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Securing Sidney

Page 9

by Susan Stoker

  Chapter Eight

  It was dark outside, and Gumby knew he should take Sidney home, but the truth of the matter was that he didn’t want to let her out of his sight. Today had been extremely emotional for him, and he was now feeling relaxed. Sidney was lying opposite him on his couch and Hannah was sprawled out on one of her two new dog beds, snoring. The vet had warned that he’d probably need to put the cone on Hannah so she couldn’t lick her feet, but so far, every time she’d showed any interest in them, one word from him made her stop.

  He’d ordered Chinese food for dinner and they’d turned on The Science Channel as they’d eaten. Neither was really watching the television, instead they’d talked. He told her stories about some of the missions he’d been on—without any top-secret details of course—and she’d talked about some of the dogs she’d rescued.

  She told him how she’d gotten her job at the trailer park…she’d just moved in, and when one of the water pipes to her trailer had burst, she’d been in the middle of fixing it when the manager had happened upon her. He’d been impressed that she was able to take care of it herself and that was that. He had begged her to work for him. His last handyman had been lazy and preferred to sleep all day and party all night rather than actually work.

  They’d talked more about Hannah and pit bulls in general. Sidney told him about Faith, the woman who ran the rescue group. Hours had passed before either realized, and it was obvious neither wanted to be the one to call an end to the night.

  Gumby was slouched on one end of the couch as Sidney lay on her back with her toes stuffed under his thigh. He ran his hand up and down her shins rhythmically as they talked.

  “The place looks great,” she said after a beat.

  “Thanks. Paid my contractor double to get the downstairs done.”

  She scowled at him. “You shouldn’t have wasted the money. I would’ve helped you.”

  “I know. But trust me, there’s still plenty of work to be done upstairs.”

  “I can help you with it, you know. I don’t have any licenses or anything, but I know what I’m doing.”

  “Why don’t you get them?”

  “What? Licenses?”




  “Money.” She held up a hand to keep him from commenting. “I know, I know. If I invest in myself then I can make more money by hiring on with a contractor or something instead of doing the grunt work around the trailer park.”

  Gumby shrugged. “Then why don’t you?”

  “I never intended to stay here,” she admitted, and his stomach clenched. “But then I met Jude and Nora and Faith. And one month led to another and after several years, I’m still here.”

  Gumby forced himself to relax. “What’s holding you back? You could go to the community college and get a few certificates. I don’t know anything about it, but don’t they include the cost of the licensure tests as part of the class?”

  Sidney shrugged.

  “Talk to me, Sid,” Gumby implored.

  “I’m scared, okay?” she said defensively.

  Gumby couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. “What?”

  “You heard me,” she grumbled. “As a woman, the teacher would probably be extra hard on me. Besides, most contractors don’t want a woman on their staff.”

  “You get shit a lot because of your gender?” he asked.

  Sidney nodded. “I know it’s hard to believe in today’s day and age, but a lot of the tenants—male and female—don’t like when I come to work on their shit because they claim I don’t know what I’m doing. And in high school, the two times I took a shop kind of class, the teachers and my fellow students made it hell for me. I don’t need that shit.”

  It didn’t sound like she was scared, per se. Leery maybe, and Gumby couldn’t blame her. He’d met some extraordinary women in the navy who probably would’ve made excellent SEALs, and even though the opportunity was now open for them to try out, he knew it was twice as hard for them as it was for men…and it was already pretty damn hard for guys to make it through all the training.

  Leaning over, Gumby picked up his phone off the coffee table. He pressed a button and put the phone on speaker once it began to ring.

  “Who are you—” Her words were cut off when someone answered.


  “Hi, Max, this is Gumby.”

  “Hey! How’s it going? Anything wrong?”

  “No, no, nothing like that. Everything’s great. I appreciate you working so hard to get everything done. I brought Hannah home today, and she’s currently snoring on the floor in front of me.”

