The Internal Enemy: Slavery and War in Virginia, 1772-1832
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53 James Barbour to Leaven Gayle, Mar. 17, 1814, Executive Letter Book, p. 42, RG 3, reel 3011, LV.
54 Leaven Gayle to James Barbour, Feb. 14, 1813 (“After”), JBEP, reel 5509, LV; Gayle to Barbour, Mar. 13, 1813, JBEP, reel 5510, LV; Council of State Record Book, p. 234 (May 25, 1813), RG 75, reel 2990, LV; Christopher Tompkins to Barbour, May 25, 1813, JBEP, reel 5512, LV; Gayle to Barbour, Dec. 11, 1813, JBEP, reel 5517, LV.
55 Council of State Record Book, p. 113 (Mar. 19, 1813), 288 (July 10, 1813), RG 75, reel 2990, VHS; William Robertson to Leaven Gayle, Mar. 21, 1813, Executive Letter Book, p. 200, RG 3, reel 3010, LV; John Patterson to James Barbour, Feb. 5, 1814 (“the most uninformed” and “no military talent”), JBEP, reel 5518, LV.
56 “Seventy-Six” to James Barbour, May 11, 1814, JBEP, reel 5520, LV.
57 Mathews County personal property tax list for 1812 and the Mathews County land tax list for 1814, LV.
58 John Patterson to James Barbour, June 14, 1813, and Christopher Tompkins to Barbour, June 15, 1813 (all quotes including Hudgins’s words), and Patterson to Barbour, June 18, 1813, JBEP, reel 5513, LV; Barbour to Thomas Hudgins, Aug. 12, 1813, Executive Letter Book, p. 351, RG 3, reel 3010, LV.
59 Christopher Tompkins, order, Aug. 25, 1813 (“& said”), TFP (Mss 2 T5994 b), VHS; Tompkins to James Barbour, Aug. 26, 1813 (“that they”), JBEP, reel 5515, LV; Armistead Smith to William Patterson Smith, Apr. 19, 1814, WPSP, box 1, SC-DUL.
60 Eshelman, Sheads, and Hickey, War of 1812 in the Chesapeake, 247; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:181–83; John Patterson to James Barbour, Feb. 5, 1815, JBEP, reel 5518, LV; Christopher Tompkins to Barbour, Feb. 11, 1814, and Leaven Gayle to Barbour, Mar. 12, 1814, JBEP, reel 5519, LV; Tompkins to Barbour, Mar. 3, 1814, in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:305; [R. J. Barrett], “Naval Recollections,” 20–21; “Letter to a Member of the House of Delegates from His Friend in Mathews County,” Jan. 8, 1814, in Virginia Argus, Jan. 22, 1814 (“Buckskins”). For the water demands of a large warship, see Shomette, Flotilla, 167.
61 Christopher Tompkins to James Barbour, May 25, 1813, JBEP, reel 5512, LV; Leaven Gayle to Tompkins, Apr. 18, 1813, Tompkins, orders, Apr. 18 and Aug. 26, 1813, and Thomas Hudgins to Tompkins, Sep. 1, 1813, TFP (Mss 2 T5994 b), VHS; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:116, 181, Gayle to Barbour, Feb. 4, 1814, JBEP, reel 5518, LV; Tompkins to Barbour, Mar. 12, 1814 (“affords us”), in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:309.
62 Council of State Record Book, p. 59 (Jan. 29, 1814), RG 75, reel 2990, LV; James H. Roy to James Barbour, Jan. 29, 1814, Christopher Tompkins to Barbour, Jan. 29, 1814, Leaven Gayle to Barbour, Feb. 4, 1814, and John Patterson to Barbour, Feb. 5, 1814, JBEP, reel 5518, LV; Tompkins to Barbour, Feb. 14, 1814, JBEP, reel 5519, LV; Roy to Tompkins, Feb. 4, 1814, TFP (Mss 1 T5996 c 92), VHS; Armistead Smith to Dr. Lee, Feb. 5, 1814 (“Our poor Militia” and “cowed”), and Smith to William Patterson Smith, Apr. 19 and June 24, 1814, WPSP, box 1, SC-DUL; Tompkins to Barbour, Mar. 3, 1814, in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:305.
