Book Read Free

Only You

Page 10

by Kaleigh James

  “You’re getting married?!?!?”

  Camden’s eyes widened to saucer-like proportions. Her panicked stare met Eric’s, and he burst into laughter.

  “Mom?” Camden calmly tried to remove herself from Molly’s grip.

  “Mom, Eric and I are not getting married. We CAN’T get married.” Molly looked at Camden, the smile on her face faltering. “Mom, we can’t get married, because we aren’t together. Eric is gay.”

  Inside, Jack began doing somersaults and backflips in celebration. He really liked Eric, but he had seen firsthand Shane’s distress over the last month, and if what Camden said was true, Eric was not an obstacle to her happiness with Shane. Even during their arguing that weekend, Jack had seen that underneath it all, Camden and Shane were meant to be together. Those two kids made each other happy, and he loved each of them with all his heart. He craved his children’s happiness.

  “Excuse me,” Jack turned to the others in the room. “I could use something to drink. Would any of you like anything? Camden, your mom has some of her homemade lemonade in the fridge. That always was your favorite.”

  Eric ears perked when he heard the word “lemonade”.

  “Molly’s famous lemonade? Camden’s talked about that for years. Count me in.”

  Jack chuckled and left the room. While he was getting the lemonade, he’d give Brody a call. It wouldn’t hurt to get the boys over here…let nature start taking its course. He imagined it would only take a little push for Shane and Camden to see what he had seen all along.

  As he left the room, Molly looked at Camden and brushed her blonde hair behind her ear.

  “We need to wait for your dad before we hear the rest of your news?”

  Camden nodded, and the three moved back to their seats.

  “So Eric, tell me about your family,” Molly prompted, trying to fill the silence with conversation.

  “Well, I was raised in foster care, but when I was seventeen, I was taken in by my dads. Luckily for me, they were able to help me come to grips with some things I’d known about myself, but hadn’t yet accepted.” He smiled, as he thought of his parents.

  “I thought for sure when I turned eighteen, I’d be on my own, like most kids in the system, but they asked me to stay. A year after that, I was diagnosed with cancer, and they stepped up. After that, there was no doubt they were my true parents. I met Camicake a couple months later in chemo, and she became the sister I never had. So, she, Marvin, and Tim are it for me.”

  Camden cleared her throat.

  "Oh, and my dads have just decided to adopt a baby, so I’ll soon have a baby brother or sister, although I’m not at home to “grow up” with it.” He chuckled.

  "Who wants some lemonade?” Jack grinned as he entered the living room. “I brought a whole pitcher, since Camden can never seem to stop at one glass.”

  Camden laughed. “What can I say? Mom makes the best lemonade ever!” Molly blushed at the compliment.

  Jack took in the people in the room and smiled. He really like Camden’s friend, Eric. It seemed that Eric was keen on keeping Camden in touch with her family, and he seemed to be good for her. He was supportive and funny, an all-around good guy, and Jack was thankful that Eric had been looking out for Camden while she was gone from home.

  “So what did I miss?” he asked the room.

  “Oh, Eric was just filling me in on his family.” Molly smiled and turned her attention back to Eric. “And Eric? You can add the Shepherds to that list. You’re part of this family now.”

  Eric jumped up dramatically and whooped, almost causing Camden to spill her lemonade. She growled at him, and he smiled playfully. There was that smirk that she loved so much. Camden held her hand over her glass protectively.

  "The offer will be rescinded if you mess with the nectar of the gods,” she teased.

  “You can’t rescind an offer you didn’t make, baby, and your momma just adopted me into this family. I’ve been dreaming of this for years.” He turned to Molly. “So, when do I get to have your famous lasagna?” He grinned at her.

  She laughed and looked to Jack. “He only wants me for my food!” She pretended to be offended, but Jack could see she was delighted to realize that while they had been absent from Camden’s life, they had still been on her mind...enough so that her best friend apparently knew all about them.

  “So, I hate to be a Debbie Downer,” Camden began. “But there really is more to the reason we are here today.”

