Book Read Free

Only You

Page 15

by Kaleigh James

  “Good. Let me know if you have any issues. I know we are starting with a new distributor this week, and there can be issues during transition. Call me if you don’t know how to handle something.”

  “You go it, boss.” Javi saluted teasingly.

  “Seriously, man. I know I have a lot happening here, but if all I focus on is Camden and the cancer, I’ll go insane. You’ll be doing me a favor if you include me a little.”

  “Will do.” Javier’s answer was more sincere this time. He patted Shane’s shoulder encouragingly. “You need anything, man, you let us know. The whole staff has your back.”

  Shane smiled at the knowledge that he had that kind of support system. It wasn’t long ago that he felt like he had no one. His parents hadn’t been around for much, and when he and Brody became friends as kids, it took Shane a long time to realize he could see the Shepherds as his family.

  Sensing a need to lighten the mood, Javier turned the conversation to Brody. “Brody, man, you are an idiot.”

  The change in conversation was so sudden, Brody’s eyes widened in shock.

  “What the hell are you talking about, Javi?”

  “That fine piece of ass that was in Camden’s room today.”

  Brody growled. “Watch it, Javi.”

  “Seriously, Brody. I realize you have a girlfriend, but why the hell would you pick Tiffany over someone as awesome as Stella?”

  Brody ignored Javier’s taunt and turned to Shane.

  “Speaking of Stella, since when are you two such good friends? And since when do she and my sister talk?”

  Shane grinned. “Stella and I talked A LOT the night she came to cheer me up. And she listens well, even when wasted.” He laughed. “She surprised me and Cam with a romantic dinner and decorated my room and shit. It was pretty awesome.”

  Brody was surprised. She was not only funny and smart. She obviously had a giving heart, too. If only he weren’t so broken. Stella was going to make some man extremely happy. Brody grit his teeth, realizing that he would not be that man.

  “Oh,” he feigned nonchalance. “That’s cool. I was just curious, since I’d never seen her around you two.”

  “Riiiiight,” Javier teased. Brody’s eyes flashed with irritation.

  “What about you, Javi?” Javier looked confused.

  “What about me?”

  “You and Melia fight like you’re in elementary school. Why don’t you pull her pigtails while you’re at it? Then you should grow up and fuck her like you so obviously want to.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Javier tried to placate Brody. “I’m not into Melia. She obviously wants Shane, and the girl has too much drama. Her baby’s daddy is built like a tank, and dude is possessive!”

  “You keep telling yourself that,” Brody teased. “We all can see you want her.”

  “Whatever.” Javier rolled his eyes. “Speaking of the psychotic bitch. I’ve got to get her home to her kid. It was good seeing you, man.” He embraced Shane in a half hug. “Take care, and let us know if you need ANYTHING.”

  "You got it,” Shane smiled. “And thanks again for making the trip. I know it meant a lot to Camden having so many people here to support her.”

  Javier smiled. “We were here to support you both.” He left the kitchen and soon, Shane and Brody heard the front door close. Shane turned to Brody.

  “He’s right, you know.” Brody acted confused.

  “About what?”

  “If you don’t deal with your shit, Brody, you’re gonna lose that girl. I think that’d be the biggest mistake of your life.”

  Brody grew angry. “No, Shane. You’re wrong. I’ve already made the biggest mistake of my life. And me and Stella? We’re NOT going to happen.” Brody turned and stormed out of the kitchen. This time, when Shane heard the front door close, it was slammed shut. He dragged his hands through his hair and sighed. Shane wished he knew what it was that Brody had done that he found so unforgivable. He obviously was punishing himself for something, but he had never confided in Shane what that something was. So much for no secrets.


  Camden sat up and stretched her arms. For having chemo earlier that day, she felt excellent. She actually felt better than she had in months. She heard the shower stop in her en-suite bathroom. Within a minute, Shane was standing in the doorway wearing nothing but a towel. Camden gulped slowly. The man was so damn sexy. She felt goose bumps run up her arms as she watched water trickle down the lines of his muscles. She felt a sudden tightening in her core, and Camden felt hornier than she had in ages.

