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Immortal Rapture: Immortal Heart

Page 12

by Magen McMinimy

  With a calming breath, Samira shut the water off and wrapped herself in a fluffy towel. She made her way back to her bed and crawled under the covers. No longer heated from the dream, she was chilled from the shower. Laying her head upon her pillow, she closed her eyes. As the dreamscape took hold, there was no diamond-eyed demi-god to interrupt her sleep. Still, something told her that she hadn’t seen the last of him, and what had woken her before was more than a twisted dream born of want.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Izzy gazed at Makiah, with his mismatched eyes and rosy cheeks. His lids were blinking slowly as he stared up at her and took down the last bits of formula in the bottle. She pulled the bottle back and patted his back softly before lying him down in the crib that Darnell had brought to their room so they could keep him while Marie and Uriah had some time to themselves. She leaned over and kissed his cheek before shutting off the light nearest the crib , then turned to see Bain watching her. She was, as usual, taken by the beautiful man who stood shirtless in the bathroom door. He shut off the light and made his way to the bed, shucking his pants and boxers to slide into the smooth comfort of the silk sheets that adorned their bed.

  She smiled and crawled in next to him. His hand found her cheek and caressed her smooth skin. “What are you thinking, sweetheart?”

  She tilted her head and smiled. “The truth?”

  He grunted. “I always want the truth.”

  “I want children… We’ve never really talked about it. I don’t know what it means now that I’m no longer human, but I don’t want to take the birth control anymore. I want a baby us, Bain.”

  Bain smiled, sat up, and pulled her into his lap. “Then quit taking the birth control. We will practice as often as you’d like to create a baby us, but I hope for a daughter that looks like her beautiful mother,” he said, leaning in and pressing his lips to her nose.

  She laughed softly. “And I was thinking I wanted a boy that looked like his father.”

  Bain grinned at her, a mischievous look tinting his gorgeous features. “Do you really want a raise a boy? What if he is like Kale and I when we were growing up?”

  She brushed her fingers over his cheekbones, and then along his jaw. “It doesn’t really matter to me; I just want a baby with you. No matter how headstrong and stubborn.”

  “Then we will have one, but the Fae don’t procreate as easily as humans do. It may take some time.”

  Her smile was sultry as she grinned at him. “Well, we can have fun trying.”

  Bain growled softly as his hand moved to push the fabric of her panties aside, so his fingers could dip between her folds to find her little pearl.

  “Bain, the baby is sleeping barely ten feet away.”

  His lips landed on her neck, as he murmured against her flushed skin. “I’ll be quiet, sweetheart.” He rolled them over and peered down at her. “There isn’t a thing in this world or the next that will ever convince me to keep my hands off you.”

  She cupped his cheeks and pulled his mouth to hers.


  Esperanza stood at the large window in the throne room. The banshee’s were at it again, shrieking through the forest. How the landscape had changed in just a few short days. The snow was nearly gone, and the world was attempting to shake the slumber that had held it captive for the past ten months. She lifted one hand to her neck, where she gently rubbed at the tender muscles. Darion had been getting rougher and rougher with each encounter, and while she was capable of holding her own against him, she found the fight tedious lately. Her mate was a shell of the man she had fallen for. The fucking vampires needed to hurry. She nearly sneered as she looked at the deep night sky. They had been searching for two days now. What was taking so long? They were given a simple task—bring her what she desired or die trying.

  She barely acknowledged the creak of the throne room door opening or the sound of light footfalls entering the room.

  “What is it?” she demanded as silence fell.

  “The team is back. Will you see them now?” Ardea asked in her meek voice.

  The Magma had been taken down a few notches since Esperanza’s appearance in the castle. She was no more than a servant to Esperanza’s will… just where her lady wanted her to be.

  “Send them in.”

  “Yes, My Lady.”

  “Oh, and Ardea?”

  “Yes, My Lady?”

  “Find Jaeb and go see to your lord… I imagine he’s hungry.”