63 Armistead Smith to William Patterson Smith, Feb. 12, 1814, WPSP, box 1, SC-DUL; John Tabb to Christopher Tompkins, Jan. 17, 1814, TFP (Mss 1 T5996 c 101), VHS; John Patterson to James Barbour, Feb. 5, 1814, JBEP, reel 5518, LV; Leaven Gayle to Barbour, Mar. 12, 1814, JBEP, reel 5519, LV; Barbour to Gayle, Mar. 17, 1814, Executive Letter Book, p. 42, RG 3, reel 3011, LV.
64 Leaven Gayle to Robert Barrie, Jan. 24, Mar. 9, and Mar. 10, 1814, Barrie Papers, box 1, WLCL; Christopher Tompkins to James Barbour, Mar. 8, 1814, and Gayle to Barbour, Mar. 12, 1814 (“The desertion”), JBEP, reel 5519, LV; “Baltimore, March 25,” Richmond Enquirer, Mar. 30, 1814; William Lambert to William Jones, Apr. 1, 1814, RG 45, M 124, reel 62, USNA-DC; Armistead Smith to William Patterson Smith, Feb. 12, 1814, WPSP, box 1, SC-DUL.
65 Christopher Tompkins to James Barbour, Mar. 12, 1814 (“that they knew”), in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:308; John Patterson to Tompkins, May 4, 1814, and Tompkins to Barbour, May 8, 1814 (“that some Negro”), JBEP, reel 5520, LV; Armistead Smith to William Patterson Smith, May 17, 1814, WPSP, box 1, SC-DUL; Leaven Gayle to the adjutant general, May 26, 1814, in National Intelligencer, June 8, 1814.
66 Christopher Tompkins to James Barbour, Mar. 12, 1814 (“Tis a curious fact”), in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:309; Christopher Tompkins, Battalion/Regimental Order Book, 61st Regiment, Virginia militia, Mar. 12 and Sep. 27, 1814 VHS; Thomas Tabb et al. to the legislature, Nov. 23, 1814, Virginia General Assembly, Legislative Petitions, box 159, folder 14, reel 122, LV. For the law, see “Chap. IX, An Act to Perpetuate Evidence of the Desertion of Slaves, to the Enemy, and for Other Purposes,” Jan. 10, 1814, in [Virginia State Legislature], Acts Passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia (Richmond: Samuel Pleasants, 1814), 34–35.
67 James Banks et al. to the legislature, Oct. 22, 1814 (all quotations), Finley Dixon et al. to the legislature, Oct. 22, 1814, and W. H. Ashbury et al. to the legislature, Oct. 22, 1814, Virginia General Assembly, Legislative Petitions, box 159, folder 13, reel 122, LV.
68 Thomas Tabb et al. to the legislature, Nov. 23, 1814, Virginia General Assembly, Legislative Petitions, box 159, folder 14, reel 122, LV. For Tompkins’s marriage to Smith’s daughter, see Armistead Smith to William Patterson Smith, Apr. 19, 1814, WPSP, box 1, SC-DUL.
Sources: For the opponents, see the signatures on James Banks et al. to the legislature, Oct. 22, 1814, Finley Dixon et al. to the legislature, Oct. 22, 1814, and W. H. Ashbury et al. to the legislature, Oct. 22, 1814, Virginia General Assembly, Legislative Petitions, box 159, folder 13, reel 122, LV. For the proponents, see the signatures on Thomas Tabb et al. to the legislature, Nov. 23, 1814, Virginia General Assembly, Legislative Petitions, box 159, folder 14, reel 122, LV. For the slaveholdings, see Mathews County personal property tax list for 1812, LV. Only slaves aged twelve and older were taxable.
70 Mathews County personal property tax list for 1812, LV; Houlder Hudgins petition to the legislature, Dec. 5, 1815, Virginia General Assembly, Legislative Petitions, box 159, folder 11, reel 122, LV.
71 Thomas Tabb et al. to the legislature, Nov. 23, 1814, Virginia General Assembly, Legislative Petitions, box 159, folder 14, reel 122, LV.
72 John Morrison to Littleton W. Tazewell, Mar. 18, 1813, Tazewell Family Papers, box 3, LV.
1 Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:115.
