Book Read Free

Only You

Page 22

by Kaleigh James

  Camden sighed, and her mouth opened in a yawn. Eric paused the recording to talk to her.

  “You doing okay, Camicake?” he asked, his piercing grey gaze laced in concern.

  “Just feeling tired, Eric.”

  “Do you want to stop?” he suggested. “We can record more later,” he stated hopefully.

  “No. I have chemo this week. I need to record as much as possible now. I doubt I’ll have the energy over the next two weeks.”

  Eric nodded in understanding. “You’ll let me know if you need to stop?”

  “Yes, Eric. I promise I’ll tell you.” Her eyes narrowed. “Now, are you ready to record again?”

  Eric saluted Camden playfully. “Yes, sir!” Camden smirked, and Eric pressed the red button to resume recording.

  “Lauren, I need you to take care of Daddy. He’s the most special man in all the world, and he will love you and care for you with all his heart. Please give him lots of kisses and hugs, and tell him every day how special he is. Tell him Mommy loves him with all her heart. If I’m not with you, I’ll be watching you both from heaven, and I want to know you will be happy.

  When you fall in love, look for someone just like your daddy. He is smart and loyal and hard-working. Look for a man who will love you with all his heart, who will sacrifice anything to be with you, and make sure you do the same. A man that special deserves the same devotion. Don’t settle for anything less than an epic love.”

  Camden traced her lips with her fingers. “His kisses should make your whole body tingle, and his arms should feel like the safest place in the world. His voice should cause you to shiver, but never in fear. He should feel like your anchor in a crazy world.” Eric gasped at the look in Camden’s eyes. Her love for Shane shined, and she’d never looked lovelier. She was bald and gaunt, and her skin was pale, but the love in her expression surpassed all that.

  “Uncle Brody is going to be crazy protective of you. If you have problems with boys, go to him. He’ll take care of it. He’ll also spoil you rotten. Don’t believe anything he says about dating. Uncle Brody doesn’t have the best track record, so take those questions to Grandma Molly or to your Daddy.

  Watch out for Uncle Brody, too. He needs to find someone to love, and I know loving you will help teach him how to open up to love again. Make sure he has fun. Uncle Brody laughs a lot, so he’ll be good to talk to when you’re sad.

  Grandma Molly and Grandpa Jack are my mommy and daddy, and they are the best parents in the world. They’ll try to spoil you rotten, and you should absolutely let them.” Camden grinned. “In return, make sure to spoil them with hugs and kisses, and never forget to tell them you love them. Make sure they keep camping every year, and while the boys are fishing and hiking, spend time with Grandma cooking and talking about boys and school. She loves that. She and Grandpa can tell you lots of stories about Mommy and Daddy and Uncle Brody, too.”

  Camden shifted, her body fighting to stay alert, but she pushed through the fatigue, wanting to talk to her daughter a little more.

  “Uncle Eric is Mommy’s best friend. He took care of me when my family and your daddy weren’t around. In case Mommy isn’t around, Lauren, I am giving you Uncle Eric. He’ll be the best friend you ever had. You can tell him all your secrets. When you are sad, Uncle Eric will help you be strong. He will fight for you, and he’ll help you make sure Daddy becomes happy again if Mommy is gone. I love Uncle Eric with all my heart.” Camden’s eyes watered as she looked at Eric. “He has never let me down, and he’ll never let you down, either.”

  Eric stared at Camden, tears trickling down her cheeks. He stopped recording and slowly set the camera on Camden’s desk. He stepped deliberately toward the bed and sat beside Camden. His fingers interlaced with hers. Softly, he finally spoke.

  “What’s going on, baby?”

  Camden’s green eyes glistened with tears when she met his serious gaze.

  “The cancer is spreading.” She gulped. “The chemo isn’t working.”

  “Aww, babe.” He pulled her into his warm embrace and murmured into her ear. “Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

  Crying, Camden searched for her voice to reply. “Shane worries too much already. I don’t want to make it worse.”

  By now, Eric was crying, too. He couldn’t fathom losing the best friend he ever had. He pulled back and looked at her sorrowfully.

