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Naked Vengeance

Page 2

by Sophia Rae

  Nick walked up the concrete stairs to the front door of Eve’s building. He should’ve known—he needed to be rung in. Yeah, like she’d do that.

  He leaned against the chiseled stone entryway and thought back to the picture she made sitting at her make-up table. All that long, curly red hair tousled from her routine, a heart-shaped face with eyes the color of the Caribbean ocean, perfectly shaped cupid mouth. She all but screamed sex and innocence rolled into one erotic package. He’d definitely gotten an eyeful as he waited to get her attention.

  Much to Nick’s surprise—and his initial reaction—she seemed to have good sense about her. She’d been skeptical when he told her he’d been hired to protect her and shot him a disbelieving look when he wouldn’t give up the name. Either she really didn’t know why she needed protection or she was a good actress.

  Nick pushed off the stone and thanked his lucky stars when a couple emerged from the building. Finally, he could get inside and concentrate on something other than his raging hormones.

  “Man, am I glad to see you guys.”

  The young couple exchanged a look. A look that said, “Do we know him?”

  “The wife locked me out and won’t ring me up,” Nick continued. “I’ve been standing here for nearly a half hour. Thanks a lot.”

  Without another word, Nick stepped inside and walked toward the elevator like he’d done it a dozen times in the past. As suspected, her name wasn’t listed on the directory, but he’d seen a light on the second floor come on just after she’d entered the building. He hated assuming anything, but he figured the apartment in the far left of the building was hers.

  He raced back to the elevator, put a hand on the door and held it open just wide enough to slide in. When the doors opened on the second floor, he took a quick glance to make sure no one saw him. He found Eve’s apartment, number 215, at the end of the wide, carpeted hallway.

  Should he knock? Just barge in? She wouldn’t be happy to see him regardless, so he opted to knock in an attempt to show her he did have manners. Well, some.

  The first knock went unanswered.

  He knocked a second time.

  Again, no answer.

  Concern grew and he took all of ten seconds to pick the lock. He shook his head in disgust. Taking the previous year off had made him rusty.

  The short, high-pitched scream catapulted Nick’s adrenaline. He pulled his gun from his shoulder holster and threw open the door only to find her living room empty. His grasp on the downward-facing gun tightened as he took light, quiet steps farther into her apartment.

  To the left of him was a small galley kitchen; to the right, a short hallway. That scream had come from this apartment. Did someone have Eve in her bedroom? Nobody had entered the building while he’d waited outside… That could only mean the intruder had already been in the apartment. Waiting.

  Muted footsteps fell on the beige carpet as he crept toward the hall. He followed her floral scent, trying to ignore the sinful things it did to his senses. It only reminded him of the last time he’d gotten side-tracked on a job by a gorgeous woman. That mishap had cost a man his life.

  Just as he started to grab for the doorknob, the door flew open and Eve stood before him. Because she wore only a skimpy, white towel, iridescent water droplets on her bare shoulders and anger in her eyes, Nick relaxed.

  “What the hell are you doing sneaking around my apartment?” Eve glared. “Did you come in to shoot me?”

  “No, I was out in the hall. I knocked twice, but you didn’t answer. I started to worry, so I picked your lock, but then you screamed so I drew my gun.”

  As he holstered his Glock, Nick had a hard time keeping his eyes on hers and not on her damp porcelain skin. One lucky drop of water rolled down her neck, disappearing into the valley between her breasts. Why couldn’t he have been called in to protect a sixty-year-old man?

  “You picked my lock?”

  Eve shoved past him to examine her front door, which still stood wide open. She slammed it and whirled back around. With one hand, she held the top of her towel together as she brought up her other hand to point at him.

  “You had no right to let yourself in.” Pure rage dripped from her voice. “Just because someone supposedly paid you to keep an eye on me doesn’t give you permission to invade my privacy, and it sure as hell doesn’t give you free rein to snoop around my apartment.”