  Ardea forced a smile, and Esperanza returned it with a cruel twist of her lips. For all the time Ardea had spent pining for Darion’s attention, she now feared it. He’d always had dark proclivities in the bedroom. However, they had taken an even darker turn since the hunger kicked in.

  Esperanza took her seat next to the empty, massive black throne of Darion’s and waited for the team to enter. Her gaze narrowed on the group as they stood before her. She was sure one was missing. She didn’t much care that one of their soldiers was missing… what mattered was their obvious lack of success.

  “Where is he?” she demanded.

  “We lost him in the Human World, My Lady. After impaling Samuel on a tree branch, the Immortal Ruler took flight with the warrior and a human female, a portal opened in the sky, and they were gone. We tried to track them, but wherever they went, it was beyond our capabilities to trace. The seer has lost sight of both Makyle and the child.”

  She sneered. “So, you what? Gave up? Went and had a drink?” Standing from her throne, she approached the group. She couldn’t remember the leader’s name, and it mattered not at this point. “You failed,” she growled, slamming a silver dagger she pulled from beneath the cloak she wore deep into his heart. “I don’t have the time or the desire to deal with failure,” she said as the vampire’s eyes went wide and he crumbled to the floor in a pile of dust.

  She lifted her gaze to the four remaining men. “You.” She pointed to one of them.

  “Yes, My Lady?”

  “You’re in charge now—don’t fail me. Find Uriah and we’ll find what we’re looking for.”

  The light-haired vampire dipped his chin and turned to leave.

  “Wait! Before you go, clean up this mess… use your tongue.”

  His brows furrowed. “My Lady?”

  “Clean up the dust that is left of the one who led before you… I will see to it that you have a location for the Immortal Warrior by the time you are finished. Your men can surely help in the task of cleaning my floors.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “What’s wrong with you?” Izzy asked as she and Makiah entered what was once Rowan’s study.

  Makyle lifted his gaze and smiled at the sight of his two very favorite people. “What makes you think something other than the obvious is wrong with me?”

  She shrugged and folded her legs beneath her as she sat next to him. “I know you, Makyle. And you don’t let things get to you. I know this is a complicated situation, but I’ve never known you to lose sleep over anything.”

  He smiled and brushed his finger over Makiah’s hand, causing him to grab hold of his finger and squeeze.

  “I’m not used to needing sleep at all, Isabelle.” He sighed, causing Izzy to study him more closely. Makyle didn’t falter, he didn’t question himself, and he didn’t let anything crack his stoic nature. “I find that things aren’t so cut and dried.”

  She smiled. “They never have been; you’ve just never been forced to take notice.”

  He nodded and reached out towards Makiah in a silent question. Izzy adjusted Makiah and handed him to his uncle. It was weird to think of Makyle as anything but the terrifying Immortal Ruler he was.

  “Funny how such a small life can change so much about the people who love it.”

  Izzy patted Makyle’s cheek. “I like this side of you.”

  He smiled at her, and Izzy was struck by the difference in his face. He looked almost human aside from the diamond eyes and ethereally gorgeous good looks. “You want
to talk to me about what else is bothering you?”

  Makyle shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about any of it, but you should know that if I ever did want to talk, you would be my first choice, Isabelle.”

  She smiled brightly. “And I think I know why.”

  He chuckled, a noise she was sure she was one of few who ever got to hear. “Why is that?”

  “It’s because you love me.”

  He arched a brow. “A new emotion for me, but yes, I do, in fact, love you very much.”

  “Because I’m your adopted baby Fae daughter.”

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him. “You are right about that. You need to understand that what I’ve done won’t go unpunished. However, I find that I would like for you to know that I am very proud of you, and I would never choose to abandon you. I am sorry I disappeared over the past ten months.”

  Izzy felt tears well in her eyes. She wouldn’t ask questions about what punishment he might receive, and she knew that he wouldn’t want her to fight against it. Still, she already felt the loss to her very core.

