Gregor's Reason: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 3

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Gregor's Reason: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 3 Page 5

by Helen Bright

  I had told her I was getting up with her to go to her flower market, and as her alarm went off again, I lowered my head towards hers and kissed her awake.

  “Come on sleepy head,” I murmured against her lips. “Don’t you have a flower market to go to?”

  “Mmm,” She murmured back as she snuggled up closer to me. Then I felt her freeze, as the recognition she wasn’t alone hit her.

  “Gregor. What time is it? I need to get a shower and change my clothes. I have to get home and get my van, or I’m going to be late.”

  “We can shower here; then we will go and pick your van up, or take my SUV. Your choice.”

  Chloe pulled away from my embrace and got out of bed, putting an arm over her breasts and one over her belly and her sex. I knelt up and reached for her, pulling her arms away from her body.

  “Don’t Chloe. Don’t hide your body from me. I think we are well past any shyness after last night, don’t you?”

  Chloe blushed from just above her breasts to her hairline, before once again leaving my embrace. She walked into the en suite bathroom and closed the door. There were no locks on it, but I didn’t follow her straight away, not until I heard the shower switch on.

  When I stepped into the shower behind her, she turned away from me and picked up some of my shampoo.

  “Gregor, I don’t have time for any more sex, so if you don’t mind leaving the shower, I will be out as soon as I finish washing my hair.”

  I took the shampoo out of her hands and poured some onto her hair. The style was short, and cut pixie style around her ears, which really suited her.

  I was used to seeing long hair on the women I normally spent time with, both in and out of my club. But I found I liked the pretty pixie style. It brought out her bone structure and those blue-green eyes, which had haunted my thoughts and dreams since I had met her.

  As I massaged the shampoo into her hair, I looked down her back to the plump cheeks of her bottom and the sexy flare of her hips. Now that was a sight I had wanted to see.

  I had pictured it many times in my head; imagining what those larger than average hips and bottom would look like when she was bent over naked before me. But I knew if I touched any part of her other than her hair right now, we would never get to the market. So using all the control I could muster, I got on with the job of getting her hair rinsed; before I turned to hide my erection as she washed her body.

  Chapter Nine


  I felt like I was in some sort of alternate universe.

  Last night this gorgeous, way too sexy for his own good billionaire, had wanted to have sex with me. Of course, what should have made the night even more interesting was the fact that he was a vampire and had drunk my blood, something that I had offered willingly.

  But what had thrown me for a loop more than any other occurrence last night, was that he hadn’t wanted me to leave. He almost begged me to stay with him after we’d had sex in his hallway. But he hadn’t needed to beg at that point. I wanted to stay with him. Needed to even.

  It was like he had flipped some internal switch that had left me open to thoughts of loving him. But that was ridiculous.

  I had spent a lot of time with him when he was here in England a couple of months ago, and we had a good friendship. He had flirted with me constantly, but was always a gentleman.

  Gregor had only ever kissed my hand and my cheek before, but he would always linger around my neck saying he liked my perfume, although I never wore any (it would attract too many bees and wasps which is never a great idea when you are around flowers all day). So I have to say that I didn’t see any of this coming, at all.

  The man in question was now driving us to collect my van which was parked at the back of my shop. He’d insisted he was coming to the market with me, as he was curious to see how I chose my stock. He had said we could use his vehicle which was a Volvo XC90 SUV. Although it was really nice, I had been surprised those few months ago when I found out that this was the car he drove.

  I had expected him to drive some ridiculously expensive Italian sports car, but Gregor said he only ever had the best; and as far as he was concerned, nothing could rival the pure luxury of driving while sitting in something that feels as comfortable as your favourite armchair.

  I have to say I agreed with him in that respect. The comfort level of this vehicle was superb. So he would certainly feel like he was slumming it when he got inside my little van.

  I wondered what the market sellers would think when they saw Gregor, as he didn’t look like he belonged at the flower market. He was wearing tailored mid-grey trousers that fit his long legs and sexy arse perfectly.

  He had on a pale blue shirt which had the sleeves rolled up in an attempt to look casual. But this man had a hard time with casual, of that I could tell. I, on the other hand, had quickly changed into my old jeans and a t-shirt, so we couldn’t have looked more different if we tried.

  It didn’t take us too long to get to the market. There was little traffic on the roads at this time in the morning. But I was concerned that the car park was so full, which could mean some of the better deals had already been snapped up.

  I took my cross body bag out of the back of the van, along with the list I had compiled after I finished work yesterday. There was always room to manoeuvre, as it were, as long as I was able to get the basics needed. I grabbed a large cart and began my journey through the market with Gregor by my side.

  The main floral best sellers in my shop were carnations, roses, lilies, gerberas and gypsophila. I looked first to find my regular suppliers and started there.

  Gregor was great, never once getting in my way, and not afraid to pitch in and carry anything I needed. I missed out on a good deal on red miniature rose planters, but more than made up for it with some late summer hanging baskets.

  On the way back out of the market, I stopped for more wreath and floral display foam, before grabbing Gregor and myself a cup of tea and bacon and egg butty from the café on the corner. I could tell from the look he gave the food before taking a bite that he wasn’t impressed, but he didn’t complain. The tea, however, was a different matter.

