanding.

  “Do what to me?” Her watery gaze locked onto his.

  “I couldn’t ask you to wait for me.” Shane’s eyes became unfocused as he gazed into the distance, lost in an old memory. “The stuff I saw over there? It was awful, and there was no guarantee that I would come back alive. I couldn’t do that to you. You deserved better than that.”

  A mighty, rushing rage flooded Camden as she, with renewed strength, shoved an unsuspecting Shane off her and backed into the corner of the tent. “I DESERVED A CHOICE!!!” she bellowed. Shane’s shocked expression transformed quickly into shame, and he raised his hands in surrender.

  “You broke me, Shane Hunt! You ruined everything good in my life on that night.”

  Shane felt his heart crack at her pronouncement. He knew tears were now streaming down his cheeks. Camden continued her tirade.

  “I waited for you,” she declared. “I had saved myself for you. I thought you were my one and only, and you shattered that when you rejected me.” Camden’s words were barely a whisper by the time she finished.

  Shane took a step closer to Camden as the tension left her shoulders, replaced by what could only be grief. He reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers. Camde
n inhaled deeply and turned her tear-stained face to Shane.

  “I stopped saving myself for you that night.” Her voice sounded hollow. “I stopped waiting…gave it up to Rob Harris since it was no longer important,” she murmured.

  Shane’s chest constricted and he felt a fierce wave of nausea. He couldn’t help the low growl that escaped his throat. What had he done?

  “The worst part?” Camden whispered. “I thought of you the whole time. I threw up after, and I spent the night sobbing, alone in my own bed.” She paused. “But at least you had Heather to keep you warm that night.” The betrayal was thick in her voice.

  Shane pulled Camden tightly into his embrace. He peppered her face with kisses, as he chanted, “I’m sorry” repeatedly. After several minutes had passed, he cleared his throat and spoke.

  “This was only my second time.” He gestured toward the air mattress with his head. His hands were still twined with hers, and she felt his grip tighten as his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Camden’s eyes widened.

  “What about…” He cut her off.

  “You weren’t the only one who had waited.”

  “You mean Heather? At my graduation party? Nothing…”

  He interrupted once again. “NOTHING happened with her, or any of the girls in high school.” Shane’s stomach was in knots. Inexperience was not something guys tended to brag about.

  “And last night?” Camden asked. Shane looked utterly confused. “Stella?” she prompted. Shane choked for a moment.

  “Uhhh,” he started awkwardly. “That wasn’t me.” Camden raised a skeptical brow. “That was Brody,” Shane confessed.

  “What?!” Camden squealed. “But I thought he was with Tiffany???”

  Shane rubbed his hand on the back of his neck in discomfort. “Yeah….about that. You see, hespnlsntwthbthgrls,” he mumbled.

  “What?” Camden prompted.

  “He spent last night with both girls,” Shane choked out.

  Camden was thoroughly mortified by the new visual forever implanted in her head. NO sister should ever have those kinds of mental pictures involving her brother. But as nauseated as the thought of Brody having sex with Tiffany and Stella made her, the overriding feeling in her heart was relief.

  Releasing one of Camden’s hands, Shane used his now free hand to tip her chin towards him. He wanted her to see the sincerity in his eyes.

  “I knew I made a mistake the moment you left your party with Rob. I wanted to fix it, but I thought the damage was done. Once I got to the sandbox, I felt your absence even more." His eyes begged her to understand. "You don’t know how much I looked forward to your care packages during my first tour, Sunshine. To know you were healthy and happy back home…that made it all worthwhile. During my second tour, I was constantly worrying about you. No one knew where you were or how you were doing.” Shane tugged Camden into his chest and hugged her as tightly as possible. Releasing her, his hand returned to her chin.

  “When I came home on my first leave, you still weren’t back. I didn’t tell Brody, but I went searching for you. He thought I was visiting my cousin, but I drove all over the state. Any place you ever mentioned with fondness, I was there with your picture trying to track you down.” Shane could see the shock in Camden’s eyes.

  “When my two weeks were up, I headed back to Afghanistan empty inside. I knew I’d lost you, but I didn’t give up. Every leave, I searched for you. After two years, your family still had no idea where you were, and I was trying to come to terms with the fact that I had made the biggest mistake of my life. I had just made it back to Afghanistan for the last part of my service when I met a girl on our base that reminded me of you.” Shane swallowed uncomfortably as he saw understanding dawn slowly in Camden’s moist green gaze.

  “I figured, if I couldn’t have you, maybe I could have the next best thing. It took me getting completely and totally wasted, and even then I called her your name. She was more understanding than I expected. Guess she’d lost someone special before, too.” Shane stopped and searched Camden’s guarded expression. Even her eyes were now shuttered, so he couldn’t tell how she was taking his story.

  Camden, on the other hand was doing her very best to hide her devastation. She thought she’d never had him to begin with, but knowing he waited for her….that he searched for her…made her feel like she had lost him all over again.

