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Full Service (Eye Candy Handyman #3)

Page 1

by Falon Stone

  Full Service

  Falon Stone

  Nix Stone


  Title Page

  Eye Candy Handyman Series

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Hard Sweat Sneak Peek

  Also By Nix And Falon


  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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  Publisher © Falon Stone & Nix Stone

  Copyright March 30, 2017

  Editor Lisa A. Hollett

  Cover Design © Falon Stone

  Formatted by Nix Stone


  Available Now

  Spread Wide

  Worked Hard

  Hard Sweat



  I’ve been working at Eye Candy Handyman for three months. I was hired to help fill the void when Hunter cut his hours after his baby girl was born. When I accepted the job, I thought it was going to be a hell of a lot more exciting than it has been. Most of the customers I’ve worked for have been over the age of sixty and have gawked at me in a manner that makes me uncomfortable. I feel their hungry eyes roaming my body as I dig holes, pound nails, and bend over.

  After Hunter and Garrett both found love on the job, I had high hopes that I would do the same. I was under the disillusion that I’d walk into a job and bam! I’d fall head over heels in love. But not a damn thing has happened. Just older ladies lusting after me, and me working my ass off without even a whiff of pussy.

  “Cole, want to go to the club with me tonight?” Chaz yells from across the yard as he tosses some tools in the back of the truck.


  I don’t have shit else to do anyway. I might as well go over to Barbie’s club and let the girls shake their tits in my face and piss away my paycheck. It would be more action than I’ve gotten in weeks. My current dry spell is my longest ever. I don’t know if I’m just overworked, or if I’ve broken my junk to the point that it’s not willing to cooperate.

  My last girlfriend, Clarissa, was about as much fun as a wet blanket. Every time I said her name, all I could think about was Silence of the Lambs. It creeped me the fuck out, and we didn’t last more than a few weeks. I’ve never been able to make it longer than six months with any woman. Some people call it a curse, but so far, it’s been quite an achievement.

  “Kali meeting us there?” I ask Chaz as we climb into the truck, ready to call it a day.

  “I ended things with her,” he tells me, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter than usual. “We wanted different things in life, and I figured I’d wasted enough time with her as is.”

  “Wow, man. I’m sorry.”

  Chaz doesn’t know it, but we’ve had an office pool going for the last two months on how much longer he and Kali would last. Everyone knew about their extracurricular activities and Kali’s voracious appetite when it came to sex. We figured Chaz would get sick of being a third wheel in the relationship since Kali wasn’t satisfied with him as her only lover.

  “I love her, but I had to put an end to the bullshit.”

  By bullshit, he means her fucking other dudes more than she fucked him. I give the man mad props, I wouldn’t be able to put up with that shit. I’ve never been one to share, especially when it comes to my woman.

  “I hear ya. You’re a better man than me.”

  “It’s in the past. I’m done and moving on. That’s why we’re heading to the club. I need a night to let loose.”

  “I’m with ya.”

  Chaz turns up the radio, ending the meaningless chatter, and I’m cool with it. We’re friends, but I don’t have much to say to the guy, and I’m shitty at consoling someone going through a breakup.

  Less than thirty minutes later, we’re walking into the Palomino Pony, ready for some mindless entertainment. “This was a great idea,” I tell Chaz, slapping him on the back as we walk through the front doors and head to the side where the girls dance.

  I take in the club, the colored lights bouncing around the wide-open space containing three platforms with girls writhing against the poles on top of them. I rub my hands together, excited for a night of tits and ass, hoping I’ll at least get a lap dance that’ll make me come. These days, it’s a step up from my hand, which has been my only lover for the last few months.

  “I want the best view possible. I need to wipe the image of Kali from my mind.”

  We find two seats in the front, which is the main dance floor and where the best action takes place. We order two drinks while we’re waiting for the next act to start her performance. The club’s almost at max capacity, and it isn’t even nighttime. Barbie and Garrett, my boss, have done an amazing job getting the club off the ground. It’s all the rage in the city and has become the talk of the town as the go-to place to get laid. Not by fucking the dancers, but if you roll on out of here at the end of the night and wait as the other side of the club lets out—the one where the women watch half-naked men gyrate all night—the girls are looking for the real thing.

  Jasmin comes to the stage, shaking her tits to the newest Bruno Mars song, and Chaz whistles, yelling out obscene things at her. He’s a wild man and kind of embarrassing. I wanted to have a relaxing evening and see some naked chicks, but Chaz is acting like someone I don’t even know.

  I need to get away from him. Maybe I’ll find a seat at the back of the club where I can be alone with my drink and enjoy the show without Chaz howling in my ear like a maniac. “Dude, I’ll be right back.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be here.” He doesn’t even look in my direction. Just waves at me over his shoulder as I stand.