  “Chloe, how can you drink this, it is disgusting? There is too much milk, and it comes in a polystyrene cup. This stuff cannot be called tea,” he said with a grimace.

  “Gregor, once I get back to my shop, I’ll be so busy that this may be the last hot drink I get before any of my staff arrive.”

  “That will not happen today. I will carry everything in from the van while you make tea. Everyone should start the day with a decent cup of tea or coffee. I find my staff are much more amenable after their first cup of tea,” he said matter of factly.

  We chatted away on the journey back to Barrowfield. I told him more about my upbringing, and what it was like living in Germany and the various other places my father was stationed in the army.

  Gregor told me about his home in Moscow, and how much his country had changed over the last fifty years. I couldn’t decide whether he sounded happy about it or not, but secretly, I wanted him to be more at home here. I missed his friendship when he was away, and I had a feeling that when he went back to Russia again, I would feel much worse.

  He also told me how important it was to keep the fact that he and his friends were vampires to myself. Of course, he didn’t need to tell me that, as I would never tell anyone. And who would believe me if I did?

  Gregor mentioned the extra strength he had as an immortal, and the way he could manipulate someone using ‘mind control.’ I asked him never to use that on me, and he promised me he wouldn’t. I found the idea of another man trying to control me again totally unacceptable, whether they were a sexy vampire or not.

  Gregor was as good as his word, and carried everything into the backroom while I made us a pot of tea. He watched as I put together a dozen bouquets that I could price up quite cheaply. I then made up three more expensive ones and placed gold coloured hearts on sticks inside each one.
The cheaper ones would always sell, but the more expensive ones rarely do, unless it was Valentines or Mother’s Day.

  More often than not it was the scented candles I stocked that people chose as gifts, instead of the more traditional flowers. We had customers that came in regularly for their favourites and also for the novelty candle holders, ornaments and photo frames we stocked.

  I had set aside a beautiful photo frame in oak that had the word Godson written on a small brass plaque on the bottom of it. I had wanted to print off a photograph of Gregor and little Rory to put in it and take to Gregor’s last night, but my printer had run out of coloured ink, so I needed to get new cartridges.

  Gregor had been in my shop before on numerous occasions, but as the shop was still closed, he was able to relax and browse more. He selected a few scented candles as gifts for Keeley, Gina, and his new housekeeper, and also one for Maggie Saunders, who worked as an office manager at the Night Movers depot.

  He was such a thoughtful man…. Well he was a vampire actually, from what I had found out last night; but from where I stood, watching his incredible physique move around my store, he definitely looked all man to me.

  When Pamela arrived, Gregor said good morning and then came towards me saying he had to leave and get on with some work. He placed both hands on my face and gave me a panty melting kiss, that I really wasn’t expecting him to do in front of anybody else. We hadn’t discussed our relationship after his admission that he thought of us as more than friends.

  “I can pick you up after you finish work Chloe?” he told me. “What time will you be finished?”

  “I… Oh, I can’t tonight Gregor, I’m going to a meeting at the community hall in Rothley. It’s about the supermarket you and the Night Movers Company are building. I thought you would be attending,” I told him.

  “Of course. You kept me distracted, my flower girl. I am attending the meeting. Tell me, Chloe, should I be ready for the local shopkeepers storming the meeting wielding weapons?”

  “What? No, at least, I don’t think so,” I giggled, picturing him being chased away by Kenny from the bakery. “Isn’t the meeting being held so you can calm our fears, as you tell us that the supermarket won’t impede too much on our businesses?”

  “Do not worry about your business Chloe, we have proposals to put to all local businesses tonight, and I think that many will be pleasantly surprised.”

  “I hope so, Gregor. It would be a shame to see anyone go out of business because of it,” I said with all seriousness. Many of these little shops had been here since long before the war, and it would be such a shame to see these local places close.

  “If I recall, the meeting starts at seven thirty tonight, so I could pick you up at six thirty and feed you first.”

  While that would be a great idea, I had already made arrangements with Dave from the butchers next door. He was picking me up just after seven so we could get there early and meet with Kenny from the bakery and his wife Jill, and also Mr. Singh and his wife, Easha.

  Afterwards, a few of us were going to the Red Lion to discuss the meeting further; or just have a few drinks, I wasn’t quite sure about everyone’s motives, yet. But it was good to know that we were all trying to support each other in what could be a difficult and costly time when the supermarket opened.

  “I’m sorry Gregor, I’ve already made arrangements with Dave from the butchers to go to the meeting with him,” I said. I watched his eyes flash red as I told him about my plans for the rest of the evening, and became quite nervous as leaned close to my ear.

  “You can have your time of shopkeeper solidarity, Chloe,” he whispered, “but at the end of the night you will be bound and at my mercy. I plan on feasting on your pussy until I am satisfied I’ve tasted enough of your come to keep me sated until morning. And when tomorrow dawns, I will do it all over again. Is that clear, my little flower girl?”

  I nodded my head, I couldn’t form words at that moment. With his breath against my ear and his words painting pictures in my mind that made my heart beat faster and my panties wet, I had no hope of denying his order.