2 Depositions of Cornelius Matthias, May 5, 1823, and David Shirley, May 5, 1823 (all quotations), APA-GMR, entry 258, box 779, LV. Willis’s wife probably never escaped to the British, for her owner received no postwar compensation for a runaway slave. For the claim by William Mathias (misnamed as William Matthews) for Willis and the absence of a postwar claim by Daniel Shirley, who owned Willis’s wife, see ASP-FR, vol. 5:814, 816.
3 Testimony by John Ripley (“Englishmen”), and John Paterson’s Sci, Mathews County trial of Harry et al., Mar. 18, 1813, JBEP, reel 5511, LV; Benjamin Fowlee, deposition, Dec. 21, 1827 (“the negroes”), RG 76, entry 190, box 6, case 513 (John J. Brooke), USNA-CP; Frederick Douglass quoted in Bolster, Black Jacks, 1.
4 Lester, “Sir John Borlase Warren,” 485–88 (Thomas Grenville quote on 487); Gwynn, Frigates and Foremasts, 125–26.
5 Gwynn, Frigates and Foremasts, 134–42; Sir David Milne to George Home, Apr. 9, 1812, in Hume, “Letters Written during the War of 1812,” 286; Herbert Sawyer to Andrew Allen, Aug. 5, 1812, Sir Robert Barrie Papers, box 5, SC-DUL; Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 168–69, 177; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:62–63; John W. Croker to Sir John Borlase Warren, Jan. 9, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:14.
6 John W. Croker to Sir John Borlase Warren, Jan. 9, 1813, and Warren to Croker, Mar. 28, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:14, 80–81; Lambert, Challenge, 64, 109–12, 243.
7 Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:309; Morriss, Cockburn, 8; Pack, Man Who Burned the White House, 24–64.
8 Morris, Cockburn, 7–8, 34, 36,
38–39, 43–46. For the praise of subordinates, see Rowley, “Captain Robert Rowley,” 244–47; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:63; Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 157 (“very fond”), 160, 185–87; Gleig, Narrative of the Campaigns, 82; [R. J. Barrett], “Naval Recollections,” 456 (“that undaunted seaman”).
9 Gwynn, Frigates and Foremasts, 131–32; Morris, Cockburn, 144; Pack, Man Who Burned the White House, 103–8; [Anonymous], Personal Narrative, 10 (“snarled”); Bartlett, “Gentlemen versus Democrats,” 142–46, 149–50; Jenkins, Henry Goulburn, 77; Bickham, Weight of Vengeance, 64–65.
10 John W. Croker to Sir John Borlase Warren, Feb. 10 and Mar. 20, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:17–19, 76; Admiralty to Warren, May 26, 1813, MG 12, Admiralty 2, vol. 933:263, reel B-3434, LAC; Bartlett, “Gentlemen versus Democrats,” 151–54; Henry Bathurst to Sir Sidney Beckwith, Mar. 20, 1813, George Cockburn to Sir John Borlase Warren, Mar. 13 and Mar. 23, 1813, in Dudley, ed., Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:325–26; Gleig, Narrative of the Campaigns, 207 (“To penetrate”); Warren to Lord Melville, July 22, 1813, MG 24, F 132, reel A-2076, LAC.
11 Gleig, Narrative of the Campaigns, 48; [Anonymous] Personal Narrative, 3 (“we saw”), 48 (“the boundless”); G. C. M. Smith, Autobiography of Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Smith, vol. 1:197; Edward Codrington, journal, July 7, Aug. 13 (“Low, flat” and “This Chesapeake”), Aug. 21 and Aug. 22, 1814, MG 24, F131 (Codrington letters), reel A-2076, LAC; Scott, Recollections, 160–61 (“bloated”); [R. J. Barrett], “Naval Recollections,” 20, 460.
12 George Cockburn to Sir Alexander Cochrane, May 10, 1814, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 3:65; Sir Sidney Beckwith to Sir John Borlase Warren, Aug. 13, 1813 (“moving thro’”), MG 12, Admiralty 1, vol. 504:48, 73, reel B-1449, LAC: Sir Charles Napier quoted in W. N. Bruce, Life of General Sir Charles Napier, 60 (“We have [a] nasty sort”); Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:109; Chaptico letter to the postmaster general, July 22, 1813 (“The enemy”), in Richmond Enquirer, July 30, 1813.
