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A Table for Three: New York, Book 1

Page 12

by Lainey Reese

  As she was filled in on the latest in family gossip Trevor upped the anti by leaning forward and taking one nipple in his mouth to suck it hard and deep as he plunged two fingers into her. Her hips jerked and lifted, and she fisted her free hand in his hair, not quite managing to stifle her moan.

  “What was that, dear?” Trevor heard her mother say and smiled darkly around the breast in his mouth.

  “Nothing, Mom.” If Riley’s reply was too breathy there was nothing she could do about it. “Umm, what was that about Uncle Charlie?”

  “Dear?” Riley’s mom asked. “Are you feeling alright? You sound funny.” Trevor, the brat, chose that moment to flex his fingers and stroke against that spot in her that never failed to make her scream. Thankfully, he wasn’t a total monster and stuffed a throw pillow in her face as he did it. She screamed into it instead of her mother’s ear. Her mom went on for a while longer and, after making Riley promise to call after her first day in the new branch, she hung up.

  Riley dropped her phone and the pillow, then grabbed Trevor by the hair and pulled him up for a biting kiss. She was in a fever pitch thanks to him, and she was going to make him finish what he started. With a gasp and moan, she ripped open his fly and impaled herself on his throbbing shaft. Trevor lunged forward and spread her out on the coffee table, pulling her legs up to drape over his shoulders. He groaned deep in his chest as the position allowed him deeper access than he’d ever had from her, and set a hard, fast rhythm that brought them both to climax in record speed.

  Sweating and panting the two of them snuggled in the afterglow. Riley wondered how in the world she had made it her whole life without these two. Her two week trial was almost over and it was time to make a decision. She wondered if she was being selfish wanting to keep them and her job. Did she not trust them? Was the part of her that wanted to quit and fully devote herself to them the selfish part? After all, if she took what they offered she would be the one who got everything. She would be supported. She would be pampered. Her every whim would be met. They had been doing that nonstop for almost two weeks and showed no signs of slowing down. She wanted to see the Met, so they had taken her. She wanted to see Central Park, and the next thing she knew she was in a horse-drawn carriage strolling through it.

  They had relented to her cooking for them too. They had both the penthouse and the townhouse stocked and gave her unlimited credit at a delivery market so she could cook to her heart’s content for them. Everything she ever wanted was at her fingertips and more.

  Sex. Ah lord, the sex. They were insatiable, and she had a suspicion that she was too. Every touch, every kiss, every look was a whole new layer to the sensual web they had caught her in. There was nothing they had done to her that she would change, or even moderate. She loved how they took command of her. It made her feel possessed, but in good way. They reacted to every nuance of her responses. They learned what made her moan or twitch and exploited that knowledge without mercy—either by bringing her to endless orgasms or by withholding them from her until the torment reduced her to begging. It was amazing and mind blowing. She wished she knew how to eat her cake and have it too.

  That night Cade found it impossible to sleep. Someone was stealing from him. After the mix up with the liquor delivery, he had done some discrete digging and cross referencing and had found several discrepancies in everything from liquor to the crystal and china he had imported in. Nothing too big. Nothing he wouldn’t have chalked up as broken or miscounted merchandise if he’d stumbled across them individually. But together? Together he was looking at thousands of dollars of missing items, and it pissed him off.

  He screened every employee carefully before they were hired. He insisted on credit checks and references for everyone he allowed in his employ. In his club, he couldn’t be too careful. If a person wasn’t above stealing, then they weren’t above exposing certain aspects to a reporter or tabloid for the right price. If he didn’t find this person or persons soon, it wasn’t just his club and his reputation that would be ruined. A lot of people trusted in his ability to keep their secrets safe, and if they became known, a lot of lives would be damaged, some beyond repair. Cade ran a frustrated hand through his hair and stared out at the sparkling city. The solace the view usually brought eluded him.

