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Mine on Christmas

Page 13

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “You better finish that text message,” I said as I put her on the couch next to me and pushed her back. “I’m going to keep you busy for a little bit.”

  I unbuckled her jeans and pulled them off of her as I dove in and started to lick her while she was still finishing her text to her friend. She pushed send and then let the phone fall to the ground as she grabbed my head and held me right between her legs.

  “You better finish what you started,” she teased me.

  Oh, how I loved the back and forth that went on between us. She did hold me there until I made her cum. And she shivered and shook with excitement when her body released with pleasure.

  I panicked as I remembered I didn’t have condoms with me. I’d run after Niki in hopes of apologizing and didn’t think I’d make it past her front door. The thought of carrying protection with me hadn’t even crossed my mind until the moment I watched her body give in to orgasm and I wanted to feel myself inside of her.

  “I don’t suppose you have condoms here, do you?”

  “Oh yes, we have a ton,” she laughed. “Let’s go into the bedroom.”

  “A ton?” I looked at her with funny wide eyes as if I was worried about her having such a large quantity of condoms. “Alana has them in her room. She’s got a boyfriend usually. Don’t start jumping to conclusions.”

  “I’m teasing you. Let’s go in there and pick one of those bad boys out,” I grabbed her and threw her up and over my shoulders. Her cute ass was straight up in the air.

  “What are you doing? I’m not a sack of potatoes,” she giggled as I carried her into the bedroom and tossed her onto the bed.

  I opened the condom drawer and was surprised at the large variety that was in there. It was a massive amount of condoms—not an actual ton, but there were hundreds of them. To be a young single woman in New York I supposed it was better to be safe than sorry.

  I grabbed a random condom and took my pants off to put it on. But Niki took the condom from me and opened it herself. She kneeled in front of me and looked at my body as it bounced and throbbed for her. Oh, how I loved watching her look at me. It was so erotic to have her lips that close to me and yet not touching me at all.

  “Do you want to do it?” I asked a little surprised at her initiative.

  “Yes, I want to try.”

  “You’ve never put a condom on someone?” I asked and then realized I’d never had a woman want to put it on for me.

  “Nope. I’ve never wanted to before.”

  “Okay, well have at it,” I said and pressed my hands onto my hips and stood like superman waiting for my cape to be attached.

  She laughed as she took the wrapper off and then placed the condom over me. It was facing the wrong way though and as she tried to unroll it, the condom didn’t move.

  “What am I doing wrong?” she asked as she looked frustrated at my body and the condom.

  “Flip it around,” I said directing her. “It’s just facing the wrong way.”

  “Oh, now I see. This is much harder than I thought. It must be really hard to put one of these things on in the middle of the night.”

  “Yeah, it takes practice.”

  “Maybe I should practice more?”

  “Nope, not right now you aren’t.” I grabbed her and laid her back on the bed as I kissed her. Our mouths fit so perfectly together that it was hard to stop kissing Niki.

  Her lips moved to one side and then to the other. My tongue slid into her mouth and then hers into mine. We worked well together as I continued to kiss her and slide inside her too. Her body tightened around me as her hands grabbed onto my back and held on. She motioned for me to continue thrusting as her hips moved and wiggled under me.

  Slowly I let my body and hers play together. Our kissing continued throughout our love making and I felt the connection we already had growing even stronger. Making love to Niki was even more beautiful than having sex with her. My body felt at home as our thrust grew stronger and stronger.

  At some point, she ended up throwing her head back and I started to kiss her neck while we continued to move together. Soon she was moaning so loud that I knew the neighbors could hear what was going on. The walls of her old apartment complex weren’t that thick and the apartments were jammed so close together that there was no way to avoid it.

  “Yes,” she screamed out and I felt her body grip me hard. “Harder,” she added and I did exactly as she was asking of me.

  Her nails dug into my back and I felt the pressure of her body release as I thrust hard into her. It was only moments later before I released my own pleasure. What a beautiful moment it was with the two of us.

  We collapsed onto the bed and found a position that was comfortable for both of us. It was the middle of the day, the sun was shining into the room and the warmth of Niki’s skin radiated while I held onto her.

  This was one of the best days I’d had in a really long time. The best two days I’d had in ages. I was

  so happy to have found Niki and couldn’t wait to spend more time with her. I couldn’t wait to get to know her more and see if this attraction between us was more than just the amazing sex we were having.

  Chapter 12


  The next few weeks flew by as I hurried to finish my other parties and then tried to spend as much time as possible with Thomas. I loved spending time with Thomas. He was so funny and had softened up a lot.

  “Hey, I’m waiting for you,” I said when I called him from outside his work. “We need to go pick out the chairs. Remember they didn’t have the ones we wanted.”

  “I’m in the middle of a board meeting,” Thomas said as if I’d interrupted him. “I thought we were meeting at three?”

  “It is three,” I laughed. “It’s okay though. I’ll go by myself. You’ll have to deal with what I pick out.”