  Nick remained in the hall, tucking his thumbs through his belt loops. “What was I supposed to think when you didn’t answer my knock and then screamed as if you were hurt?”

  Eve’s eyes practically shot daggers toward him. “I was hurt.”

  Nick followed his gaze down to the top of her thigh, where she lifted the white towel just enough to expose a purple bruise already forming on her flawless skin.

  “What did you do?”

  “I slipped and fell,” she snapped as she covered her wound back up. “Now, since you’re here, uninvited, I want to know who the hell is paying you to break into my apartment. If you don’t tell me right now, I’ll call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing.”

  With a shrug, Nick moved into her living room. “I’ve already told you I can’t reveal the person who wants to keep you safe and I’ve already explained to you why I broke in, so if you want to call the cops, go right ahead.”

  Eve growled when Nick plopped himself on her couch and smiled. He could practically see the smoke streaming out her ears as she seethed. For some reason, Nick found himself actually enjoying this op. It would be best to make her hate him. The last thing he needed was a woman this sexy and feisty to feel the same sexual attraction he did. So far so good.

  “You’re not staying.” Eve moved to the door. “Take your overactive imagination and your big, manly gun and get out.”

  Nick remained on the couch even though she’d opened the door, obviously waiting for him to leave. For nearly a whole minute they stared. He had to give her credit; the look he gave her had most men backing down, but not Eve. She held her ground, kept her pointy chin in the air and narrowed her emerald eyes into slits.

  “You better shut that door before your neighbors see you,” he finally said.

  Eve slammed the door for a second time in the span of ten minutes. When she stalked over to where he sat, Nick could see the rapid pulse at the base of her throat. For ridiculous reasons, it pleased him to see the erratic beat just under her pale skin.

  Her bare thigh brushed the hand he had dangling over the arm of the sofa. Before his better judgment could take over, he jerked, muttering a curse as he pulled his hand back to safer ground. Now with his fists firmly clenched in his lap, Nick took a moment to push aside the thought of her silken skin and the way she felt against his rough fingers.

  Even though his mind had toyed with the idea of touching her, kissing her, having wild, crazy, monkey sex with her, he knew all of those fantasies were not only impossible, but out of the fucking question. Protecting her—from who knew what—had to be the first and only priority in his life right now, a fact he had to keep reminding his pubescent brain and dick.

  “If you’re trying to piss me off, you’ve succeeded.”

  “I wasn’t trying,” Nick said honestly. “Pissing people off must come naturally.”

  “Look, if you want to stay here, I’m going to need more information. Let’s start with who sent you.” Eve held up a hand to hold him off. “And I don’t want to hear the crap about anonymity. This is my life and I want to know what the hell is going on.”

  “We’ve been through this several times before. Why do you think I’ll suddenly give up the name?”

  A slow, sultry smile spread across Eve’s full, unpainted lips. She leaned down, loosening her towel just enough to give him a peek of the tops of her pale breasts.

  “Because if you don’t,” she began, “I’ll go in my bedroom and get my gun. I’m still a little rusty. I’d hate to hit an important part of your anatomy.”

  Before he could eve
n think his actions through, Nick grabbed hold of Eve’s arm and pulled her over the side of the couch and onto his lap. Her towel fell open, her eyes widening in both shock and anger.

  When Eve reached to pull her towel back together, Nick grabbed her wrist. “I don’t take too kindly to threats.”

  Eve jerked from his grasp and covered herself. “I don’t take kindly to being manhandled. Let me up.”

  This was wrong. He knew it was wrong but, God help him, he had no control over his body or emotions right now. With the slightest touch, he trailed his fingers up her slender arm, over the curve of her shoulder, down the imaginary line to her chest. In that second her cat-like eyes had gone from angry to aroused, and he had no doubt she could feel his matching response just under her delicate bottom.

  When his fingers stopped just above the towel, Eve’s breath caught. She might want him to keep exploring, but Nick knew she couldn’t want it nearly as much as he did.

