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Galataea Crystallim Core 1

Page 14

by Scottie Futch

  Scott and Flora eventually reached the front of the line then slipped through the transit point hand-in-hand. It took a little over half of an hour to reach their temporary home.

  “So, what do you think, Flora? Is the life of a hunter’s Crystallim, something you want?” This was an important conversation. Not all Crystallim wanted to fight and battle. They all wanted to be stronger, but many of them preferred quiet and happy days with their master.

  “It was fun, and I want to help you in your work,” said Flora.

  “So, getting shot in the shoulder by a naked girl was fun?” asked Scott with a smirk.

  Flora giggled sweetly then opened her arms to him again. “Naked girls are often fun in general. Don’t you think?”

  Scott had already grown fond of her gentle reminder that she enjoyed cuddling with him. As far as Alraune Crystallim went, she certainly matched her supposed personality.

  She was based on a type of plant that had clinging vines. Flora certainly did enjoy clinging to him, and he did not mind it at all. Scott was still not certain of her exact plant species, but he could tell that much about her personality and physical makeup at least.

  Scott slipped his arms around her and held her close once more. The busty plant girl nuzzled against him then slowly wrapped him further in her vines. Her eyes closed half-way and a gentle smile crossed her lips.

  Her master slid one hand down to softly caress her lower back and she murmured softly. After having her lower back lightly massaged for a moment she turned slightly then kissed Scott on the neck. She then kissed him on the collarbone before leaning upward to kiss his chin.

  The hunter did not become aggressive despite the fact that he had sudden urges that would no doubt entirely change the tone of the moment. One of the most important parts of developing a proper relationship with a Crystallim was to set a proper tone. Some girls would want him to be forceful and aggressive. Seventy-Two, his former Avatar partner, came to mind.

  Other girls would need to be teased and taunted, possibly even beaten personally in a fight, or sparred with on a frequent basis. He certainly knew someone who fit that category. She would probably attempt to smack him around simply for taking so long to visit her. Not that she would admit that such a thing was the reason for her aggression.

  Flora gave off the feeling of someone who enjoyed soft and sweet moments. Scott believed that he needed to allow her time to truly become comfortable with him. Her reaction to how she was sold off repeatedly told him that. She'd been sold three times, and she acted as though that were some sort of major betrayal instead of a common situation.

  The only thing he could think of concerning that factor was that Flora was a sweet and romantic sort of girl who believed in permanence and long-term love. In effect, she thought that she'd found someone truly special several times but was tossed aside casually.

  However, as much as he wanted to let her snuggle and kiss him at her own pace, he could not help himself entirely. He kissed her on top of her head then slipped his hands down to cup her firm, but bouncy, posterior.

  She froze up immediately then looked away from him. Scott did not miss the way that her vines subtly loosened, either. “I’m sorry, Flora.”

  He moved his hands back up to her lower back and her vines began to tighten ever so slightly. The Alraune smiled a soft, but timid smile. She said, “It’s alright, master. It is your right to do that.... isn’t it?”

  “No.” Scott slipped his hand up to caress the back of her hair. No, it was not his right to just manhandle her as he saw fit. They were partners, she was not his sex toy.

  “It’s not?” she asked, confusion lacing her voice. Flora pulled back a little and looked her master in the eyes.

  Scott shook his head. “There are actually a large number of humans and Crystallim who never become intimate physically. They remain really close, and very good, friends.”

  “Friends?” Flora blinked then shook her head. Her eyebrows pressed together and her confusion grew.

  “If that is what you want, we can simply be friends and nothing more,” said Scott.

  Flora frowned. “No... I... really do like you, master. I’m just not ready for...”

  Scott looked into her eyes then nodded slowly. “I like you too, Flora. I’m not going to pressure you into anything you aren’t ready for, OK? You are a sweet girl, and should be treated that way.”

  The Alraune’s cheeks darkened to a lovely shade of green tinged with a hint of pink. “You’re definitely not like my last master.”

