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His Courtesan Bride (Brides of Mayfair 3)

Page 9

by Michelle McMaster

  “To make a man give you everything, give away nothing.”

  “Indeed,” Lady D said. “And Courtesan Rule Number Thirty-one?”

  “To taste the juice, one must squeeze the fruit.”

  “And Courtesan Rule Number Thirty-Two?”

  “To make a make a man lose control, keep yours intact.”

  “Remember that one especially, Serena,” Lady Devlyn said. “It will be good for you girls to venture out on your own this evening. As we just went over, you don’t want to give away too much. But this could be a very good intelligence-gathering mission, especially for Felicity and Bliss. There might be a rich, virile young nobleman here who might strike your fancy—or a rich, virile, old one—who you may want to consider as a protector. Best to keep an open mind, I think. Oh look, here we are.”

  The carriage door swung open, held by a strapping young footman in pale orange satin and a powdered white wig. He helped each of the girls out, with Lady Devlyn alighting last. The footman ushered them up the stone steps to the front door, where Lady D presented their invitation to another attendant. In moments they were stepping through the door and into Darius’s breathtaking mansion.

  Serena looked about, and tried to take in as much as she could. But there was so much to see, it was almost dizzying to look at. As another footman took their cloaks, the girls gasped excitedly at the obvious wealth that surrounded them.

  “I say, if you don’t want Lord Kane after tonight, Serena, may I have him?” Bliss asked innocently. “I do admire his style.”

  Serena elbowed her friend gently. “Shh, Bliss! No one is supposed to know who we are.”

  “You just used her name, Serena,” Felicity pointed out.

  “Ladies,” Lady D whispered. “You may use each other’s names at your discretion. You will discover that most of the guests know each other quite well, already. And before the evening is out, others will get to know each other very well, indeed.”

  Exotic music floated in through the marble foyer, coming from the ballroom. The footman returned. “If the ladies will follow me, please, I would be honored to show you in to Lord Kane’s Garden of Delights.”

  Another footman strolled by with a silver tray of bubbling champagne glasses. He passed one to each of the ladies and continued about the room to serve other guests.

  Serena raised the glass to her lips and took a sip. It was exquisite. Obviously Darius had spared no expense.

  Lady Devlyn smiled as she tasted the bubbly. “I simply adore French champagne. Oh my, look at that!”

  A woman walked by, with a massive spotted snake draped about her neck. Besides the snake, she wasn’t wearing much else.

  “Very exotic,” Lady D enthused. “And look there.”

  Across the room, a bare-chested man with bulging muscles twirled batons with flames at each end. He threw one of the batons into the air and skillfully caught it without catching himself or anything around him on fire. A crowd of masked guests had gathered about him, applauding as he performed feat after astounding feat.

  “I must say, Lord Kane certainly knows how to throw a party,” Felicity said. “Look, do you suppose that’s his friend, Major Price over there?”

  Lady D craned her neck to see the man Felicity was pointing out. “You may be correct, Felicity, though in this dim light, it is difficult to tell. But that’s the fun of a masked ball. You might end up in a dark corner with one man, only to discover later that you dallied with someone else entirely.”

  As if to answer their musings, the man in question walked over to them, his mouth curving into a friendly smile. His half-mask had been fashioned to look like a fox. His reddish-brown superfine coat and buff breeches completed the costume. “Ladies, are you enjoying yourselves?” he asked.

  Felicity peered closely at him. “Is that you, Major Price?”

  In answer, he lifted his mask, to demonstrate that it was indeed, he. “Darius will be pleased you were able to attend. This is the first ball he’s ever hosted, and we approached it with military precision.”

  “I daresay it looks to be a success,” Lady Devlyn said. “Is Lord Kane milling about with the guests?”

  “He is handling some last minute details,” Major Price answered. “He wanted everything to be absolutely perfect for this evening. I’m told he has a few surprises planned.”

  “That sounds intriguing,” Lady Devlyn said.