  Makyle kissed the top of her head and squeezed her a little tighter before he handed Makiah back to her. He ran his thumbs under her eyes, catching the tears she couldn’t hold back.

  “You, Isabelle, are a unique and beautiful person. And I am better for having known you.”

  She smiled. “It feels like you’re saying goodbye.”

  He shrugged. “Goodbye around here is never permanent, but in the event there isn’t another time for us to have this conversation, it needed to be had.”

  She nodded and sniffled. “Where are you going now?”

  “I need to see what kind of plan Cree has to keep Makiah safe.”

  She nodded. “It better be a good one.”

  “I’ll see that it is.” He flashed a smile at her and left the room.

  Izzy lifted Makiah to look into his beautiful, mismatched eyes. “I promise to make sure you know all about your uncle Makyle, and everything he did to give you the childhood you deserve.”

  Marie and Uriah entered the room as Izzy pressed Makiah to her chest.

  “Don’t smother the boy, Iz,” Marie joked as she approached Izzy on the couch. “Oh, Iz, what’s the matter?”

  Marie sat next to Izzy, wrapped her arm around her sister, and brought Izzy’s head to her shoulder. Uriah sat at her other side and she handed Makiah to him, so she could wrap her arms around Marie. She loved and missed her little sister so much, and right then, she needed nothing more than the comfort of Marie’s arms.

  Uriah looked past Izzy’s shaking body to lock his gaze with Marie; she shook her head and bit her bottom lip. Uriah smiled and rose from the couch to silently slip out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.

  “Is Iz in there?” Bain asked as he came up on Uriah.

  “Yeah, she’s with Marie. I think they might need a minute.”

  Bain furrowed his brow. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know for sure, but I think she was talking with Makyle before we showed up.”

  Understanding washed over Bain. “She loves him.”

  Uriah tilted his head.

  Bain laughed. “Not like that, he’s sort of like her Fae dad, and if I had to guess, she finally understands what he did and what it means.”

  Uriah sighed. “I’m sorry.”

  Bain scoffed. “What for? This isn’t your fault; this isn’t even about us or you. This is about Makyle’s brothers being a bunch of jackasses. Plus, Izzy loves Makiah already and she will protect him, just as we all will, and just like Makyle did when he smuggled him out of the Underworld.”

  Uriah nodded. “You know it breaks my heart to see her hurting.”

  “Oh, I, of all people, get that. I may not be the empath, but when she hurts, I can feel it in my soul.”

  Uriah shook his head. “How did we end up here? Wasn’t long ago you were growling at that girl, who stole your heart, for calling you a vampire.”

  Bain chuckled. “And you were trying to calm my bad attitude while snickering.”

  Uriah laughed. “That’s always been my role… I got lots of practice growing up with Lothar and Kale.”

  They both smiled.

  “I think I heard my name.” Kale grinned and reached for Makiah. Uriah handed him over and nodded. “You did, we were just talking about how our lives have changed and what an ass Bain used to be.”

  Kale arched a brow. “Ass is a strong word.”

  “Free spirit,” Bain offered.

  “That’s what you two troublemakers used to say,” Lothar added as he joined the group. “Follow me, boys. Cree has called a meeting.”

  Makyle and Cree sat waiting for them. They all took seats and were soon engrossed in conversation as Makiah was passed around the group.

  “I’ve sent Trevan and Lucas to Izzy’s house to see if they can get a lead on the vamps. However, from what Makyle tells me, it’s fairly obvious they came from Darion’s guard.”

  Uriah huffed. “I realize I have been less than helpful and attentive, but I need to ask… have we seen or heard word from Darion or Esperanza?”

  Bain looked to Cree briefly before answering. “Not since Holly flashed them out of our lands.”

  “Do we know where she sent them?”

  Uriah looked to Makyle, who shook his head. “They are alive and in the Dark lands. That’s all I know.”