  Shane smirked, but said nothing. He slowly walked toward her bed. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched him gradually release the towel. In slow motion, she watched it slide to the floor, leaving Shane standing in front of her in all his naked glory.

  His cock stood erect, swollen and red, ready to take her to the heights of ecstasy. Camden felt her panties moisten. She was sure she was soaked already. Her walls clenched in anticipation. She stared into Shane’s swirling dark orbs and reached for him. Suddenly, he was in front of her, and Camden grabbed his forearm, pulling him forward.

  His lips met hers in a hot, frantic kiss. His tongue teasingly traced the seam of her lips, and Camden moaned as she opened her mouth, granting him entrance. Shane climbed onto the bed, hovering over her. He pressed his erection to her center, and Camden groaned. She was so hot and ready for him.

  She reached to lift her shirt over her head, only to realize that she wasn’t wearing any clothes, either. Had he undressed her while she slept? That was kind of sexy. She growled and gripped his shoulders, certain that her fingernails were leaving scratches on his back. She grinned at the thought of him carrying war wounds from their time together, her marks of possession red for all to see.

  Shane’s palm found Camden’s breast, and he began to massage the globe, using his forefinger and thumb to pinch and twist the nipple. The edge between pleasure and pain caused her to moisten further and she arched her back.

  “More Shane,” she begged. She threw back her head, leaving her neck exposed, and Shane dove for it. He bit and licked the trail between her ear and collarbone, while continuing his assault on her breasts.

  Camden’s cunt was soaking wet, and the tightness in her core was becoming unbearable. She removed her hand from Shane’s shoulders and trailed down his wet abs, landing finally on his glorious, hardened shaft. His cock was amazing, and Camden gripped it firmly, eliciting a moan from Shane. He started panting erratically as she began to pump his rod enthusiastically. The sound was enough to send her over the edge. She needed him inside her immediately.

  Camden threw her legs open, and using her hand, guided Shane’s erection to her entrance. He held back, teasing her with the tip of his dick. It pressed repeatedly against her clit, but he refused to enter her waiting core.

  “Shane, please!” she begged. He chuckled darkly and bit her shoulder. Camden shrieked in ecstasy, and her pussy flooded the bed. Shane suddenly grasped her waist and flipped her onto her belly. Camden felt butterflies go crazy in her stomach. He grabbed her hips forcefully, raising them into the air, and he drove into her. Camden couldn’t help but scream, as Shane repeatedly thrust into her. The pressure was building as Shane continued to piston his hips. She almost hurt from how forcefully he was taking her, but she loved it.

  As the pressure built, Camden felt heat spread throughout her body. She needed release, but she just felt continuing pressure. She was getting so hot, it was becoming uncomfortable, and the butterflies in her stomach were growing unpleasant.

  “Shane, I’m so hot. Please let me cum,” she whined, but he didn’t change his pace. He didn’t give her pained clit any relief. She wanted to explode in orgasm, but she suddenly could only focus on how hot she felt. She no longer felt butterflies. Instead, she felt an overwhelming sense of dread and a growing nausea.

  “Shane!” she screamed. “Shane, please!”


  The door to Camd
en’s bedroom flew open and Eric’s eyes flew to the entryway. Shane looked completely frantic. Eric held Camden’s arms, trying to force her to relax. She was in some intense dream, and her tossing and turning had intensified. She was mumbling, but he couldn’t understand her.

  “I don’ know what’s going on,” he said. “She’s dreaming about something, but it suddenly got intense. She’s been tossing and turning like you said, but she just started mumbling and groaning, and she started thrashing around. I’m trying to hold her still.”

  “She screamed my name,” Shane looked at Eric in concern. He hurried to the other side of the bed. His worried eyes scanned Camden. Her pajamas were soaked in sweat.

  “I think she might have a fever,” he whimpered to Eric.

  “She does.” Eric replied softly. “It’s not uncommon, but I think we need to wake her up.”

  Shane nodded, and leaned forward. He placed his hand softly on her cheek.

  “Sunshine, wake up for me, baby,” he murmured. “I need to know that you’re okay.”

  “Shane,” they heard her whimper in reply. “Shane, please.”

