Gregor's Reason: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 3

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Gregor's Reason: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 3 Page 4

by Helen Bright

  “We also drink blood, Chloe. But our need for it lessens greatly with time. I only need to drink blood maybe three times a week. More if I need to heal or if I am very tired or under stress.”

  “I’ve seen you go out in the daylight too, so vampires burning in the sun is a myth I suppose.”

  “No, that’s not a myth for made vampires, and even born immortals tend to tire more easily in strong sunlight.”

  “What’s a made vampire?”

  “A made vampire is a normal human that has been drained to the point of death or is already dying; that’s then fed the blood of an immortal. A made vampire will hunger for blood more than a born immortal, and it can take months or even years to control that craving. A made immortal cannot tolerate daylight like a born immortal, and it would take centuries before they could safely go out in sunlight without burning from the inside out.”

  “So you and everyone else you mentioned is a born immortal because you can all go out in the sun.”

  “Josh is a made vampire, or made immortal, if I am being politically correct. But he was turned over two hundred and seventy years ago, so can tolerate a few hours of sunlight, although I imagine he must tire extremely easily.”

  “You said earlier, ‘and now Keeley.' Does that mean she changed quite recently?”

  “I’m afraid that will have to be Keeley’s story to tell, my inquisitive little flower girl,” I said as I kissed her on the tip of her nose. To my great relief, she didn’t pull away from me, and I was happy to know that she didn’t fear my kiss.

  “You said that I didn’t have to worry about diseases when I mentioned protection. But what about getting pregnant. I mean Julia has just had a baby, and you told me that an immortal male can get a human female pregnant. Gregor, I’m not on the pill, so should I be worried?”

  “No. The immortal male and human female have to be bonded by blood for that to happen. To do that the couple would need to drink blood from each other at the same time, which normally happens during sex. When an immortal feeds from someone during a sexual act, the feelings increase tenfold and will induce an immediate and powerful orgasm.” I noticed Chloe’s eyes widen at this statement. I carried on explaining the bonding process.

  “When a couple take each other’s blood at the same time during sex, they become bonded to the other for eternity; as long as the human keeps taking small amounts of the immortal’s blood, that is. In fact, if a human regularly takes a small amount of immortal blood, they will never age or get ill. And our blood can heal most things, although there are some disease’s that cannot be cured, even with our immortal blood.”

  “So Alex and Julia will be together for eternity?” She asked.

  I nodded and smiled, remembering their wedding day as I stood as best man at the alter with Alex.

  “Did you know that both their rings have the inscription, ‘My Love Forever’ on them?” I asked.

  “Yes. Julia told me the story of how they had both asked Alex’s sister to help with the rings, and they ended up surprising each other with the same inscription. But now I know that forever means just that, the sentiment seems more heartfelt and true.”

  I watched Chloe’s eyes glisten at that statement, as tears appeared, but didn’t fall. So my flower girl was romantic at heart!

  I remembered then the gift that I had bought for her, and I leaned back to switch on a table lamp and grab the blue velvet box I had placed beside it before she arrived.

  As soon as the light came on Chloe tried to cover herself up by placing an arm across her chest and one over her abdomen.

  “What are you doing Chloe?” I asked while using my free hand to uncover her breasts.

  “I’m not comfortable being naked with the light on,” she replied, once again reaching over to grab her clothing. “I would feel more comfortable wearing something just now.” I could hear what sounded like panic in her voice.

  “Well I’m hoping you will wear this gift I brought you, that is if you like it.”

  I held out the gift box so she would have to uncover herself to grasp it. After a few seconds hesitation, she took the box from my hand and opened it. The gold stood out against the deep blue silk it was cushioned against, and the various coloured gems that were set like flowers sparkled as they caught the light.

  Chloe was silent as she tilted the box one way, and then the other; either admiring the bracelet, or trying to find something she liked about it. I couldn’t quite tell what she thought, and that just didn’t sit well with me. Gregor Antonov always bought the very best, from the very best; and to my knowledge all my gifts had always been appreciated.

