Evolution of a Goddess

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Evolution of a Goddess Page 22

by Dee King

  “Are you looking for Ember and Atlas?” He says to me.

  “Yes and No. I haven’t had much time here, so just checking things out.” Smiling at him for the first time in what seemed to be a century.

  “They are in the fire camp. I believe Ian is teaching that currently, until we find a replacement.”

  “Ian? What does he know about fire?” We both begin to laugh.

  “Not much from what I gather, but with Cato leaving, we needed someone to take his place. Pretty sure your kids will be running this place in no time though.” He touches me on the back and suddenly I felt calm.

  Too bad it didn’t work like it used to on me. Alex obviously still had the power of touch. Too bad I didn’t have that for myself. Finding my children was the most shocking thing I had seen in a long time. Ember was throwing fireballs around in the air, Atlas would dodge with water tricks, as all the others would watch. Ian was clapping for each one that Atlas would knock down. Ember was twirling around, making fireballs from her hands, laughing the entire time. Everyone was standing around clapping and having a great time. But… something inside of me felt that they weren’t supposed to be doing this. My children were showing off, teaching the others to do the same with their powers. This could become a real problem. That’s when I noticed something sparkling on Atlas’s wrist. It was some of my charms from my bracelet. How was that even possible? I destroyed that on Earth. Trying to make it unknown that I had been watching them, I hide behind one of the oversized redwood trees that was near me. Atlas kept laughing, then the words he said put me in such a state of shock that I almost knocked down the tree.

  “Wonder if Mom and Dad will think it’s cool that we followed in their footsteps when we go back to Earth. Thank goodness Hera and Poseidon gave us our parent’s charms.” He holds up his hand in a fist to the group, who then began to praise them.

  My parents? My parents had betrayed me with my children? They were forbidden to go to Earth. Why would they even want to go? We had built everything that Earth had right here. My parents just couldn’t have let it be? They were never allowed to walk among mortals as we had, and my parents just gave them a way for them to do just that.

  Chapter Sixty-Two

  If your heart heals, can you still have it broken again?

  Running as fast as I could without being seen, the answers were becoming clearer of what Sebastian’s weird feelings were. I think he may have known the children were planning something behind our backs along with our parents help. How in the world do they do this? They aren’t even here anymore and yet can still manage to mess with my life? When a goddess runs through the Mount, it must be something to see. There were all kinds of creatures moving out of the way, others standing by watching me as I ran. Out of the sky came my Pegasus. He lands right in front of me as I throw myself on top of him and he carries me above the others. We were connected in a way that most didn’t understand. Holding on tight as he descended to the ground, Sebastian and Colin were talking in a hush in our enormous backyard. Thanking my Pegasus, he flies back up into the sky, his wings strong and dark.

  “I know what the plan is.” Blurting out the words before either of them can say anything.

  “There’s another problem, wait… what?” Colin says not hearing me.

  “The kids… I know what they are going to do, and that can’t happen.” Shaking my head, no, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Before we deal with that, you have to hear this.” Sebastian tells me.

  “What? Pretty sure my kids are more important, but yes Colin, let’s hear what you have to say first.” My mind racing on how to stop our children from making the same mistakes we had made, rolling my eyes at him.

  “Our parents left us something in the seas and I will need your help to defeat it.”

  “Colin, what the hell are you talking about?” Rolling my eyes at his need for my attention.

  “They awakened it when they tried to destroy the Earth.”

  “Awakened what?” He never just comes out and says what he means.

  “The Kraken.” His eyes now staring into mine.

  “The Kraken? You mean like the old folklore? ‘Release the Kraken’? That’s not real Colin.” My breath heavy with his antics, shaking my head back and forth.

  “No, it’s real, I’ve been watching it for a while. He’s real and he’s ready for a fight.” His voice never wavering.

  “Colin. Get serious! The Kraken? That’s not real. That’s like an old folktale they told kids to scare them to be good or some shit. If it was real how are we just now finding out about it? Good grief. Your job is to watch over the seas, guide hurricanes and storms away from the mortals to have less damage. Gods, seriously you have got to get a grip.” Laughing at him, this sounded make-believe.

  “He’s serious.” Sebastian faces me, his words stern.

  “What the hell is a Kraken? And what do you want me to do? Wave a wand around? That’s your battleground now. I was told it was always meant to be yours. So, go ahead big brother, you got this. Now, can we get serious for a minute.”

  “Selene! This is serious. It will rip apart the Earth, not just destroy the mortal homes or lives. It will ravish everything its path. You don’t have a choice, you must come back to Earth. I can’t win or beat this alone. We will all have to leave if we want the Earth to stay as it is. We will have to leave Cali and Ian in charge, the rest will have to come. There’s no other way. If you want to save the mortals, this is what has to happen.”

  “Colin, you’re being so dramatic. Just go down there, throw your trident at it, and kill it.”

  Seriously, did I have to do everything?

  “Pull it together. We’re going. We will leave the ones here that should stay, they will be fine, but WE are going. This isn’t a question.” Colin walks away from the two of us, finding Olivia off to the side waiting for him.