  Scott did not know how to answer that, or even if he should. Instead, continued to gaze into her eyes and smiled at her.

  Flora’s vines tightened further around him and she began to breathe at a slightly faster pace. “You have been so gentle with me....”

  He continued to caress the back of her head and to massage her lower back. However, he did not speak. Flora needed to think about what she wanted to say, to do. Deep within the heart of the flower girl, possibilities began to blossom, but there were still uncertainties. Yet, his hands did feel quite... Pleasurable.

  The moment of indecision passed. Flora took a deep breath then slowly made her thoughts known.

  “I am not comfortable with becoming too intimate, yet. But you have been so sweet to me...” said the girl. She looked carefully into Scott’s eyes in search of his answer. Mildly surprised by what she saw there, her body began to heat up rapidly. There was neither disappointment, nor annoyance, in his eyes. There was only acceptance.

  Flora closed her eyes for a moment and then a blissful smile stole across her features. She nodded once slowly, as though she had come to another decision. She slowly opened her eyes once more then looked at him with a sincere and hopeful expression.

  "Master, would you like to taste my sweet nectar? I can make enough to fill a pitcher," asked Flora with a gentle and curious smile.

  "Well, I suppose that would make it sort of like juice.... Juice is an important part of a balanced breakfast... So, sure," said Scott. The idea of drinking her nectar was interesting, if a little strange. Of course, it was a little late for breakfast, but he had been joking anyway.

  Flora's cheeks darkened and a wide smile crossed her lips. She clapped her hands together once and held them in place. "Great! Give me a moment and I will do my best for you."

  Scott leaned in and kissed her on the nose. "You always do, Flora."

  The Alraune's face darkened even more and became a leaf-green color, but her eyes brightened considerably. Her master was almost as sweet as the nectar she was prepared to create for him.

  She took on an expression of intense concentration and then her tension seemed to drain away. “I am ready, master.”

  “OK,” He smiled at her and waited to see what she intended to do.

  “Are you sure that you would you like to taste my nectar?” she asked in a nervous but excited manner.

  “Yes, of course,” said Scott.

  Her face became flush once more then she leaned back. “I’ve been intimate with my other masters, but I never let them taste my nectar directly... Please be gentle.”

  Scott looked down and noticed that her breasts had begun to swell a little. He suddenly realized what she was talking about! “I will be gentle, Flora.”

  She smiled at him. He was such a sweet boy. That was a wonderful thing as far as she was concerned.

  Scott kissed her softly on her swollen breasts, eliciting a loud gasp from the sensitive girl. Flora immediately began to tighten her vines around him.

  “D-don’t tease me...” She whimpered a little and started to breathe heavily.

  Her master realized that she enjoyed that treatment, but needed him to get to the task at hand. Her swollen breasts were probably uncomfortable for her. Scott swirled his tongue gently around her stiff green nipple. Flora gasped and moaned once more. A gentle outcry echoed through the room not long after and a soft trail of fluid began to dribble out of her nipples.

t caressed her softly with his tongue for a moment. However, not long after he began his tender assault on her lonely green nipple his eyes widened in surprise. He tasted something extraordinarily sweet! She had not been exaggerating about her sweet nectar.

  “M-master, please...” whispered Flora.

  The hunter lifted her up into his arms gently then moved with her to his bed. He sat on the edge, Flora in his lap. He now held a better position to enjoy the sweet attentions of his new friend.

  Scott clasped her nipple between his lips then began to gentle suckle at her maidenly breast. He could not get enough of that tender and sweet sensation. His fingers gently danced along the pillowy curvature of her swollen breasts. Soon, he was pawing them like a happy cat who'd found a rewarding sunbeam.

  Flora moaned out loudly then wrapped him even tighter in her vines. She held him close in her arms and hugged him against her body. She gave off the impression of a new mother taking care of her first child.