13 William Jones to Manuel Eyre, May 12, 1813 (“our extensive”), in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:119; Sir John Borlase Warren to Lord Melville, July 22, 1813 (“sudden & secret”), MG 24, F 132, reel A-2076, LAC.
14 Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 175–76 (“Never”); Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:96 (“searching out”), 122.
15 John Cropper to James Barbour, Mar. 20, 1813, in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:208; Charles Stewart to William Jones, Mar. 22, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:316–17; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:131; William H. Broadnax to James Barbour, Oct. 1, 1813, JBEP, reel 5516, LV; Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke, Jan. 18, 1814, JHCFP, box 15, SSCL-UVA; Sir Harry Smith quoted in Bartlett, “Gentlemen versus Democrats,” 150 (“species”).
16 William Lambert to James Monroe, Apr. 18, 1813, RG 59, M588 (Department of State, War of 1812 Papers), reel 6, USNA-DC; Niles’ Weekly Register, vol. 4:159 (May 8, 1813), and vol. 5:13 (Sep. 4, 1813: “newspapers”); John S. Skinner to William Jones, Dec. 6, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:396.
17 George Cockburn, Secret Orders, Mar. 7, June 17, and Sep. 2, 1813, SGCP, reel 10, LC; James Barbour to Robert B. Taylor, Mar. 27, 1813, Executive Letter Book, p. 210, RG 3 (Office of the Governor), reel 3010, LV; Mann Page to Barbour, Mar. 14, 1813, in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:202; Cockburn to Sir John Borlase Warren, Mar. 23, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:326; Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser, Apr. 29 and May 4, 1813; Richmond Enquirer, June 1, 1813; Niles’ Weekly Register, vol. 4:14 (Sep. 4, 1813: “to shew”); Robert Steed to Taylor, Aug. 30, 1813, RG 107, M221, reel 57, USNA-DC; Gideon Granger to James Monroe, Apr. 1, 1813, in Hecht, “Post Office Department,” 147–48.
18 Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 181 (“desired effect”); William H. Nicholson to Thomas Wright, Aug. 16, 1813 (“was so great”), War of 1812 Collection, box 1, MdHS; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:76, 117, 189, 196; Levin Winder to James Madison, Apr. 26, 1813, MSP, ser. A, box S 1004-129, doc. 288, MdSA; Thomas Digges to Winder, July 14, 1814, MSP, ser. A, box S 1004-132, doc. 183, MdSA. Major Wybourn called the island “Portsouci,” by which he meant Spesutie. See Eshelman, Sheads, and Hickey, War of 1812 in the Chesapeake, 201.
19 Lovell, Personal Narrative, 168 (“The plan”); Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:190.
20 Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:117; “Barbarity of the Enemy,” National Intelligencer, Dec. 8, 1813; Sir John Borlase Warren to the Admiralty, May 28, 1813, MG 12, Admiralty 1, vol. 503:557, reel B-1448, LAC.
21 Niles’ Weekly Register, vol. 4:209 (May 29, 1813: “Certainly”); George Cockburn to Sir John Borlase Warren, Mar. 13 and Mar. 23, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:321–23, 326; Robert B. Taylor to James Barbour, Mar. 13, 1813, in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:201; Edward S. Waddy to Ben James Harris, Mar. 25, 1813, Harris Papers, box 1, SC-DUL.
22 Sir John Warren to Lord Melville, Mar. 29, 1813, MG 24, F 132, reel A-2076, LAC; Gleig, Narrative, 374–77 (“experience”).
23 Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 170.
24 Sir John Borlase Warren to the Admiralty, Nov. 30, 1812, MG 12, Admiralty 1, vol. 503:74, reel B-1448, LAC; “British Wit!” Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 10, 1814.
25 W. N. Bruce, Life of General Sir Charles Napier, 61–62 (“It is quite shocking”). For Beckwith’s cousins, see P. Napier, Black Charlie, 21. For the Americans as “rebels,” see William Lambert to James Barbour, Aug. 12, 1814, in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:372.
26 John G. P. Tucker to St. George Tucker, Aug. 1, 1814, and Thomas T. Tucker to St. G. Tucker, Aug. 6, 1814, TCP, box 33, SCSL-CWM; P. Hamilton, Making and Unmaking, 113; Brugger, Beverley Tucker, 12; Lambert, Challenge, 293–94, 297, 300.