  I make my way to the back of the club, finding a dark corner to enjoy the show and my drink without Chaz’s horndog performance. Movement to my right catches my eye, but I can’t make out who it is in the darkness. When the music dies down, I hear a noise from the same spot, causing me to strain to see what’s going on, but I can’t see. I figure it’s nothing and try to ignore it, but when I hear what sounds like a slap and then a screech, I have to take action.

  I’m out of my seat, moving toward the corner and grabbing a hand that’s in the air, about to strike a girl again. She’s cowering in the corner, tears streaming down her face as the man stands above her with a look of pure hatred in his eyes.

  He turns toward me, glaring and trying to pull his wrist from my grip, but I don’t budge. “What the fuck, man? Mind your
own goddamn business.”

  I twist his arm behind his back, causing him to howl in pain. I glance down at her and feel so much rage that I want to put him through the fucking wall. “You okay?” I ask her, not willing to leave her alone with this maniac.

  She’s cupping her cheek in her hands, soothing the spot where he just hit her. “I need help,” she says, barely audible above the music.

  “She’s mine—and not your problem,” the asshole says, trying to break free from my hold.

  “You his?” I ask her, tightening my grip on his arm to remind him that I’m stronger than he is.

  “No.” She shakes her head, but she can’t bring herself to look at him.

  “You can come with me, or stay here with him. Which is it?”

  I don’t even know why I’m saying this. I’ve never been the type to get involved in other people’s relationships, but I can’t sit by and willingly let him hit her. I came here for a good time and to unwind, and this fucker is spoiling my night with his bullshit.

  She stands, paying careful attention not to get within swinging distance of the asshole I’m holding. “I’ll come with you.”

  “You’re a worthless whore,” he seethes.

  “You shouldn’t talk that way to a lady.”

  He laughs. “She’s not a lady, just a worthless piece of trash.”

  I don’t know why I do it, except that his words strike a chord. I release him with a push, just far enough that I can get a good swing. My fist connects with his jaw, and he rocks backward before falling into the booth behind him.

  “Is there a problem over here, Cole?” Carter, the bouncer, asks after finally seeing the commotion.

  “This man was beating this girl. Can you give us enough time to get out of here before you escort him out?”

  Carter’s eyes sweep over the man who’s currently knocked out cold. “Not a problem.”

  “Thanks, man. I owe you one. Tell Barbie I’m sorry.” I know I’ll probably get my ear chewed out tomorrow for punching a patron in the face, but I’m sure once Garrett finds out why I hit him, everything will be fine.

  I hold out my hand to the scared woman without a second thought. “You want to get out of here?”

  “I don’t know if I should leave with you,” she says as her eyes sweep over my body.

  I’m sure to her I seem like a beast. Well over six foot five with wide shoulders and bulging muscles everywhere, but I’m a gentle giant unless I’m pushed. “I promise to take you anywhere you want and not try anything.” I withdraw my hand but keep on speaking. “You can stay here with him, or I’ll give you a ride. It’s your choice.”

  Her eyes dart to the asshole, and she touches her cheek that’s red and must sting like a motherfucker from where he hit her. “I’ll take the ride,” she says softly. “I’ll follow you out.”

  “Let’s get my keys, and then we’re gone.” I walk toward Chaz, glancing over my shoulder as I walk to make sure she’s following, and she is. I tap Chaz on the shoulder while he’s dancing in his seat and salivating over Jasmin, an exotic beauty who is currently writhing on the stage in front of him. “I need the keys, and you need to find a way home.”

  He turns in his chair, seeing the woman behind me, and a giant smile spreads across his face. “My man. Getting lucky already.”

  “Something like that,” I mutter, holding out my hand to him. “Keys.”

  Chaz reaches in his pocket and places the truck keys in my palm. “Pick me up for work tomorrow at eight.”

  “I’ll be there. Thanks, Chaz.”

  “Anything you need, Cole.”

  I walk away from him and stop in front of the petite girl that I tower over. “Ready?”

  She nods but doesn’t speak. When I walk past her, she follows close behind, but she keeps her hands to herself. Once we’re safely inside the truck, I start the engine and turn toward her. “Where do you want me to take you? Want to go home?”

  She fiddles with the edge of her skirt, keeping her eyes downcast. “I live with him.”

  “How about a friend’s?”

  “We just moved here. I don’t know anyone,” she whispers as tears start to fall down her cheeks, plopping onto her skirt below.

  “I’ll take you to my place for the night until you figure out where you want to go.”

  She brings her tear-filled eyes to mine and sniffles. “You’d do that?”

  I nod because, what else am I going to do? I can’t take her home to get beaten again, and I can’t very well drop her off in the middle of nowhere either. “I made myself part of your situation when I stopped him from hitting you. I can’t just leave you out here to get hurt by someone else.”