  “Until tonight, my darling,” said Gregor with a slow sexy smile and a wink. Then he turned and said “It has been good to see you again, Pamela. I did miss your beautiful smile when I was away.”

  “And it’s good to see you, Gregor,” said Pamela blushing profusely. “I hope we get to see more of you from now on.”

  “My dear Pamela, I can guarantee that you will see more of me. I find that I am increasingly drawn to the delights that this little village has to offer,” said Gregor as he once again winked at me before saying goodbye.

  Once the door had closed, I heard a loud “Oh My God,” as Pamela dashed across from behind the counter and hugged me.

  “Pam, what’s got into you?” I asked as she squeezed me tightly.

  “Well from that kiss, and the look he gave you before he left, I can guess what part of him got into you last night.”

  “Oh, I can’t believe you just said that Pam,” I said, trying to sound, all innocent and disgusted. But I couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corners of my mouth.

  “Come on, spill the beans, Chloe. Was it as good as I my imagination tells me it was?”

  “Better,” I sighed, then laughed out loud at the dreamy look that came across her face.

  “So, are you two an item now?”

  “I think so. I mean he’s just asked to see me again and we did, you know… But neither of us have come out and outright said anything. Maybe we can discuss it tonight after the shopkeepers get together.”

  “Don’t tell me you’ve given up time with that sexy Russian Billionaire for a night at the Red Lion with sausage fingered Dave from next door. The man is a pest Chloe. He was the same with your Auntie Joyce. Always interfering and making like he was helping her. She put up with it because she had been good friends with his parents and had known him since he was a baby. But I could see she got fed up with him at times. Now he’s trying to do the same with you.”

  “He can be a bit full on, I agree, but he was so good when I had the water leak, and he helped out when I had the fire, too.”

  “Yes, wasn’t it so convenient that he was around when they happened,” she added with an edge to her voice.

  It was clear she didn’t like Dave that much. She was friends with Jill from the bakery, and she was unhappy when Dave had bought the empty wool shop next door and extended his shop to include ovens, in which he baked various meat pies, sausage rolls, quiches, pasties and a small selection of sweet treats.

  Dave had once told me that Aunt Joyce had promised him her shop, because she had wanted him to make a small café in which to sell his freshly baked goods. She had never once mentioned this to me, and Pam had vehemently denied any knowledge of this. I was sole heir in Aunt Joyce’s will, and there was no mention in there of Dave Higgins the butcher.

  Chapter Ten


  I drove home from Chloe’s shop in a foul mood. Who the fuck did this Dave the Butcher think he was, escorting my Chloe anywhere? Obviously, I should give the butcher some leeway, after all, he did not know that Chloe was mine. After tonight, however, he would have no doubt whatsoever that Chloe belonged to me.

  Keeley was in my office sorting through the mail when I found her. I asked to be brought up to speed about previous meetings held with the council and shopkeepers, in regards to any objections put forward against the supermarket build.

  As always the ever efficient Keeley brought me up to speed with her detailed, no-nonsense findings, which she presented both in printed form and digitally, with the use of graphs to show the types of objections and where possible we could overcome these, and also where we couldn’t.

  It appeared that Keeley had been adding to her previous ideas that we stock some of the local shops best-selling items. There were items such as the bakery’s scones and apple pie, and also seasonal items like Parkin; the traditional Yorkshire cake made wi
th oatmeal, treacle, and ginger, and made around bonfire night.

  She also recommended that we stock bouquets of flowers from Chloe’s shop, which I heartily approved of. There was no mention of the butcher that dared escort Chloe to the meeting.

  “What about the butcher? Surely it would be good to get the meat man on our side,” I asked.

  “Dave Higgins has been a royal pain in the arse, Gregor. Out of everyone at the last meeting, he was the most vocal and was extremely patronising when I tried to placate him. I tried to speak to him alone regarding stocking some of his pies, but he started raising his voice, saying I was trying to bribe him.

  “To be honest, I could have slapped him at that meeting, but instead, I remained calm and just used mind control, both to shut him up, and afterwards to get him to apologise to me publicly. Then later that night, I punctured all his tyres and painted the word dickhead, across his car windscreen.”

  “You did well, Keeley. Thank you for all your efforts and the way you managed what must have been an awkward situation at the meeting,” I said, as I tried to hide the grin that was slowly spreading across my face.

  While some acts of retribution can be deemed irresponsible and risky where business is concerned, in this instance I was proud of my PA. She had shown the cleaver-wielding fucker that she was no pushover, and I was only disappointed that I had not seen the result of her revenge. I made a mental note to give her a bonus in her next wage.

  So Dave Higgins, the butcher, had shown by his treatment of Keeley at the meeting, that he had no respect for women. Now I was even less happy about him escorting my Chloe anywhere.

  We broke for tea and biscuits, and Keeley began to fill me in on all the other developments that had happened while I was away. Nik and Gina were planning their wedding and honeymoon for when Alex came back to work. Maggie had once again been talked out of retirement, and Joshua and Keeley had decided to blood bond in two weeks’ time, as Daisy’s grandparents were taking her away for five days.


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