  She stroked the back of his head while her master continued to massage and caress her sweet breasts, which curiously tasted sweeter than the sweetest of honey dew melons. She began to cry a little at the tender moment. She had not given herself to a human in this way before.

  Flora performed all manner of acts, and even had her breasts sucked upon but she'd never felt close enough to a human to produce her nectar for them while doing so. It was a good feeling, but frightening. She'd already become this close to him, but only a few days ago they were total strangers.

  While Scott availed himself of her sweetness, Flora could not help but become concerned. What if he sold her, anyway? What if he found someone else and never asked her to manifest again. That was a horrible thought.

  Meanwhile, Scott could not remember ever having a mother. He was currently making up for lost time by thoroughly enjoying the taste and feeling of this moment. It was a strange sort of interaction, but he liked it. Flora was a truly wonderful girl.

  Scott switched to her other breast and Flora giggled gently through her tears. She said, “My sweet master is thirsty, huh?”

  In response he nibbled her nipple gently and she gasped once more before she started to moan. The Alraune’s tears dried a little and she smiled once more. Her eyes shimmered in the dim light, but she did not cry again. There was no need. Whatever might come in the future, she knew that at least she could enjoy being close to him today.

  Scott lost all sense of time and nearly an hour passed while he gorged himself on her tender mercies. Flora did not complain once. In fact, she was slightly saddened when he stopped sampling her sweet milk.

  They slipped down onto the bed, still wrapped in each other’s arms. Scott gently brushed the side of her face then caressed her cheek with his thumb. She ran her fingers through his hair and smiled at him. Enraptured by his subtle movements and gentle demeanor, she could not stop her heart from beating a little faster as they held each other.

  Scott had to go meet Alexis in around an hour, but she did not live far away. There was still time to get to know his sweet honey dew Alraune just a little longer.

  Flora leaned her head to the side and kissed him softly on the edge of his palm. “I know it’s almost time for you to leave, Master. But I... I do have one more type of nectar that you might enjoy...”

  “If you want me to sample it, I would be happy to, Flora.”

  Her face darkened, but her eyes lit up. Her chest swelled a little once more, but not with her sweet milk. She clasped his hand in hers then moved it down between her soft green thighs. “If you want it you may sample it here, master.”

  Scott kissed her softly on the lips, and she began to heat up even more. The hunter slipped down along her body, gently moving along with her vines so as not to harm her. He disentangled himself from her and slipped back to get a good view of his new friend.

  Flora was lying across the bed on her side, her head propped up on a pillow. She gazed at him with a sweet, loving expression. The curvaceous Alraune slid her top thigh toward her torso, slowly. She revealed her love mound to him. The soft, puffy flesh glistened gently in the light and slowly parted like a flower petal in bloom.

  “Sweet nectar indeed...” said Scott. He swallowed hard as he gazed at the absolute erotic vision before him. "Beautiful," he said softly before slipping one finger up to lightly trail along the curvature of her maidenhood.

  "Please don't tease me..." she whispered breathlessly.

  He slid down on his hands and knees then pressed his tongue gently to her folds. Flora cried out and clutched her pillow. She bit it gently then closed her eyes.

  Scott slowly slid his tongue along her folds, lightly stroking her flesh and sampling her sweetest nectar. The Alraune began to wiggle and squirm under his gentle caress. She panted a little while pressing her face against her pillow.

  He slowly massaged her with his mouth and the girl began to scissor her thighs a little in response. Flora whimpered cutely, "So sexy..." and then started to breathe heavily.

  The hunter began to nibble at her folds. Her squirming intensified, and her moans became short little gasps and cries of delighted surprise.

  Flora panted a little then lifted her head to look back at her master. She watched him as he sampled her nectar. Her face grew dark once more and her body grew hotter. She could hardly stand it. The sensations flowing through her were so intense, so much better than she had believed possible.

  Scott did something then that completely destroyed her. He made a strange sound and her vagina vibrated in time to his motions. She squealed loudly and squirmed under his touch. “W-what was that...?”

