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Howling for My Baby

Page 14

by Beverly Rae

  “I’m not? But how do you know? How will I know I’m ready?”

  “Don’t fret about it. Just let nature take its course.”

  “Oh. Good to know.” She’d guessed right when she’d assumed she’d change without any effort on her part. Like when she’d matured into puberty. Too bad waiting wasn’t something she did well.

  The Clooney Clone, who’d remained in his human form, nodded and turned to the mike again. “Okay, we’re ready for the howling contest. Please note. Syd will receive handicap points because she’s a newbie and hasn’t had a transformation yet.”

  I get handicap points? For a howling contest? She shook her head, trying to understand how she was supposed to howl when she hadn’t changed even one time. I hope they gave me a whole mess of handicap points.

  “First up. Tayla!”

  A beautiful gray female approached the front of the stage, lifted her head and let out a long plaintive howl. The howl carried on for several minutes and, when it ended, the crowd broke out in appreciative applause.

  The announcer hugged Tayla around the neck, then pried her off him when she quickly shifted and locked her arms around his muscular torso. “Awesome, Tayla. Terrific. The others are going to have to bring out their best stuff to beat your performance. Our next contestant is Howie. With a name like Howie, he’d better excel at howling, don’t you think?”

  The crowd laughed at his joke as Howie, a scraggly wolf half Jason’s size, crept up to the footlights. He glanced around the room, waited until the laughter died off, and raised his head. Although his body was reed-thin and weak-looking, his howl was full-throated and possessed a great power.

  When Howie finished, those still in human form hooted while the wolves barked. “Well done, friend,” praised the Clooney Clone.

  The rest of the contestants filed forward, one at a time, until only Jason and Syd remained. Jason rubbed his snout against her and trotted to the front of the stage. Without hesitation, he sat down on his haunches, glanced out one of the high windows dotting the top of the walls, and raised his head toward the soft glow of the moon. The sound, masculine with a sexy undertone she knew was meant for her, ripped through the club, filling every corner, every ear with rich tones. Men’s jaws ground in obvious jealousy while the women showered him with adoring looks.

  He came to an abrupt stop, leaving a deafening silence, and no one dared to speak. Even the announcer took time to give his own quiet tribute before clapping his hands in thunderous ovation. Following his lead, the crowd erupted in booming applause, along with a combination of barks, yips, and cheers.

  Jason bowed and returned to stand next to Syd.

  “Gee, thanks. I haven’t even shifted yet and I’m supposed to follow you? No, thanks. I’m not making a fool of myself.”

  In the seconds it took for her to start down the stage steps, Jason transformed and gripped her arm to bring her toward the mike again. “Oh, no you don’t. It’s your turn. Close your eyes, forget about everything and everyone else, and let your inner wolf run wild.” He winked at her and pulled on his jeans. “Trust me.”

  Syd mumbled under her breath, “Trust you, my ass.”

  Laughter greeted her declaration and she blushed when she realized they’d heard her. Note to self: Watch what you say around shifters. Regrouping, she faced the mike, scanned the people before her and took a big breath. She closed her eyes and released a breath, following it with several more. She tried to envision herself in wolf form, calling to the moon glowing in the night sky. Slowly, a tingle crept into her body and she forgot everything except the image of the moon behind her eyes. Without a worry about how she would sound, she lifted her chin, threw back her head—and howled.

  She wasn’t sure how long she bayed or how loud she was, but she felt wonderful. Exhilarated. Fulfilled. Free. When her breath finally ran out, she opened her eyes and found everyone staring at her.

  Oh, shit. Had she screwed up without realizing it? Why were they looking at her like she’d done three somersaults and landed flat on her butt?

  Yet at the moment she was about to flee, applause equaling the praise given to Jason shook the room. She smiled, unsure if they were simply being polite to a newbie, and stepped away from the mike. The announcer, however, had a different idea. He scooped her around the waist and positioned her in front of the mike again.

  “I don’t think we need to vote, do we?”

  Resounding agreement reverberated around her.

