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Gregor's Reason: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 3

Page 13

by Helen Bright

  “From what Sergei said, she was angry with you, anyway. You always say the first rule of business and women, is to listen. So why didn’t you take heed of your rule and listen to the woman?”

  “I couldn’t. I was too wound up to leave it. What has Sergei told you?”

  “Enough to know you were acting unlike yourself, and letting love defeat you. As they say in the movies ‘you need to grow some balls man,'” Yuri laughed.

  “Yuri, I do not know what has possessed you to speak to me this way, but….”

  “Gregor, in this situation it seems that you must take direction from others, for once. Despite how Chloe came to be here, she is still here in Russia, in your bedroom. She has agreed to stay in Moscow and see the sights before travelling to St Petersburg with you. Take her out today and show her all the beautiful parts of this city, and show her the side of you that listens to everything she has to say. Work on that, and you will have your woman. You have Sergei, Viktor and me to help you, so how can you fail,” he said confidently.

  “Yuri, you have a blue face, you look like a cartoon character. Looking at you does not inspire confidence that you, or indeed Sergei, can help,” I said, looking at the smudged handprints on his cheeks.

  “Did Keeley catch up with you?” I asked.

  Yuri winced, “She chased me out of the cottage and hit me with her umbrella while I was opening the car door. Then she hit me with her bag as I was getting in the car. I did not think a woman could run as fast as that in high heels, vampire or not. She said she wasn’t talking to me ever again, but this morning I sent her all the photographs we had taken of Daisy on the pony before the rain came, and she thanked me for them, so maybe I am forgiven.”

  “Has she seen Sergei, yet?” I asked.

  “Sergei is staying in Chloe’s flat, as he has offered to work at her shop while she is here with you. So no, I do not think that Keeley has seen him yet.”

  “How I would like to be a fly on the wall when she does see him,” I laughed.

  “He will get out of it, he aways does. Now go, Gregor, and stop wasting time talking to me when you have a beautiful woman sitting on your bed.” Yuri said as he patted me on the shoulder and turned to walk away.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I was halfway through the full English breakfast that Gregor’s chef and Yuri had brought to me. Who would have thought I would get a better full English brekky in Russia than in England? There was also croissants and fruit with a pot of honey, which I had my eye on for afterwards. I was so desperately hungry, having survived yesterday on tea and a biscuit.

  I filled in the piece of paper that Yuri gave me. On it was questions about clothing sizes, including shoes and underwear. I didn’t like writing those down. The fact that I was a bigger size on the bottom than on top while being five foot three, made it awkward when shopping for clothes. My thirty-eight dd bra size was something I didn’t want to disclose to a stranger, nor was the fact that I was a size sixteen in the panty department. But this list was even asking what brands of perfume, make-up and hair products I preferred. I doubt that you could get Asda Walmart’s own brand products here, so I left the make-up and hair products blank.

  Looking around the room, I was surprised that it was so modern and contemporary looking. Gregor’s bedroom at the Manor was very Georgian in its appearance, and the furniture and fabrics represented that well. Here was a completely different story. His bed frame was a pale birch coloured wood, and the bedding was a light cream, covered with a dark taupe coloured throw. His furniture was also in a pale birch with steel handles, and I counted what I assumed were ten large wardrobe doors.

  There was also a taupe leather high backed chair and a round coffee table in front of the two large narrow windows. The curtains were in the same taupe colour as the throw and matched the luxuriously thick carpet. The en-suite bathroom was also very modern, with huge beige marble tiles that covered both the walls and floor. There was an extra-large whirlpool bath, next to a double sink and toilet, but the walk in shower was like something else entirely. It had a huge shower head above, with various jets protruding from different angles all around, from what would be my shoulder level, to ankle level. I couldn’t wait to try it.

