Book Read Free

Idol Urges

Page 4

by Ruby Bassett

  Did she just agree to a date?

  The satisfied expression on Franco’s face indicated that she had.

  Chapter Four

  “Are you sure you still want to be my lab partner?” Wendy asked.

  One Monday afternoon every month, Wendy had to take off work to attend the chemistry lab. She and Gloria shared a pizza before heading over to identify an unknown compound through a series of impossible-to-comprehend experiments.

  “Who else would I want to be partners with?” Gloria asked. “Besides, it was only the ends of my hair that got singed, and I needed a trim anyway.”

  Wendy rolled her eyes. “I forgot to tell you, Franco stopped by my house this weekend.”

  “No surprise there. He’s looking for a repeat performance. Did you oblige him?” With dramatic gusto, Gloria took a huge bite of pizza.

  Wendy rolled her eyes on an even wider arc. “Gloria, my mom was there. She was the one who invited him in. He cooked for us and asked me out.”

  “I can’t believe the nerve of that guy. Coming to visit you, being nice to your mom, cooking for you and asking you out. What kind of woman does he think you are?” Gloria shook her head with mock disdain. “Really, Wendy. I could see dumping the dentist, he did nothing for you. But pushing Franco away without giving him a chance. And don’t feed me that line about not having time for a relationship.”

  “I’m not going to chase fantasies, never face reality, like my dad.”

  “And having a boyfriend would be living a fantasy?” Gloria’s brow furrowed in confusion.

  “I can’t explain it.” Wendy knew she shouldn’t explain it. She had obviously inherited some of her father’s hedonistic tendencies, and she had to work overtime to keep her sex drive in check. And she couldn’t bring herself to see Franco end up the way her mother had—heartbroken and alone.

  “That’s why I joined my club. It’s a place where you can just be yourself, people accept you for who you are. And there’s always someone up for having fun,” Gloria said.

  “Not interested.”

  “Just come to hang out and be yourself, unwind a bit.” Gloria said.

  Wendy shook her head.

  “Okay, at least come for a screening. Even if you’re accepted, you can still say no.”

  “You mentioned a screening before. If this is some elitist club, they’re certainly not going to let someone like me in. I’m a poor hotel maid, daughter of a single mother who was once on welfare. Can you see me in a club?”

  “It’s not about money or social status. Come on, we can probably meet Dr. Romero now.” Without waiting for an answer, Gloria pulled out her cell phone and placed a call.

  Wendy didn’t focus on Gloria’s end of the conversation. She worried about the lab she was due at in about an hour. She planned to get there early, scope out the equipment and read through the instructions. Maybe this time she wouldn’t break the pipette. She certainly didn’t have time to meet with some doctor and fill out a bunch of forms.

  “Great, we’ll come right over.” Gloria ended the call. “He says he has time now, no patients for the rest of the day. His office is just across from campus and we’ll make it back for Lab.”

  “You’re not going to take ‘no’ for an answer, are you?”

  “Nope.” Gloria removed some bills from her Gucci wallet and placed them on the table. “Lunch is on me today, for being such a good sport.” She took Wendy’s arm and marched her out of the restaurant to her car.

  They arrived at a nondescript office. The unlocked door led to a vacant reception area with the lights off. Behind the counter, Wendy could see a light on in an exam room.

  “Dr. Romero,” Gloria called.

  “Hello Gloria, be right there.”

  When Dr. Romero stepped out through the door that led to the exam rooms, Wendy’s jaw dropped. Her mother used to watch hospital soap operas and the actors on those shows were always too good looking to be doctors. Here was proof that a tall, sexy, well-muscled man with a thick head of gorgeous blond hair could be a doctor.

  “You must be Wendy,” he said extending his arm. “Come on back. This won’t take long.”

  Wendy’s power of speech vanished. She followed him back, forgetting Gloria was there.

  Dr. Romero kept up a steady stream of conversation—about the weather, did she surf, and what her plans were for after graduation. Wendy answered in monosyllables as he took her blood pressure and listened to her heart, which she was sure had stopped due to his stunning good looks.