  “Good, good. So what’s up? You change your mind about me not starting on the upstairs right away?”

  Gumby chuckled, but didn’t take his gaze from Sidney. “No. I gotta sell a kidney as it is to pay for the work you’ve already done. But I do have a question for you.”

  Max chuckled on the other end of the line. “Shoot.”

  “What’s your stance on having women work for you?”

  There was a pause before the other man said, “You already know the answer to that.”

  “Humor me,” Gumby told him.

  “I hire anyone who’s qualified to do the work. It’s damn hard to find anyone, man or woman, who knows what they’re doing these days. All I ask is that my employees show up on time and don’t cut any corners. I want them to treat every job as if they’re working on their grandma’s house. Gender doesn’t factor in. As you damn well know, since practically my entire crew was at your place over the last week.”

  Gumby did know that. He’d seen the guys joking and laughing with the females as they worked side by side to get his kitchen completed and finish up the rest of the first floor.

  Sidney stared back at him, her face unreadable.


  “You got someone who needs a job?” Max asked.

  “Needs? No. But she’s of the opinion that contractors don’t want to work with women.”

  “Fuck that. As long as she can handle the crude humor and cussing, she’s more than welcome to work for me.”

  “I’ll pass that along.”

  “You do that. And let me know when you’re ready for us to start on your upstairs. I’m dying to get my hands on that master bathroom.”

  Gumby chuckled. His original plans had been to finish the master and his bathroom first, but making sure the entire first floor was safe for Hannah changed that. “You and me both,” he told Max. “I’ll call when I’m ready.”


  “Later.” Gumby clicked off the phone and put it back on the coffee table. Before Sidney could say anything, he squeezed her leg and said, “There’s no way you can be scared of taking classes, Sid. The woman who has no problem tracking down animal abusers and confronting guys who operate dog-fighting rings can’t be scared of a damn test. You heard Max, and I truly believe most reputable contractors don’t give a shit what gender their employees are. They just want someone who is trustworthy and good at what they do. And from what I’ve seen, you’re both. So…what’s really up?”

  Sidney sighed and looked at his ceiling. “I have dyslexia,” she said quietly. “I suck at taking tests. I always run out of time, and I’ve failed way more than my share of the ones I’ve taken. I’m not smart enough to go to college, and with the kinds of tests I’d have to take to get my licenses, they might as well be written in Chinese.”

  Gumby’s heart broke for her. But he was also pissed. “You have a learning disability, Sid. That doesn’t make you stupid. Not in the least. And you can get accommodations so you have more time to take those tests if you need it. Didn’t you have that in high school?”

  She shrugged.

  Gumby clenched his teeth. “Look at me, Sid.” He waited until she met his gaze. “Please tell me your parents got you tested and made sure you had accommodations throughout school. Or that a teacher noticed you struggling and figur
ed out the reason why.”

  She didn’t say anything. Just stared back at him.

  “Fuck,” he swore. Then he dropped his hands from her legs and moved quickly until he was hovering over her. His knees rested on either side of her thighs, his hands by her shoulders.

  She looked up at him in surprise, hands on his chest, eyes wide.

  Gumby loved how her dark hair was spread over the decorative pillow on his couch. He wished it was the cream sheets he had on his bed, but he shook the thought away. He had a point to make and getting distracted by her lush body wasn’t helping.

  “Someday, I hope you’ll tell me everything about your childhood. I want to know every slight and every hurt you experienced so I can make it better for you. But, Sid, no matter what you think, you’re smart, and I know you can pass those tests. I’m happy to go down to the local community college and help you get signed up. We’ll make sure you get tested so you can get the accommodations you need. Needing more time to take a test doesn’t make you less smart than anyone else, and I can guarantee Max wouldn’t give a shit that you read slower than other people. All he cares about is if you can do your job.”

  When she didn’t say anything, he leaned down until he was almost nose to nose with her. “Is this sinking in?”