  “You have to tell him, Camden. He deserves to know. Monday is your seventh round of chemo. Lauren is due to be induced in eight weeks. He needs to be prepared.” Eric squeezed Camden’s fingers and blinked away the continuous flow of tears.

  “I have a meeting with Dr. Stevens Monday before chemo. He’s going to have the results of the most recent PET scan and blood work.” Camden looked at Eric, hope in her eyes.

  “Maybe it’ll be some good news,” he encouraged. “It’s about time we got some of that.”

  Camden nodded in agreement and threw her arms around Eric. She embraced him tightly, and he hid the grimace that graced his face when he felt her slight frame. It seemed the only part of her that had grown larger was her belly. She had lost weight everywhere else.

  “Shane should be home in the next hour,” Eric informed her. “Do you want me with you when you tell him?”

  Camden shook her head. “I think I should tell him myself.” Eric nodded in understanding.

  “Why don’t you take a nap, and I’ll send him in when he gets home?”

  Camden leaned back, already feeling exhausted.

  “Mmkay,” she murmured.

  Eric leaned forward and kissed her forehead, tucking her into the fuzzy green blanket before leaving the room.


  Chapter 35

  The loud sounds of “It’s Raining Men” exploded into the darkness of Eric’s room. He groaned and cursed Camden as he reached for his cell phone. He chuckled darkly thinking of what he would do as payback for switching his ringtone. Though he had to admit, the song was in one of his favorite scenes from Magic Mike.

  “This better be important,” he griped into the phone.

  “Is this Eric?” a deep voice replied. Eric didn’t recognize the number or the voice.

  “Depends on who’s asking,” he grumbled.

  “This is Rick at The Draft House. Got a guy here in no shape to drive. He keeps asking me to call you."

  Puzzled, Eric lifted his head and propped himself on his elbow. Wiping sleep from his eyes, he tried to imagine who would be calling him in the middle of the night.

  “Listen,” Rick stated impatiently. “It’s almost last call. If you aren’t going to come get the guy, I’ll just call him a cab.”

  “Wait,” Eric cried. “Does he have a name? I don’t even know who you’re calling for?”

  Eric heard some shuffling and the muffled sound of the deep voice talking to someone. He could only assume the man was asking the drunk’s name.

  “You know someone named Shane Hunt?”

  Eric snapped to attention. What the hell?!? When he went to bed, Shane had still been home, and Eric had no idea why he’d be out drinking at almost two in the morning.

  “Yeah. I know him.” Hurrying to his dresser to grab jeans and a shirt, Eric told the man on the phone, “I’m on my way.” He disconnected the call and stumbled out the door, hopping bizarrely as he tried to slide his shoes onto his feet.

  The elevator seemed to take forever, but the moment the doors opened on the ground floor, Eric sprinted to his SUV. The Draft House was only a few miles away, so he arrived within ten minutes of his phone singing him awake. The parking lot was still half full, and Eric looked at his watch, noting last call would be in fifteen more minutes.

  He spotted Shane the moment he stepped into the bar, and his nostrils flared in anger. Shane was hunched over the bar, a row of empty shot glasses in front of him, and a skanky brunette hanging on his back. Eric stomped to the bar, ready to attack.

  “You Eric Maddox?” the husky bartender asked.

“Yeah, that’s me,” he mumbled, eyes still glaring daggers at Shane.

  Hearing Eric’s voice, Shane turned wobbly on the bar stool. “Eric!” he called, obviously sloshed. He slurred his words as he continued. “You caaame to get-t meeee.”

  Eric grabbed Shane’s arm, yanking him roughly from the stool. He glared at the scantily clad woman who was returning his menacing look.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!?” he hissed at Shane.

  “She’s dying,” Shane garbled, tears in his eyes. He leaned forward, eyes serious and stared into Eric’s angry gaze. “If she dies, I die, Eric. If she dies, I die.”

  “You left her alone after she told you?!?” Eric was practically shrieking like a girl. He was livid. He couldn’t believe that Shane would do this to Camden.

  Shane tried to stand, but stumbled, falling back onto the seat. “No!!” he protested. “She was asleep. I held her until she fell asleep.” He shook his head trying to clear it. “My brain just wouldn’t stop, Eric,” he whined. “I needed it to stop.”