  When he told her he was going to take a small blood sample, she finally found her voice.

  “Why do you need blood? What’s all this for?” she asked.

  “Our club is exclusive and we want to make sure everyone is in good health. We don’t want to draw attention to ourselves, and if someone gets hurt or ill it could lead to…well, liabilities.”

  “That makes sense. Anytime you have an admissions process, you open yourself up to lawsuits.” Wendy nodded and held out her arm to allow him to take her blood.

  “Now I have a questionnaire for you to complete. It’s not too long. Maybe you could go out to the waiting room and fill it out.” He handed her a clipboard with a few sheets of paper on it. “And please have Gloria come back. I have a few things I’d like to discuss with her.”

  Wendy took the clipboard, returned to the dimmed waiting room, relayed the message to Gloria, and took a seat.

  The first questions were about her health history and her family history. She scanned through them and realized she didn’t have a pen, having left her school bag in Gloria’s car. Rooting through the bottom of her purse, she pulled out the little idol. She smirked.

  Tiki idols’ faces expressed the personality of the god they were carved to represent. They were almost always depicted in a power pose, with their knees flexed and their arms curved at the sides. That old lady was crazy if she thought this was an authentic tiki. This one looked like it might be sitting in an easy chair, its legs lax and a goofy grin covered most of its face. Someone probably used sandpaper to wear it down and make it appear old.

  She threw the idol back into her bag and found a pen. When she lifted her head, she was overcome by a surge of dizziness. For the third time this week, a heat washed over her. Again the sensation surged though her body, collected between her legs, caused an ache that needed to be soothed. Was Dr. Romero really that handsome she couldn’t control herself?

  She glanced back through the receptionist’s open window and into the exam room she had just left. Gloria now sat on the exam table. Only the doctor wasn’t taking her blood pressure, not unless he could gauge her heart rate with his tongue.

  The doctor licked Gloria’s nipple. Her shirt lay crumpled to her side, and her bra hung off her arm. He stood between her legs at the edge of the table. Gloria threw her head back and a soft moan flowed from her lips.

  Wendy shouldn’t watch, but the heat that attacked her compelled her to keep her eyes glued to the action.

  Gloria reached out and undid the button and zipper on his pants. She pushed them down to reveal a taut, tanned ass.

  Wendy licked her lips. Her urges demanded to be sated. Her own hand found its way down her pants and under her panties—already damp.

  Gloria lay back on the table as Dr. Romero pulled her skirt off, leaving her naked. He stood at the side of the exam table and leaned over to use his tongue to trace a line from her neck to her belly. All the while, Gloria stroked his cock, which was even more impressive than his ass. Gloria wrapped her hand around his shaft and tugged him toward her. This time the doctor moaned, but his mouth never left her body.

  Moving further down, he began with small licks, flicking Gloria’s clit and inserting his fingers inside her. She arched her back in response, and Wendy found that she did the same. Just as when Franco had teased her with his mouth, she watched the doctor envelop every inch of Gloria’s sex.

  She didn’t remember undressing, but she discovered hersel
f naked. One of her hands rubbed her nipple to excruciating tips, with the other she put two fingers inside herself. She stood there using her finger as the doctor used his tongue on Gloria. Slow circles around her clit, a thrust inside to feel her slick walls. A brush against her swollen lips, overly sensitive to each touch.

  Gloria ground against his hand and Wendy ground her pussy against her own hand. The pressure grew, her limbs shook. Wendy got close to the edge, but held herself there, waiting.

  Dr. Romero pulled a condom on and climbed onto the exam table. He lifted Gloria’s legs so that her ankles rested on his broad shoulders and eased himself into her. Gloria’s mouth formed an O as she let out a small yelp, but soon the only sound Wendy heard was the creaking of the table and the slapping of flesh every time their bodies met. He crashed into Gloria, and Wendy’s hand quickened. She throbbed around her fingers, liquid heat seeped down her leg. She let loose a grunt with the frantic pace of her hand as she tumbled over into release.

