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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

Page 76

by Vera Quinn

  “You waited on me.” I walk to his side of the bed.

  “I am not the running kind. I love you and I will do whatever I need to, to make this work.” Con says honestly. I love this man.

  “I just needed to breathe. I love you and I don’t care how we started this marriage, but I want it to work too. You have always been honest with me, or mostly honest, and I knew when you claimed me it was not about love. We have this and can make it work since we are both committed, but I am not waiting until I am eighteen until my husband makes love to me.” I take a breath. I said all of that as fast as I could. “I remembered.” Con looks at me confused. “You need to get to Cap and Kaden too. Samson and Red Capo are going after them. When Samson hit me, I was dazed for a while. I remember fighting back but my head was fuzzy. Charity was already knocked out and when I got in the van, I don’t know if the hit knocked me loopy or if I was in and out of sleep. I remember Red Cap and Samson talking before they got out of the van saying they had to get rid of Cap and Kaden before they handled Charity. They knew you were going to be away from the clubhouse and that is why they got their vehicles. Samson was going to the clubhouse to handle Cap and Red Cap was going to Kaden’s house. You need to go.”

  “I’m not leaving you alone. You need protection too. Con tells me and that is sweet, but people could be in trouble.

  “Did Brody take Charity home already?” I ask. Con grabs the back of my head and then he smashes his lips to mine.

  “You’re so damn smart.” Con takes his phone out and starts texting. It’s not long before Brody and Charity come through the door, but Con is still typing away. Charity comes over to me and sits on the bed.

  “Are you feeling alright?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, you?” I nod my head yes. “What’s going on this time?”

  “I remembered some things that I overheard when you were still out of it. They want Cap and Kaden this time.” We both stay quiet after that. Con is off his phone and he motions for Brody to move closer to him. They have their heads together and I can’t hear what they are saying and then Brody takes his phone out and texts someone. It doesn’t take long until Brody is full belly laughing. We all look at him.

  “Red Cap was taken out by a slugger.” We all look at each other and Brody sees our confusion. “A slugger is a bat. My nephew, Matthew, took his knees out. Didn’t even need to use his hunting rifle.” Brody can’t stop laughing.

  “What is so damn funny?” Charity asks.

  “Anyone that goes to Kaden’s place, doesn’t know him very well at all. He has that place booby trapped. If you don’t know to walk in the right place you will end up in a snare trap, a coon trap, or in a hole he’s dug. Not only has Kaden taught his twins to shoot deer rifles and shotguns but Laura used to shoot in marksman competition. She has the prettiest little bird dog you have ever seen. The sheriff’s office hasn’t been called yet. Kaden is at the clubhouse and they were waiting for him to get back in touch with them. They have Red Cap hog-tied if someone needs to pick him up.” That is one place we don’t need to worry about but why wouldn’t Kaden contact his family? I see when this point is driven home to everyone here.

  “Brody can you watch over Faith too?” Con asks him. I don’t want to stay here but I know Con can’t focus with me stuck to him.

  “Go with Con. We have this. We’ll stay right here in this room together.” Brody looks hesitant. “Just leave me your gun.” Charity is right. This should be safe.

  “You won’t leave this room for anything?” Brody asks.

  “Not even if someone yells to evacuate, we will be right here.” Charity tries to calm Brody down. Brody takes his gun out of his ankle holder. Brody hands the small weapon to Charity and then pulls her to him and kisses her. Con comes over to me and pulls me into his arms.

  “Behave yourself while I am gone, and we may have our wedding night a night late, but it will be worth it.” He kisses me and then I watch the man I love walk out the door with my brother-in-law.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Brody and I decide to take his jeep back to the armory, so they wouldn’t hear my bike. We have been watching. I have seen two signals and I signaled both back. One was Zig Zag and the other Shine. They have the same suspicions about something going down here. I told them about Red Cap’s capture. The blind spot for us is where Red Cap and Samson took the girls out tonight so that is where we are going in. Zig Zag is taking the front door and we are going in the back. We don’t know how we are going to get inside. Those walls aren’t going to be easy to penetrate. I just hope, it is still just Samson. It’s time and I move in with Brody. I see Shine coming in with Rebel and Cooper behind him. We step out of the light, behind some trees.

  “Where are the rest of the brothers?” I ask Shine.

  “Zig is going to go through the front with Sean and his boys. I sent Cue Ball to get Red Cap and take him to the shed. Hawk is waiting on him there and they are going to take care of the issue with help from Crowder. Salty is with Ma, Gracie and the kids. Katie is with them. Dawg Man is with Gladys and Charlie. We have everyone covered, but where are the sisters?” Shine asks.

  “In Faith’s room. Brody left Charity his spare gun.” Shine take out his phone and starts texting.

  “Spinner is on his way there now and Tip is going to help in Winnsboro. From our head count there is a couple of prospects in their rooms sleeping, Kaden, Lil, and Cap left in that armory.” That’s not where we left everyone when we left.

  “Gracie wanted to go home. Salty volunteered to go with them since he was back. I thought it would be better that way, so I told her to go but stay inside. Katie decided to go with her.” Not a decision I would make but it’s Rebel’s ol’ lady. “I’m glad I did now.”

