Submissives of the Warlord: A Novel of Future Bondage
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They’d found a safe life for almost twenty years in upstate California, close to the Oregon border, but then, it was overrun by scavengers. They were forced from their home and onto the road, but they were lucky compared to many of their friends. The unlucky perished under the ruthlessness of the scavengers.
They stayed close to the Canadian border where many people didn’t live before the nuclear holocaust, but others did the same thing, including the scavengers. They had survived so far by sticking with groups of other families, but the numbers were forever changing as each family chose a different path and destination. As far as Alexis could figure out, they were in Wisconsin. Luckily, it was summer, but they’d have to find somewhere to hold up for the winter before long. The group they were in consisted of thirty-two of them in total, twelve men, fourteen women and six children. All of the children were older, most close to Jennifer’s age, eighteen. It was too grueling for younger children, most perished from the harshness of the life or disease.
The sun was behind them as they marched east. Bill was in the lead, one of the few that had a rifle and still had ammunition that would fire. Alexis and Jennifer were farther back in the group, wanting to keep them safe as best as he could. All around them was forest, and they were easy targets, but Bill kept his eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary.
Alexis watched Bill, always vigilante. She kept Jennifer at her side, fearing what would happen if the scavengers got them. Bill had lost a lot of weight over the years, fat turned to muscle. He looked more handsome than he ever did, in a bad-boy way. It was difficult, with little privacy, but they still managed to have passionate lovemaking, more animalistic in the open air beneath the stars. She loved to feel his six-foot body lay on her, her legs spread wide while his cock gave her such pleasure. His large hands, now callused and strong, guided her body in every imaginable way. She even got used to his beard scratching her thighs harshly, but his tongue between her legs made up for it. She knew Jennifer was a virgin, not many chances to find a boy her age, but Alexis hoped that one day they would find a safe place to stay and she could find a man like her father that would make her as happy as Bill made Alexis.
The woods were unusually quiet, but then, there was the sound of swishing. Bill was the first to look around, but by the time he raised his rifle, it was too late. An arrow flew by and caught him in the neck. His jugular was pierced by the hardened tip of an arrow, and he spilled red blood like an open faucet. It blanketed his coat before he hit the ground with a thud. A wave of arrows followed, and man after man was hit, some wounded, but most fell dead from the expert shots.
“Run, run!” Alexis yelled to Jennifer, pushing her away as they both headed for the woods. She knew their only chance was to hide from the attackers. She was defenseless except for a knife tucked in her belt.
Jennifer’s heart raced, but she was calmer than she expected. This wasn’t the first time they were attacked, but this time, it looked like it was a larger force. The attackers took out almost all the men before she saw anyone come out from the cover of the trees. Jennifer was fast, hearing her mother behind her, but she could tell she was winded. They found the trees, but they were quickly stopped in their tracks. Three men with bows raised up and aimed at them popped out of the bushes. Jennifer looked for an escape, but there were more men on each side. Behind them was the devastation of the initial attack. The road was littered with dead bodies, her father in the front. The other women and children were being herded up like cattle by the men.
“If you run, you’re dead!” Jake yelled out the command, ready to back up his words with action. He had no qualms about killing a woman or child. It was either now or in a few days when they had their way with them or they no longer served a purpose. He hoped these two didn’t run; he’d hate to pass up their lovely bodies, especially the younger one. It had been months since he had one this young, hoping she was a virgin. It’d been years since he popped the cherry of a virgin.
Alexis knew they were in trouble. Bill was dead, but she couldn’t worry about that right now. These were scavengers and from the way they killed all the men in one massive attack; she knew it was the women they were after. She knew that they would be taken in the most vicious and perverted ways by the men, and once their lust was satisfied, they’d be killed just like the men. Alexis had close calls over the years but had never been sexually attacked, but her fears were foremost in her mind now as the men marched over to them. She feared for Jennifer the most. She was innocent and young.
Jennifer saw the ropes in the men’s hand as they moved next to them. The men had hardened faces and evil glints in their eyes. One reached down to his crotch and rubbed it, Jennifer knew why. They were dirty and unwashed, able to smell them as they came closer, but she knew that they’d be on top of her soon enough. She had seen her parents making love, but these men wouldn’t be gentle.