  Jack and Molly both became immediately alert, focusing all their attention on the pair seated on the love seat.

  “You see,” Camden began. “I had a relapse.”

  “Do you have an album from that, too? I hate to see how sick you were, but I like feeling as if I know where you’ve been,” Molly explained.

  “No, mom. I don’t have an album.” She paused and chewed her lip. She didn’t miss the look of disapproval on her mother’s face, and she almost laughed at how much she had missed her mother’s nagging over things as simple as biting one’s lip while thinking.

  “The relapse is why I decided to come to the camping weekend. Eric didn’t know yet. I hadn’t told anyone, actually, so I figured the weekend was my chance at closure.”

  Jack sat forward, hope evident in his hazel gaze. “But your back now, so does that mean it is in remission?”

  Camden’s eyes watered and she shook her head. “No, daddy. It’s back, and it’s worse than before. It’s mutated since last time, and it’s more aggressive.”

  Molly inhaled sharply, and began to cry. Jack placed his arm around her shoulders and tucked her close to him.

  “Are you starting chemo again?” Jack probed.

  “Yes, sir. I was supposed to start last Monday, but there was a complication.”

  Everyone was so focused on the conversation at hand, not one person heard the front door open and close, or the footsteps sounding in the foyer.

  “A complication?” Molly murmured.

  Camden reached for Eric’s hand, which was resting in his lap. He squeezed it encouragingly, letting Camden know without words that no matter what, he would be there for her through everything. Her gaze scanned her parents’ faces before breaking the silence with two life-changing words.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  There was a pause as Molly and Jack took in what this would mean for Camden’s cancer treatment, but also what it would mean for her life in general. They were both torn between elation, at the thought of becoming grandparents, and despair, at the thought of the possibility of permanently losing their beloved daughter.

  “YOU’RE WHAT?!?!?!?!”

  Four pairs of eyes turned to look at a livid Brody and a pale Shane.


  Chapter 16

  Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Brody barreled across the room toward Camden and Eric. Eric was a decent sized guy, but Brody yanked him from his seat by the collar of his shirt as if he was a small child.

  "What the hell did you do to my sister?!?!” he demanded.

  It was bad enough being hung over (even though Shane’s hangovers were typically milder than his friends’ were), but Shane felt like his heart was trapped in his throat. The pounding in his head mixed with the breaking of his heart into tiny pieces. He had told her that he loved her, and she had run. Now she was back and carrying another man’s baby. How much more could he take?

  Shane turned to leave, only to have Camden’s words stop him in his tracks.

  “Stop, Brody!” she yelled, as he manhandled Eric. “It’s not his baby!”

  Brody froze and stared at his baby sister in confusion.

  “It’s not Eric’s baby,” Camden stated again, but this time, Shane had turned around, and he was sure the words were for him alone. Her eyes locked on his, and Shane saw something akin to hope in their depths.

  Brody released Eric’s collar slowly, and faced his sister completely.

  “Whose is it?” he demanded.

y Shepherd,” Molly finally stepped in, her shock finally dissipating. “You apologize to your sister, AND Eric, this instant,” she scolded.

  “I’m twenty-one, Brody. I’m not a little girl, and I don't have to listen to you.”

  “And mom, no offense,” Brody look to Molly. “I’m not a little boy. Who is the father?” he asked yet again. Camden shook her head and shoved Brody. She moved around him and returned to the couch, where Eric had already made himself comfortable. He took her under his arm, and spoke calmly, but with authority, to Brody.

  “Sit down, man, and your sister will tell you everything you want to know.”

  Brody glared at Eric, but moved to sit on the large floral couch next to his father. In all the commotion, no one noticed a stone still Shane, staring at Camden in awe. As everyone settled into their seats, and the room quieted, Shane’s soft voice carried across the room.

  “It’s not Eric’s?” he whispered, agony evident in his tone.

  Camden’s eyes filled with tears as she stared at him, fearful of his rejection.

