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Steel (Devil's Fury MC 5)

Page 11

by Harley Wylde

  “Next time I threaten to yank off your panties and fuck you, just tell me that’s what you want,” he said.

  “Yes, Isaac.”

  He released one of my hips and worked his hand under my shirt. I felt him tugging at my bra until my breast popped out and he rolled my nipple between his fingers. I was so close, near to falling. I rode him harder. Faster. I felt nearly frantic with the need to come. Steel pinched my nipple and it sent me over the edge. I slammed myself down on his cock again, my orgasm tearing through me until I struggled to breathe. He released my nipple and held my hips, lifting me up enough that he could drive up into me. Steel fucked me, taking his pleasure as I floated on a cloud of bliss. When he came, I felt all warm and tingly.

  He remained buried inside me while I sat on his lap. He stroked my breasts, working both of them out of my bra. I leaned back against him, my head on his shoulder. If he kept playing with me, I’d come again. I couldn’t remember a time I’d ever wanted a man as badly as I wanted Steel right this moment. He could fuck me another dozen times and I wasn’t sure it would be enough. Steel released one of my nipples and he slid his hand down my belly, not stopping until his fingers brushed my clit. I whimpered and pressed my breast tighter into his other hand as he worked the little bud between my legs. It didn’t take much to make me come again.

  “Fuck. I think you’re even more responsive now than you were the first time,” he said. I’d thought we’d be finished, but Steel had other ideas. I felt his cock softening inside me, but he didn’t seem to care. He left me spread across his lap, my legs on either side of his thighs. He tugged my shirt up over my breasts and the cool air teased my hard nipples.

  “Isaac, I… I…”

  “Need more?”

  I nodded. I didn’t know how much time passed, but he pulled another two orgasms from me, and if I hadn’t heard the thump of Coral’s feet as she got out of her bed, I’d have begged him to keep going. I didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me! It was like I’d become a nympho overnight. I just wanted him to make me come again and again. To stay in bed, naked, and let him play with me. I wanted to suck his cock again, feel him inside me. I shivered as I stood, his release running down my thighs. I quickly yanked my panties and pants on and hurried from the room to freshen up before I faced Coral. I heard Steel chuckling as I raced out of the room.

  Good thing one of us was amused by nearly getting caught by our six-year-old. I went into the master bathroom and splashed water on my face. I smoothed my hair, fixed my bra, then used one of the baby wipes I’d stashed for emergency cleanups to wipe the cum off my pussy. By the time I’d finished, I felt a little less like a wanton slut and more like… Well, I didn’t know what.

  I followed the sound of voices and smiled when I saw Steel giving Coral a glass of juice at the kitchen table. His phone started ringing and he answered, cutting his gaze to me and Coral twice before he murmured something to whoever was on the phone and hung up. I didn’t know what the hell that was about, but he’d tell me if I needed to know. Otherwise, I’d assume it was club business, like Zoe had said before. Something apparently the women weren’t allowed to know about.

  Coral finished her drink, then went outside with Victoria. I peered into the fridge to get an idea of what I’d make for dinner, then I felt Steel’s hands on my hips. I looked over my shoulder, a smile curving my lips. It was nice that he couldn’t keep his hands off me. Made me feel desirable. I’d been “Coral’s mom” for the last six years and not felt like a sexy woman. Until Steel. Once I’d gotten over my reservations that he was up to something nefarious, it had been easy to fall for him.

  Not that I was going to tell the man I was falling in love with him. We’d known each other less than a month. It was insane to even think I loved him, but somehow he’d gotten past my defenses and wormed his way into my heart. I didn’t know if he’d even been trying to accomplish that or not, but he had.

  “That was Zoe,” he said. “Luis woke from his nap and has been chattering away about Coral. They wanted to know if she can spend the night sometime.”

  I’d never let Coral stay anywhere away from home before. In fact, she’d had few friends growing up. I knew she’d be inside the compound still, and since Zoe had two husbands there was no doubt she’d be well-protected. “When?”

  “Whenever you say it’s okay,” he said. Steel rubbed his beard against my neck. “Much as I love that little girl, might be nice to have a night to ourselves.”