  “I’m right here, Camden,” he cooed. “Wake up, baby.”

  When she continued to squirm, but didn’t respond, Shane grew frustrated.

  “Screw this,” he grumbled. He reached forward and pulled Camden into his arms. She leaned her head against his chest, inhaling his scent, and began to relax. “Shane,” she sighed contentedly. Camden’s eyes began to blink, and she looked confused, as she took in the two men seated on her bed. Glancing down, she realized she was fully clothed, and she blushed when she recalled her dream. Even upon waking, however, she realized she was insanely hot, and her stomach was miserable.

  “What are you…” she started, before suddenly bolting off the bed and running to the bathroom. Eric and Shane hurried behind her, only to find her leaning over the toilet heaving. Shane wanted to cry, seeing her in so much pain. Eric, used to the chemo side-effects, hurried to her side and lifted her hair off her neck. He rubbed her back soothingly, before looking at Shane.

  “Her anti-nausea meds are on the kitchen counter. I think there's a pain reliever and a fever reducer there, too. I lost track of what prescriptions Dr. Stevens gave her. You wanna hold her hair or grab meds and fluids?”

  Shane looked at Eric with appreciation in his eyes. He was so glad Eric was here to keep a level head. Shane went to pieces whenever he saw Camden in pain.

  “I’ll do this,” he replied. “Could you get the meds?”

  Eric nodded and moved from his spot, allowing Shane to kneel at Camden’s side to offer her comfort. He heard Shane whispering encouragement to Camden, as he quietly left the bathroom to retrieve her medication.


  Chapter 24

  Javier looked around the packed bar and grinned. This was the busiest they’d ever been on a Friday night, and it was all thanks to the local band he had hired. They’d really drawn a crowd. He couldn’t believe the drummer was Melia’s younger brother. She’d been bitching and moaning for months about Shane and Javier letting them play, and he’d finally given in to her just to shut her up. What a shock to find out that she was right! Breaking Chains had charisma and talent, the lead singer had an awesome voice, and Melia’s brother Todd was gifted with the sticks. Shane would be shocked, and he would be thrilled with the profits.

  “Two rounds of shots for the bachelor party in the corner. One sex on the beach, one slippery nipple. Shots for thirteen guys.” Javier turned to see a scowling Melia, and his smile grew. This night couldn’t get any better. She was obviously annoyed with something…most likely him. Javi didn’t know what he had done this time, but he’d have to make sure to do it again. He chuckled as he prepared the shots and helped Melia load her tray with all twenty-six of them.

  “Hey Javi, I’m taking my break!” Brody tossed his hand towel to Javier and jumped the short door to the backside of the bar. Javier shook his head when he saw Brody toss an arm around Tiffany’s shoulder. The two headed toward the stairs, ignoring the crowd around them.

  “Good band.” Javier turned to the customer speaking to him. Her dark red hair lay in waves down her back. She was staring at the stage, so Javier didn’t get a good look at her face.

  “Yeah, it’s their first gig here, but I’m thinking we might have to make it a regular thing,” he replied.

  “Good plan.” She nodded, but kept her gaze on the platform.

  Javier turned and began straightening things behind the bar. He walked to the other side and filled a few orders for beer. He fixed a round of Cosmos for a few executive ladies who were out celebrating payday. When he finally made it back to the red-headed woman, he noticed her hands were empty.

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  Melia slammed her empty tray on the table. “One round of blowjobs and one round of red-headed sluts,” she growled. “I swear these guys are on their iPhones googling shot names that are sexual.”

  Javier laughed and started to prepare the drinks for Melia. As he was doing so, he turned back to the woman on the other side of the bar.

  “As I was saying, can I get you something?”

  The woman turned, and Javier froze in place.

  “Yeah,” she replied. “You can get me Shane.”

  At the stranger’s words, Melia grew curious. “What do you want with Shane?” she asked. A little venom slipping into her voice.

  “Daphne,” Javier muttered. She smirked at him in reply. “I didn’t even recognize you. Weren’t you blonde last time I saw you?” He tried to sound lighthearted and teasing, but the effect didn’t work.