  Riley at first didn’t know what woke her. She woke knowing something was wrong. Then she realized what it was. She could breathe. The three of them slept like a pile of puppies in a basket. Sometimes Cade would be on the bottom of the pile and sometimes Trevor, but always she would be squashed in the middle…smothered. So having over six feet of hard male missing from off her back woke her up. She reached a hand to the empty side of the bed and found the sheets cool to the touch, and her heart ached a little. She knew he had been distracted and worried about work when he got home. He had not flirted with her the way he normally did and had only held her close, like a security blanket, instead of the rough and passionate embrace he normally gave her. It saddened her that he was upset. Especially that it was bad enough to keep him from his bed and sleep. As quietly as she could she slipped away from Trevor, hoping that his sleep wouldn’t be disturbed and went to find Cade.

  He was standing naked in front of the windows. His back was so perfectly formed she marveled at it in awe. Muscles and contours and sleek chiseled lines framed him from neck to toes, covered with smooth dusky skin that she knew tasted like heaven. She tiptoed to him, quiet and soft to lean full length against his hard male flesh. She had dragged on Cade’s button up shirt that was heaped on the floor, but she made sure it was not between his back and her front so that they both could wallow in the differences between their bodies as she wrapped her arms around his middle and pulled herself in tight.

  “Hi,” she kissed softly on the skin between his shoulder blades. “I missed you.” Another kiss and a small nibble. She smiled as it raised gooseflesh along his spine.

  “Missed me?” Cade’s reply was a gruff whisper, slightly distracted, even though he reached one hand back to run affectionately over her hip and buttocks.

  “Sure, missed you.” Another nibble and a small swipe of her tongue. “I woke up when I realized I could breathe.” He chuckled softly like she had hoped he would and tugged on her until she was standing in front of him. When she looked up to his beloved face, she felt something crumble in her chest. She loved him. This intense, demanding, complicated man who was built like an Olympian warrior from Greece. She loved everything about him. The way he hurt over his work, the way it ate at him, showed his dedication and drive. She loved the way he loved Trevor. The two were closer than she had ever known two straight men could be. There was genuine love between them, a love she felt blessed to be a part of. Blessed that they welcomed her to share in that with them.

  She couldn’t help with whatever was bothering him at work. He was keeping it close to himself. She knew he hated that she hadn’t agreed to stay yet. The possibility that she might walk out on them in two days was also a worry weighing on him. That she could help him with. Right now.

  “Cade.” She gathered all her courage and the love she felt for them both filled her eyes. She wished Trevor were here so she could tell them both, but at the same time, she treasured this moment of just the two of them. She decided when she told Trevor she loved him for the first time, they would be alone too.

  Cade looked at her precious face and could not resist reaching a hand up to cradle it. She was so delicate his palm cupped her from chin to temple, his fingers sliding into her messy curls. She had become beloved to them so quickly. Her presence was enough to ease some of the tension that he had dragged around all day. His other hand lifted so he could trace her dainty features one by one, knowing that even if he went blind, he’d be able to know her by feel and taste. He began to dip his head to her lips when she spoke, just a whisper away so her words fluttered across his mouth like butterfly wings. “Cade. I love you. I love you both. If you still want, I’ll stay. I’ll stay forever if you’ll let me.�

  Chapter Fourteen

  The words lanced through him with the precision of a sharpshooter. He felt every muscle in his body bunch and coil with instant arousal. His cock filled painfully, a primitive part of him wanting, no needing, to claim what had become his. His hands that had just been so gentle on her face, gripped hard and he growled deep in his chest as he swooped in to thrust his tongue to the back of her mouth in a kiss as brutal and as consuming as the feelings rushing through his body.

  “Mine,” he said into her plundered mouth, ripping the open shirt from her shoulders and slamming her against the glass. “Mine,” he said again, reaching down and hooking one of her knees in the crook of his elbow so he could plunge into her.

