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Steel (Devil's Fury MC 5)

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by Harley Wylde

  Steel (Devil’s Fury MC 5)

  Harley Wylde

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2020 Harley Wylde

  BIN: 009424-03053

  Formats Available:

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  Changeling Press LLC

  315 N. Centre St.

  Martinsburg, WV 25404

  Editor: Crystal Esau

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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  Table of Contents

  Steel (Devil’s Fury MC 5)


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  Dedication and Acknowledgments

  Harley Wylde

  Steel (Devil’s Fury MC 5)

  Harley Wylde

  Rachel -- Getting pregnant in high school hasn’t exactly made my life easy, especially since my daughter’s father wants nothing to do with us and his parents hate us. Starting over in a new town sounded easy enough, but finding work and a place to stay isn’t so simple in Blackwood Falls. I never counted on a knight in shining armor coming to my rescue, or that he’d be riding a Harley. There’s something about the sexy silver fox that makes me feel safe. Steel might be some big, tough biker, but anyone who rescues a pug and names her Victoria can’t be all bad, right? I only hope I’m not falling for the wrong guy yet again. My heart can’t handle it, and neither can my daughter’s.

  Steel -- I may have seen a lot of sh*t in my time, and done things that would give most people nightmares, but I’m admittedly a softie when it comes to kids and animals. Little Coral might have enchanted me at first, but her mom is the one I can’t get off my mind. I can tell she’s running from something, and I’ll find out what one way or another. She thinks she’s all alone, but she’s wrong. She has me -- because I always go after what I want and I’m going to make her mine. Doesn’t matter I’m more than two decades older than her. I pity anyone who stands in my way or dares to harm any of my girls -- I won’t hesitate to put the bastards six feet under.



  It was a Friday night and I should have been at the clubhouse. Except it was getting a bit old. Or maybe I was. The club pussy had been fun, but the past year or two, I’d not seen the appeal. Besides, those bitches could be downright evil at times. I didn’t need drama in my life, especially of the catty female variety. At my age, it was doubtful I’d ever claim a woman, but the more of my brothers I watched fall, the more hope I had maybe someone was out there for me. Hell, if a woman could take on both Dagger and Guardian together, then surely someone could put up with my cranky ass.

  I could admit it. At fifty-five, I was set in my ways. I’d spent over a decade in the military, first Air Force, then the Army, and I liked everything done a certain way. I might not have any say over how the club ran, but when it came to my house, I liked everything in its place. There was also the issue of me needing to be in control more than most women liked. I’d dated, but it never went anywhere. After getting called a controlling asshole one too many times, I’d given up on finding a forever kind of woman, and settled for getting off with the club whores when the need arose.

  So now my brothers, those who weren’t at home with their families, were having a grand time at the clubhouse and I was out walking the streets of Blackwood Falls. The town was quiet most of the time, but we had our share of trouble. There were bad elements no matter where you lived, and this sleepy little town was no different. Hell, Badger had done time for killing a man he’d caught raping a young girl. In fact, it had happened in an alley not too far from my current location. Then we’d found out about the human trafficking ring -- one run by men at town hall -- when Meiling had shown up at the clubhouse.

  I was starting to think there was nowhere safe anymore. Murderers, rapists, pedophiles… they lurked in the shadows of even the most respectable places. Fuck, how many times did the news report teachers preying on their students? Or police officers who were rotten to the core? I’d once believed everyone had the ability to be good and some chose to be evil. After all I’d seen and done over the past four decades, I’d learned it wasn’t the case. No, some people were just born without a soul, with a darkness so deep there wasn’t even a hint of light anywhere inside them.

  A sound caught my attention, and I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, straining my ears. There. A soft whimper, but it sounded more like an animal than a human. I hunted for the location and entered a dark narrow alley between two buildings. I heard a thud and the hair on my nape prickled. I pulled the knife I kept at my waist. The blade wasn’t exactly legal, but it wasn’t like I gave a shit.

  As my eyes adjusted, I saw a young punk draw his foot back and the thud echoing off the brick walls had me growling. The little fucker was literally kicking a puppy, or at least a small dog. I approached, knowing it was time someone taught this kid a lesson. He’d obviously never learned right from wrong, and I was happy to have the honor of correcting his behavior.

  “What the hell did the dog ever do to you?” I asked.

  The dick jerked his head my way, clearly not having heard me before now. “It’s none of your business. Move on, old man.”

  Old man? I narrowed my eyes and moved in closer. I’d show this little shit just how this old man could kick his ass. “Move away from the dog.”