  “Yeah,” she cooed. “I needed a change. Wanted to shake things up.” She ran her fingers through her wavy locks, playing with one strand flirtatiously.

  “Well, you definitely are doing that,” Javier mumbled under his breath.

  “Excuse me,” Melia butted into the conversation, the tray of shots beside her long forgotten. “Why do you want to speak to Shane?” she demanded.

  “Who are you?” Daphne replied cattily. “His gatekeeper?”

  Melia’s nostrils flared. “I’ll have you know that I just ended a relationship with Shane.”

  Javier tried to stop it, but he really couldn’t hold in the laughter that escaped his throat. “I wouldn’t call it a relationship, Melia. Besides, he has a girlfriend now.”

  “Exactly.” Melia cut her eyes at him, and he knew he’d get an earful later for calling her out. “So why is SHE,” she pointed to Daphne,” here to see Shane. He’s not available for girls like her.” Melia’s eyes scanned Daphne from head to toe, and she sneered.

  Javier stepped in. “Melia, why don’t you take those shots to the bachelor party guys? I’m sure they are growing impatient.”

  Melia glared at Javier before picking up the tray. She glanced between the shots and Daphne. “Yeah, red-headed slut for sure,” she grumbled as she took the tray across the room.

  “Feisty,” Daphne turned to Javier. “She yours?”

  Javier paled. “Melia?!? No. Absolutely not. She’s strictly an employee, and a pain in the ass one at that.”

  Daphne laughed, and the melodic sound drew attention from the crowd around them.

  “So, it seems that Shane gets around these days. That’s definitely a change.”

  “He isn’t here, Daph.” Javier figured cutting to the chase might get her out of the bar sooner.

  “Did you even tell him I was coming?” Her eyes narrowed in accusation.

  Javier sighed. “Truthfully, Daphne? No, I didn’t. He’s with someone now, and he has too much going on to deal with you on top of everything else.”

  Daphne wasn’t deterred by Javier’s words, it seemed. “So, when will he be back? I’ll wait for him. He and I need to talk.”

  “He’s not even living in the area right now, Daphne. Like I said, he’s got a girlfriend.”

  “So!” she argued. “I was his girlfriend for an entire year. He
and I have history.”

  Javier chuckled. “Your history can’t compete with his and Camden’s.”

  “He’s with Camden?” Her eyes widened in shock. “I thought he couldn’t find her.”

  “Well, they found each other.” When Daphne’s face dropped, Javier’s expression softened. He could only imagine loving someone, but knowing you always came second. In Daphne’s situation, he wasn’t even sure she’d ever had a ranking. Suddenly, Daphne’s face grew more determined.

  “Call him, Javier. Tell him I want to see him. He owes me that much,” she argued.

  “Daphne, you guys broke up more than a year ago. And from what I knew, you weren’t that serious to begin with. He owes you nothing.”

  Daphne glared at him.

  “Like I said, you need to move on and find another plan for your civilian life.” He locked eyes with her.

  “I’m not ready to let him go, Javi. I need to talk to him, to see if I have any chance at all. She broke his heart, and I never did that. That must earn me some points or something.”

  “They’ve worked all that out. There was a lot of misunderstanding three years ago. They broke each other’s hearts, but now they’re in a good place.”

  “They aren’t good for each other,” Daphne whined. “You don’t break the heart of the person you love. Not if you can help it.”

  Javier shook his head. He knew that all too often, the person whose heart you did break was the one you loved.

  “I’m telling you, you need to leave this alone. He’s happy. Gonna be a dad.” Her jaw dropped.

  “He never wanted kids. We talked about that on several occasions.”

  “Trust me, Daphne, he is THRILLED about this kid.” She scoffed in disbelief, and Javier was getting annoyed.

  “Maybe he never wanted kids with you.”

  Daphne flinched at Javier’s direct insult.

  “I’m not leaving until I get to talk to him, Javier.”

  “I don’t have a clue when he’ll be back to visit, Daphne. He’s on a leave of absence.”

  “Then the least you can do is give me a job in the meantime,” she demanded. “I need to make a living, and then I’ll be here whenever he comes back, ready to plead my case.”


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