  “Our children plan to go to Earth, just so you are aware. Our parents gave them your ring and somehow my charm bracelet. So, that’s just one more thing to add to our list of shit to take care of.” Uncrossing my arms, I move past him, making my way to our WAR room.

  “They did what?” Sebastian shouts out after me, running beside me.

  “Yea, they did that. I swear when I get to see my parents again…” My words unfinished.

  We walk into the WAR room across from the seeing room, finding Zack in the thick of things.

  “We will have to attack from the left side of the Pacific, then we will have to make way to the coast. We need to leave in twenty minutes. If we miss this window, we will miss our best chance of taking it by surprise.” Zack fills all of us in, as he points at a map of the United States.

  “Who comes with us?” Sebastian says leaning over the table searching the map for the answers.

  “Everyone we can spare… um… the children are old enough.” He says quietly to Sebastian.

  “Not our children!” Exclaiming that there is no way I would allow that.

  “We have too… It’s either Cato ends up with all of humanity or we do, or they can live where they belong. Your choice.” Sebastian says to me as the room fills with a sudden silence.

  Silence filled my mind. There was no other way? Our children were going to have to battle something that could kill them? Kill all of humanity? Do I let millions die or save them? This was becoming an unbearable decision. My children were my priority, but this was different. Every god or goddess we could spare was going to have to come. The lives of a few or the lives of many? Nothing like having to defeat another monster to save the lives of others who didn’t care.

  Chapter Sixty-Three

  Folklore becoming reality? Was there ever going to be a myth that stayed a myth?

  “Let’s roll.” I say shaking my head back and forth but making my way out of the room.

  “You heard her.” Zack announces after me, as Sebastian was already standing beside me.

  Our clothes change automatically, as they always d
o for battle. Black on black. Small golden spikes on the top of my shoulders, hair pulled back into another long tight braid, and gold paint on the side of my face. Sebastian takes me by the hand as he is in all black too; even his black aviator sunglasses were back. We had just about all that we could take. This was our final battle as far as I was concerned. We were going to kill this beast, just like I should have done to the others who had crossed me.

  “Get the children, I will get Alex.” Sebastian nods at me as we break apart into Nirvana.

  Making my way to our children, one word kept passing through my mind like a road sign you see every other mile. Betrayal. Betrayed. Betrayed again.

  “Ian!” I scream out, as he shows my son how to hit a target with a bow.

  “Selene, I mean your highness, I didn’t expect you to be here.” His voice cracking as he sees me.

  Every student stands at attention as Ember drops the fireball she had been about to throw at the target.

  “My children are to come with me now, I will deal with you later.” My voice stern, my eyes fixated on him.

  Ember and Atlas run to me, Atlas dropping the bow and arrow on the ground. For the first time I was seeing them as the adults they were becoming, not the babies I always pictured them as. Their clothes were changing in front of the others to match mine and Sebastian’s. Ember stared down at herself, she was just as pleasantly pleased as Atlas was. They looked like slightly different versions of Sebastian and me. They were going to war and they had no idea why. Finding Sebastian with an entire army waiting for us at the gates was hard to see. This was all coming full circle. Our army numbers had depleted by many since we lost so many on Earth against Zeus. But nonetheless, we had the best of the best standing before us.

  “When we get on the ship, you will be given your orders. Stand back away from the stern and hold on tight when we break through to Earth. Understand?” Colin makes the announcement to all of us.

  Everyone nods as we begin our approach to the ship. No one asked questions as we walked through the Mount. Each one of us with our heads held high, Sebastian and I leading the way. We walk onto the pier where I turn to let everyone go ahead of me. My eyes wander over to see Olivia in tears. Making my way off the pier to her, Cali runs up behind her.

  “You two take care of this place, alright?” I say in the sweetest voice I can muster.

  “Yes.” Cali says bowing her head at me, trying to give condolences to Olivia.

  “Listen, we will be okay. I mean we are gods after all.” Raising an eyebrow at her in a cocky way, laying a hand on her shoulder.

  She looks up at me, a smile slowly calming her nerves.

  “Thank you for that.” She whispers.

  “Sure. What else are sisters for?” Winking at her and Cali, I turn back and walk back to the pier to board the ship.

  Many had come to see us off and the rumors were flying. Listening to some of their thoughts, they were scared this was the true end of their lives, and ours. Mortals believed in luck, gods believed in making your own. Getting to the bottom of all things monster reminded me that our children had planned to leave to go to Earth. Questioning myself as to why this would be wrong, I was reminded as the ship began to leave for my old home. Mass chaos plagued the world at one time, my parents tried to rid it of all the destruction that mortals had caused, but when it came to the twins there was no way I would let their identity be known. Known to a world who would kill just for being different. The way I saw it was, they were to guide the worlds after we all were long gone and they needed to understand that Earth was one of those places where gods shouldn’t be seen. It had happened numerous times before and it only made things worse. Their defiance was probably of my own doing if I was honest with myself. They were curious about a life they didn’t know. This was my fault and I would see to it that they saw Earth, yet understood this place was for mortals. Earth was not for gods to walk among them… but here we were once again.