  Gregor came back into the room looking more than a little worse for wear. His hair was stuck up all over, and he had a day’s worth of stubble covering the lower half of his face and chin. It made him look more real than I had ever seen him before. I had been all set to rip into him about being brought here without my consent, but I could see from the way he had acted that he had nothing to do with bringing me here.

  “How are you feeling now?” I asked, and I saw his face light up at my question.

  “I never usually drink vampire strength alcohol, so I fear that this hangover will stay with me the entire morning. But thank you for asking, Chloe.”

  “Here,” I said, handing him the list with my measurements on it.

  “Thank you. I will call Anna now so she can get started with her buying. I’m sure this will make her day, as she loves to shop. I expect you will have many shoes and handbags, as she seems to have a thing for buying those. I am sure she has a handbag for every day of the year.”

  “Gregor, I haven’t got any money with me. And I can't afford anything expensive after the repairs on my home.”

  “Nonsense Chloe, it is my fault you were brought here. I shouldn’t have let Sergei talk me into drinking with him. If I had been sober, I wouldn’t have let him bring you here against your will. So let me buy you anything you need. I would be happy to do so anyway; you know that.”

  “I know, but I don’t want you to read anything into it, Gregor. Just because you can buy me clothes, it doesn’t mean you can buy me.”

  He took a step back at that statement, as if I had physically slapped him, and I immediately regretted my words.

  “I’m sorry Gregor, I didn’t mean that, I just..”

  “Don’t Chloe. Don’t make excuses to placate me. I will get used to how things are between us now. If you would rather do your sightseeing with Yuri, and Anna, my assistant, then I can arrange that for you. I will also arrange for you to have your own room, or mine if you prefer, and I will make sure I stay out of your way whenever you return.”

  I had hurt him, and I hated myself for it. I didn’t want any of what he said, but I didn’t want him to think we had a future together, either.

  I made my way across the room to him and took his hand in mine.

  “Gregor, I want you to show me around Moscow today, I wouldn’t want to see it with anyone but you. I just want to go back to how we were when we were just friends. I miss that, the easiness of just being together and enjoying our days and nights out around Yorkshire. Can we have the same here, in Russia?”

  “Yes, we can have that Chloe,” he said, giving me a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Just bear in mind that I fell in love with you during those times you just mentioned, and that love will only grow the more time I spend with you. I find I cannot control myself around you, and that includes my feelings, as well as my actions. But if you wish, I will keep my feelings to myself. It won’t be easy, and I think that we have Yuri playing matchmaker, so that is something else we will have to contend with.”

  “I thought he was a little forceful in the way he got me to agree to stay. I have always gotten along with him in the past; he knew I had no prejudice towards any nationality. I think I've just been played, Gregor. How about you?”

  “My darling, I think my staff and my friends think they are in charge in this little game they are playing. So how about we give them something to think about?”

  “What do you have in mind?” I asked a pondering Gregor.

  “I do have something in mind. But let’s wait and see what happens. First, I will show you how to use my shower. It may seem complicated, but it’s easy once you get the hang of it.”

  Still keeping my hand in his, he led me into the bathroo
m and proceeded to show me how the shower worked. He then got out a new toothbrush head to apply to his sonic toothbrush, then showed me where the clean towels were kept. He turned to leave and levelled me with a gaze that melted my insides. It would be just so easy to ask him to shower with me, but I didn’t. I just thanked him for his help and ushered him out of the door, before leaning back on it and sighing. How would I ever keep him at arm’s length when my body craved his? My head told me to keep my distance, but my heart told me to grab the love he offered and never let it go.

  After about twenty minutes in the best shower ever, with the gorgeously scented body wash and shampoo that Gregor had, I finally came out and brushed my teeth. Gregor’s towels were the most luxurious I had ever used. Even more so than those at his home in Rothley. I had heard of people stealing towels and bathrobes from hotels before, and after using Gregor’s, I could see why they would do so. I noticed a bathrobe hung up on the back of the bathroom door. I put it on and immediately caught the scent of Gregor’s cologne. Rich and spicy, just like him, I mused. I felt like I could stay wrapped up in his plush robe forever, but I knew that Gregor was waiting for the shower, so I made my way out into his bedroom.