  “Can we hold off a little longer? See if the Mulligans are done? If they’re still after her, then I’d feel better if she was here with me.” I turned to face him. “Is that all right?”

  Steel pressed a kiss against my forehead. “More than okay. Just waiting on some intel to come through, and then I’ll handle those fuckers before they have a chance to hurt you. No one is taking Coral, Rachel. I won’t let them.”

  I believed him. Or at least, I believed he’d do everything in his power to protect us. But Patrick and his family were ruthless, and I knew they’d stop at nothing to get what they wanted. If they didn’t balk at killing me, I knew they wouldn’t care about ending other lives. I worried for Steel. He might have been in the military, and seemed competent enough, but if they did anything to hurt him or take him from me, it would gut me.

  “Promise you’ll be careful,” I said.

  “Promise, beautiful.” He kissed me softly. “I’ll go check on our girl while you figure out dinner. While I’m out there, I’ll let Zoe know you’ll get with her later about a sleepover.”

  He swatted my ass, then walked out, leaving me with troubled thoughts about the Mulligans and how they could be stopped. Preferably before it was too late.

  Chapter Ten


  I stared at the message on my phone as Coral played with Victoria. Every muscle in my body tightened, and anger made my blood run hot. The picture on the display was of Coral, Luis, and Victoria. It was clearly taken earlier today. And it meant the Mulligans had someone watching the place. They knew where my daughter was, and were likely trying to find a way to get to her. As much as I hated to keep Coral on lockdown, there was no way I’d let her leave the compound.

  Rachel, on the other hand… She seemed to like earning her own money, and I’d feel like an ass if I made her stay home. I knew those fuckers wouldn’t hesitate to use her to get what they wanted. As much as I didn’t want to scare her, she needed to see this, to understand they’d found her. If I kept her in the dark, she might not be as cautious as she needed to be.

  “Coral, time to bring Victoria inside,” I called out.

  “Yes, Daddy!” She ran for me, the little pug on her heels. They scampered by and ran into the house. I scanned the area, wondering if whoever sent the picture was watching even now. I hoped they knew I’d find them, and I’d end them. No one was going to threaten my family and live to talk about it.

  I went inside and pulled Rachel into a corner away from Coral. I showed her the display and she gasped, her hand flying to her mouth, her eyes wide as she stared at the image in terror. Her gaze lifted to mine and I pulled her closer.

  “I won’t let them get our girl, Rachel. But I need you to be careful. If you insist on working at the diner, you can’t trust anyone who isn’t a coworker or part of this club.”

  “Isaac, what are we going to do?” she asked.

  “I’m going to see Outlaw. I’ll let him use my phone to try and track where the image came from. It was likely a burner, but maybe the dipshit used his actual phone to send it. Don’t hold dinner for me, and don’t wait up. I might be late.” I pressed a kiss to her cheek and headed out. I started to call Henry to see if he could watch over them, but as long as they didn’t leave the compound I didn’t think anyone could get to them. Not after Griz bulked up our security.

  Outlaw lived on the other side of the compound, but the ride over gave me time to clear my head. As much as I wanted to charge after whoever was coming for my family, I knew it
wasn’t the smart thing to do. I needed a level head, a clear mind, and a plan. Right now, I was running on rage.

  I parked in his driveway and walked up to the door. Elena opened it with a smile on her face. I leaned in to give her a hug, then entered the house. Outlaw was on the living room floor, with his daughter, Valeria. She was less than a year old, but cute as a button. Whatever play mat she was on seemed to fascinate her. It crinkled when she grabbed one corner, making her squeal.

  Outlaw saw me lurking and got up. “If you’re here without calling first, something must have happened.”

  I showed him my phone. His face flushed with anger and he marched down the hall. I followed him to the room hidden behind his closet, where he kept his equipment. There was a thick file sitting on the desk marked “Mulligans” and he handed it to me.

  “Patrick Mulligan is their only son. When did Rachel say the accidents started? When she first thought something was wrong?” Outlaw asked.