  “Eric and I were never together.” She forced herself to hold Shane’s stare. “There hasn’t been anyone since graduation night.”

  “What happened graduation night?” Brody grumbled, demanding answers yet again. For a smart guy, Eric wondered why Brody seemed so incredibly thick-skulled sometimes. For instance, Camden and Shane couldn’t take their eyes off one another, but Brody still hadn’t connected the dots. Since they were obviously in their own little world, Eric figured he could get Brody to shut up without suffering Camden’s wrath for revealing her personal secrets.

  “Camicake lost her v-card to Rob the quarterback.”

  “WHAT?!?!” Brody screeched. “You slept with Rob Harris?!?” He started to jump from the couch to break into another lecture when Jack’s hand circled his wrist and pulled him down again. “I knew that red dress was no good,” he muttered. “Stupid Jennifer. I told everyone she was a bad influence, but did anyone listen to me? Noooo. Brody doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

  Completely oblivious to Brody’s tirade, Shane stepped closer and closer to Camden. Tears sprung from his eyes, and he dropped to his knees. He kneeled in front of the couch, and then wrapped his arms around Camden’s waist. Pressing a kiss to her belly, he whispered, “We made a baby?”

  Camden gasped as his deep blue eyes, swirling with a depth of emotion she had never seen, met hers. She began to cry, tears pouring down her face, and she nodded her head. A grin spread across Shane’s face, and he buried his face in her lap and sobbed. Camden ran her fingers gently across his scalp, his hair feeling like strands of silk across her skin.

  Jack and Molly felt tears flood their eyes, as well, when they saw the scene before them. No wonder she had run again. Last time, she had been protecting her parents (or so she had thought), and this time, she thought she had been protecting Shane. As the puzzle pieces clicked, Jack became thrilled for his daughter’s future. Now they just had to beat the cancer, and all her dreams could come true.

  “What the fuck?!?” Brody whispered, finally coming down from his soapbox to see his best friend weeping in his sister’s lap. Shane lifted his head and placed a palm flat against Camden’s stomach.

  “I’m going to be a dad,” he whispered in awe. Suddenly, he was jerked from his seated position, and Shane’s head snapped back with the force of Brody’s right hook.

  “You fucked my sister?!?!?!” he bellowed.

  Blood gushed from Shane’s nose, but he couldn’t stop grinning. “I’m going to be a dad, Brody,” his said through his bloody smile.

  “I heard, asshole.” He hit Shane again, bringing Shane to his knees. “Did you forget I found Stella in your bed when I came to get you this morning?”

  Brody immediately regretted his words when he heard Camden’s sharp intake of breath. His gaze flashed to hers in an instant. Pain radiated from her eyes, and she tightened her body into a ball…a ball currently tucked into Eric’s side.

  “You going to take care of my sister…even though she’s carrying another man’s child?” Brody looked Eric straight in the eyes. “Mad respect, man. That takes honor.” He spit out the last word and glared at Shane. Brody dropped Shane to the ground and stomped toward the foyer.

  “I didn’t sleep with Stella, and you’re the asshole, Brody. Can’t even see what’s in front of you.” Brody spun so fast, wind whipped the items in his direct vicinity.

  “I saw you and Stella in front of me. In your bed. Half-naked,” he emphasized the last word. “What else am I supposed to think?”

  “She slept in my bed, yeah. But only because we were both too drunk to drive her home. All she did was sleep, ass-wipe.” Shane used his shirt to dab the blood from his face, now that it had finally quit gushing.

  “Then why did she thank you for last night?” Brody accused, his self-satisfied smirk in place.

  “To piss you off, idiot. You basically accused her of being a whore.”

  Brody stiffened at the accusation. “What was I supposed to think?” He glared at Shane, but Shane didn’t care at this point. Brody was going to miss the best thing to ever happen to him if he continued to play dense.

  “What do you care?” Shane argued. “You have a girlfriend.”

  “Better a girlfriend of my own than a baby with a girl who is living with another guy,” Brody spat. He turned once again to exit the room.