  “Good. Then, ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce the winner of tonight’s howling contest is…Syd Skeller!”

  Yowls, woofs, and cries of congratulations surrounded her. She tried to understand what had happened. “I won?”

  “You sure did. I don’t think I’ve ever heard any newbie howl better.”

  Syd’s mind froze and her gaze met the brilliant blues of Clooney Clone. He held her to him, leaving no room between their bodies, and bent over to whisper in her ear. “I’d love to take you home tonight.”

  I bet he gets his pick of females to take home every night. She gulped, trying to force the clog in the rear of her mouth down the rest of her throat. “Uh, I, uh, can’t.”

  His hot gaze seared into her. She sensed he searched inside her for the right answer. “Of course, you can.”

  “No, she can’t.”

  The handsome announcer released her without warning, nearly causing her to fall over. In fact, released wasn’t the right word. Shoved was more like it. “Hey, Jason. Sorry, man. I guess I forgot she was taken. After all, she’s a beautiful woman. You know how it is.” Shrugging, he put on an innocent expression.

  Jason’s upper lip lifted in a challenge. “Then maybe you need to take a memory course before your lapse of brainpower winds up getting you torn apart.” His upper lip lifted higher in a mocking sneer. “You know how it is.” He mimicked the announcer’s shrug and expression while his eyes glowed with a deadly threat.

  Ducking his head in submission, Clooney Clone scooted backward and bowed. “Yes, I most certainly do.” Without waiting to see Jason’s reaction, he whirled and dashed off the stage.

  Her lover turned to her with a self-satisfied smirk on his lips.

  “I think I could have handled him myself, Jason.” Who does he think he is? My guardian? Although another part of Syd experienced a tiny zing of excitement. She’d never admit it, but having a man protect her felt pretty darn good.

  “No, you couldn’t. He’s a healthy male shifter who could wipe the floor with you. Except wiping the floor is not what he had in mind. If you know what I mean.”

  Syd squirmed at the truth in his words, but held her head high with dignity. “Yeah, I know what you mean. He showed me a little attention and I liked it. I wouldn’t have done anything with him, of course, but it’s nice to know a handsome guy like Clooney Clone is attracted to me.”

  “Clooney Clone?” He didn’t bother to cover his amusement.

  “Oh, well, whatever his name is.”

  “His name’s Dillon and he can’t be trusted. In case you ever need to know.”

  Is this a strange conversation or what? Syd shrugged and hurried toward the steps.

  Jason scooped her from behind and lifted her off her feet before hurrying down the stairs. The crowd dispersed to allow them to pass and Syd tried not to take offense at their giggles and snickers. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Ignoring her question, he carried her into an empty room where boxes were piled on top of other boxed supplies. He crushed his mouth to hers and slid his hands under her short top to cup her breasts. She arched upward and he obeyed her silent command. Pulling her top over her head, he threw it to the floor and ripped the lacy bra away. She sighed when he brought her nipples to his mouth, pushed her breasts together, and suckled her.

  She moaned and reached for his jeans. “I like a man who knows what he wants. But now you owe me a new bra.”

  His words muffled against her skin and his tongue swirled over h
er budding tits. “This man knows what his woman wants and I don’t mean a new bra. A little attention from a handsome man coming up.” He halted, startling her out of her enjoyment. “You do consider me handsome, right?”

  “Not at all.”


  She laughed at his hurt expression and took his face between her hands. “Fishing for compliments, are you? Jason Cannon, you aren’t merely handsome, you’re downright eatable gorgeous.”

  “Well, if you’re hungry, feel free to chow down. And I do mean down.”

  She chuckled at his joke and tugged his jeans free while he did the same with hers. Gripping her bottom, he lifted her and placed her on top of one of the boxes.

  Thank goodness I didn’t have the cheeseburger I wanted for lunch or this box would squash flatter than a pancake. She spread her legs wide and wiggled her wetness against his growing erection. “Ooh, I love a man who goes commando.”