  “She didn’t say exactly, or if she did I was so pissed I didn’t retain the info, but I gathered it’s only been in the past year or two. Could have been less. The kid is six, but he’s had no part in her life from the beginning. Why? What’s the timing have to do with anything?”

  Outlaw took the file from me and flipped through the papers until he found what he wanted. He handed it back and I scanned the document, my eyebrows rising with each word. Holy shit.

  “So, he can’t have kids after an ‘unfortunate accident’ which means he suddenly wants Coral? Or his parents do?” I asked.

  “I think it’s the parents. To an extent. Flip a few more pages,” Outlaw said.

  I kept turning them until I saw it. An engagement announcement between Patrick Mulligan and Maureen O’Shay. Her name wasn’t familiar to me, but I knew Outlaw had a reason for showing me this. I turned another page and realized she wasn’t just related to the Irish mob, she was the kingpin’s niece. Fuck. My. Life.

  “He needs Coral because he can’t have kids,” Outlaw said. “I’m betting the fiancée is pissed and doesn’t want to adopt, or Coral has already been promised to someone in marriage at a later date.”

  “You couldn’t find out?” I asked.

  “No. But it’s not the Mulligans or O’Shays who took that picture today. I have confirmation the lot of them are in New York for some big gala. Which means they sent hired muscle. It could be anyone.”

  I nodded to my phone, which he’d set down by his computer. “Keep that for a bit and see if you can trace the photo.”

  He shook his head. “See how grainy it is? It’s clear enough to see who’s in the photo, but the quality is shit. Cheap burner. I’ll let Grizzly know we have a problem and need that extra security. And for fuck’s sake, keep Coral inside the gates. Hell, don’t even let her near the fence line.”

  I stared him down until I saw the slightest flinch. “I wasn’t born yesterday. I know how to fucking take care of my family.”

  He held up his hands and I knew the matter was closed for now. I took the file with me, wanting to study it in more detail. I had no doubt Outlaw had copies of everything he’d given me. Possibly several. I shoved it into my saddlebags, but instead of going straight home, I stopped by the clubhouse. Other than walking through to head to Church, I hadn’t spent much time there since bringing Rachel and Coral home with me. But right now, I needed a moment to think, and a cold beer.

  I parked my bike out front and carried the file inside with me. Henry was working the bar and slid an ice-cold beer down to me. I sipped at the brew while I went through the papers, paying closer attention than the quick perusal I’d done at Outlaw’s place. Whatever he’d found, I wanted to know every single detail. Needed to memorize the damn pages so I’d be prepared for whatever was coming.

  The smell of cheap perfume hit me first, then I felt nails run down my bicep. I didn’t even look. Only one woman would dare touch me without an invitation. The bitch was on my last nerve, but I knew my brothers liked her well enough. Or rather, they enjoyed the fact she’d let them fuck her any way they wanted and scream for more. Honestly, the only time I’d ever fucked her, her cries had seemed fake as hell. I hadn’t gone back for seconds, and regretted the fact I’d put my dick in her to begin with.

  “Go the fuck away,” I said as I flipped another page in the file.

  “Come on, Steel. You know I can make you feel good.”

  I held up my left hand, ring finger and middle finger sticking up so she’d see the wedding band I’d bought, then lowered it so only the middle one remained upright. Her grip tightened, her nails biting into me harder. Should have known she’d see it as a challenge. But Dingo, Outlaw, Dragon, Dagger, and Guardian should have all proven to these sluts by now that once a Devil married or claimed a woman, that was it. He wasn’t putting his dick anywhere else. The lot of us might be womanizing assholes, but not after the right woman came along.

  She moved in closer, her breasts pushing against me. I had no doubt if I turned my head, I’d get a face full of barely contained cleavage. When she grabbed my junk, I reached down and squeezed her wrist, prying her loose. This time, she got my full attention.

  “Don’t. Touch. Me.” I squeezed her wrist harder until she cried out and went to her knees. Normally, I’d be the first in line to make sure no one hurt a woman, but some of these bitches had to learn this the hard way.