“Don’t hurt us,” Alexis begged, but the man swung her around and yanked her arms harshly behind her back. She heard Jennifer cry out at the same time. Her wrists were quickly tied behind her back too tight. She felt her fingers go numb as the blood was cut off. Another rope was tied around her elbows, forcing her arms stringently together. The muscles in her back ached from the enforced arch, but she saw why when she looked down. Her breasts were thrust out as if she teased the men to touch them. Jennifer was bound the same way, her youthful breasts pushed out hard and pointed.
A rope was tied around Jennifer’s neck, and she gulped when it was tightened. The scavenger grabbed the other end of the rope and gave it a yank. The rope tightened around her throat until she began to move, the scavenger led her off as if she was his pet dog. Her mother followed her, bound and led. Four other women and two girls were the only other survivors. None of the other women or children were seen. She feared they were killed, too old or unattractive. There had to be two dozen scavengers and all of them looked at her with lust in their eyes. She didn’t see any women with the scavengers.
It was hours before they stopped, deep in the woods, the sun barely broke through the canopy of branches. It was the scavengers’ camp, but it looked like they had only been here for a few days. Alexis feared it was worse. It looked like the camp was bigger than the men that attacked them. Was there more of them?
“Tie them to the trees so they can’t get away.” The men made short work of it, though they did take the time to molest them. Jennifer found her wrists and elbows untied, but only long enough for her to be sat against the tree. Her arms were yanked high above her head, and then, the ropes were tied around the tree, trapping her. Another rope went around her middle, too tight, forcing the air from her lungs. She could barely take a deep-enough breath to fill her lungs. Her breasts were pushed up high by the rope, and it wasn’t lost on the man that tied her up. He was ugly with a tooth missing in the front and the rest looked rotted. He smelled. He was big, over two hundred pounds, but there was little fat, all muscles.
“What’s your name, bitch?” Jackson snarled at her. He hoped he’d get a chance with this one, but he knew the boss would get her first. She had to be a virgin.
“Jennifer,” she managed to stammer. “Please, let us go,” she begged.
“Why would I want to let a great piece of pussy like you go?” He reached down, with his hands grabbed her tits, squeezing them harshly to make her cry out in pain as tears flowed from her eyes. “You ever fucked a man?” He found her nipple with two fingers, pinched and twisted it until he got an answer.
“No, don’t touch me, I’m innocent,” she pleaded, but she saw the way he grabbed his crotch.
“I got a nice hard cock for you, Jenny, going to fuck you hard. You’re going to be our little whore.” He looked over at the other one. “Is this your momma?”
“Yes,” Alexis answered boldly.
“Good, we’ll let you show her how to fuck and suck. You ever take on thirty men? By the time you’re finished, your little Jenny will be a pro. Don’t go away, I’ll be back soon. Boss
won’t be here for a day or so. Wouldn’t pluck your Jenny, but I’d love to have you suck my cock while Jenny watches.” Jackson rubbed his cock before he walked away.
“I’m sorry, Jennifer. It doesn’t look good.” As much as Alexis tried to keep her safe, it looked like the end was in sight. Bill was gone, and there was no hope left. For the first time since the beginning, Alexis was desperate.
“It’s not your fault.” Jennifer couldn’t believe how calm and collected she was in spite of her predicament. She was about to lose her virginity in a defiling act and her life was in question, yet she wasn’t afraid. Her eighteen years had been hard, but her mother and father had always been there for her. She was a woman now, and she’d have to shape her own destiny. It was strange; she was bound to a tree, with her body bound so tight that she could barely breathe, yet she felt an excitement. A sexual excitement. The scavengers were vile beasts, but the helplessness of her situation gave her an unexpected tremor of pleasure. She only hoped that none of the men that would take her would make her cum in front of her mother. She couldn’t bare that humiliation.
They sat bound in silence, nothing left to say, both of them grieved the death of Bill. The sun began to set when Jackson came back. He carried a canteen of water. He offered it to Jennifer first.