  “Then let’s make it mutual.” Twisting the side of her panties around his fingers, he yanked the material away.

  Note to self: Join the lingerie club at the department store. I think I’m going to go through a lot of underwear with this guy. Wrapping her legs around him, she used them to ensnare him. “Is this my prize for winning the contest?”

  “You got lucky, woman. I wasn’t in my finest form tonight.”

  She glanced down, watching him maneuver his shaft into her. She gasped and dug her nails into him, helping him push himself deeper and harder. “You could’ve—yes, fuck me!—uh, fooled me.”

  He pumped into her with slow strokes and she threw back her head. His growl warmed her collarbone and she twisted, offering her neck to him. Would he bite her again? If he did, she’d try to bite him back. Whimpering her delight, she clutched him and matched his rhythm.

  “Hey, Jason? Syd?”

  Syd smacked one hand over her mouth and the other over Jason’s and shook her head emphatically. Taking her hand off his mouth, he grinned at her and answered anyway. “The place better be on fire, Benjy.”

  Oh, crap. Of all the people in the world, why did it have to be him? The laughter in her throat broke free and she covered her mouth with both hands.

  “Oh? Am I interrupting something?” Whispered words told them Benjy wasn’t alone on the other side of the door.

  Jason winked at her and lowered his pitch to a warning tone. “I’m warning you, man.”

  “Okay, okay. Don’t get all hot and bothered. Oh, wait. You already are.”

  Syd bit her lip to keep from laughing louder while Jason grinned and rolled his eyes.

  “Benjy, you’re pushing me.”

  “Maybe I’m pushing you, but I know who’s pumping you.”

  “Man, I’m warning you one last time.”

  “Oh, calm down, big guy. But make it quick because they want to give Syd her trophy.”

  Oh, hell. Sometimes you have to take the bait. “Benjy?”

  Jason bent his head and studied her, knowing something was up.


  She gave Jason a wink much like the ones he’d given her. “I’ve already got my trophy.” She could hear Benjy’s laughter even over Jason’s guffaws.

  “Oh yeah? I guess you have. But Syd?”


  “The one out here is bigger.”

  She choked on her sputtered giggle. Jason started to pull away, but she held on to him.

  “Why you little─”

  Jerking him to her, she wiggled her eyebrows and shushed him. “Maybe, but I bet it’s not as hot!”

  “Good one, girlfriend. I’ll tell the crowd you’ll be there as soon as you’ve finished polishing your first trophy.”

  “Will you two stop?” But Jason’s grin contradicted his irritation. “Are you sure you and Benjy haven’t met before tonight?”

  Unable to control herself any longer, she fell against Jason and laughed until she cried.


  Max stood outside the nondescript bar called the Hideaway and waited for Sydney to come outside. He’d followed Sydney and the metrosexual guy from her birthday party—for which he hadn’t received an invitation—to this place. Three hours had passed since she’d entered, yet he’d stay in his position all night if he had to.

  How could Skeller have allowed his daughter to go anywhere with this guy? Something about Jason Cannon was wrong. Max Tiller could feel it in his bones.

  He wasn’t in love with Sydney—he never had been—but he wanted her back. He wanted her married to him, making him Griswold Skeller’s son-in-law and thus securing his future leadership position in the hunters’ organization. Besides, Syd was smokin’ hot. Once he taught her how to obey her man and keep her mouth shut, he’d have her popping out little hunter kids in no time—all while serving his every need.

  He crouched behind the wall of the building across from the club when yet another couple exited and strolled down the street. At last, he heard Sydney’s voice. Peeking around the corner, he waited for them to approach their car.

  “Can you believe I won?”

  “Like I said, you got lucky.”

  Sydney pranced around Jason and held the statue of a wolf, its head held high to bay at an unseen moon above her head. “Lucky? I don’t think so. It says right here, ‘Best Howler’. Luck didn’t have a darn thing to do with it.”

  Jason scowled at her, then changed the scowl to a grin. “Admit it, Syd. You never would’ve beaten me if they hadn’t given you a major handicap.”