  I couldn’t see him at first, but one of the wardrobe doors was open, and I peered inside. To my surprise, the door opened into another room, a dressing room of sorts, I suppose you could say, and as I stepped inside, I caught Gregor looking at the suits and shirts he had hung up on rails all along the back wall.

  “The shower’s yours if you want it,” I told him. He looked at me for a moment and looked back at his suits.

  “What should I wear on a sight-seeing trip around Moscow?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. What would you normally wear?” I replied.

  “This,” he gestured towards the clothing on display.

  “Perhaps you would feel more comfortable in jeans and smart t-shirt or sweater, depending on the weather.”

  “I have sweaters, but the only t-shirts I have are what I wear to go running or work out.”

  “Gregor just wear what you want, or more importantly, what you feel comfortable in.”

  “My time here is often just filled with business meetings or nights out at the ballet or the opera, or occasionally my club. I rarely go out anywhere through the daytime,” he said looking a little lost. I could tell that Gregor was out of his comfort zone at this moment, but I thought that maybe this was a good thing.

  “It’s good to have new experiences, isn’t that what you told me when you took me out for sushi in York that night,” I reminded him.

  “And if I recall correctly, my little flower girl, you didn’t like most of it,” he smirked.

  “Exactly,” I said squirming a little as I remembered my first taste. “But at least I tried it, Gregor. I experienced something new that day. Would I want to repeat it? God, no. But I don’t regret going and trying it. So how about you put a call through to this Anna and get her to buy you a pair of jeans, and a couple of smart casual t-shirts. Let's just meander through the touristy areas of the city taking photographs, just like a normal sightseer would.”

  “Okay, I will do this. It will make a change for me to visit the places I have only recommended to my business associates.”

  “You mean you have never done all the sights yourself?” I questioned, surprised at this.

  “Many, many years ago. And I have often taken a ride into Red Square and Gorky Park, although again, not for many years. The only time I have ever had anything like a day out, is when I am in England with Freya, or more recently with you. Freya often asked me to consider wearing more casual attire and I did purchase a wax jacket and wellingtons, for walks along the cliffs with her. But maybe I should have moved with the times more and change the way I dress a little, become more like Alex and Josh.”

  I felt a little bad at that; like I was the reason he was trying to change.

  “Gregor, don’t change anything for me, if you are going to make a change, then do it for yourself, because it’s the right thing to do for you.”

  “I think maybe it is,” he said nodding his head. “It is time for Gregor Antonov to let go of some of the past. You can help me do that Chloe. You can show me how to be a little freer and how you say, move with the times, yes?”

  “Well, I suppose so, but…”

  “Good. It is settled then. I will call Anna back and tell her to carry on shopping. She normally picks up my clothing from my tailor and the stores she orders from, so she knows my measurements and sizes. I know she enjoys spending my money. I will tell her to buy herself a new bag and shoes. She may make a better choice for me once she does so.”

  And with that, off Gregor went to make his phone call before getting in the shower. I didn't feel like putting on the clothes I had slept in last night, so I searched around in Gregor’s drawers until I found his boxer shorts. They were a snug fit around my hips, but at least, I was no longer naked underneath the robe. While looking for his underwear I came across a hairdryer and brush, so I blow dried my hair, which didn’t take long due to the short style I sported.

  With that done, I took another long look out of the windows. I could see houses in the distance, but this seemed to be an area on its own, with expansive lawned gardens and a long driveway. Then something else I noticed after a while, was the many security cameras set around the property. They weren’t anything that immediately jumped out at me, but now I had seen them, I couldn’t help but watch the odd movements that came from each one. There must have been fifteen at least, and that’s only the ones that I could see from this side of the house. I was so engrossed with their movements; I didn’t hear Gregor creep up behind me.