  “I can take your mind of things,” a sultry voice purred. Eric glared at the woman who was currently caressing Shane’s chest. Her smoky voice caused Shane to jerk, as if he’d forgotten she was there.

  “Oh, Carla,” he said, dazed. “Eric, this is Carla. She’s been lisssstening to me talk about Cammmden.”

  “I’m sure that is ALL she’s been doing,” Eric spat.

  Shane’s eyes widened in shock. “No!” His voice was suddenly panicked. “I didn’t sleep with herrr!!! I didn’t touch her, Eric. I love Camden!” His last sentence was yelled, as if he was a belligerent child.

  “It is taking everything in me not to hit you right now, Shane.” Eric’s fists tightened in anticipation of doing just that.

  “Carla,” Shane begged. “Tell himmm!”

  “Tell him what, sugar?” The woman tipped Shane’s chin up. She leaned close to his mouth, her breath warm against Shane’s lips. He looked at Carla, a puzzled expression on his face.

  “What are you doing, Carla?” Shane whispered guardedly.

  “Givin’ you what you need, honey,” she whispered seductively.

  “The hell you are!!!” Eric growled. He yanked the woman by the arm. “THAT man has a family, and you better BACK OFF!” He yelled. All eyes in the bar turned to the scene the trio was causing.

  Eric’s nostrils remained flared in anger, and Shane still looked shell-shocked, but Carla flushed in embarrassment and hurried toward the restrooms in humiliation.

  “What is going on, Shane?” Eric demanded.

  Shane’s eyes flooded with water, tears coursing down his face. His lower lip quivered.

  “She might die, Eric. The cancer is getting worse.”

  Eric pulled Shane to him in a manly half-hug. “I know man, but what the hell are you doing?” he muttered.

  “I can’t live without her, Eric. I’ve tried before, and it wasn’t living. It was just existing.”

  “You have to try, Shane. For Camden. She needs you right now.”

  “I can’t do anything to help her,” Shane groaned. “I feel so fucking helpless!” Shane stood and tried to kick the chair beside him, but his equilibrium was off and he started to fall. Eric reached out to catch him and stumbled to his knees. Instead of standing, he embraced Shane as the man began to sob into Eric’s chest in the middle of the bar. Eric ignored the strange looks they were receiving and just patted Shane’s back awkwardly.

  “Last call!”

  The sound of Rick’s voice caused Eric to realize he’d been holding a bawling Shane for almost ten minutes. He started to shake the man, trying to get him up and moving in the general direction of the door. Shane gradually allowed Eric to pull him to a standing position. Wiping his eyes with the backs of his hands, he smiled shakily at Eric.

  “I’m kind of a mess,” he admitted.

  “Yeah, I noticed,” Eric murmured. “Let’s get you home to Camden.” He grabbed Shane’s bicep and began to pull him toward the door. The sound of crunching gravel was the only thing breaking the silence as they trudged to Eric’s red SUV. Eric opened the door for the wobbly Shane and allowed him to settle into the passenger seat.

  “If you barf in my car, man, I’ll never forgive you,” Eric grumbled.

  “I’m good,” Shane promised, his head bobbing back to rest against the seat.

  Eric climbed into the car and immediately headed to their apartment complex. The entire ride was uncomfortably silent. The tension in the air was palpable. Eric felt badly for Shane, but he was still pissed. He couldn’t believe Shane would get shit-faced instead of dealing with things. He understood on one hand, but he couldn’t forgive anything that might damage Camden further. When they pulled into the parking space in front of their building, Shane finally spoke.

  Eyes brimming with tears once again, he whispered, “I can’t lose her, Eric. She is everything to me.”

  “If you keep this shit up, Shane, that is exactly what you’ll do. Even if she beats cancer, you’ll lose her if you panic and run to get wasted whenever she gets bad news.”

  “I just hate feeling like I can’t do anything for her,” Shane complained. “This thing….it’s killing her, and I can’t protect her from it. I’m useless!”

  “You are not friggin’ useless!” Eric roared. “You are the reason that girl wants to fight. You are the reason she doesn’t give in and let the cancer take her, and you better be damn sure you keep doing that.”