  Riley screamed around his kiss at the unexpected invasion. Caught off guard in the maelstrom of emotion pouring off him. Not having expected her tender declaration to lead to this firestorm of need. She was defenseless against it, her body trained by them to respond to their every touch. In two strokes she was wet and dripping for him. Her body thundered against the window in time to his lunges. He held her leg higher and shifted for his next thrust. Bam! Riley’s head fell back on a scream. Bam! He was so deep, so hard. Both their bodies sweat and heaved while they strained together. Bam! Again. Harder.

  It wasn’t enough. Cade thought. It would never be enough. He braced her shoulders against the glass and grabbed her other leg, holding them wide for him. He pulled his hips back and pounded into her as fast and hard as he could, thrilling to her cries and pants as his body plundered hers until, like an engine at its peak, he broke. The orgasm raked through his groin like a red-hot poker, and his entire body jerked with it as he flooded her womb in a hot pulsating rush. Distantly, he heard her cries as her own orgasm consumed her. It caused her vaginal walls to ripple around his shaft repeatedly, until the sensations were so intense he thought he was going to pass out.

  Without his knowledge of how they got there, Cade realized that they were on the floor and Riley was practically bent double under him. He didn’t have the strength to carry her to the bed. He did the next best thing and lunged to the side. At least he wasn’t squishing her any more. Her legs fell with an undignified plop to the floor and she laid panting and staring at him with a slightly baffled look on her face. He felt that clenching in his chest again, that clenching in his soul. He smiled at her and leaned forward to lay a feather light kiss on her lips. “Thank you, sweetheart. For staying.”

  Riley wrinkled her nose at him. If he wasn’t ready to say the words, that was okay. She could wait. But darned if she was going to say them again till he did. Especially if this was the reaction she was going to get when she did. At least she wasn’t going to say it unless they were close to a bed. Ow. Riley felt like she had been pummeled. She gave him a disgruntled look as she reached to her back and tried to rub the base of her spine where she was sure he’d snapped it. Cade chuckled and rolled her until she was face down on his lap as he was braced against the window. Then he started rubbing in deliciously firm circles on her poor abused back. She sighed like a contented kitten and arched into the caresses. She could definitely get used to this.

  “Mine,” Cade repeated, softer this time, but no less intense.

  “Yes,” Riley said, turning her head in his lap to smile at him. “Yours.” Then her eyes widened, and her body tensed. “I hope we didn’t wake up poor Trevor. He was beat tonight.”

  “Don’t worry, Ry,” Cade said, touched that she was always thinking about them in small thoughtful ways. “Trev could sleep thru the second coming. We didn’t wake him.” Riley was not convinced and said as much. “If we woke him, don’t you know by now he would have come to join us? He can’t resist your sweet little body any more than I can.” That made sense to her, but she wasn’t going to be happy until they were all back in bed where they belonged and Cade gave in and helped Riley to her feet. The two of them staggered like drunks back to bed and sure enough, Trevor was dead to the world and didn’t even flinch when they piled in on top of him. Riley had one last thought as she drifted off to sleep. In case Trevor had a similar reaction to her telling him she loved him, she was going to make sure she told him in bed.

  The next morning the boys were speechless as they stared at the meal Riley had prepared for them. She had snuck out of bed before either of them had woken up and they didn’t stir until the spicy wonderful smells drifting in from the kitchen had made it impossible for even Trevor to sleep. There was a stack of homemade flour tortillas that made the store bought ones look like cardboard. There were red scrambled eggs that smelled like Mexican nirvana. Riley had called it chorizo and eggs, a dish her daddy used to make for her every Saturday when she was a little girl. The chorizo was a spicy Mexican sausage that she had mixed with beaten eggs, and she’d explained that you didn’t eat it with forks. Instead, you had to tear off pieces of tortilla and pinch it up with your fingers. She demonstrated the first bite for each of them, feeding them in turn and got similar reactions from them. They both fell on the food like scavengers and a dozen eggs and fifteen tortillas were gone before she could blink.