  “What are you looking at moya malen'kaya tsvetochnitsa?”

  “You seem to have so many security cameras, Gregor. Why is that? Don’t you feel safe in your home?”

  “My country has a very chequered past, and things can change rapidly from peaceful and prosperous, to … well, something entirely different, that I shall not spoil our day talking about. Besides, they are not all cameras; some are infrared motion detectors. Now come, let me show you around my home. You can choose a room that you would like to stay in tonight, and I can have it decorated to your tastes for when we return from dinner this evening.”

  “No, you can’t decorate just for me. Besides, I like your room. It has that wonderful shower and the softest towels. I may have to steal them.”

  “Anything you want my love, it is yours. But I hope you will let me treat you to something other than my towels. I think it would disappoint Pamela to know that you travelled all this way, just to get household items.”

  “Oh no. I forgot to call Pamela. Gregor, I need to call her and tell her about Sergei. What time is it in England?”

  “We are two hours ahead of the UK, so it is now 9:30 a.m.”

  “Oh shit,” I said anxiously. In truth, I was shocked that I hadn’t given much thought to how my business was faring in my absence.

  Gregor handed me his phone and stepped away from me as I dialled. Pamela answered in her chirpy morning voice.

  “Good morning, Chloe’s Flowers and Gifts, Pamela speaking. How may I help you today?”

  “Pam it’s me, I’m so sorry to leave you in the lurch but….”

  “Chloe,” Pamela almost screamed down the phone. “Oh my god, I just can’t believe Gregor spirited you away on a surprise romantic getaway. You are so lucky. And thank you a million times over for getting Sergei to fill in for you. He’s brilliant and so quick at everything he does. It took a few goes to teach him how to arrange the posies, but when he finally got it, he whizzed through them. I had only just popped out of the back room to serve a customer, and he had all six posies done and wrapped. You should think of employing him full time. He’s a quick healer, too. No messing about looking for plasters with him when rose thorns attack his fingers.”

  “Well, erm, Okay. It seems like you have everything under control. Can you take down the n
umber I’m calling from and let me know if you have any problems? I’ll try and get back as soon as I can if you need me,” I said, both glad that things were going well, and a bit sad that I was replaceable.

  “Oh, don’t you worry about a thing. We’ve got no big wedding or funeral orders coming up, and to be honest, I would much rather spend my day looking at this gorgeous Russian, than at you. I mean honestly, Chloe, are they all as good looking as Gregor and Sergei? If they are, I wouldn’t come back to England. And the way he talks, oh wow. He told one customer who asked for help choosing the prettiest flowers for her bouquet, that she was the prettiest flower of them all. God the way he said it was so low and sexy, I thought I was going to have to peel her off him. He’s like Johnny Depp, but taller and more built, but that smile…..Oh God. Even the blue hands aren’t a turn-off.”

  “Pam, you’re a married woman. Behave yourself,” I laughed as she sighed dreamily down the phone.

  “A woman can dream, Chloe. My hubby hasn’t made my toes curl for years. Sergei has done more for my libido with just a wink and a smile than my other half has done for me in a long time.”

  “And that’s my cue to put the phone down,” I laughed. “Seriously though Pam, if you need me, just give this number a call.”

  “I will, and Chloe… I hope your toes curl many, many times over the next few days.”

  I hung up the phone, hoping Gregor hadn’t heard all that. If he had, he didn’t say anything.

  I handed him the phone, and he slipped it into his pocket. Taking my hand, he led me down the hallway, showing me each of the bedrooms as we encountered them. Only three of the seven rooms were furnished, apart from his, and he explained that other than Freya, he rarely had any visitors. The bedrooms were similar to Gregor’s, having the same modern pale wood design with plain neutral colours, but the hall and stairway were an oak colour, resembling the wooden features at the Manor.


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