  The man laughed into her sensual maidenhood then did it again. He blew a raspberry! Rather, he performed an action that many might call a motorboat.

  Flora cried out and bucked against him. She instinctively tried to press her soft sweet pussy against his hot human lips. “Again....!”

  Scott laughed into her folds then spent several minutes happily motorboating her for all he was worth. The Alraune gasped and giggled and clutched at her pillow. She was not certain what she wanted to do, but she did many things. Finally, after several minutes of uncontrollable contortions she cried out loudly. Her aching, and thoroughly confused, vagina practically exploded as her sweet nectar gushed out of her with great force.

  Scott, his face drenched in her sweetness, did not even bat an eyelash. He simply went back to massaging her with his tongue. Soon, the same thing happened again with equal intensity and volume. Flora panted loudly and started to cry.

  “If, if you keep doing that I will die....” whimpered the girl while her mouth hung open and she panted for air.

  The hunter blinked then pulled his head back. “Flora, this won’t kill you...”

  “But... but... I feel so hot and my heart is hammering, and down there I just... and then...” She stared at him with wide, frightened, eyes. Her entire body had taken on a darker shade of green and felt hot to the touch.

  “That’s just an orgasm Flora... You’ve had one before, right?” asked Scott. She'd been with two masters and had admitted to intimacy.

  She quickly whipped her head from side to her, her eyes remained wide like an overstimulated owl who had seen her first adult fetish video. “I thought before, but... No... Never this...”

  Scott kissed her softly on her sweet, wet pussy, his eyes never leaving hers. Her whole body shuddered and she shook her head slowly. “Get used to it, OK.”

  Flora whimpered softly at him, much like a puppy. "But master..."

  He sweetly kissed her pussy then patted her gently on her beautiful ass. "Do you not want me to do this anymore?"

  "It... I don't..." She could not find the words, but the moment he asked that question her frightened expression crossed her face. Quickly, her eyes wide once more, she said in a high pitched voice, "I don't mind so much..."

  "I'll treat you like this more often then, if you would like..." said Scott.

  She released a tentative smile. “I w
ould love that... I think.”

  Scott started to say something to the girl but she yawned suddenly, and then covered her mouth with her hand. “Goodness, why am I so tired...?” she asked.

  “Well, you have maintained a manifestation most of the day. A battle and your first multiple orgasm would do that for a girl,” said Scott.

  Flora giggled sweetly, then placed her hands to her cheeks. A bright smile crossed her lips as she lightly shook her head back and forth “Oh, now I know what the other girls meant.”

  “Hmm?” asked Scott.

  The Alraune sighed languidly then stretched her arms a little. “They used to say things about their master wearing them out. I always thought that they meant that he had them equipped when he took them into town.”

  Scott laughed a little then casually swatted Flora on the ass. She yelped a little then looked at him accusingly. Her tiny little pout made him smile.

  “That hurt, you know,” She said.

  Scott kissed her softly on the ass then caressed her pussy with his thumb. “Pain is horniness leaving the body.”

  Her eyes widened again and then she gripped her pillow tight. She whirled it around and smacked her master in the face with her makeshift weapon. Her body began to burn once more and she looked incredibly embarrassed by what he had said.

  “Flora...” said Scott, a smile on his lips.

  “Y-yes...” asked the suddenly embarrassed girl.

  “You’re a complicated sort of person, aren’t you?” asked the man.

  She groaned loudly then reached for another pillow. Scott laughed as she tried to swat him without moving her lower body. His thumb felt like magic and she did not want to ruin that feeling.

  They giggled and played for a moment, but she yawned again. Poor little Flora, she was so tired from her many exertions. “Master, I don’t think I will be able to meet your friend today.”

  “I understand. Would you like to rest till tomorrow? You would be able to meet your potential sister then as well,” said Scott.

  “I would like that!” said Flora. She smiled at him then casually placed her hand atop her hip.


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