“Want to quench your thirst, Jenny? Open your mouth.”
She was afraid of why he wanted her to open her mouth, but she was parched. All the running before they were caught had tired her. It was hours since they were left alone. “Yes, thank you,” trying to be polite. She opened her mouth as he stepped forward. She remembered what he said about taking her mother’s mouth, fearing that he’d do the same to her. Then, she felt the water run over her tongue, gulping quickly to quench her thirst, not knowing when she’d get more. He didn’t take the canteen away until she was finished.
Jackson turned to her mother. “What’s your name, bitch?”
“Alexis.” She didn’t say anything else, afraid of offending him. He had a large knife on his belt and from the look on his face, he wasn’t afraid to use it.
“Pretty name, you want a drink, Alexis?” He smiled down at her.
“Yes, please.”
“You gonna have to work a bit harder for a drink, Alexis.” He put the canteen down and stood in front of her. Her head was at the right height, and he saw the fear in her eyes. She knew. He opened up his pants and let them fall to his ankles. He stroked his cock through his shorts. “You keep your eyes on this, Alexis, or else Jenny will pay for your disobedience.”
Alexis had no choice, staring at him as he undressed. She almost wretched when she saw his soiled and stained shorts, bulging from his erection. She knew she’d have to take his foul cock in her mouth. That was bad enough, but it was made worse with Jennifer forced to watch. He lowered his shorts, and his cock bounced in front of him. His hand grabbed it and stroked the shaft. He was big, the head fat and the shaft long.
“Don’t take your eyes off my cock, Jenny, or it’ll be your mouth that takes it.” His cock was harder at the thought of the young bitch watching her mother suck his cock.
She looked at it, willing to do anything to keep from taking it in her mouth. She’d never seen an erect cock, at least not this big. It had a dark-red head, almost purple, and the shaft was filled with gnarled blue veins. His balls hung below him, covered in black, thick, wiry hairs. He stroked it, and it looked like it got bigger. How big could it get?
Jackson picked up the canteen. He moved close to Alexis, one hand held his cock, the other the canteen. “Stick out your tongue.”
She had no choice, doing as he ordered. He poised his cock over her tongue and tilted the canteen until it spilled water on his cock.
“Lick it off.”
In spite of the clean water on his cock, her mouth was filled with the foul taste when she licked his soiled cock. He poured water while she licked all of the head. That was the worst, tasting the salty, thick leaking cum that her tongue coaxed out when it rubbed over the slit on the tip. Then, she had to work on the shaft, her tongue forced to lick up and down the shaft until it glistened with the water and her spit. He lifted his cock up by the head and pressed it against his abdomen.
“Lick my balls and do a good job.” Jackson never had a woman do that before, but she obeyed without question.
Jennifer couldn’t believe what her mother had to do. She licked his cock and now she did his balls. She could see her grimace when she got hairs stuck in her mouth, but she licked all of his hanging balls. Now, she’d have to do worse, she’d have to take his cock in her mouth. Jennifer knew that men would shoot out when they finished. Would he do that in my mother’s mouth?
“You sure is good, Alexis. You must have sucked your husband a lot. Now, take the head into your mouth. Keep them lips nice and tight, and I want to feel your tongue work its magic on my cock. You do a good job and I’ll reward you with a load of cum you can swallow.” He released his cock and pushed it down onto her lower lip. She opened her mouth obediently, and he pressed forward with his hips until he felt her soft, wet lips encase the head in a tight grip. She obeyed without question; her tongue began to swish across the head of his cock with such pleasure. He rewarded her with drops of his cum.
Alexis never had another man’s cock in her mouth, but now, she worked over this one as though she loved him. Her lips had to stretch to take the big head in her mouth, and the minute her tongue ran over the tip of his cock, he leaked profusely in her mouth. His cum was thick and vile, salty and acrid. She was ashamed when she saw Jennifer look at her while she did this vile act. She felt him push with his hips, and she had to contend with more of his cock pushed into her mouth. It pushed her tongue out of the way and forced her to pull it out from beneath it so she could give him the pleasure he wanted. Her head was pinned against the tree with nowhere to escape. He could shove as much cock into her mouth that he wanted, and she’d have to take it, fearing that it would slice down her throat. Bill never made her do that, pulling back if he made her gag on his cock when he got too energetic.