  “Hawk will get answers from Red Cap. When we go in here try to take this man alive. We need to find out if this is the end of it.” Shine tells us. I check my weapon and walk towards the door. Shine is behind me with the rest staying behind watching our backs. I put my hand on the back door and it isn’t locked. Samson wants us inside. That raises the hair on the back of my neck. He has something he wants us to see. The kitchen is dark, but I feel along the wall and flip the light switch on. What I see stops me in my tracks. Lil is in a chair and gagged and she is passed out or she was knocked out. Cap’s face is beaten to hell and Kaden doesn’t look much better and then I see the piece of steel leaning against the wall. This mother fucker took a piece of steel to Cap and Kaden, both. They are both tied to chairs, but both are conscious.

  “Finally! The cavalry has arrived. Do you see that Kaden? Your filthy biker buddies are here and for what? To save your sorry ass or is it Cap who they are here to save? We know it isn’t Lil. Hell, they barely care if she exists, but she will still protect them with her last breath.” This is Samson and he is stark raving mad. “Do you know that Lil here, could have gotten away but she wouldn’t leave her Jethro. A woman with such good qualities but no self-respect. The man cheated on her, and had a child with another woman, and lied to her about it, for years, but she wouldn’t leave him to save herself. That is a quality woman but wasted on filthy bikers.” Samson is standing right behind Lil with a knife to her back. “I wonder if she bleeds red.” I need to divert his attention.

  “I thought you were after my woman. Faith remember?” Samson’s eyes come to mine. I see Zig sneaking on the other side.

  “Faith is my woman. She was promised to me if I took Hope first and then Darren double-crossed me. Hope was a weak woman, always so compliant. All she cared about was making her pop and ma proud. They had her brainwashed good. Charity was tainted and would have taken too long to break, but Faith, she was the right balance of beautiful, smart, and a little sassy. We will make beautiful babies.” Samson keeps babbling but then I see Lil making slow moves. She’s playing possum.

  “Don’t you mean that you took the sister that would let you? We know that Charity wasn’t interested in marriage and Faith would hav
e never accepted anything you offered her because she hated the way you treated Hope. You killed your children along with your wife.” Samson starts laughing.

  “There’s no telling who those children belonged to. I shared my woman bare, no contraceptives. I wanted Faith and I will have her.” It’s all I can do to not kill him now, but I know we need answers.

  “Why Kaden and Cap? What did they ever do to you?” Samson looks at me.

  “Why not? Cap used my aunt Patsy and he needed to know how that felt. I used him to hurt the only thing he does love the Demented Revengers MC and we did a fucking excellent job of it. They bled, they lost family and we took their reputation away from them. I think that is a win for us. Kaden, well, he is a cop, but he never arrested a biker but one, Red Cap. You all are still too dumb to get it. Everyone in the Hell Keeperz MC and the community are related one way or another. That was our masterpiece. We were making our own bloodlines to be superior. It’s that plain and that simple. We sold government technology, we sold drugs where we couldn’t be detected, and no one could touch us. We sold people or traded them. There was nothing we couldn’t accomplish and if we could keep our bloodline strong then no one could stop us. Faith, Red Cap, and I will carry on the bloodline.” In a flash, Lil knocks her chair over and I see her derringer, she always carries with her, in her hand and then hear the shot go off and then the second one. Samson is left in the floor and he is bleeding from his back.

  “Never bring a knife to a gunfight, asshole.” Lil says, and I catch the smile on her face.

  “Lil, you alright doll?” Cap says, even if I can’t make out what he says.

  “Right as rain, handsome, and looking a sight better than you.” That has us all laughing. I move to get Lil up and Shine is untying Cap. I see Brody helping Kaden up.

  “Brody, I don’t know if I still have it in me to do your job or not.” Brody laughs. “But I am ready to try. Maybe Matthew can give me some pointers.” I know everyone is just trying to lighten the tension.

  “He’s dead and can’t say I am sorry. He was just crazy. Spouting about bloodlines and shit.” Zig Zag puts in. He kneels beside Samson. “Will the government pick him up too?”

  “They should be here within the hour.” Cooper lets us know.

  Cap is up, and he has Lil in his arms or is he leaning on her. “This is what life is about boys.” We all look at him. “Surviving The Chaos Of Life, one day at a time, no matter what life throws at us.”

  Epilogue One


  Life has been getting back to normal the last two months or as normal as we are ever going to be. We have three very pregnant women that are in various stages of pregnancy. They are all hormonal and all have different cravings at separate times. Our family is growing. I would have never thought I would be looking forward to becoming an uncle, but I am. Faith has been bitten by the baby bug, but I want us to wait for at least a couple of years, so we can have our time together alone.

  Lil and Cap left on their great adventure of seeing the world but said they would come back for a short visit when Shine and Katie’s baby is born. That should be any day.

  Katie and Shine are riding high on cloud nine and since Faith is here to help keep things running while Katie recuperates. Katie and Faith have become close friends. Branson Gage Lawson should be popping out any day. It is good to see my brother so happy.

