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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

Page 7

by Vera Quinn

  “A woman answered his phone that night, and I knew everything I had been hearing was true. That’s the first time I met Jilly. We had a DNA test which proved Shelby is Kendall’s. His parents pressured him into coming back, and I paid for it every day. The rest you know.

  “I can’t go back through every blow or shove. Walking on eggshells to keep him happy. I did find out from his mom that the reason Kendall decided it was time for us to have children was because on the birth of the first son to each of their boys, Kendall’s dad would build them a beautiful home and deed them land. That is also when they moved up in the company.

  “Their business is family owned and operated. The Giles family is very wealthy and each generation is expected to make sure their legacy is passed on to the next. Kendall is the youngest of four brothers, and there hasn’t been a female child in that family in three generations.

  “Mrs. Giles took a real interest in Shelby and Kendall could not stand it. He’s afraid Shelby will get part of his inheritance. Kendall doesn’t even like children. He’s never even held Shelby.”

  That’s all I can say. It breaks my heart that Shelby’s dad doesn’t love her. “I think that is the reason he signed all the papers, but if his mom gets wind of it before the judge signs them I’m not sure how she will react.” Brody hugs me close and then he kisses the top of my head.

  I step back out of his arms. I am not ready for this. I just wanted some comfort, if just for a little while. I am still standing close to Brody. Close enough to smell the fresh scent of his soap and it smells really good. No cologne or imitation smells, just all Brody. Then he takes me back in his arms suddenly, and I’m stiff at first, but I finally relax some.

  “Just let me comfort you. You’ve been through so much for someone so young. Just let me be here for you.” I look up at him, and he is so damn sexy. My body reacts to him, and I don’t know what overcomes me when I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him lightly. That’s all meant to do, but it feels like so much more. I am feeling overloaded. I start the kiss, but Brody consumes when he takes it over. The taste of us together is the most erotic thing I have ever tasted before. Brody and I step back from each other, and I automatically panic.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” Looking into his eyes, I see he looks amused.

  “I’m not sorry. I have been wanting to kiss you since the first night I met you. I can tell you my imagination did not do you justice.” I look closely at Brody to see if he is teasing me, but he looks totally serious.

  “You imagined kissing me?” I ask in disbelief.

  “Babe, I have imagined a heck of a lot more than that, but you feel so much better in my arms in reality than any dream.” Has he been dreaming about me?

  “So you’ve been dreaming of me?” He nods yes. “I’ve dreamed about you, too.” I know my face is red because it feels heated. “I don’t want you to feel sorry for me.”

  “What I am feeling right now is anything but sorry, still, I have more to tell you if you’re done?” What else could he have to say?

  “Go ahead. I’ve told you everything. Are you going to tell me why you are warning me about Rebel?” I knew there had to be more to the story.

  “Yes, but I need to let you go. You need to sit down to hear this, or I should say, I need to sit while I tell you.” I back away from him and sit on the sofa and pat the cushion so he’ll sit down. He does, but he scoots away so he can see me.

  “Jilly isn’t the only woman to come between me and Rebel. There was this woman named Selena. She went to school with us and when I came back to town after the Marines, we started dating. We actually were living together in my house next door.

  “I loved Selena, and for a while, I think she loved me, but we had different interests. I was starting my business bounty hunting, and you know how I am out of town a lot. It was even more back then. I had to establish myself and make connections in different areas of the United States. It’s the only way to build a dependable reputation, and I thought she understood I was doing it for our future, but she didn’t get what my full intentions were with her. I have to say it was my fault for not communicating with her and letting her know I loved her.

  “One of her friends hung out at the Demented Revengers clubhouse, and Selena started going to their parties with her. She started hanging around Rebel and his club brothers. She denied it to me, but I knew it was true. Rebel told me himself and warned me if she kept going to the parties eventually someone was going to fuck her. We fought about it, and she moved out when I was gone.

  “I was taking on a partner so I could be home more. She wanted Rebel but by the time she moved out she was pregnant with my child. I never thought she would get rid of our child. Rebel told her he would not raise anyone else’s kid, so she had an abortion. Rebel swears he didn’t know she was going to do it. She called him from the clinic to pick her up, and she thought he would claim her as his ol’ lady. After she recuperated he kicked her to the curb, but I will never forgive either one of them. Rebel knew I loved her.” He looks at me for understanding, and I take his hand and try to make him see he has it.

  “Brody, I understand you think Rebel should have done something, but really Brody, what could he do? Did he have sex with her? I mean the abortion was her choice.” Brody looks shocked at my words. I raise my hand so he’ll let me talk. “Look I don’t agree with her decision, but it was her decision. It’s not something I could do, but apparently, Selena didn’t think that way. Would you have turned her away if she had been anyone else calling you for help?

  “All I’m saying is think about it. I have been around you and Rebel for the last few months, and I don’t think either of you wouldn’t have taken that call. I’m not taking up for either of them because it is not my place to. It had nothing to do with me, but I wouldn’t be your friend if I didn’t point that out. I try not to judge anyone without being in their shoes. I’m sorry for your loss. I can tell it hit you hard, and the child is one that you would have wanted and loved. I can’t even wrap my mind around not having Shelby.” I move closer to him and hold his hand. He pulls me even closer.