  “And now, ladies” he said, “you will forgive me, but I must attend to the other guests in Darius’s stead.”

  “Of course, major,” Lady D replied.

  Serena noticed a few appreciative glances from masked male guests, and congratulated herself on her appearance. Her gown of ruby red satin featured a daring décolletage. The pearl choker Lady D had loaned her for the evening graced her neck, emphasizing her bulging bosom below.

  Tonight she would put herself to the test. Serena relished the opportunity to refine her emotional control. And if she had to use Darius Manning to do it, then use him, she would.

  She recited Courtesan Rule Number Fifteen to herself: “The only power a man can have over you, is that which you give him.”

  Serena took another glass of champagne and raised it to her lips. Her gaze traveled to the expansive gardens that stretched out beyond the French doors lining one side of the ballroom. In the dark night, she saw lanterns twinkling in the trees. It made the gardens look like a fairy land.

  Memories swirled in her mind, of Darius’s scorching hands cupping her breasts, his demanding mouth on her neck and lips, taking, taunting, taming.

  The girl she had been that night shivered inside her, begging her not to take such a risk again.

  But Serena refused to be held prisoner any longer, by either her own painful memories or by the blackguard who had caused them.

  She took a deep breath. Lady Devlyn had told Serena exactly how to exorcise this particular demon: to submit to Darius’s attentions and emerge from their tryst unscathed.

  The night wore on, and still Darius had not appeared. Where was the blasted man? For once, Serena desired his presence and the man was nowhere to be found.

  As she watched Felicity and Bliss twirl about the ballroom with their respective partners, a man appeared at Serena’s side.

  “Ooh!” she exclaimed, “Major Price, you startled me.”

  He bowed. “My apologies, Miss Ransom. But I have a message for you from Lord Kane. He has asked that I escort you to the gardens where he has arranged a surprise especially for you.” Major Price curved his arm in offer to Serena.

  Serena glanced at Lady Devlyn who gave a little nod.

  This was it, then—the opportunity she’d been waiting for. Why then did she feel her stomach tie itself into a Gordian knot?

  “How intriguing,” Lady D said, smoothly. “Do go, Serena. I can hardly wait to hear what Lord Kane has in store for you this time. After presenting you with those priceless emeralds, his next overture should be quite exciting indeed.”

  Serena forced herself to smile as she curled her arm through Major Price’s. He led her across the ballroom toward the tall French doors, all of which stood open to the gardens outside.

  “What is Darius up to, major?” Serena asked at last.

  “Lord Kane has sworn me to secrecy,” he replied. “I cannot divulge any information, I’m afraid.”

  Serena laughed inwardly. Whatever Darius had planned, he could not know that she had her own agenda, and intended to use him as her final assignment in seduction.

  The full moon shone brightly above them as they walked across the cool, dark lawn. Strategically-placed torches illuminated the grounds as well, casting a magical golden glow. Here and there they passed some marble statuary, behind which masked couples were locked in tight, passionate embraces. Ever the gentleman, Major Price ignored those daring lovers, and continued to lead Serena across the gardens. They rounded a rose hedge, and she couldn’t help but gasp at the sight before her.

  A multitude of glass globe
s hung suspended from the branches of a great oak tree. A single flickering candle-flame danced brightly within each vessel. It was as if the stars themselves had come down from the sky.

  She walked slowly toward the thrilling sight, her eyes alight with wonder. Beneath the tree, the ground was lit with a soft golden glow. Serena had never seen anything like it.

  She turned to her companion. “Major—?”

  But he was gone.

  And yet, Serena knew that she was not alone.

  Chapter 7

  “Many faults can be forgiven if a man knows the right jeweler.”

  –from Memoirs of a Courtesan, by Lady Night

  “Welcome to my garden, Serena,” a voice as smooth as velvet said from behind her.

  Slowly she turned to face him, though she knew who owned it.