  Instead of answering his question, she said, “No one has ever stood up for me like you just did.”

  “Get used to it,” Gumby told her.

  She licked her lips, then moved. Her lips were on his, and she was demanding entrance to his mouth.

  Opening, Gumby swallowed the moan she made as their tongues swirled and danced together. Her hands went to his waist and slipped under his shirt, making him inhale sharply. She kissed him almost desperately, and as much as Gumby was loving her touch, he needed to slow things down.

  He fell to a hip and lifted Sidney up and over him, reversing their positions. He clamped her hips to his own, not caring that she’d feel how hard he was for her.

  Her hair fell around their faces, tangling with his beard. Her hands stilled under his shirt, but Gumby could feel her fingers flexing against his belly. Reaching up, he shoved a hand into her hair and gently fisted it. Their kiss changed from desperate to intimate. She licked his lower lip, then the top. He followed suit, learning what she liked and what made her squirm with desire over him.

  After another minute or so of kissing, she pulled her lips from his and pulled her hands out from under his shirt. She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed, her hot breath on his neck making his nipples go tight.

  His hand relaxed in her hair, and he smoothed it over her scalp. Once. Twice. Having her against him felt so right. Nothing in his life had ever made him feel as relaxed and happy as having Sidney in his arms.

  “I’ve been scared my entire life, Deck. I just try not to let it show.”

  “You don’t have to be scared with me,” he told her.

  “I’m figuring that out.”

  Her words made him feel ten feet tall.

  “Someday, I’ll tell you how it all started.”

  “I’d like that.” He didn’t push her. Having her relaxed in his arms was enough for now.

  Movement caught his attention, and Gumby glanced to his left and stifled a chuckle. “Don’t look now, but we’re being stared at.”

  Sidney turned her head, and he felt a laugh rumble up her chest, against his own. He’d never felt that with anyone else, and he immediately wanted to feel it again.

  Hannah was no longer sleeping, but staring at the two of them on the couch as if she was trying to figure out what the two crazy humans were doing. When she saw them watching her, she pushed to her feet and gingerly walked over to the couch. Then she leaned in and began licking Sidney’s face.

  She screeched and giggled and tried to bring her hands up to protect her face. Gumby began to laugh as well, and Hannah changed her attention from Sidney to him.

  “Uncle, uncle!” he cried, and sat up with Sidney still clinging to him. When he swung his legs over the edge of the couch, Sidney stared at him for a long moment. They were as close as two people could be. Her legs spread over his thighs, their groins pressed together. Gumby refused to be embarrassed at how hard his dick was. He wanted her to know that he liked the feel of her against him. That he was attracted to her and wanted her.

  “Thanks for a good day,” she said after a moment.

  “I think that’s my line,” he told her.

  “Thanks for not looking down at Nora. She’s a good friend…who just happens to like sex…a lot.”

  “I like sex a lot too,” he told her with a grin. “But I’m a bit more selective than she seems to be.”

  “Me too,” Sidney agreed.

  Gumby glanced at his watch. “It’s getting late.”

  Sidney nodded. “You gonna be okay with Hannah?”

  He wanted to say no. Wanted to tell her that he needed her to stay the night just to be sure. But he knew she had to work in the morning, and so did he. The commander had warned them the day before that a mission was imminent, and he was going to have to be spending more time on the base getting ready. It wasn’t an ideal time to get a dog, but between Caite agreeing to dog-sit when they left, and Sidney, Gumby felt as if he was covered.

  “Yeah. I think we’re good,” he said, reaching a hand down to pet Hannah’s head. She’d rested it on the couch next to Sidney’s leg.

  He stood, still holding Sidney, and she laughed and gripped him even tighter. It was torture to walk with his erection, but he wouldn’t’ve put her down for the world. Gumby carried her to the door, where he reluctantly removed his hands from her ass and she let her legs fall to the floor. Clasping his hands around her lower back, he held her to him for a beat.