  Rebel and Gracie will be having their twins in three days. Since Gracie is having problems with her blood pressure they are making the labor happen. I don’t understand it all, but I know in three days they get their babies. Rebel felt the deception of Sin hard. They had been brothers for a long time. I don’t understand how a brother can sink so low, but it happens. I think his pending fatherhood has a lot to do with that. They picked their names last week and Nicole and Nathan will be entering the world to parents that love them.

  Ms. Audie, Gladys, and Charlie have been gone a few days on a senior’s cruise. I think everyone needs a little break from all the drama.

  Brody and Charity are regulars around here. We are still staying in the armory until our clubhouse has been finished. Charity still has a little over a month before the big day, but their house is covered in pink. I walked in one day and I asked the two women who had thrown up Pepto all over the house. Faith laughed it off, but Charity started to cry. Note to self, do not tease a pregnant woman, lessoned learned. Brody was not amused. Brody is happy his cousin, Kaden, is going in business with him. Kaden is officially retired from being the sheriff.

  Cooper, Sean, and their sons have all become close to us. Faith is always on the phone talking to one of them. She is the only woman they can turn to for women problems. Charity still hasn’t warmed up to Sean, the way Faith has to Cooper. I think they are both alike too much, but I think one day it might happen, but what the hell do I know?

  The Demented Revengers MC is still growing. We have started recruiting for new prospects and we have started a few, but we’ll see how they go.

  As for Faith and myself, we love each other. It may have been a rocky start, since I couldn’t get my head out of my ass, but I was trying to do the right thing. I stick by my actions, but I can see Faith’s side of it too. That’s why we make a hell of a team. I am not saying that we don’t argue, we do, we’re both stubborn. I’m not saying we don’t disagree, we do, on many things but in the end, we still love each other. Faith will always be mine and that we agree on.

  Epilogue Two


  Con and I have found out we have a lot in common and then we have our issues that will take some time to work out. Today I found out some news that may set us back a few steps, but I hope not. I think it may be how I deliver the news. I have set the mood with candles and music and I am in a sexy nightie that Lil gave me before she left. Lil told me there isn’t a problem if delivered in the right mood that can’t be worked out and if this doesn’t work, cook his favorite meal and deliver it to him naked. Can’t say I am going that far but thought I would try this first. I turn the lights out in our room but light the candles and turn the music down low. I hear Con at the door and turn so his first look will be at me. Con walks in the door and his expression does not disappoint me.

  “Babe, you have something on your mind?” Con is always straight to the point.

  “Only you, I missed you today.” That gets me a smile.

  “If this is what I get to come home to if you miss me then I will make you miss me more. Damn, you look hot. The only place that this will look better is if it is on the floor and off your luscious body.” Con may not be a natural romantic with flowers and gifts, but his words make my panties wet.

  “You are one sweet talker, Billy Lee.” I hear Con growl. He loves it when I call him by his name. He walks towards me and I am ready. He grabs my ass and I climb him. He is pillaging my mouth and he is a hungry man. This is my Billy. He plays my body and comes back for more. I am moaning into Billy’s mouth. I have lost my control and give into the lust. The nighty is ripped from my body along with the thong I am wearing. I can’t complain, I love every minute of it. Billy bends down and licks my nipple lightly and then sucks them between his teeth and giving a little hint of pain. I am naked up against a wall and Billy is still fully dressed. I try to move my hand, so I can start to undress him, but he won’t let me move and he moves to my other nipple. Billy moves me up the wall a little but then turns and plops me down on the bed. He toes his boots off and throws his shirt off at the same time. I sit up and reach for his jeans. I unbuckle his belt, but Billy moves my hand away.

  “I need inside you now and I have no time to play, babe. Fuck, what you do to me.” I can’t keep from moaning again. I sound like a damn porno and not even a good one. Billy was not lying, as soon as his pants and boxers hit the floor, Billy is on top of me and pushing himself into my slickness with one stroke. This is not easy as big as he is and that shows how turned on I am. Billy’s eyes are filled with want and lust. That spurs me on. I grab around B
illy’s waist with my legs and ground down hard. “Fuck, babe, so good, so tight.” I don’t feel it coming but the way Billy grinds in and then swivels his hips, I am thrown into my orgasm. I am panting with my eyes shut tight. I grab at something to hold onto. My hand is around Billy’s neck and I grab him, and I feel my nails make contact with the skin on his back. I hear the moan that Billy let’s out. My man likes a little pain with his pleasure. Billy flips me over and reenters me with one stroke. He pushes me down on my belly. I have his cock tight in my vagina and I start using my muscles to suck the cum out of Billy. Billy speeds up his strokes and then he moves one of his hands between us and moves it to my clit. He makes small circles with his fingertip and I feel the heat engulf my body. The heat starts moving from my feet, up my legs, my nipples pebble even more and then I feel it. I can’t stop.

  “Oh shit! I’m going to cum again.” I let the nirvana take over my body as Billy speeds his strokes up and I feel him empty his seed inside me and then he lets his body ease down on me and he holds me that way and I feel so cherished.


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