  Chapter Sixty-Four

  When the odds are stacked against you, it’s up to you to decide your fate…

  I make my way to the stern of the boat as Colin stood at the bough, making sure he could see and guide us along the way. Sebastian stands silently with our children. He knew that we were to unite on this, but first to break the silence of our children.

  “Ember Rose, may I see your hands?” My words stern.

  She holds out her hands, searching Atlas’s face for what I could be up to. Dropping her hands, Atlas was next. Taking his hands into mine, I see the new bracelet made of my charms. Leather sewn through each of my charms was making it into a tight braided leather bracelet that now adorned his wrist. Turning his wrist over, there was no button or tie. It was like it just was a part of his wrist. Showing Sebastian, the leather-bound bracelet, he nods at me. Taking Atlas’s wrist in both of my hands, I tear it apart letting the charms fall to the floor of the ship as the leather becomes useless. Atlas is about to say something when his eyes meet mine.

  “We are going to battle. If you wear anything that can bind your powers you will be useless to us. I know where you got this, and we know of your plan. You wanted to go to Earth so this is now your chance. You will fight because this is who you are. This is who we have raised you to be. Fearless, kind-hearted, and to show no mercy in the sign of danger. But know this my son, you will not defy or hide anything from us ever again. Do I make myself, clear?” Without losing his gaze he bows his head nodding yes to me.

  “We know that Earth seems like a fun place, but believe me, believe us, we are doing what’s right for everyone. You do understand that we don’t know what we’re about to face, but you will be asked to fight for the worlds as you have never done before.” Sebastian tells them both with a hand on each of their shoulders.

  “Why are we here?” Ember asks us.

  “My parents, your grandparents, released the kraken, the real one, and it could devour the world in a matter of minutes if we don’t stop it. Your Uncle Colin says that we all will need to be here to defeat the beast. Please, do what you’re told. I couldn’t bear the thought….”

  “We couldn’t make it without the two of you.” Sebastian finishes my words.

  They both stand up straight, taking what we said to heart, and turn facing the water as we made our way out of the gates. Standing further to the side of the ship, I hold my hand out with my shoulder back, bracing myself. The golden trident jumps out of the water landing just inside my palm. Sebastian stands on the other side, strong and determined that we would stand and fight for humanity once again. Colin steers us towards the direction that Zack had told him to go, to catch the monster at his weak points. Alex clears the clouds away, all the while some of the ones who were with us today had never seen anything like this. As we approach the shoreline where we were to navigate the crew aboard and where we would fight, that’s when everything became very real. Earth no longer looked like what it had the last time we were here. Its beauty was coming back, everything growing again, the ocean as blue as it ever was. My heart began to yearn for a home that once was here.

  “This looks just like Nirvana.” We hear Ember yell out to us.

  Smiling, Sebastian and I say yes, for this was what we had had wanted when we built it. A place that reminded me of my home and a place where a new beginning could be had. We dock at the shore, the ship swaying back and forth in the crystal waters. Unsure of exactly where we were, I step off the ship first, my body changing back into a mortal size body. My normal body, with an unusual outfit. Still the same as when we left, just a little tighter than I liked. It was like a leather-bound suit. Oh no, here we go again with my cat-woman costume. My laughter finding its way out of me as I lend a hand to the others who have now stepped on the sand.

  “Damn, do you age? And you must have had a real love for cat-woman.” Alex tells me, shaking his head back and forth laughing at me; as he is the last one to get off the ship, staring me up and down.

  We both begin to laugh as I try to
tell him I don’t know how this keeps happening. Colin tells us to be quiet and to follow him as he had a place where we could see this monster of a creature he called the kraken. We move out quickly, trying to keep all of us in a single file line. My hand on the shoulder of Ember as she took in all the glory that Earth had to offer. We make it to what looks like a shed out in the middle of nowhere. This was like I was reliving my past all over again. Scary shacks, cat-woman costumes, monsters chasing us that I had never heard of beside in movies. The past really can come back and haunt you is all that ran through my mind as each person took a step into this old shack looking place. It was creepy. It had cobwebs covering the outside, the porch steps creaked as you took a step, and the door looked like it was hanging on by one screw. Inside told a very different story. It was an elaborate rouse on the outside because the inside looked like something Colin had dreamed up. A huge waterfall was in the middle of the room with blue lights lighting it. The glass around the huge feature was impressive too. Walking around it, you could see the others on the other side, even though the water that fell seemed real, it also seemed fake. It was neat, even if the outside was shady looking. Zack throws down a huge map on an oversized table, unfolding it placing little red push pins in places all over the map. This map was like the one he had shown us, except it was the whole world. There were little red pins now covering huge masses throughout the map.

  “What are all these little pins?” Atlas asked Zack while leaning over the map getting a better look.

  “This is where the kraken has been spotted by mortals, and this is where we believe he is going next.” Zack points to a red pin that seems as if it borders where we used to live.

  “Wait, is that where our houses used to be?” I point to the last pin Zack just showed us.

  “It’s where your houses were, and yes it seems drawn to go to where it believes we would be.”

  “How? Or why I guess I should ask?” Turning my face up towards Colin.


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