27 A. Taylor, Civil War of 1812, 102–6, 354–58; Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 193 (“traitors”).
28 John O’Neill to Thomas Leiper et al., June 8, 1813 (“the oppressors”), in Binns, Recollections, 220–21; “The Case of O’Neale,” Philadelphia Aurora, May 11 and May 17, 1813; Henry Miller to John Borlase Warren, May 8, 1813, and Warren to Miller, May 10, 1813, in New York City Shamrock, May 22, 1813; Eshelman, Sheads, and Hickey, War of 1812 in the Chesapeake, 132–33; John O’Neill to John Mason, Aug. 30, 1813, RG 45, ser. RE 1812–1815, box 590, USNA-DC; Scott, Recollections, vol.3:102–5.
29 Baltimore American, July 16, 1812; Hickey, War of 1812, 55; Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, June 29, 1812, in Stagg, PJM-PS, vol. 4:519; Norfolk & Portsmouth Herald, Aug. 29, 1812; Norfolk Gazette & Public Ledger, Aug. 24, 1812; Wehjte, “Opposition in Virginia,” 84; Richmond Enquirer, May 20, 1813.
30 Gilje, Rioting in America, 60–63; Hickey, War of 1812, 56–71 (all quotations); Pasley, “Tyranny of Printers,” 246–47; Bickham, Weight of Vengeance, 187–88.
31 Sir John Borlase Warren to Lord Melville, July 22, 1813, MG 24, F 132, reel A-2076, LAC: Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:114.
32 George Cockburn to Sir John Borlase Warren, Mar. 13, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:321; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:207–8. For the officer’s note, see Niles’ Weekly Register, vol. 5:85 (Oct. 2, 1813: “for the use”).
33 Robert Rowley to Owsley Rowley, Nov. 8, 1814 (“They will do”), in Rowley, “Captain Robert Rowley,” 240–50; Gleig, Narrative of the Campaigns, 207; Edward Codrington, journal, Sep. 2, 1814,. MG 24, F131 (Codrington letters), reel A-2076, LAC; Lambert, Challenge, 51.
34 Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:90, 122; George Cockburn to Sir John Borlase Warren, May 3, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:342; Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 194 (“a country”); W. N. Napier, Life of General Sir Charles Napier, 60 (“They fight”).
35 Bartlett, “Gentlemen versus Democrats,” 150–1; Lovell, Personal Narrative, 169–71 (“dastardly”); Morriss, Cockburn, 94; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:68–72; Lambert, Challenge, 246–47.
36 Morriss, Cockburn, 95–96; Niles’ Weekly Register, vol. 4:159 (May 8, 1813: “appears”); Major Wyborn quoted in Delia Pennington deposition, June 12, 1813, in National Intelligencer, Se
p. 18, 1813; George Cockburn and Charles Napier, orders, July 12, 1813, SGCP, reel 10, LC.
37 Eshelman, Shead, and Hickey, War of 1812 in the Chesapeake, 126–28, 132–36; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:100–101 (“hoisted”), 13–14 (“teach a salutary lesson”); George, Terror, 27–36; Niles’ Weekly Register, vol. 4:164 (May 8, 1813); Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser, June 2, 1813; George Cockburn to Sir John Borlase Warren, May 3, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:342.
38 George Cockburn to Sir John Borlase Warren, May 6, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:344–45; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3: 110–12 (“offered any useless”); Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 185; Eshelman, Sheads, and Hickey, War of 1812 in the Chesapeake, 125–26, 128; Niles’ Weekly Register, vol. 4:182 (May 15, 1813), 196 (May 22, 1813); James Pillar Boyd to James McHenry, May 23, 1813 (“imprudent”), War of 1812 Collection, box 1, MdHS.
39 Francis B. Chandler, deposition, in Niles’ Weekly Register, vol. 5:92 (Oct. 9, 1813); James Pillar Boyd to James McHenry, May 23, 1813 (“buried their cannon”), War of 1812 Collection, box 1, MdHS; Scott, Recollections, Vol. 3:110–12.
40 George Cockburn quoted in Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser, June 2, 1813; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:158–59. For the coal shipment, see Cockburn, order, June 19, 1813 (“from Motives” and “New York Hospital”), SGCP, reel 10, LC.