  The jackass kicked it again, and something in me snapped. It was like a red haze settled over my vision as I launched myself at him. The blade in my hand sank into his side, and I gave it a little twist before yanking it out. He stumbled away from me, and I went after him again, landing a blow across his jaw and another to his temple, knocking him out cold. It would serve the little shit right if he bled out. I’d made sure the wound wouldn’t heal easily, if at all.

  The whimpers from the dog drew my attention. I cleaned my knife off on the punk’s clothes, then sheathed it before easing closer to the little dog. I could now see it was a pug, or at least a pug mix. Inky black fur made it damn near impossible to see in the darkness, but its large eyes were hard to miss.

  “I won’t hurt you,” I murmured, hunkering down and holding out my hand. It struggled to stand and fell back to the gr
ound, telling me it might be too far gone to save, but I was going to fucking try anyway. I moved in closer and slowly reached out my hand again. The dog gave me a tentative lick, and I gently lifted it, holding it against my chest. “Let’s get you to the vet.”

  I’d ridden my bike, and there was no damn way I was going to carry this dog on there, so I walked the six blocks to the vet’s office. Even though they were closed, I knew they kept someone on staff at night for emergencies. This wasn’t the first animal I’d tried to save, and it wouldn’t be the last. I rang the bell and waited, hoping the little bundle of fur in my arms was a fighter.

  The young vet opened the door and frowned when he saw the dog. “What happened?”

  “Caught some idiot kicking this dog. It doesn’t seem to be able to stand so I thought I’d bring it in to get checked out.” I stepped inside and walked past him, then down the hall to the only room with a light on. I eased the dog onto the metal table and stroked its fur. “Don’t care what it costs. Just help the little thing.”

  “Are you keeping this one, Steel?” Dr. Morgan asked.

  “Maybe. Let’s see if she pulls through first. I don’t know what kind of damage the kid did before I found the punk.”

  “Should I be worried about the condition he’s in now?” Dr. Morgan asked.

  I arched an eyebrow and stared at him. “You really give a shit?”

  “Nope. I figured it was my civic duty to attempt to care, but anyone who hurts an innocent creature like this one deserves whatever you did to them.”

  It was one of the things I liked about the vet. Being the youngest at this particular clinic, he was always here at night when I needed emergency care for some wounded beast or other, and we seemed to agree on how animal abusers should be handled. The other vets were bleeding hearts who would be horrified I’d stabbed the kid and left him for dead. But Dr. Morgan wasn’t just anyone.

  As a kid, he’d been on the receiving end of abuse often enough he could sympathize with this animal more than most. I’d tried to keep an eye out for him when he’d been younger, and even helped him prospect for the club. He’d been patched in before he’d graduated high school, then he’d left for college on a full scholarship, only to return with a veterinary degree. Even though he was still technically a member of the Devil’s Fury, Grizzly didn’t ever call on him. I knew the Pres was hoping young Zachary would walk the straight and narrow since he had more options now.

  I couldn’t have been prouder had he been my own son.

  “How’s life treating you these days, Doolittle?” I asked, using his club name. Even as a teen, he’d had an affinity for animals.

  “Okay, I guess. The woman I was seeing left town to be with a plastic surgeon up in New York. Met him online or something. I’m sure it means she wasn’t the right one for me.”

  The kid could try to convince himself all he wanted, but I could tell by the look in his eyes it had hurt when she’d left. I knew despite all he’d accomplished, down deep, he was still the scared boy getting beat up by his father on a regular basis. We all carried some emotional or mental baggage from our pasts, but Zach hadn’t been able to let his go, especially since he’d come back to Blackwood Falls. He would have been better off staying long gone from this place, but I knew he liked having the club nearby. Griz might not ask him to handle shit for the club, but we were family, and Zach needed that as much as the rest of us.

  “The dog seems to be either full pug or at least mostly pug. Looking at her teeth and gums, as well as her eyes, I’d say she’s probably around five give or take a year or two. I’m not seeing any graying fur yet, so I don’t think she’s quite a senior. I need to do an X-ray to check her ribs, but it doesn’t feel like she has internal bleeding. I’ll know more after some tests,” Zach said.

  “You keeping her overnight?” I asked, running my hand over the dog’s head.

  “Probably for the best. I’ll see how badly she’s injured, get her treated, then put her in a kennel to get some sleep. Want me to call in the morning after I find out more?”

  “Yes. I’ll take responsibility for her. Since I have a house over at the compound, no reason she can’t come live with me as long as she pulls through. Got plenty of space for her.”

  Zach smiled. “I knew you were an old softie, at least when it comes to animals and kids.”