  “I don’t know if he fucked her. He says he didn’t. She says he did. I was pissed at the world afterward and I mourned my child, and I know it was Selena’s choice, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. I just don’t trust Rebel like I used to. He walks a fine line with the law, and I never know which side he is on.

  “You need to be very careful Gracie. That clubhouse can be wild. Men fuck women right in the middle of the club. One or two men on a woman or a couple of women on a man. I don’t take you for that type of woman and Rebel is not going to stick with just one woman.

  “There it all is. I’ve warned you so do with it as you want, but I will not make the same mistake twice with a woman. I want you, and that is as blunt as I can be. I know Rebel wants you too so I am letting you know you have choices.” I look at Brody’s face and if I thought he was trying to deceive me about something he told me I could argue with going behind someone’s back but he looks like he is genuinely concerned for me when it comes to Rebel.

  “Brody, I just came out of a bad relationship I have been in since I was fifteen. I mean, sure the first year we spent in front of my parents, but still, I have never had but one man or boy in my life and it ended dreadfully. I don’t even trust myself right now when it comes to relationships. I have to be honest with you; I am attracted to you, but I also feel an attraction to Rebel even if he does infuriate me. I need friends right now, so I can concentrate on Shelby and myself.

  “Please, don’t take this the wrong way because I think you are hot but more importantly, I trust you. I just need time, and there is no way I would play you or Rebel. I am so grateful to both of you for watching out for us. I just need time to heal and trust my judgment again. I really screwed up in the decision-making category in my life.” I hope he understands. “If it hadn’t been for Jilly I don’t know if I would still be alive right now.” Brody
sits back and pulls me next to him and puts his arms around me and we sit side by side that way.

  “Gracie, I would never rush you after everything you have been through, but I will not let you slip through my fingers. The physical attraction I have for you is very strong, but I want to get to know the real you. Everything I have told you about Rebel and the Demented Revengers is true but to be honest, I have not lived a monk’s life either. I have fucked my share of women without any attachment to them. One night stands are all I’ve had since Selena, and there has been a lot of them. I mentioned Jade for a reason. She’s not Rebel’s girlfriend. I don’t want this to sound crude, but it is the only way to say it, Jade is Rebel’s steady piece at the clubhouse. She’s a club woman that fucks all the brothers, but she has her eye on Rebel. He’s the President, and that means power. She is something else, and those women are ruthless. I’m just warning you.” I sense no hostility coming from Brody.

  “Brody, I have no designs on Rebel. He is my friend, I hope. When he starts in trying to boss me around and how I want him, he is beyond annoying. How could that threaten this Jade? I hope Rebel will tell me all of this. I don’t want him to think we sit around and gossip behind his back. I’m not going to judge him. The type of life you are talking about is not the type of life I can have my daughter around, but until I see it for myself, I will have to keep an open mind. I don’t pretend to think I understand everyone’s way of life but I can guarantee you Jade has nothing to worry about with me.”

  I am ready to put all this heavy conversation away for a while and enjoy a movie. Later when I am alone, I will try to figure it all out, but right now I just want to enjoy Brody’s company. Grown-up time around my house is hard to find. “Can we just enjoy each other’s company and watch anything but a princess movie?” That makes Brody smile.

  “So that you know, I am interested in you when you’re ready, and until then we can do the friendship thing first and just watch a movie if you agree to do it in my arms. I will give you time but a man only has so much patience and when I’m through waiting if you don’t come to me, I will come get you.” He smiles at me and my heart melts.

  “I think that can be arranged, if we can watch something scary. I mean the part about watching a movie in your arms. I’ll grab a blanket and get the lights if you start the DVD player. I’ll grab us some drinks while you pick the movie.” I look at him, and he nods his head. I know I am ignoring the last part he said, and so does he, but he lets me.

  “Deal.” I leave him in my living room going through my movies.

  The rest of the night was peaceful, and I loved being in Brody’s strong arms. I felt safe and wanted. The next day shopping was easy and fun. Brody and Shelby got along beautifully. He insisted on helping with her and he even carried her through some of the mall when she was too tired to walk.

  Brody had been more hands-on in one day than Kendall had ever been. The best part is when it was time to eat, Brody insisted on a place that caters to small children. Shelby laughed at the dressed-up people in cartoon character outfits and loved the games. Okay, I loved the games. It was the most fun Shelby and I have had. When we finished, Brody insisted on a trip to the zoo. It was a day filled with fun and surprises. Shelby fell asleep on the way home, and Brody and I held hands and listened to the radio in a very peaceful and comfortable silence. I couldn’t stop grinning, but right before we got to my house, Brody broke the silence.

  “I had a great time today. It all felt so right. We could be great together. The three of us. Will you consider it? Going on a grown-up date with me? That’s all I’m going to say, but you two have a place in my heart. I know it is fast and you probably think I am crazy but please just think about it. I’ll be gone for the next week. I leave in the morning, so give it some thought.” I just smile at him. I don’t know what to say, so I keep it simple and to the point.