  Looking masculine and mysterious in his half-mask, he was dressed in his usual black attire. The mask, covered in glossy black feathers resembled a bird of prey, which was very fitting for him.

  “It is exquisite, Darius,” she said, gazing at the sparkling lights above them. “However did you do it?”

  A wicked smile graced the mouth beneath the half-mask. He pulled it off, and for the first time in a long time, Serena allowed herself to notice the attractive masculine lines of his face. The aquiline nose, the strong, angular jaw, and the midnight blue eyes were quite a combination indeed.

  “That’s a secret,” he said. “I could share it, but it will cost you.”

  Serena removed her mask as well, enjoying the respite from it. She turned away from him and walked about unhurried, studying the glowing orbs above her. “I suppose I don’t need to know the answer that badly.”

  Darius followed her, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest. “Who knew you were so shrewd?”

  “I have become more so in the past two years, certainly,” Serena said.

  “As a student of Lady Night?” he asked.

  “Among other things.”

  Darius came around to stand in front of her. She didn’t move away.

  He stared down at her, saying, “Other things…being me, and my callous ruination of you?”

  Serena regarded him with an unconcerned half-smile. “That sort of thing does age a girl, you know.”

  “Older and wiser?”

  “Definitely,” Serena replied.

  “Then you should be thanking me,” he said, his blue eyes shining wickedly.

  “For what, ruining me and thereby imparting worldly knowledge?” she asked. “Honestly, Darius, you think you can take any situation, no matter how dreadful, and turn it into a victory.”

  “A good soldier always does.” He moved behind her, his body almost touching hers. Serena did nothing to stop him. She felt the heat of his large, masculine body emanating through the tight space between them, felt his breath tickling the back of her neck…but she refused to let it spin her into a tizzy.

  “I don’t debate your military record,” she replied. “By all accounts, you made quite a name for yourself in the Peninsula. Too bad your integrity didn’t return home with you.”

  “That’s harsh, Serena,” he countered. “And perhaps I deserve your scorn. I only wish you would allow me to make it up to you.”

  Serena quirked a brow, looking over her shoulder at him. “And how might you do that, my lord?”

  His blue eyes burned down at her. “With this.” He reached into the inside pocket of his coat and pulled out a velvet case.

  Serena looked down at the case, pausing a moment before taking it in her hands. “What is it?”

  “A peace offering,” he said. “Open it.”

  Serena took a steadying breath and opened the box, but when she saw what was inside, she gasped anyway.


  A multitude of them.

  Sparkling and dancing in the starry candlelight that shone above them.

  Was it her imagination, or did the sight of such splendor make her pulse quicken?

  “Allow me,” Darius said, reaching for the velvet case. His hands, so large and strong looked as if he should not be touching such a finely crafted piece.

  The spectacular diamond-drop necklace featured five strands of diamonds, with the largest one hanging in the middle.

  Darius clasped it behind her neck, and Serena’s skin tingled at the sensation. First the emeralds, and now this? What more did Darius have in store for her?

  Darius’s hands moved slowly over the skin at her nape, then curved down her shoulders.

  Serena didn’t stop him.

  “Do you like it?” His breath was at her ear, sending shivers skipping down her spine.

  “I’d have to be insane not to like it,” she replied, keeping her voice steady while his lips hovered perilously over her hot skin.

  “I could drive you insane,” he growled, slowly pulling her back against his hard, well-muscled chest.

  Serena closed her eyes as a dangerous rush of passion spiked within her veins. “You have done so before, my lord, but not in a good way,” she said.

  His mouth moved to the other side of her neck, sending hot tingles to the strangest places. “Then let me do it in a good way.”

  Serena closed her eyes as his warm lips touched the back of her neck.

  Oh, he was good.

  But so was she.

  After all, this was the second piece of jewelry he’d given her in exchange for absolutely nothing.

  But perhaps that was about to change.

  Darius’s hands moved over her shoulders, pulling the cap sleeves of her gown slowly down her arms to bare her shoulders.