  “Do you not like the bracelet, Chloe?” I asked with trepidation.

  “Gregor it's beautiful, thank you. But it must have been so expensive. I mean…. Are these real gems?”

  “Of course. These are emeralds, and these are pink sapphires. Then here we have yellow diamonds, and this one is blue sapphire, followed by rubies.” I looked up at her face, trying my best to judge what the problem was.

  “Why did you buy it for me, Gregor? What made you spend so much money on someone who, until tonight, you had only had a platonic friendship with?” She held my gaze as she asked this question, trying to figure out if I had an ulterior motive. But anyone who knew me would tell you, I had not.

  “Chloe, I am a very wealthy man, and the cost of this item is nothing to me. I like to spoil the people I care for. I do it often and offer no apology for it. It is something you will need to get used to, as I plan to shower you with gifts whenever I get the chance. So are you going to put it on, or just keep it in the box? Either way, the bracelet is yours,” I informed her gruffly. But I watched as she took it out of the box gently, and was secretly thrilled to hear the near silent gasp as she placed the pretty item over her wrist.

  I helped her fasten it, then kissed the inside of her wrist before turning it over and admiring how the bracelet looked against her lightly tanned, yet freckled skin.

  Before I could say anything, surprise took me, as Chloe quickly moved position to straddle me. She grabbed my head and kissed me with an open mouthed hot wet kiss as she ground herself against me. Now this was a much better reaction to my gift. I lifted her until I could position my cock against the entrance to her wet sex, then thrust myself deep inside her.

  Chloe screamed as her pussy clenched around my cock, and I groaned out loud. I let her get used to this immediate deep penetration for about thirty seconds, just kissing her hungrily. When Chloe began to rock herself against me, I started to move again. I began to lift her up and slam her back down, her passionate cries fuelling my desire to hear her come apart for me.

  But I had another desire, too. I desired her blood flowing through my veins, and she knew it somehow, without me even saying it. Maybe she had caught me staring at the rapid throb of the pulse at her neck. Whatever it was that gave me away, I wasn’t about to question her on it, as she tilted her head slightly and cried out “Do it.”

  My fangs dropped a second after she uttered those two words and I sank them into her neck in a well-practiced move that vampires perfect almost immediately. She gasped and tried to pull away at that first bite of pain. But once I had taken the first swallow of her blood and sucked back the next, her orgasm ran through her body making her almost convulse with pleasure; and I had to hold her still, so I didn’t tear her delicate skin.

  I was only going to take a little, but she tasted better that anything or anyone I’d had before. She was perfection.

  Some strange emotion came over me, which caused me to hold her tighter against my body. I fed for longer than I ever had from another human since the day I became fully immortal.

  One orgasm turned into another, then another, for my beautiful flower girl, and I had to stop myself before I took more blood than her body could healthily cope with. As it was, she appeared a little shaken and dizzy, although that could have been from all the orgasms that feeding from her during sex had caused.

  I held her still for a while, just content to hold her against my body and touch her wherever I could. She gifted me with the softest kiss I had ever known. I closed my eyes, letting myself enjoy the closeness, and whatever else we were sharing in this moment.

  I lifted her slightly and laid her back down on the rug. When I slipped inside her again, I kept my pace steady and gentle, just adding a slight grind of my pelvis against hers. This time, when she came, I came with her, crying out her name as I filled her with my seed. I had a sudden thought, a vision if you will, of my seed taking root and Chloe carrying my child. Instead of finding the thought disagreeable, it actually warmed my cold heart.

  Chapter Seven


  Wow! Just… Wow!

  I didn’t know it was possible to feel this good. Gregor was still pressed against me, his cock still semi-hard inside me, and his kisses softly skimming my jawline up to my ear.

  “Stay with me tonight,” he whispered.