  I flipped him off, but he grinned bigger. I let myself out and walked back to my bike. With some luck, the little dog would pull through, and I’d need to have some supplies when she came home with me. Even if the pug didn’t make it, I wouldn’t mind adopting a dog over at the shelter. It would be nice to have some company at home.

  After I’d stayed behind in Mexico to help the kids Dagger had found, I’d realized despite the club my life was rather lonely and solitary. I didn’t have a woman or kids waiting for me, not so much as a goldfish. For the longest time, it hadn’t bothered me. Then my brothers had started to pair off.

  Badger claimed Adalia after he’d gotten out of prison. Dingo had taken one look at Meiling and decided she was his. Then there was Blades and China, even though he hadn’t officially made her his. Everyone in the club knew they were destined to be together. Outlaw had fallen for a little shy bookworm. Then Dragon had gotten the Pres’ daughter pregnant and claimed her. Hell, even Dagger and Guardian had a woman. One by one, my brothers were finding their other halves.

  I didn’t know if I’d ever find a woman who could put up with me, much less love me. I could hope she was out there. Maybe she was, but I could also spend the rest of my life alone and never find her. If the best I could do for companionship right now, other than my brothers, was a dog, then I’d make sure the little pug had everything she could ever want or need.

  I rode over to the twenty-four store and picked up a few doggie essentials, only the stuff I could fit in my saddlebags, and figured I could get the rest when I picked up the pug. She’d need a name. Something strong. If she came through this, then she was a fighter. Maybe I’d call her Victoria after the Roman goddess of victory.

  Now I just had to hope she made it.

  Chapter One


  I’d only been in Blackwood Falls a few days, but already I could see the charm of living here. At least for those who had an actual home, and a job. Both of those things were currently lacking in my life, but I was determined to make the best of things. There wasn’t a homeless shelter, not one I could find at any rate, and my money was disappearing fast. I’d found the cheapest motel in the area and rented a room, but it was eating up my funds, what little had been left after the bus fare to get this far. The only upside, other than a place to sleep at night, was the room at the motel gave me running water and I could keep a loaf of bread, peanut butter, and some jelly so there was something to eat.

  “Come on, Coral,” I said, holding my hand out to my six-year-old daughter. She was the one bright spot in my life these days. “Mommy needs to apply at a few more places today.”

  “I’ll be quiet,” she said, her voice nearly a whisper as she grasped my fingers.

  She’d never been any trouble, not even as a baby. It broke my heart her father not only didn’t want anything to do with her, but her grandparents had made it their life’s mission to cause problems for us. They hated me, and I wondered if they didn’t hate their grandchild too. In exchange for Patrick signing over his rights, I’d agreed to not receive child support from him and never to ask his family for help. Apparently, it wasn’t good enough.

  We left the motel room, and I made sure the door locked behind me, then we headed down the main strip toward the restaurants and businesses. I wasn’t entirely certain what I’d do with Coral while I worked. School was out for summer break for at least another few weeks. I’d hoped the money would last until the middle of August, give me time with Coral and set up a job to start after she started first grade, but I hadn’t been lucky enough.

  I’d checked the local diner when we’d first arrived in town, and
there hadn’t been any openings. The manager had been busy at the time and wouldn’t accept an application, but I hoped my luck might change today. I’d managed to graduate before Coral was born, barely, but there were still very few jobs available for someone who only had a high school diploma and no extra skills or training. I’d waited tables in our hometown, not only through high school, but I’d switched to full-time once I’d graduated. Until the restaurant had closed and I’d been left without a job.

  A bell over the door jangled as we stepped inside, the icy air conditioning was welcome against my heated skin. Coral held on tighter as she looked around. Instead of waiting to get someone’s attention, I approached the register, hoping the manager might be available this time. A young girl stood behind the counter, her hair up in a bun, and a stained uniform clinging to her like a second skin. With her curves, I was willing to bet she raked in the tips.

  “I’d like to get an application,” I said when she finally noticed me.

  “I’ll go get Rick.” She stepped away and went into the back, only to return a few minutes later with a man following behind her.

  He eyed Coral, then held out his hand to me. “Rick Gilbert. I’m afraid I’m still getting up to speed since I accepted the manager’s position a week ago. Laura said you’d like to apply for a job.”

  I nodded. “I’ve been waiting tables since high school. I’d hoped you might have an opening, or maybe would at least take my information in case something opens up.”

  His lips tipped up on one corner. “Since high school? Was that last month?”

  I straightened a little, trying to make myself bigger, knowing at slightly under five feet I wasn’t the least bit imposing. My lack of breasts never helped my cause, but everyone always assumed I was younger than my twenty-three years. “I can assure you I graduated a while ago. I’m more than qualified.”


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