  Camden panicked. She had never seen Brody and Shane trade barbs like they just did, and there was no way she was letting their friendship get ruined over this baby.

  “Brody, that isn’t the only news!” she yelled. He stopped and looked at her, defeated.

  “Please sit back down,” she whispered.

  Everyone returned to the vacant chairs in the living room. Shane’s hands twitched with impatience. He wanted to take Camden into his arms, but her look wasn’t very trusting at the moment. He’d have to explain what happened with Stella, and fast. Maybe he could even introduce the two girls. He had a feeling they would become fast friends.

  "I AM pregnant. And yes, Brody. Shane is the father. You should be happy for us. I’m your sister, and he IS your best friend, after all.” She stared at Brody until he made eye contact. He grunted and nodded his head for her to continue.

  “I am pregnant, but this pregnancy will not be an easy one. It is extremely high risk.”

  Both Shane and Brody jerked to attention, fear evident in their gazes. Molly silently grabbed the scrapbook and slid it to Brody. Curious, Shane stood and crossed the room, standing behind the couch and looking over Brody’s shoulder.

  “You had cancer?!?” Shane asked in shock. Brody stared silently at the album, and by the time he finished looking through it, silent tears streamed down his cheeks.

  “Cami?” he whispered.

  "It’s back,” she said simply. “I’m still going to start treatment, but the cancer is more aggressive this time, so there was already little hope of success. The baby complicates that. The doctor gave me two choices.” She looked at both men to ensure they were listening.

  “The first choice is to let the chemo essentially abort the baby. I would have a better chance for survival, but the baby wouldn’t make it. The second choice is to adapt my treatment, which would make it safer for the baby, but also might make it less successful at treating my cancer.”

  As both men started to speak, Camden raised her hand in a gesture intended to stop them. It worked, and both jaws closed tightly, allowing her to continue.

  "Eric and I have already had this fight, and I don’t plan to do it again. I am KEEPING the baby.” She finished. Everyone in the room knew better than to suggest any other option. As usual, stubborn Camden would never change her mind.

  “I hope that I survive the cancer.” Her voice cracked. “But if I don’t, I need everyone’s promise that you will care for my baby.”

  “Our baby,” Shane grunted.

  “What?” Camden scrunched her nose in confusion

  “You said ‘my baby’, but it’s ours,” he grumbled. Camden’s face softened and she held out her hand to Shane. He hurried across the room, intertwining their fingers and dropping yet again to his knees. He pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth.

  “I love you, Sunshine, and I will never stop and I will never leave,” he promised.

  “I love you, too, Shane Hunt,” she whispered, a small smile evident on her lips. Shane lifted Camden suddenly and turned to sit on the love seat, setting her in his lap.

  The two became so lost in each other, neither noticed four curious pairs of eyes on them. Molly motioned for the other three men to follow her into the kitchen, leaving Shane and Camden time alone.


  Chapter 17

  “Camicake, if you don’t climb out that window right now, I’m going to take you over my knee,” Eric hissed.

  “Well, excuse me if I don’t want to get caught sneaking out my first night home,” Camden argued. “Besides, I’m pregnant. It’s not safe for me to be gallivanting around, climbing out windows.” Camden dramatically motioned to her non-existent belly.

  Eric growled and threw his hands into the air in frustration.

  “We’re on the FIRST floor, Cam! The window sill is only as high as your freakin’ knee!” he whispered.

  “Eric, my parents will flip out if they find out! I just dropped a HUGE bomb on them, and you know they’ll want me close to home right now.”

  Eric sighed. “First,” he counted on his finger, “you are an adult. You don’t even live at home, so pardon me if I think you should be able to decide where you sleep at night.” Camden glared at Eric, but he continued counting. “Second, life is short, Cami, and you need to embrace it. And third, I said I would cover for you, and I meant it, Camden.”

  "What if they check my room?” she whined.

  “I’ll lock the door,” he stated impassively.

  “How will I get back into my room then?” She narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

  “I’ll pick the lock, Camden,” Eric groaned in frustration.


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