  “Nope, I’ll be right down,” he replied and sure enough just two minutes later he was climbing into my vehicle in his super sexy suit. “They didn’t need me for that meeting anyway. They know what to do.”

  “You left your board meeting to come pick out chairs for your Christmas party?” I laughed as I drove away from the curb.

  Thomas had gone from only thinking and talking about work all day long to actually taking time away with me. At first, it was for a short lunch so I could talk to him about design issues. Then he took an afternoon off to pick out some food we were going to have at the party. At first, I thought it was because he wanted to prove to his family that he could throw an amazing party, but I was starting to see that he liked spending time with me.

  I really liked spending time with him as well.

  We hadn’t had any more incidents where he yelled at me, which was good. I couldn’t have handled that again. We also hadn’t had sex since that time at my apartment.

  I wasn’t complaining though, I had a ton of other parties I had just finished up and now I was working to make sure his party was amazing. There was barely enough time in each day to shower and eat, let alone time to make love.

  Hanging out with Thomas was fun though. I felt myself wanting to pull him away from his work more and more. I tried not to distract him but then I did and he agreed to come with me and that just reinforced my wanting to pull him out of the office again the next day.

  “So where are we going?” he asked looking nervously at me as I drove.

  “Does my driving make you nervous?”

  “Yeah, why are you driving? There are a million cabs and Ubers in this town. You don’t have to drive.”

  “I’m a good driver,” I insisted.

  “Can you look at the road and not at me while you said that,” he replied and then grabbed the door as I took a turn a little sharper than I normally would. “Come on, now you’re doing it on purpose.”

  I was doing it on purpose. It was fun to see him out of his element and not totally comfortable. It was during those times that I felt like he actually relaxed a little and made more of an effort to interact wit
h me.

  “We are going all the way down to China Town. It’s easy if I drive,” I replied as I zipped around another corner.

  “Come on. Just let me drive. I’ll drive and you can navigate,” he practically begged.

  “Oh, I’m not that bad of a driver. Don’t even pretend like I am. Those cab drivers are so much worse. I’ve never seen you look this nervous when we were in a cab together.”

  “Okay,” he said and didn’t add anything else.

  He was sweating a little by the time we arrived at the store I wanted to go to. I’d brought the car because I wasn’t sure if we were going to have to grab the chairs ourselves or not. This car had a lot of storage in the back since the seat folded down and it was possible I’d be able to get the chairs in there and bring them out to his house if we had to.

  “You are going to love this place. The chairs I want to get here are for that little sitting area we were talking about out back. The one where the kids could make smores at.”

  “Why can’t we use the chairs I have?”

  “Thomas, those are summer chairs. This is a Christmas party. Come on, you’ll see. These chairs are really awesome.”

  “I still don’t understand why there would be Christmas chairs at a store in China town,” he scoffed as we walked up to the store.

  Sure enough, as we stood outside the window there was one of the chairs right there on display. This little store had everything Christmas in it. They changed what they sold seasonally and did fantastically well with party planners. It was one of my favorite small stores to buy items from.

  The only problems were, they often didn’t have enough of what we needed and that you had to purchase the items. Some clients weren’t interested in buying their decorations at all and since renting wasn’t an option, I only came to this store with clients that I knew could make the purchase.

  “It’s a snowman,” I said and pointed to the chair that I wanted to get. “Isn’t that the cutest thing ever? It’s an actual snowman as a chair. I was thinking we should get six of them. But they are bigger than I thought. I’m not sure they will fit in the car.”

  “Six of those chairs are definitely not fitting in your car. Do you have any other options to get them back to my house? You’re probably going to need a small truck or something.”

  He was right. The chairs were a lot more awkwardly sized than I thought and there was no way I could fit them in the car. We couldn’t be able to fit more than one in his vehicle either.

  “I guess we could rent a truck. How do you feel about driving one of those?”

  “Sure, I could drive. How does it work?”

  “Let’s buy the chairs and then we need to get a U-Haul and we will drive them out to your place. We will need to bring the truck back in though. It’s going to take forever. Are you sure?”

  “I think my kids will really like this, and we have a few other kids coming to the party as well. Let’s get them,” Thomas agreed as we went into the store.

  We ended up spending nearly an hour in the store buying ornaments and a few other items that I’d been waiting to purchase. I was checking a lot of small things off my list and that was helpful.

  “Your job is exhausting,” Thomas said when we finally picked up the U-Haul and made our way back to the store. “It seriously is so exhausting. I can hardly keep my eyes open. We need caffeine and food.”

  “Let’s get loaded up and head out to your house and then we can get our caffeine. We will have to come all the way back into town since the truck has to be returned today.”

  “You’re a slave driver. You’d make a great boss. Have you ever considered hiring someone to help you out? I mean someone that isn’t me because I’m tired,” he laughed.

  Oh, how many times I’d thought about having employees to help me out. This season was busier than normal and I could have afforded to pay someone to help me but most years I couldn’t. There was a balance between hiring someone so I could get a job done and just doing it myself.