  “And what of the Dark who are residing in the dungeon?” Uriah asked.

  “ They’re fairly quiet,” Cree said as he leaned back in his chair… the Fae in the dungeon were a sore subject.

  “Are there any of them down there that could help us? Maybe be able to give us some insight into what is happening with Darion and why he is after my son?”

  Lothar sighed. “There is one… You won’t like this, Bain.”

  Bain’s brow arched. “Who could possibly be in the dungeon that would piss me—son of a bitch.”

  Cree rose from behind his desk. “Makyle, Uriah, and Lothar, come with me. Bain, you and Kale… just stay out of trouble. Makiah is too young for your antics.”

  Bain smirked. “Nice try. I respect you, brother, but if that asshole is residing in our dungeon, I deserve to see it.”

  Kale smiled and stood. “Fine by me. The ladies will flock to yours truly with this little guy in my arms.”

  Kale was met with eye rolling and sighs.

  “Don’t let Kat hear you say that shit.”

  Kale chuckled. “She was the one I was hoping would show up, for the flocking… I’m still in the dog house over the tat on your chest, Uriah.”

  Bain shook his head and clasped his hand over Uriah’s shoulder. “Did he feed you a bunch of Patrón before he suckered you in?”

  Uriah shook his head and grimaced. “No, it was whipped vodka.”

  Bain let out a bark of laughter. “At least mine is the product of scotch.”

  Bain turned back to Kale as they headed out of the room. “I believe you will find Kat with Kyra in her room. Last I saw, they were having yet another tea party.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Bain grinned as he peered through the iron bars.

  “It took you long enough to come visit me.” Zander lifted his head, his green eyes arrogant even as he sat on the cot at the back of his cell.

  “Had I known you were here, I would have come much sooner, just so I could bask in the joy at seeing you in that cell.”

  Zander grinned as he rose from his cot and made his way closer to the bars. “How’s our girl? You know, I can still feel her lips on mine.”

  Bain growled, his arms shooting past the bars to reach for Zander, who was just out of his grasp.

  Zander chuckled. “So hotheaded, Bain.”

  “Knock it off,” Cree growled. “Zander, you’ve been living off us long enough. It’s time you repay the favor.”

  He smirked at Cree. “How so?”

  “We need to know w
hat’s happening in the Dark lands… more precisely with Darion and Esperanza.”

  Zander shrugged and moved back to his cot. “I don’t know what to tell you. It’s covered in snow.”

  Bain growled again. The sarcasm bleeding from Zander’s mouth made him want to break the Luck Eaters teeth.

  “What happened to Darion and Esperanza when they returned after the battle?” Uriah asked.

  “Why should I help you?”

  “If you wish to remain in the comforts of that cell rather than decapitated like most of your brethren who have dared to step a foot on to our land, you will cooperate and answer the questions asked of you,” Cree warned.

  Zander grinned. “When did you become the killer?”

  “When I lost the one thing that mattered most to me, at the hands of your lord no less… I find I have little patience for those who align with the murderer who took my Rowan. So answer the question, and if you choose not to, I have no problem dropping your head at Darion’s doorstep. I would consider it a fitting warning of my plans for him.”

  Cree sneered, his glacial blue eyes holding an iciness that threatened to freeze anyone who held their gaze too long. His normally solid behavior and unyielding compassion had shifted to something fueled by anger; even his normally clean-shaven face was shrouded by dark facial hair. It wasn’t just Cree, though. Uriah noticed then how much each of his brothers had changed over the last year. They all held a haunted sadness behind their eyes. One he understood all too well. He had lost Jelena that day, but they had all lost Rowan. It was in that moment that the pain of her loss hit him. He missed her beautiful, bright lavender eyes and infectious smile. Sadly, the hits had just continued to come, as the people who looked to them as protectors continued to perish throughout the freeze that had taken over the lands. A freeze that he had helped to create. He took a deep breath to tamp the emotion and focused back on the conversation happening between Cree and Zander.


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