  Damn it! Now what? He’d started this perverted game and it had backfired. Why wasn’t she clawing his eyes out or grabbing him by the balls until he let her go? Why didn’t she scream and yell?

  Because she couldn’t deny this instant attraction either. An attraction he’d hoped had only been one-sided.


  The plea drifted from her lips. Only moments ago her voice had been filled with rage, now it sounded almost…willing.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  With all the gentleness he could afford, Nick positioned her towel and eased her off his lap. He came to his feet and stepped off to the side. Distance had to become his new best friend.

  From the corner of his eye he could see the hurt and confusion on her face as he stalked to the window—not an easy feat with constricted jeans. Even though he kept his back to her, her uneven breathing echoed in the silent room.

  Nick rubbed his fingers against the side of his jeans trying to rid himself of the tingling. Would he ever get that sensation out of his mind? The feel of her off his fingertips? They’d touched for maybe a total of sixty seconds, yet he knew he would feel her for a long time to come.

  He had to call Grady. Someone else had to take over, because if his hormones got any more out of control, they could both be in more danger then either bargained for—not just from the unknown perpetrator, but from each other.

  “Get out.”

  Nick cringed at the raspy, yet wounded tone of her voice. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Like hell you aren’t,” Eve declared. “After that little stunt, you think you’re worthy of the check someone’s giving you to protect me? So far the only person I’ve seen that I need protection from is you.”

  How could he argue with the truth? Even Nick had no idea who or what threatened Eve, but it was damn well time he found out.

  When he turned to face her, any passion that had filled her eyes seconds ago had long since gone. Good, her distance would make his job easier until he could get someone else here.

  “I think for the time being, until I know more, you should call off from the club,” Nick said, trying to get this unbelievable situation under control.

  Eve laughed, brushing strands of now-dried crimson curls over her shoulder. “I’m pretty sure I won’t be taking any orders from you. You jerked me from my dressing table, I almost got shot, I have no idea who you are or what you really want. You broke into my home and all but felt me up. What would you do if you were me?”

  Since her anger seemed to be accelerating, for very valid reasons, Nick took a step back. “Look, it took me a long time to find you. I’m here for your protection. I don’t think you know how dangerous that club can be.”

  “I don’t know how dangerous you can be,” she countered. “I don’t even know your damn name.”

  Nick held his hands up in defense. “My name is Nick Shaffer. As I said before, a mutual friend sent me but I can’t say who. He said you were a loner and wouldn’t like me hanging around.”

  “Well, that part’s right,” she muttered.

  “I just want to make sure you’re okay while you’re working at the club. It can get a little hairy down there sometimes. I figure you can’t have too much protection.”

  Eve crossed her arms over the towel as she eyed him with suspicion. Nick swallowed hard at the innocent gesture that pushed her breasts up, all but spilling over the top of the terrycloth. Her creamy skin still had a pink tint, indicating her water had been too hot.

  As far as information went, he couldn’t offer very much because he hardly had any facts himself. He knew she wanted answers; so did he, but he had to trust Grady. The head of the FBI wouldn’t ask this of him if Eve weren’t in real, immediate danger.

  Eve let out a laugh. “What are you? A bodyguard?”

  “If that’s what you want to call it. I just don’t want you to be worried.”

  “Why would I be?”

  Nick sank back against the soft leather. “You see, that’s what I’ve been trying to figure out. You didn’t scream when the shots started. You didn’t even look scared. And you don’t seem too concerned that a total stranger has been in your home for a half hour now. Want to tell me why you’re so laid back?”

  The change came immediately. Eve’s eyes darkened, her shoulders straightened, lips thinned. “My father was a cop. I got used to violence and I learned how to take care of myself at an early age. It takes quite a bit to scare me.”

  Nick nearly shuddered at the tone of her voice and the way she spoke of her father in past tense. He didn’t push anymore; he didn’t care. Grady could have someone else to replace him within twenty-four hours. Hopefully.