  I was tempted to say yes, really tempted in fact, but I had a 5 a.m. start in the morning, so that I could get to the flower market early.

  “I can’t tonight, Gregor, I have to be up by four thirty at the latest in the morning, and I need to get home pretty soon so I can get a shower. You seem to have gotten me a little messy in certain places,” I laughed.

  “That’s a great idea, Chloe, let's shower together,” he said as he slipped out of me and stood up. He held his hand out, then helped me stand. But I had to end the night here, no matter how delicious a hot shower with the super sexy Gregor sounded.

  “No, I’m sorry, I can’t. I really do need to go home. I can’t miss tomorrow's flower market, and I do feel quite tired after all that activity.”

  I wasn’t kidding either. I did feel sleepy just now, so much so that I stumbled as I began to pull on my skirt.

  “Let me help you moya malen'kaya tsvetochnitsa,” said Gregor as he took my bra and top and helped me get dressed.

  “What does that mean?” I asked.

  “It means my little flower girl. It is how you say it in Russian. And now my flower girl is wearing the flowers I brought her from my country,” he said as he turned my hand over and kissed the inside of my wrist, just behind my new bracelet.

  “Thanks again for this bracelet Gregor. I don’t have much jewellery, and definitely nothing as pretty and feminine as this.”

  “You are more than welcome, my darling. Maybe I should get you earrings next, something to match your eyes. Such a beautiful shade, neither blue nor green, but a perfect mix of both.” She didn’t need to know just yet that I had already commissioned earrings and a pendant to match.

  “You don’t have to buy me anything, Gregor. And I couldn’t ever afford to get you anything as nice as this.”

  He stopped dressing as I said this and pulled me towards him. His trousers were still unbuttoned, and his shirtless muscular chest seemed to beckon my lips towards it. I couldn’t help kissing him, the light brown hair on his chest tickling my nose as I did so.

  “Chloe, I do not buy gifts because I expect something in return. I do it because I want to. It makes me happy to know that I can show my appreciation for someone with a gift, and even more happy to know that I may have brought a little joy into someone’s life by doing so.”

  Oh, I could seriously fall for this man, or vampire, or whatever I should call him. Right now he was just a man, albeit a very attractive sexy man that looked and smelled so good as I placed more kisses over his chest.

  “Chloe,” Gregor groaned before he took my mouth in a soft, wet kiss. I felt my breathing quicken in response, and I knew if I didn’t move soon I would certainly not be leaving here tonight.

  I pulled away while I still could and made my excuses about using the bathroom in the hallway. The old Manor house felt cool after the warmth of the fire in the sitting room, and it woke me up a little more, which I was grateful for.

  After using the bathroom, I came out to find Gregor in the hallway waiting for me.

  “Are you still intent on going home?” he asked.

  “I have to Gregor. I need the fresh stock to replace what I used today for Julia. We haven’t been as busy as this at such short notice in quite a while. That’s probably why I feel so tired and a little dizzy,” I said as I placed my hand on the wall to steady myself. For a moment, I thought I was going to pass out.

  “This is my fault; I took too much of your blood. I am so sorry Chloe. Please forgive me, and please, let me give you some of my blood. It will help your body to replace the blood you have lost.”

  He was at my side as soon as my hand touched the wall, with concern and guilt on his handsome face. He pressed my back against the wall and leaned against me. He unbuttoned his shirt sleeve and rolled it back a little before lifting it to his mouth.

  It was then I noticed that his fangs had lengthened. He bit deeply into his wrist and lifted it towards my mouth. I hesitated a little, but as I looked into his beautiful blue eyes, I became a little bolder and flicked my tongue out to meet the thick red blood as it made its way down his arm.

  Surprisingly, after the first metallic tang, the taste changed to something sweet, a little like honey, and I found myself closing my mouth over his wrist and sucking. Gregor closed his eyes and threw his head back, letting out a breathless sexy groan that went straight to my core. When he brought his head up and opened his eyes, they held red rims around the iris. I wasn’t sure if this was a good or bad thing, but when I felt him rub his erection against my belly, I knew to carry on.