  Sunlight poured through the doors as they opened, and I heard a gasp that made me glance that way. Rachel stood just inside the doorway, her eyes wide as she took in the club whore at my feet. Her gaze flicked to mine and whatever she saw must have told her enough. She came closer and tipped her head to the side as she stared the woman down.

  “I feel sorry for you,” Rachel said.

  The slut sneered. “For me? You’re the one who looks like a damn kindergarten teacher. I bet you can’t make a man like Steel come.”

  Rachel’s eyebrows rose into her hairline. A slight blush tinged her cheeks, but my wife didn’t cower. She held her shoulders back and looked down her nose at the bitch. “Well, apparently he likes a more wholesome look because I can assure you I can and do make him come. More than once a day. But I feel sorry for you because it must take an incredibly insecure woman to try getting into a married man’s pants, especially after he’s made it clear he doesn’t want you.”

  I released Lanie and turned fully toward Rachel, reaching out for her. “Why are you here?”

  She swallowed hard and her hands started to shake. Her lip trembled and she looked like she was seconds from breaking. Her eyes misted with tears. “Coral took Victoria out back, except… they aren’t there.”

  I shot to my feet. “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “They were only out about ten minutes. She worried Victoria would have an accident and might need to pee. When I went to call them inside, they were gone. The back gate stood open and they’re just… not there. I called and called. Nothing.” She leaned into me. It was if she couldn’t hold herself upright any longer. “What if the Mulligans have our daughter?”

  I ran my hand down her back and hoped she couldn’t feel my heart thundering in my chest. “We’ll find her.”

  Only a handful of brothers and Prospects were in the clubhouse at this time of day, but I knew I’d need each and every one of them. I released Rachel and got up on the bar top.

  “Brothers, I need a search and rescue. Coral and Victoria disappeared from the backyard and wouldn’t return when Rachel called for them. I need every hand on deck. Scour every damn inch of this fucking place.” I looked over at Henry. “Call Outlaw. Tell him to pull the security footage for the compound. All of it.”

  I got down and took Rachel in my arms. “We’ll find them.”

  She nodded and clung to me. “I’m so sorry. I should have gone out with them, but dinner was nearly done and I didn’t want it to burn. I thought she’d be safe as long as we didn’t go outside the gates.”

  “Not your fault, beautiful.”

p; Wolf and Hot Shot came over, and I saw the others following. As much as I wanted to hold Rachel and assure her Coral would be fine, right now we needed to find our daughter. I wasn’t going to take my bike. With Victoria and Coral both missing, I’d need one of the club trucks or SUVs. And I really needed to get Rachel a fucking car.

  “Come on, wife. You’re with me.” I turned to look at Henry and he handed over a set of keys, not even needing to be asked. I grabbed them and led Rachel outside. Once I had her in the truck, I pulled away from the clubhouse and headed for our home. If she hadn’t run across Coral on her way here, it was doubtful they’d come this way. I passed our house and kept going, but slowed to a crawl.

  Rachel rolled down her window to call for Coral.

  My phone lit up with Demon’s name. I answered, putting the call on speaker. “I have Rachel right here with me.”

  “Good to know. I’ll watch my mouth,” the Sergeant-at-Arms said. “I’m at your place. Found a few footprints and paw prints. Looks like she wandered out the gate and walked toward the outer fence. I’m going to search around here and see what I can find. If I can get a fix on the direction she’s heading, I’ll call back. Got Prospects on foot and the club is on their bikes except a few who took the other vehicles at the clubhouse. We’ll find her, Steel.”

  I heard a little sob escape Rachel and reached over to take her hand. She squeezed my fingers. After I disconnected the call, I pulled over to the side of the road. I hooked an arm around Rachel’s waist and dragged her onto my lap. Her arms went around my neck, and she sniffled as the tears fell.

  “Pretty girl, none of this is your fault. You hear me? Maybe they were chasing a squirrel or something. We don’t know why they left the yard, but the club is searching for them. I need you to stop blaming yourself.”

  “But if I’d just gone out with them --” I placed a finger over her lips, silencing her. Then decided to kiss her instead. It was soft and slow. Soon, she melted against me. Even if she’d gone out back with Coral and Victoria, she couldn’t have kept an eye on both every second.


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