  “She and I…we dated for a while. Pretty much until I came back stateside. Daphne is still in Afghanistan, and we parted as friends, but we never got around to sleeping together again. I guess she didn’t mind that I was a twenty-two year old virgin, or that I called her the wrong name that first night, but she knew if we slept together again, I’d still be thinking about you. I think she was protecting herself. And I….well…I guess I was waiting again and didn’t even realize it.”

  Camden stared at Shane, speechless. He gently led her back to the air mattress. He wrapped his arm around her back, and as he lowered himself to the mattress, he pulled her softly down with him. Camden snuggled into his warmth, the tears still steadily flowing down her cheeks. What a mess they had made of things. She shivered when Shane started tracing patterns on her arm, only now realizing the entire argument/discussion had taken place while they both were extremely and totally nude.

  “Camden?” Shane whispered hesitantly.

  “Yeah?” Her response was equally hesitant.

  “I’m sorry…for everything.” They lay in silence for several long moments before Shane continued. “For breaking your heart,” his voice cracked. “For not finding you. And for not waiting for you.”

  Camden inhaled sharply. “Oh Shane,” she cried in grief. Camden lifted her head and brought her lips to Shane's, communicating her forgiveness in her loving caress. She returned her head to his shoulder, and while Shane’s fingers trailed shapes on her arm, her fingers traced his rock-solid abs.

  “Sunshine, we still have one more thing to talk about.” Again, Camden froze and panic filled her. “We need to tell Eric,” Shane stated matter-of-factly.

  “Tell him what?” Camden was thoroughly confused.

  “Tell him about us, Cam. I know you love him and need to let him down easily. But you and me? This is it for me. We’re a once in a lifetime thing, and the sooner you let Eric down, the sooner we can be together for good.” Shane turned his body toward hers and cupped her cheek in his calloused hand. “I love you, Camden Elisabeth Shepherd.”

  Shane didn’t notice Camden’s horrified expression, because she wisely covered it by diving for his mouth. Her lips met his in a passionate assault. She couldn’t “let Eric down” as Shane so confidently stated. She knew coming into this weekend that it was for closure. She wasn’t under any misguided thoughts about staying in her family’s lives permanently. She loved them, and she had been desperate to see them, but she knew heading into this weekend that it was the last time she would see anyone in her family. And she knew now that this was also the last time she would see Shane Hunt. She put her entire soul into the kiss, drawing it out as long as possible. Once she was certain she could hide her plans from Shane, she broke the kiss.

  “How much time until everyone is back from the river?” she asked innocently.

  Shane glanced at his wristwatch. “Based on the normal time to tube from the launch to the exit, they might have another thirty minutes.” At that exact moment, Shane’s stomach grumbled, filling the tent with its rumbles. Camden’s laugh echoed in the tent, and Shane chuckled in reply.

  “What do you want me to say?” he asked flirtatiously. “You made me work up quite an appetite.” Camden blushed.

  “I don’t think your mom has anything planned until dinner. There’s a burger place about fifteen minutes from here. Want me to go get us some lunch?” Shane smirked and waggled his eyebrows. “Gotta get some energy for tonight.”

  Camden hoped her laugh didn’t sound too fake, but she realized that Shane was offering her the perfect opportunity to escape.

re,” she agreed. “I seem to have worked up an appetite, too.” She winked at Shane. “Would you mind getting me a barbecue bacon cheeseburger, with onion rings on the side. Oh….and Dr. Pepper to drink.”

  Shane grinned at her. “I see you can still put away the food, Sunshine.” Camden smacked his arm.

  “Get dressed, Hunt,” she demanded. “You’ve gone and made me hungry!”

  Shane chuckled. “And after we eat lunch, I’ll make you hungry all over again.”

  Camden didn’t know why she kept blushing. It’s not like Shane would get to keep his promise. The thought sobered her, though she tried to hide it.

  “On your way then, Hunt.” Camden reached over, grabbed Shane’s swim trunks, and tossed them at his head. Shane put the trunks on, while Camden slipped into her shorts and tank top.

  Shane leaned forward and pulled Camden’s face to his. “I love you, Sunshine.”

  Camden’s eyes watered, but she told Shane the absolute truth. “I love you, too, Shane Hunt.” The grin that suddenly graced his face was priceless, and the sweet kiss that followed would stay with Camden forever.

  “Bye, babe,” Shane whispered. “See you in a little bit.”

  Camden waved her fingers as Shane exited the tent. When she heard the sound of the jeep starting, she began to race around the inside of the tent, packing clothes, and loading the cooler. Within twenty minutes, she had the car packed with luggage, and she was finished breaking down the tent. She couldn’t believe how quickly she had moved. Or her absolute luck. The television still echoed from her parents’ RV, and neither one of them had come out of it during the entire time she was packing.

  With one last look at the campsite, Camden jumped into Eric’s SUV and drove away from the campground.



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