  I heard Gregor growl in my ear as he used his free hand to unbutton his trousers and pull them down. He wasn’t wearing underwear, as he had used them to clean me up earlier, so his cock sprang free onto my waiting fingers. He ran his hand under my skirt until he found my underwear, and tore through them quickly. I let go of his throbbing cock, and pulled my skirt up out of the way as he lifted my leg to his backside. I felt him bend at the knees before lifting me slightly.

  I tried to pull my mouth away from his wrist but he growled out a loud “No,” so I carried on sucking steadily. I felt his hard cock probing the entrance to my sex before thrusting inside me, hard and deep. He was breathing harshly in my ear as he carried on with his hard deep thrusts. This wasn’t lovemaking, this was fucking, and I loved it.

  Pretty soon the feelings became too much, and I felt an orgasm hit me deep and hot in my core, spiralling outwards throughout every inch of my body. I was still moaning out my release over Gregor’s wrist when I felt the sharp bite of his fangs as they sank into my neck.

  For the second time tonight, as soon as Gregor sucked the blood from that fresh bite, I hit a deep, strong climax. After swallowing that last mouthful of his blood, I let go of his wrist and screamed out his name; like I was trying to call on the gods, throwing my head back and gazing at some unseen force from above.

  Gregor roared his release and gripped me tightly to his body as his movements came to a stop, and our breathing slowed down. He removed his mouth from my neck and licked the wounds he had made, before moving his mouth to mine and gifting me with the type of kiss they write stories about. The type that makes you want to hold on to this person forever, so you can re-live this type of kiss over and over every day.

  “Please stay, Chloe,” Gregor asked, before kissing me again.

  I knew I needed to get home, but I just couldn’t leave him. Not now, not when I felt so utterly connected to him. Like I belonged with him, or to him. The thoughts were confusing, but something in me told me they were right. I did belong to Gregor, but he also belonged to me.

  Chapter Eight


  I awoke to the sound of the alarm on Chloe’s phone. She was asleep in my arms, her head resting on my chest, and her right leg wrapped around my thigh. I had to let go of her to roll slightly for her phone which was on the bedside table. She began to stir as I hit the button that was highlighted to make the buzzing sound stop.

  I put my arms around
her again before stroking down her sides and onto her hip. There were still smudges of blood left there from my wrist before it had a chance to heal, when I had lifted her higher so I could thrust deeper inside her last night. Just thinking about it had my cock throbbing against her belly.

  There were things about last night that I needed to address, and on the top of that list, was the fact that I very nearly bonded with Chloe without her consent.

  I saw her stumble because she was dizzy, and I knew it was because I had taken more blood from her than I should have. So I had bitten into my wrist to offer her my healing blood, helping her replenish what she had lost.

  As soon as she started to drink from me, I was lost to all thoughts of what was right and wrong. All I knew right then was I needed to be inside my flower girl, and I needed to make her mine in the most permanent way.

  I know that we took each other’s blood at the same time, although not enough to trigger full bonding. But if Chloe hadn’t let go of my wrist, I know that I wouldn’t have stopped the process. And that would have been so wrong.

  In our circles, it can involve the most severe punishment, and rightly so. But something in me told me that bonding with Chloe was right, and hours later with her wrapped around my body, I still felt the same.

  She had meant to leave and go home, which had shocked me, as normally it was me that could not wait to leave after I had taken the blood and sex that was offered. But she outright told me no, which wasn’t a word I was used to hearing from a woman.

  I knew her reasons were valid; I just had a hard time accepting it. However, after I’d had her again, there was no way she was leaving my side. I’d asked her to stay once more, although I don’t think I would have accepted no as an answer again if she had said it. But she didn’t deny me that time, and I hoped beyond all hopes, it was because she felt the same as I did.


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