  Wendy stood rooted to the spot, still staring into the exam room. She might have caught Dr. Romero’s eye as he climbed off the table and bent to retrieve his clothes.

  Wendy’s face flushed and she ducked her head down as she gathered her jeans and top. She tucked the incomplete forms under a chair.

  Gloria ambled back and averted her eyes as Wendy zipped her pants. Dr. Romero didn’t even come out from the back.

  Wendy would act like nothing had happened. Sheesh. She really had to do something about her increasingly horny urges. Because this type of thing could land her in trouble.

  Gloria got in the driver’s seat and Wendy slid in, still silent.

  “Nothing to be ashamed of,” Gloria finally said as she pulled out of the parking lot.

  “Yeah right,” Wendy refused to make eye contact and kept her face turned away toward the window.

  “Dr. Romero and I had a thing a while back. We met at the club,” Gloria explained as she drove back to campus. “That was just for old time’s sake.”

  Wendy snorted.

  “You’ll see. The people in the club are very easy going. I’m sure you’ll meet someone,” Gloria said. “Dr. Romero told me right before I left that he thought you’d be a perfect addition.”

  Wendy still said nothing. She had slipped and gave into her urges. For crying out loud, she got naked in a doctor’s waiting room and watched as her friend had sex, and she had…she had…. Tears burned the backs of her eyes as she kept her face turned toward the window.

  What was happening to her? What would Franco think of her now? She was becoming someone else, someone she didn’t recognize. Only, she did recognize it. The feelings, the urges, they were familiar to her, and frightened her.

  Gloria found a spot in the campus lot and they gathered their books. Wendy slammed the car door with too much force. Gloria raised her eyebrow.

  They continued in silence until they reached the laboratory door.

  “You’re going to have to talk to me. At least to warn me when you turn on the Bunsen burner,” Gloria said.

  Wendy cracked a smile. “Sorry. I’ve been stressed.”

  “I know it, pal.” She put her arm around her as they took stools next to each other at the workbench. “I’ll help you find a way to let off steam.”

  Wendy checked the clock. No time for reading through the instructions now, or reviewing the equipment.

  The research assistant who taught the lab section walked in, scanned the room, and shuddered when he spotted Wendy.

  “We’ll be working with hydrochloric acid today, so let’s all remember to wear our safety goggles. And if you have long hair, now might be a good time to put it up,” he instructed.

  Wendy sighed. “How was I supposed to know the flame went that high on the Bunsen burner?” she whispered as she and Gloria strapped on the plastic goggles.

  Wendy picked up the beaker that held the mystery compound.

  “The first step is we have to heat it up,” Gloria said.

  “To thirty degrees Centigrade,” Wendy said absently.

  “Yeah, how’d you know?” Gloria scanned the page in the textbook.

  “I just remembered.” Wendy shrugged.

  Wendy readily recalled each step of the experiment. She fitted the filter paper over the next beaker.

  “The resulting powder is a yellow precipitate, not a white crystal.” Wendy declared. “So, of course, the next logical step is to dissolve it in acid.”

  “See, all that studying does pay off.” Gloria sat back and waited for the assistant to come around and check their work.

  “I guess so.” Wendy wore a smug expression.

  The assistant rechecked their answers and gave them an A on the spot.

  Here was proof that she could do well in Chemistry. She just had to put her mind to it.


  “Did they ask you to pull a double shift, too?” Susan asked Wendy as they changed into their housekeeping uniforms.

  “Yeah. I said yes, but I don’t really have time. I have a chemistry midterm coming up.” Wendy opened her locker and needlessly shook out the polyester uniform that never wrinkled.

  “Yeah, Robert told me you were complaining about how hard that class was.”

  “What else did he say?” Wendy’s tone rose in panic.

  “He said you left in a hurry to go back and study. I said that was typical of you. He asked for your number, but I said I would have to check with you first.”

  “Don’t give him my number.” Wendy croaked.

  “Why not?”

  “He’s…he’s not right for me.”