  Sensation swirled around her. Darius’s hot hands, then his hot mouth on her skin…it felt so amazingly good. But oh, she was losing control again….

  No—she needed to do this with him, needed to prove that she could remain in control while he ignited her desire. She would remain in control, no matter how difficult that seemed at the moment.

  Serena leaned back against his chest as his hands stroked over the front of her gown. Her traitorous skin seemed to hunger for his touch, just as it had that night at Telford House.

  “You like that, don’t you?” Darius said, his voice raw with desire.

  Serena gasped as he teased the sensitive tips of her breasts through the fabric of her gown. She was no naïve maiden now, constrained by society’s rules. She was a courtesan…and she was free to enjoy the pleasures a man had to offer.

  Even if it was a cur like Darius Manning.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I had a feeling you would,” he said. While one hand continued to toy with a hardened nipple, the other hand snaked down toward the apex of her thighs.

  His hand covered her aching mound over her gown. Serena arched her back in pleasure, her mouth opening as she gasped for air. She reached back and grabbed a handful of his hair in each of her hands, pulling on it as his hand rubbed in slow, maddening circles.

  She wanted to kiss his mouth, and tried to turn to face him, but he wouldn’t let her.

  “No, Serena,” he said. “Kissing comes later. Right now I want to torture you a little more like this.”

  Serena obeyed, keeping her back to him as he teased and pleasured her. It felt so good, she didn’t really want it to stop anyway.

  The thinking part of her brain wanted to congratulate herself on a job well done. She had passed the test. She was a true courtesan, able to enjoy pleasure from a man she did not particularly like, and had even detested.

  But strangely, she did not detest him right now. Quite the contrary. Not with the delicious way he was making her feel.

  Perhaps it was a combination of circumstances—the diamonds glittering about her neck, the twinkling candles above them, the sinful way Darius was touching her body….

  She closed her eyes as he slid his warm hand into her gown and cupped her breast…

  “I say, just through here,” a voice said.

  Serena opened her eyes, and
what she saw at first made no sense to her whatsoever.

  Major Price, with another man beside him.

  Who looked as if he were ready to explode.

  The Duke of Balfour.

  Serena looked down, saw Darius’s hands inside her dress, gripping her breast like a melon at a market, and felt her stomach take a nosedive.

  Major Price raised his mask, looking sheepish. “Oh dear. Wrong time for the garden tour, I suppose.”

  While Serena struggled to pull her sleeve up over her shoulder, the duke ripped the mask from his face and threw it to the ground, his face turning an unhealthy shade of red. Cursing under his breath, Balfour turned on his heel and stomped off into the night.

  “Impeccable timing, Price,” Darius said, sounding perturbed…or did he? “Would you please take your leave while I apologize to Miss Ransom for your interruption.”

  “Of course,” Major Price replied, bowing. “So sorry, Darius. My deepest apologies to Miss Ransom.”

  Serena fumed as she finished putting her appearance to rights. She spun around to face Darius, who resembled the proverbial cat who ate the canary.

  All at once, it became clear.

  He had done it to her again.

  Chapter 8

  “The courtesan should take great pains to ensure that in any given situation with a man, she never gets in over her head. But if she does find herself in such a circumstance, she has two choices: either paddle like mad, or let the rising tide take her to safety.”

  –from Memoirs of a Courtesan, by Lady Night

  “You—you planned this, didn’t you?” Serena demanded. “The whole thing! The diamonds, the candlelight, the duke coming upon us at exactly the wrong time. It seems very reminiscent of another garden tryst I remember quite vividly—the one at Telford House. The only thing missing is your poor, late wife screeching and throwing a champagne glass at my head.”

  “I didn’t give you diamonds at Telford House,” Darius pointed out.

  “So you admit it,” she said. “You set me up! This was theater, complete with a well-lit stage. That’s why you wouldn’t let me turn ’round in your arms. You wanted me facing the duke when he appeared, so that there would be no question about my identity.”


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