  “Some larger projects require me to hire staff to help out, but typically I don’t have anyone running around picking up supplies. But I’ve never been as busy as I am this year. If things stay this busy I will invest in hiring an assistant.”

  “You definitely should. An assistant will make you more productive and relieve a lot of your stress. When your stress level goes down it will allow you to be more creative which will also help your business. It’s a cycle that has to happen for your company to expand.”

  It was really great to be friends with Thomas and be able to talk about my business. Even if nothing ever happened with the romance stuff between us, I would be happy to have him as a friend. Business wasn’t my strong suit. I did the best I could but I really would love to have someone help with the running around and someone to help with the finances. I could only imagine how much more successful I could be if I had a staff that was proficient in their tasks and could take a lead in moving me forward.

  “I feel like one of those over the road truckers,” I said even though Thomas was the one driving. “This is so high up off the ground. Is it hard to drive?”

  “This is a small truck, it’s not much different than my jeep. I can’t imagine what it would be like to drive a big huge truck. Have you seen those delivery trucks as they come into town? They are barely making the corners and look like they are always going to plow into other cars.”

  “Yeah, those are scary.”

  Thomas’ phone started ringing as it sat next to him on the long bench seat of the U-Haul.

  “Can you grab that?” he asked not even taking his eyes off the road long enough to see who it was.

  “Hello,” I said flipping the phone on and switching it to speaker so Thomas could hear the person calling. “You are on speaker,” I said because it always bothered me when people put me on speaker but then didn’t tell me about it.

  “Hey, Dad and Niki, it’s Jenna. Can we play Pictionary tonight?”

  “You can play Pictionary any time you want,” Thomas said and shrugged as if he didn’t know what Jenna was trying to ask him.

  “No, I mean all of us. Niki, will you stay over and play? We can be a team and the boys can be a team. Won’t that be fun?”

  Thomas was shaking his head back and forth. He was tired, I could see it in his face. But I loved the idea of hanging out with the kids and playing a fun game. I was tired too, but it was so much more fun to hang out with people than to just head back to my apartment and sleep.

  “Sure, I’ll stay,” I said ignoring Thomas as he shook his head. “Your Dad is tired though. Maybe you two could help us unload this truck when we get there? He might need a nap before the game too.”

  “Sure, we will help,” Jackson said as he jumped onto the call as well.

  “Fine, but we still have to bring the truck back tonight too so we can’t play for long,” Thomas said not looking happy at all about this plan for a game night.

  As I hung up the phone I pulled mine out and called the truck rental place. This problem was easy enough to solve. I could just rent the truck for another night. I was going to have to make Alana go down and add money to the meter that my car was parked at though. It would get towed by the morning and then I’d be on probation with the car rental company and I couldn’t afford to not have access to a vehicle during this busy season.

  “I’m going to rent the truck for another day. That will solve that part of the problem. Pull off the next exit. There’s a café. I’ll run in and grab you a giant coffee and a sandwich, then I’ll drive for a little bit, so you can eat and caffeinate. Your kids sound like they are excited to spend time with you, let’s get you a little less grumpy before we get there.”

  “I’m not grumpy,” Thomas said very grumpily and I couldn’t help laughing at him. “What? Why are you laughing?”

  “Because you clearly are grumpy. What’s going on?”

  “Sorry, I got a text from my sister back at the store. She said she didn’t t
hink any of my family was going to come to the party.”

  “What do you mean? I thought the party was only for your family,” I said as panic washed over me.

  He was trying to impress them after all that drama about them not thinking he could throw a party. I was so confused by what was happening. Why would his family cancel coming to the party after he was putting so much work into making it amazing for them?

  “Just my immediate family won’t be coming. I wasn’t really paying attention. Something about trips or something. The Grandparents and my cousins and close friends will still be over. It is still going to be a good party.”

  “Your parents and brother and sister and their families won’t be there? What aren’t you telling me? Can I look at the text messages and see if I can figure this out?”

  “I deleted them,” he said without looking over at me. “I don’t care. If they don’t want to come then it’s fine. We have plenty of others coming and maybe I’ll even invite some of the families from my office. The executives would come with their kids. Don’t worry about it.”

  I was worried. This party wasn’t planned for strangers to hang out together. I’d strategically planned the party for an intimate gathering of family and a few of his friends. The decorations were personal to his life and the kids.

  The seating arrangements were personal to the kids and small group gatherings that we were expecting to congregate throughout the main room. I felt myself starting to panic and took a deep breath as I tried to keep myself in control.

  “Pull off here,” I said when we reached the first main exit outside of town. “This is an easy spot for me to grab you some food and coffee.”

  Thomas did as I asked and I ran in to get him some nourishment. I wasn’t trying to baby him or mock him for being tired, all I was doing was ensuring that he showed up in a better mood when we got back to his house.

  I couldn’t wait to hang out with Jenna and Jackson and play a little Pictionary. It had been years since I’d played games like that and I was excited. Thomas needed to perk up because I wasn’t about to play my first game of Pictionary in years with a grump.


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