  “Wanna come over tomorrow night for dinner? And to check on Hannah?”


  Gumby grinned. She hadn’t even hesitated.

  “But I’ll meet you here this time. You don’t have to come and pick me up.”

  “Scared of me talking to Nora again?” he teased.

  “Damn straight.”

  “Text her when you get in tonight,” he told her.

  Sidney frowned. “Why?”

  “So she knows I got you home safe and sound.”

  “But she’s coming over tomorrow morning sometime.”

  Gumby nodded. “I know. But she was worried about you. Put her at ease and let her know I didn’t kidnap you and dump your body in the ocean.”

  “Well, gosh, when you put it that way…” she teased. Then sobered. “You won’t hurt me,” she said with conviction.

  “Damn straight I won’t. But Nora doesn’t know me from Adam.”

  “I’ll text her.”

  “Good.” He released her long enough to let her bend down and pick up her shoes, where she’d kicked them off when she’d arrived earlier. While she put them on, he laced up his own. Then he grabbed a leash and called to Hannah. “Wanna go for a ride, girl?”

  With a happy, deep woof, the dog hobbled over to where they were standing by the door. Gumby leaned over and picked her up. “Get the door for us?” he asked Sidney.

  She smiled and shook her head. “Rotten,” she warned.

  Without pause, he leaned over and touched his lips to hers. “There’s nothing wrong with spoiling my girls.” And with that, he headed out the door toward his truck.

  Chapter Nine

  The next week was a blur for Sidney. She sometimes met up with Nora in the morning to have coffee, which was a nice change in their relationship dynamic, as they previously didn’t really hang out at all. She figured it was due to the other woman wanting to dig for details on her so-far nonexistent sex life with Decker, but since she liked Nora and she made her laugh, Sidney didn’t even mind her nosiness. Then, after coffee, she did the jobs Jude had lined up for her. In the afternoons, she went over to Decker’s house to hang with him and Hannah for the rest of the evening.

  More often than not, she stayed later than she
knew she probably should, especially since Decker had been looking more and more tired. Every time she told him she should go, he’d vehemently disagree, telling her that he’d rather spend more time with her and risk being a little tired.

  Hannah was getting better by leaps and bounds. Her feet no longer needed to be wrapped and, while she still walked a little gingerly, she was showing more and more personality with each day that passed. Sidney hadn’t heard her growl since the vet’s office, and the dog seemed to be growing to love her just as much as Decker.

  Today was one of the first days she’d had in a while with almost nothing to do. She’d completed an emergency repair on an air conditioner in one of the trailers, but other than that, she had nothing else on her list. Nora was hanging out at one of her boyfriends’ houses and Decker was working at the base.

  Sidney tried to remember what she used to do when she had free time, and was surprised to realize that most days, she’d stalked the Internet for abused dogs. Mostly Craigslist and sometimes Facebook Markets. That was how she’d found Hannah in the first place.

  Feeling guilty that she’d let so much time go by without checking the ads, Sidney sat down at the small table in her trailer and pulled up Craigslist. She couldn’t believe that she’d been so neglectful of the poor dogs who needed her. How had she let her obsession with Decker override what she considered to be her life’s work?

  She had to atone. Had to do whatever she could to help as many dogs as possible to make up for the ones she hadn’t helped recently.

  With a twinge, Sidney thought for probably the thousandth time about getting some professional help to deal with the feelings of guilt eating her alive since her teens. She knew she was obsessed with saving animals. Even knew why. But she couldn’t make herself stop. She was far too willing to put herself, and sometimes even others, in potential danger if it meant saving a dog.

  It was crazy. Hell, she was probably crazy…but the guilt wouldn’t allow her to stop. And she couldn’t really afford therapy, anyway.

  Doing her best to shove those thoughts aside, Sidney continued to peruse the Internet.


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