  “Wendy, no one is right for you. Franco’s been after you for months and he’s got everything. He’s gorgeous, charming and he’s starting his own business.”

  “His own, very precarious business. Do you know how many restaurants fail in the first year?”

  “No, do you?”

  “Well, no, but plenty. With pulling double shifts and my class load, I’m done for at the end of the day.”

  “He mentioned that he’s going to be driving you to class from now on.” Susan pulled her hair back into the required ponytail.

  “Franco wishes he’s going to be driving me to class. With any luck, I’ll miss him this evening when I get off.”

  But luck wasn’t with her. Franco found her while she was on her break. Typically, she took her breaks in the alley behind the laundry, taking her books with her to get a few minutes of studying in. He snuck up on her there with her head bent over a textbook.

  “Hey, I hear you’re on a double shift tonight.” His smooth voice trickled through her ear and to her chest.

  “It’s for the best. I had to take off yesterday for school.” She reddened thinking about what she had been doing yesterday, and it wasn’t the chem lab. She would work extra hard to fight her failing control, and with Franco around that meant double the effort.

  “I’m looking forward to Saturday. I can’t wait to show you the restaurant. I thought we could go to the beach afterwards, maybe have a picnic there. I’ll make some of the dishes I’m working on for the menu.”

  “Franco, you’re a great guy. You deserve someone who can give you time. I’m too busy with school,” she whispered, part of her hoping she could take back the words.

  “You weren’t too busy the other day.” With one finger, he tucked her hair behind her ear and let it trail down her neck to her collar bone. His touch soft as a breeze but hot like flames.

  Wendy couldn’t tamp down the genuine smile from her face. “I needed to blow off some steam. I’m sorry. I guess I took advantage of you. It was wrong of me.” She stopped his hand from continuing down. “See, you should be with someone better than that.”

  “Well, I guess I’m willing to hang around until you decide to blow off steam again.” Franco laughed and the tone infected her deep inside.

  “Wendy, you’re a great person, too. You’re brilliant, hard working, and beautiful. And, when you allow yourself, you have
fun and you have a great smile.”

  Wendy blushed again and her hands shook. She wanted to keep ahold of his hand longer. But with the way she acted lately, she didn’t dare go down that road. So she released it.

  “Thanks, Franco.” Her throat tightened. “I’ve got to get back to work.”

  “I’ll see you Saturday,” he said.

  “Okay, see you then.”

  She dragged herself home that night and flopped on her bed. Studying lay ahead of her, although she could feel herself almost give way to sleep. Pulling herself upright, she unpacked her school things. Chemistry midterm on Thursday, and papers for Political Science and English Composition due Friday.

  She pushed away her guilt about how she had used Franco, how she had used Robert. And she certainly tried to suppress the memory of what happened in the doctor’s office. Focus on classes, focus on studying, keep the goals in the forefront of your mind.

  She pulled out her textbooks, but she couldn’t find her flash drive that had the rough drafts of her papers. She opened her desk drawers.

  But the images of the past few days brought some pleasure. Her orgasms had never wracked her body like that before. Certainly not when she was with Jeremy. Maybe some casual sex is just what she needed. She cursed herself for thinking like that and continued to take out the things she needed to study.

  That was her father’s DNA inside her, driving her to seek pleasure and ignore what was important. Where the heck was her flash drive?

  She dumped everything from her purse onto her bed, and the grinning tiki fell out. She had been so busy over the last few days, she kept forgetting to throw the thing away.

  She plucked up the tiki to examine it again. Running her finger across the dull gray stone, she could just make out where the eyes had once been carved. Although made of stone, it emitted warmth. What kind of rock would retain heat for so long? Maybe if she paid attention in chemistry she’d know.

  The warmth spread through her hand and up her arm and infused her body. She dropped the idol. That dizzy sensation crashed over her and she collapsed on her bed. Her temperature rose and she needed to shed her clothing. But even taking her clothes off wouldn’t satisfy the needs that grew. Needs that could only be met by a man. Preferably a big man, with a huge dick and nimble fingers.


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