  Shane flinched at Eric’s reprimand.

  “Camden needs a reason to fight…to continue to hope. I love that girl with all my heart, but I am only her best friend. You are the love of her fucking life, and she needs to see that you NEED her. That is the way you help her. THAT is the way you are useful.”

  Shane looked shamefully into Eric’s face. “I’ll die without her, man.”

  “Then don’t fucking let her die, Shane,” Eric growled. “You say you will die without her. Well Camden will die without you, so you better stick around.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Eric,” Shane promised.

  “Good. Now, get your ass inside, take a shower and brush your damn teeth, and then climb into bed and hold the most precious girl in the world to let her know that HER world will be okay.”

  Shane nodded obediently and did just as Eric ordered. And whether he realized it or not, when he snuggled behind Camden in bed, the nightmare she had been having melted away, and her dreams became filled with visions of a happy future with Shane by her side.


  Chapter 36

  “Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!”

  Eric danced into the bedroom, jumping up and down with excitement. Shane grumbled and pulled his pillow over his head. Camden tucked her face further into the crook of his shoulder, hoping his pillow would block the light from her eyes, as well. Suddenly, the bed began to bounce.

  “What the hell, Eric?” Shane groaned.

  “Want sleep!” Camden demanded, sounding like a zombie.

  “Camicake, you have GOT to see this. Get out of bed!” he called. “Into the living room…NOW!” he ordered.

  Muttering profanities under her breath, Camden started to climb over Shane to get out of the bed. He squeezed her close to him.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he smirked.

  “Oh my god! Keep it in your pants, Shane!” Eric howled. “Come on! Both of you!”

  “He acts like an all-male revue is in the living room,” Shane mumbled. The words had just come out of his mouth when he froze in panic. “You don’t think he has an all-male revue in the living room, do you?!?”

  Camden broke into laughter. “A girl can dream,” she sighed playfully. She saw the sneaky expression in Shane’s face and took off running from the room. Shane caught up to her in four steps, and she feigned disappointment. The truth was that she was already out of breath and tired from the exertion.

  As Shane carried Camden into the living room, they not
iced that Eric had the television paused on the news. Shane sank into the couch, Camden tucked into his lap. Shane cast a skeptical look at Eric.

  “The news?” he queried.

  “Just watch,” Eric squealed, jumping up and down. He pressed a button on the remote, and a new segment began.

  “What. The. Hell?!” Camden squeaked. “Is that…” her voice trailed in disbelief.

  “Jonathan! I know!” Eric yelled. “And that’s the guy he cheated with.”

  Camden’s lips snarled in disgust. “What was he thinking? That guy is pasty… and tubby!”

  “I KNOW!” Eric agreed, nodding his head vigorously.

  Camden stared in shock as she saw several police officers escorting Jonathan and his “friend” …in handcuffs…to a couple of waiting police cars.

  “Turns out, the pasty guy is Jonathan’s boss’ secretary.”

  “Okay?” Camden was still trying to put the puzzle together, when Eric grew impatient.

  “They were embezzling money from the firm!”

  “What?!?!” Camden yelped. Shane winced at the high pitch, but continued to watch the two best friends in amusement.

  “It gets better.” Eric bounced with excitement, ready to burst with the gossip. “Guess who he called for bail money!”

  “No way! He wouldn’t dare!” Camden growled.

  “He would and he did,” Eric laughed. “He used his ONE phone call to ask ME to bail him out. Claimed he was blackmailed into cheating on me. He never wanted the fatty. Blah, blah, blah.”

  Camden shrieked and bounced off Shane’s lap. Eric rushed to her side and grasped her hands. “I KNOW!” he yelled again. “Like I would want to date a criminal!” Eric’s tone was full of sass. “I told him that he had chosen the wrong lifeline and he would most definitely not be a millionaire. The comparison is rather old, but I thought it was fitting.”

  “Most definitely,” Camden giggled, watching a cop shove Jonathan into the back seat of his cruiser.

  Eric bounced again and held up the remote. “Wanna watch it again?”

  Camden laughed and nodded her head. Shane shifted from behind her and placed a kiss on her temple.


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