  “Tell this friend of ours,” she went on, “that I do not need a bodyguard. I knew the consequences when I took the job at The Excalibur. I’m still fairly new to this town, but I know where I work is in a bad area. Drugs exchange hands in the club nearly every night. All the other girls warned me about who to steer clear of and who will pay top dollar for a lap dance. So thanks for the help, but the only danger I’m in is having my ass squeezed too tight.”

  Eve sighed. “I have no idea why I just shared all that with you. Must be all the excitement of the evening that has my mind scrambled.”

  Could this woman be for real? If she wanted to think the gunshots had to do with drugs, then so be it. She didn’t need to know that club was a front for something much more sinister than stripping.

  But he knew, all too well. He’d been to that club once before. Memories of that night forced their way back into his head. Nick steeled himself against the guilt and focused on Eve.

  “I’ll pass your message along to our friend, but I doubt he’ll back down. He seemed awfully concerned about you.” Nick made his way to the door. “If it’s any consolation, I’m not too thrilled about this either. I don’t like to baby-sit.”

  “That’s good then, since I’m too old for a baby-sitter.”

  “Well, that may be, but I’ll be calling my friend to see if he can put someone else on this job. I don’t think we’re very compatible.”

  Eve rolled her eyes. “Gee, you think?”

  “If I can’t get someone by tomorrow night, I’ll be at the club myself.”

  “How did you know when I work again?”

  With his hand on the doorknob, his tone became dead serious. “I know all I need to know about you at the moment.”

  “I have one more question.” When Nick cocked his head to the side, she stepped forward. “Are you a cop?”


  Eve drew her brows together as if she didn’t believe him. “You smell like a cop.”

  Nick leaned forward, took a whiff inches from her neck and stepped back. “You smell like trouble.”

  He shut the door behind him. Eve went over and flicked the deadbolt as she rested her forehead against the door, her heart still pounding from Nick’s nearness.

  Who was this Nick Shaffer? She’d seen the cockiness in his face, heard the arrogance in his voice. Maybe he was nothing
to worry about, just a typical man with an over-inflated ego. A quick run of his name through the database would tell her everything she needed to know.

  Well, she couldn’t run his name, but she could have someone at the Bureau run him. Thanks to her suspension, her freedom was somewhat limited—okay, very limited, but maybe Grady would do it for her. Granted he had been the one who’d suspended her, but he’d only done it for her own good. She couldn’t fault him; had she been in his shoes, she’d have done the same.

  Eve pushed away from the door, pulled her towel off and strode naked back down the short hallway to her room. She had to remain in control of this situation, no matter how this Nick character affected her. Good looks and a cocky personality were nothing she hadn’t dealt with before. God knew in her line of work, she’d been surrounded by Alpha males each and every day.

  But who had put a bodyguard on her? If Nick was telling the truth, who could this “mutual friend” be? No one knew about her stripping at The Excalibur. Hell, no one knew she was in South Carolina, for that matter. She hadn’t opened a checking account in her name or used a credit card. Everything she bought had been from the cash she received from the club.

  Including her weekly “paycheck”, which was just more under-the-table cash. God, if she weren’t undercover she could have that place busted for countless crimes. Fortunately, she’d made up her last name when she’d hired in. Knowing the shady business didn’t actually run background checks, she figured she’d be safe.

  Eve hung her towel in the bathroom right next to the silky robe she’d worn home from the club. Without bothering with pajamas, she slipped beneath the crisp, cool sheets and pulled them up to her waist. The full moon beamed straight into her bedroom window, casting a pale glow about the room. She watched the blades of the white ceiling fan spin against the darkened ceiling until her eyes went crossed.

  As the cool air slid over her bare skin, she wondered how she could finish her job and get Nick out of the picture. She couldn’t risk someone blowing her cover. She’d come too far, sacrificed too much to be discovered now.


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