  “I’ll think about it.” That’s all I can do. It feels so good to be with Brody, but I don’t know if it is the right thing. We make it to my house, and he helps me get Shelby, her car seat, and my bags into the house. When he goes to leave, he pulls me into him and gives me the softest and most tender kiss I have ever gotten. He has me dazed. “I promise; I will think about it.”

  “Good. I have to go now. I should have stayed home and prepared, but I didn’t want to change my plans with you and Shelby. Tyler, my partner, doesn’t call unless he needs help and his call last night took me by surprise. I’ll text you tomorrow night when I know more about when I’ll be back. I’d like to take you out, but I am not going to push right now.” He starts to leave but kisses me one more time and then he is gone and I am left wondering, can I trust him? Is he the nice guy he comes off as right now? I know this is left over from Kendall, but the questions are still there. I so want to trust him.

  Chapter Seven


  I haven’t been able to get Gracie out of my head since I left on the damn run that I couldn’t put off. I can’t wait to have her here in my world today.

  I’m laying here in my bed at the clubhouse, and I can’t get this woman out of my head. I’ve battled with myself on just walking away from her, but I am too much of a selfish bastard to do that. I still don’t know if I want to keep her forever, but I know she is going to be under me until I figure it out.

  I have no doubt Brody is being the good boy scout and giving her space, but I am not that selfless. Today Gracie will step into my world, and I know she will need an adjustment period, but she will be mine for as long as I want her. She will try to run, but I won’t let her get away from me.

  She is a good woman. I haven’t had a good woman since Jilly. I can see the love she has for her beautiful little girl. She works hard, and she doesn’t want any damn handouts. Shelby has gotten to my cold heart, and she is coming out of her shell.

  The first time I saw that baby girl she was skittish of any man but now when I see her at my ma’s she has a beautiful smile and even lets me hold her, which melted the ice around my heart. I’ve never been a man that thought I had to make my bloodline keep existing, but something about Gracie makes me want to plant my seed inside her.

  She has done a good job with Shelby, and I want some of that goodness in my life. I can see Gracie big and round with my baby in her, and I want it. I know even if I don’t happen to be around, because in my life you never know when your number might be up, she’ll make sure that it is raised right. Her and my ma together. I can’t get it out of my mind.

  Last night I had Jade suck me off so I can try to have some patience with Gracie. Afterward, I told that bitch she better stay away from Gracie. Jade knows the consequences of going against me.

  I might as well get up and get some coffee in me and recheck everything and get these club girls and prospects around here cleaning for when the ol’ ladies start bringing in the food for today. The club girls need to make themselves scarce until family day is over.

  I make my way into the kitchen and start the coffee. The site of some of the brothers with their cocks on full display didn’t used to turn my stomach, but lately, it is getting old. I need to spend more time at my house. Hardly anyone knows about it and to tell the truth, I haven’t been there in a while. I accepted the way my life was a long time ago.

  Being President of the club comes with a lot of perks, but it also comes with a lot of drawbacks. I am burning out fast. I get a cup out of the cabinet and wait for the coffee to finish. I just have to accept it. I need some good, and if I were a better man, someone like Brody, I would walk away, but I can’t.

  I need Gracie like an addict needs his next fix. Good women are hard to come by around here, and I am getting Gracie. I should ease her into the life of the Demented Revengers, but I can’t pretend I am something I’m not. She’s showed she could adapt. I just have to prove to her she needs me and how good we are going to be together.

  I know by now Brody has warned her about me and probably has spilled about the shit that goes on around here. I
f she is still ready to go when I go to pick her, Shelby, and ma up, then I know I still have a shot. Everything that has happened in Brody’s and my past is not my fault. Brody needs to shoulder his part in it, too.

  I make my way into my office and sip on my hot coffee. My mind lost on everything happening today and back to the last talk with Gracie. That’s when I hear my office door open, and I see Jade slink in. She has that mischievous grin on her face when she is up to no good.

  This is going to be good. She comes up to me and rubs her hand up my arm and cocks her head to the side and pulls the side of her bottom lip in between her teeth. She’s trying to look sweet and innocent, but there’s no way this bitch could be either one. “Rebel you need anything before I start cleaning up this morning. Anything at all?”

  I just look at her. Jade is one hot piece, and she can’t be any older than twenty-five, but her choices in life have taken their toll. She is always willing and able to take me or any of my brothers. She has three hot and willing holes anytime, anywhere. Whether it is one brother or three and until I met Gracie, that is all I have wanted, but I have to say I am not even tempted right now. I have made a decision, and I have put her on notice, but she is testing my resolve.

  “Jade, I told you last night that if I want you, I will let you know. Don’t test me woman or you won’t like the consequences. I am giving you your warning so don’t fuck it up. Gracie is going to be mine, and you are going to keep your distance.” I can see in her eyes that she is going to be trouble. I should cut my losses now and get rid of her, but she is one of the favorite club girls.

  I have to say I have monopolized most of her time, but most of the brothers have had her at one time or another. Her eyes do not meet mine. She’s looking at the floor while she is rubbing on my shoulders. Damn it feels good, and I have to admit my cock is twitching and wanting what she is offering.


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