  “Maybe not, but them’s the rules, bucko. You’re just mad because I haven’t shifted yet and I still beat you.”

  Shifted? Did Sydney actually say shifted? Cold hard hate raked through Max.

  She kissed the trophy and held it out to Jason. “Don’t be mad, okay? I’ll even let you hold it if it’ll make you feel better.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  She inclined her head in a slight bow. “I am nothing if not gracious in victory.”

  Risking exposure, Max leaned a little farther and studied Sydney closer. Was she drunk and just foolin’ around, saying things she didn’t mean? Or did she actually look different?

  Jason held the car door open for her. Yet when she started to slide into the seat, he wedged her between the top of the car and the door and pressed his body next to hers. “I am not mad.” He ran the tip of his tongue over her lips to send bolts of pure rage streaking throughout Max. “I’m proud of you. And, by the way, when you howled, you did shift. At least a little.”

  Sydney did shift? If she had, wouldn’t it mean she was a…? Yet Max couldn’t, wouldn’t accept the horrible thought.

  “Wait a sec. I did? Are you sure?”

  Oh, hell. Max ground his teeth together and waited for the answer he didn’t want to hear. What would Skeller say if his daughter had gone over to the beast side of the night? He had to fight to keep from shouting at her. How had she been turned? His gaze darted from Syd to Jason. If she was a werewolf, he’d bet his best rifle that creature was the one who had dragged her into the darkness. He gripped the edge of the brick wall and mentally kicked himself for not bringing a gun. But who could have guessed the night’s events would lead him to two werewolves?

  Jason slipped a hand under her T-shirt and cupped her breast, making Max ground his teeth harder. He didn’t know how much more of this revolting display he could tolerate.

  “When you started howling, I saw your fangs start to sprout and tuffs of hair popped out along your neckline. Plus, your fingertips grew a little and sharpened on the ends. It was sexy as hell.”

  Max’s knees threatened to buckle under him and he gripped the wall to stay on his feet. Head down, he tried to sort through everything he’d heard. He still had trouble believing it. What the hell was going on? What had Sydney gotten herself mixed up in?

  “Hey, you two love pups, where you off to? The night’s still young.”

  The new voice brought his head up to see a skinny male join Jason and Sydney. Was this guy
another shifter? He had to be. Max shuddered, thinking about the disgusting animals standing less than twenty feet from him.

  “We’re headed to my place.” She held up her trophy and shook it at the bone-thin shifter. “Is this cool or what?”

  “Definitely cool.” The redheaded one ruffled Jason’s hair and received a snarl for his gesture. “Especially since you beat out the reigning champion.”

  “Watch it, Benjy. Remember she had a shitload of handicap points.”

  “Well, la-di-da. Look whose snout is out of whack. But your excuse won’t fly. They didn’t even bother counting the points after she ended her howl. Miss Sydney here was the pack’s favorite, paws down.”

  Saliva ran in Max’s mouth and the tension in his body stiffened him. It’s true. Sydney is a shifter and running around with the hounds from hell. I have to tell Skeller.

  “You’re way off base, Benjy. I’m proud of my girl.”

  Vomit raced into Max’s mouth almost before he could keep from throwing up. His girl?

  “Tell me, Miss Cute Toot. What’s your father think of Jason? Does he know you’ve mated? What pack does your family belong to?” Benjy pursed his lips and struck a fist on his hip. “Are you two keeping secrets from your BFF? You know. Your best furry friend? Hmm?”

  “No secrets here.” Jason opened the door wider to let Sydney into the car. “You’ll have to stick with reading the gossip rags for your conspiracy theories.” He patted Benjy on the cheek and walked around to the driver’s side. “I take it you didn’t find a young wolf to hook up with?”

  “Nope, not a one. They were all either too old, too young, or too sloppy. Hey, don’t change the subject. Ya gotta give me some info about Ms. Thang’s family.”

  “The only thang you need to know is we’re mated. End of discussion.” Jason paused and turned toward the building where Max hid. “Did you hear something?”


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