  They both had to work that day—Cade at the restaurant and Trevor at Flatbush to put some things in order for an upcoming fundraiser. Riley had to go over some things first. Just because she was going to let them keep her, did not mean she was going to stay with the original plan they had laid out for her, and she wanted to get that straightened out now.

  “Um, guys,” she began, before they headed off to get ready for the day. “I have some things I’d like to talk to you about before we go to work for the day.”

  “We?” Cade said. She wasn’t going anywhere. They had movies for her, and they were taking her to the townhouse. She would be able to soak in the hot tub and ease her body while they were gone. No he didn’t like the we at all.

  Trevor was frowning at her too. He knew there was something different. It was something in the way Cade kept looking at Riley, something very possessive and almost greedy. He was worried that she might have said something about not staying with them to Cade, and Trevor did not like what that did to his gut. The thought of her thinking about not staying made him almost frantic, and he had insane images in his head of tying her up in the chair and keeping her prisoner until she agreed to stay.

  “Umm…” Riley smiled at Cade conspiratorially and placed one hand on his arm in a silent message to wait, then looked Trevor in the eye and felt tears fill her own to flood over. But before she could talk past the lump in her throat, Trevor mistook her intentions and shot to his feet.

  “No,” he shouted. “No. I mean it. Dammit, Cade.” He pointed an angry finger at his best friend, baffled that they, who had always felt the same about everything, could be on such different wavelengths. “What are you thinking? Riley! You are not fucking leaving. Do you hear? You are ours. You’re staying and that’s it. God.” Trevor struggled as he felt panic settling in around his chest and didn’t know how to keep it back. He loved her. He did. He knew Cade felt the same, and he could not fathom that she thought they were going to let her walk out the door.

  “Shh, Trevor.” Riley was frantic to calm him down. If she had any doubts left that they loved her, Trevor’s reaction to the thought that she was leaving them put those to rest. “Trevor. Listen to me. I’m not going anywhere. That’s not what I meant. Just listen. I told Cade last night, and I wanted to tell you now.” She smiled into his eyes as he sat and scowled at her, waiting. “I’m staying. I’ve decided to stay.”

  The relief wilted Trevor like a deflated balloon. He felt euphoric with it in fact. He reached out with both hands to drag her into his lap to kiss her, feeling the same need to plunder that Cade had the night before. But Riley pushed back and pulled away. She needed to talk and if they started touching her, she would not get a single word in before they had to leave. She scooted away and placed the table between her and the men. That way they couldn’t distract her with their hands to try and get their way.

; “Now,” she began. “Just because I’m staying doesn’t mean I’m staying on your terms.” She smiled at the twin frowns that got her. “Oh, don’t scowl at me. I can’t just lie around all day every day for the rest of my life. I need something to do. I was hoping that maybe one of you could give me a job? From what happened last time at the club, I know neither of you would go for me working there.”

  “Damn right.” Both men grumbled, their faces angry at just the thought.

  She continued, “What about with you, Trevor? You know I love charity work. Is there something I could do with you, in your organization? That way if you were my boss, you could make sure I was available whenever you two needed me.”

  Both men were frowning at her. They didn’t like her having any responsibility other than themselves.

  “C’mon guys. I’m giving you what you want. I love being here, and I love what we have together, but I will shrivel without a purpose that is more than my own little circle of life. I am not the type of person who can be content to spend my days worried about my manicure and the latest fashion. The world is a lot bigger than me and my own problems and I was raised better than that. Just like you two were.”

  It was just the right button to push, and both men groaned. She had them. They would never be content to live the way they wanted her to, but they weren’t happy about it and gave in grudgingly. It took a full hour of arguing and squabbling before all three of them were satisfied. None of them got everything they wanted, but they had reached a compromise that they could live with, and Riley knew that eventually, they would adjust and settle until they were happy. She felt it right down to the bottom of her heart. They were going to be happy, she knew it.


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