“Time to suck.” Jackson began to fuck her mouth, each time driving more cock into her mouth. Her lips were so tight, like an elastic band around the shaft. “Watch and learn, Jenny, you’ll be sucking soon enough.” He saw the look on her face. He couldn’t wait to see her take the boss’s cock in her mouth the first time. The boss had the biggest cock of all the men, and he loved to shove it down a woman’s throat.
His rough hands went to her face, holding her so Alexis couldn’t move to the side to escape his cock. He began to fuck her mouth harder and deeper now until she could feel his heavy balls slap against her chin. The head of his cock shot to the back of her mouth, and the first time it hit the small opening of her throat, she gagged. There was no way that monster could fit in her throat; it was impossible. He never pulled his cock from her mouth, making her take the powerful thrusts as her spit dribbled down her chin. Finally, his cock slipped from her mouth, but his hand grabbed it, rubbed the spit- and cum-drenched head all over her cheeks and lips.
“You’re not finished yet; open your mouth,” he ordered her urgently. When her lips began to part, he thrust in without hesitation, eager to be back inside. He shoved all the way until the head of his cock smacked into the back of her mouth, but this time, he didn’t back off. He pressed forward until he was rewarded with a gag.
“GGGLLUGGH!” He was ruthless, driving his cock in one thrust all the way to the back of her mouth. This time, he didn’t back off, pressing the head of his cock into the small hole of her throat. The minute she gagged, her mouth opened wide, tears fell from her eyes and her nose ran. When her mouth opened wide, his cock breached her throat. She could feel the thick head beat against the muscles in her throat that fought to keep it out. It was a losing battle, gulping loudly as she choked once again when his cock head had more success in breaching her throat. She didn’t think it was possible, but there was no denying the cock that tickled her throat as
it rasped in deeper. He began to pull his cock out and then thrust back in, but he didn’t pull from her throat. Her muscles revolted and tried to fight it from entering any deeper.
Jennifer heard the gurgling sounds from her mother’s mouth, and she saw the way she’d swallowed half of his cock. She didn’t know how it was possible, but the big cock was buried in her mother’s throat. Jackson ripped it up and down her throat. She watched it with rapt attention, ashamed that it fascinated her. She watched the way the thick shaft with large veins was forced through her mother’s silky lips. She could see the way her mother’s cheeks moved, knowing her tongue was rubbing over the cock in her mouth, wondering what it would feel like or taste like if she had to do it. His balls slapped against her mother’s chin when he thrust in.
Jackson reluctantly pulled his cock from her throat, but that didn’t mean he was finished. He began to fuck her mouth, making her take the full measure of his cock with each thrust. There was no way she could take it all without going into her throat, so he heard her choke each time he breached the tight hole. She could do nothing but take it and give him his pleasure. “Such a good cocksucker, Alexis. I hope Jenny is as talented. By the time I’m finished, she’ll know how to do it from watching you. I bet you never expected to teach your daughter to suck cock.”
It felt like hours that Alexis had to endure the cock in her mouth. She vomited once, but he never pulled his cock out, using his cock like a battering ram to shove the vomit back down her gullet. The vomit mixed with his foul-tasting cum in her mouth. He pulled his cock out a few times, but it was only long enough for her to fill her lungs, then he was back, hard and deep into her throat. He loved to hold her pinned against his abdomen, his hips moving in circles as he corkscrewed his cock into her resisting throat.
Jennifer didn’t know how her mother lasted so long. Jackson was ruthless, using her mouth as if it was her sex. Jennifer didn’t realize a man could hold out so long without cumming. She thought it would be only minutes, but Jackson was relentless. She somehow knew it would be over soon. She could tell by the sound of his voice and his urgent movements. At least her mother’s suffering would be done. Jennifer licked her lips as though she could taste the man’s cum on them.