  I can almost read her mind. I know she’s having an internal war inside that pretty little head. She’s wondering if I’m a worse monster than the one she just left, and there’s nothing I can do to assure her that I’m not.

  “Can I borrow your phone to call my sister and let her know where I am? My battery’s dead.”

  I hand her my cell phone. “Tell her where you’re staying for the night, and if something happens, at least someone knows where you are. You can charge your phone at my place.”

  “Where are we going?” she asks.

  I reach into my pocket and grab my driver’s license before handing it to her. “Give her my address and name. I promise I won’t hurt you, and she’ll know where to find me if she needs me.”

  She stares down at the license, rubbing the edge of it with her index finger. “Cole Anderson?”

  “That’s me, kid.” I smile softly, hoping I don’t scare her off. “What’s your name?”

  “Bella,” she says softly.

  It’s not that I’m excited about the fact that Bella’s coming home with me, but I feel proud I saved her from the asshole inside. As a kid, I watched as my mother was hit by her second husband, and I was powerless to do anything until I grew up and beat the fuck out of him, effectively ending their relationship. I vowed I’d never let anyone go through that again if I could help it.

  Bella calls her sister and tells her everything that happened. She keeps glancing in my direction, probably making sure I’m not going to try anything as she speaks. After she gives her sister my information and tells her about the asshole hitting her, I come to find out the asshole is her boyfriend whom she followed to Tampa a few weeks ago. He just got out of the military with a dishonorable discharge for conduct unbecoming a soldier. He’s been suffering from PTSD and has recently started taking it out on her, but she never told her sister until now.

  When Bella hangs up the phone, she hands it back to me and says, “My sister’s a cop in Naples. She punched your info into the system and said you came back clean. But if she doesn’t hear from me tomorrow, she said she’ll have every cop in Tampa looking for you.”

  “Fair enough.” I shrug because if it were my sister, I’d already have the cops picking her ass up and putting the jackass in jail for assault. “I promise you’re safe with me, Bella. I have a spare bedroom with a door that locks to make you feel safer, and tomorrow we’ll figure out what to do with you.”

  “Thank you,” she says, but she doesn’t look in my direction. She’s practically plastered against the passenger door and sitting as far away from me as possible.

  I already know this is going to be a very long night for the both of us.


  I get Bella settled in the spare bedroom with everything she’ll need during the night, including my charger so she can get her phone working again in case she doesn’t feel safe.

  I’m not even a foot away from the bedroom door when I hear the lock engage, but I get it. She’s a tiny little thing, and I’m not. I’d lock the door too if it meant I was safer—and especially after a man just hit me.

  I head to the shower to wash off the grime of the job before I crawl into bed. I spend a little extra time in the shower, letting the warm water wash over my sore muscles as I try to scrub the glue from the hardwood fl
oors we’re installing from my hands. I can’t get the image of the woman in the next room out of my head. She’s beautiful, even when she’s frightened. Her long wavy red hair cascaded over her shoulder, giving her an angelic look, with pale skin and freckles dotting her flesh. Her deep green eyes were more pronounced through her tears, and they seemed to look right into my soul. Her features are delicate and feminine.

  My cock comes to life, standing at full attention and craving the touch of a woman, especially after thinking about nothing but the beauty lying just feet away. “Don’t go there, Cole,” I whisper to myself, but my dick doesn’t like a word I say. I stroke my shaft, needing the release to get her off my mind. My movements are slow at first, pumping my cock in my hand as if it’s her pussy. I squeeze my eyes shut, picturing her beneath me as I thrust into her. Her hair’s spread out on the pillow like an auburn halo crowning her face as she looks up at me with longing in her eyes. I lean forward, taking her nipple into my mouth, and get lost in the feel of her body beneath me. The softness of her skin and wetness of her pussy having me climbing toward ecstasy within a few short minutes.

  My knees start to shake, and I steady myself by placing my hand against the cold tile of the shower wall. I fuck my hand harder, unwilling to take it slow as I reach the orgasm that’s only minimally satisfying. A hand is still a hand, and although it gets the job done, it does nothing to stop the deep craving I have for the touch of a woman.

  I dry myself off before wrapping the towel around my waist. My erection has barely gone down, even after I manhandled it and came. I glance in the mirror, catching sight of myself and try to see myself through her eyes. I can understand her reluctance and fear. I’m nothing like the weasel who hit her at the club. I could subdue her without much effort, and that has to terrify her.

  I’ve never really been scared. A man of my size has very little to worry about. I remember the terror I felt watching my mother being beaten by her husband, but since I grew up, I haven’t ever been worried for my own safety. It has to be almost crippling at times. I’m sure Bella didn’t want to come with me, but she felt she had no other alternative.


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