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Kavanagh Christmas: A Kavanagh Legends Holiday Novella

Page 9

by Sarah Robinson

  Murphy was definitely a fighter—maybe the toughest in their family—but not in an athletic sense. He’d beaten multiple rounds of leukemia as a young boy, struggling with his health ever since due to the drastic side effects chemotherapy had had on his growing body. Not once had he let his poor health keep the smile from his face. Not once had she seen him buckle under the pressure of his diagnosis.

  His health was in the clear now, but there would be medical struggles he’d face for the rest of his life. Dee was so unbelievably proud of him for all he’d accomplished under such trying circumstances. She was even more proud of his parents. Rory was an incredible father, and Clare, the most loving mother.

  Tears pricked her eyes as her heart swelled with warmth for her family, for her grandson. Tassels swung around his neck as he finally stood in front of the microphone, different colors indicating different honor societies he’d been a part of. He cleared his throat, smiled broadly at the crowd, and waited for the applause to die down.

  “When I was asked to be our class’s valedictorian and to stand before you all to give this speech, I was told to talk about my heroes, the person I want to one day become, and the path I want to take in my future.” Murphy paused and leaned against the podium. “But the truth is, I don’t know those answers. I have no idea who I want to be, or what my future holds. I don’t want to stand here and tell you all that you should know either, or that there is a path set before you and it’s up to you to succeed.”

  Clare reached over and clutched Dee’s hand, smiling at her.

  “In fact, I think you should go out into the world and fail,” Murphy continued. “Winston Churchill once said ‘success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.’ Those are the words I think we should all live by. My father was one of the world’s greatest mixed martial artists before I was born. He was also a huge failure.”

  Dee glanced sideways at her son, wondering how he felt about that, but Rory was beaming proudly up at his son.

  “That failure is what makes my father my hero. He reached a type of success few can ever dream of and lost it all due to an injury and alcohol abuse. He lost everything. He lost himself. He could have given up. He could have thrown in the towel, but he didn’t. He picked his life back up from the rubble, he met my mother, and he had me. Then I got sick.” Murphy cleared his throat and smiled sadly over at their row. “I was so sick for so many years, and at some points, it wasn’t clear if I’d make it. My parents could have given up, caved under the pressure, lost hope. They didn’t. Not once. And I watched them, so I didn’t either. When treatment after treatment failed, I kept going. Now I’m standing here, looking into the lens of the rest of my life, beyond the protective bubble of my parents, my insanely large family, my cousins, my school, my friends…and I can’t wait to fail. I can’t wait for all of us to fail, because the success afterwards will be that much sweeter.”

  Clare’s shoulders shook slightly, tears streaming down her face. Dee could feel the wetness on her own face as well. Pride swelled in her chest, and she prayed that Seamus was up in Heaven watching their grandson right now.

  “Congratulations, Woodlawn High School seniors. Go out into the world without fear. Fail. Get up. Fail again. Get up again.”

  The auditorium exploded with clapping and cheers. Murphy smiled and tossed his graduation cap into the audience, then he lifted both arms in the air as he walked back to his seat.

  Dee turned to her daughter-in-law. “Clare, oh, honey. You’ve raised the most amazing son.” She patted Clare’s hand, trying to keep the lump in her throat away. “He’s an incredible kid, and you’re an incredible mother.”

  Clare smiled and nodded her head toward Rory, who was standing and shouting his son’s name in cheers. “I could say the same thing to you, Dee. Thank you. Thank you for giving me this family. Thank you for being the heart and soul of the Kavanaghs.”

  The lump in her throat kept her from answering, but Dee smiled and nodded her head slowly, wiping the tears from her cheeks. Clare jumped up to cheer her son on stage, and Dee looked around at the rest of her family. Her children and grandchildren were all standing and clapping, supporting their own.

  Dee lifted up the framed photo of her late husband and held it on her lap. She stared at his handsome face longingly. She couldn’t have done any of this without him. Without falling for his big heart and goofy grin all those years ago. As wonderful as her family was, and as happy as she was being around them, she missed her soul mate so incredibly that some days it felt like her heart had shattered. “We made a beautiful family, Seamus. They’re going to be just fine without us.”

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  Keep reading for Rory & Clare: A Short Story!

  Where Are The Kavanaghs Now?

  As the Kavanagh series comes to an end, take a moment to catch up with the family on what the future holds for each of them after Murphy’s high school graduation.

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  The Parents: After a long struggle with diabetes and heart problems, Seamus Kavanagh passed away from a heart attack two years ago, when Murphy was only sixteen years old. Dee Kavanagh continued to be a doting mother and grandmother until she, too, passed away only a few days after Murphy’s high school graduation. She went comfortably in her own bed while she slept, and her family was devastated by the loss. They created a scholarship fund in her honor for five local children every year to be able to go to college, and her legacy goes on in each and every one of her kids and grandkids.

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  Oldest Son, Rory Kavanagh: Rory and Clare went on to have four children—Murphy, their only son, and three daughters: Brontë, Ciara, and Eve. Rory sold his portion of Legends gym to Kieran, and now devotes all of his time to the ten different animal shelters and rehabilitation centers he owns throughout New York and New Jersey. Clare has opened up her own veterinarian clinic, and continues to be successful in her career. Murphy was accepted into Columbia University and plans to become a pediatric oncologist, inspired by his own history of cancer during childhood. Brontë is a prominent ballet dancer, even at her young age, and looks to have a bright future on the stage. Rory and Clare’s youngest daughters are still in grade school.

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  Second Son, Kieran Kavanagh: Kieran and Fiona were blessed with two children, Gavin and Grace. Kieran has taken on full ownership of Legends MMA gym and turned it into a huge franchise with more than fifteen locations through New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. He plans to add ten more locations in other states this year. Fiona is still a florist and has turned down multiple offers to sell or expand her business. She’s perfectly happy and content working with flowers and living simply. They continue to care for Fiona’s younger sister, Shea, whom they’d both adopted. Shea went on to graduate from a local college and became a writer. Her memoir about her childhood and being raised by her sister became a New York Times bestseller and is currently being turned into a major motion picture. Gavin is still in high school, but already is shaping up to have an amazing future in football with scouts already coming to most of his games. Little Grace is the baby of the family and still deciding what she wants to do.

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  Third Son, Kane Kavanagh: Kane and Nora were finally married in a lavish wedding in Central Park before settling into their new home. They never ended up having their own children, but instead, decided to become foster parents. To date, they’ve cared for twelve different children of all ages in their home. Nora runs a successful practice as a psychologist on the Upper East Side in Manhattan and Kane continues to be retired, spending his time volunteering as a coach or trainer at local youth programs.

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  Fourth Son, Quinn Kavanagh: Quinn and Kiera ended up moving into Manhattan, still wanting the freedom of a little distance between them and the family, but never missing a Sunday dinner in Woodlawn. Kiera still works as a physical therapist at a local hospital and loves everything about her job. Quinn continues to create beautiful scu
lptures that have finally been recognized on a mass scale by the public. He’s one of the foremost artists in the world and often travels to give master class talks and guest lectures at universities, or takes on apprentices to foster new talent. The loving couple have four beautiful children together: Daniel, Olive, John, and Ryan.

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  Youngest Son, Jimmy Kavanagh: Jimmy and Sophie tied the knot in a small, intimate wedding in Dee and Seamus’s backyard with the entire family in attendance. Jimmy officially adopted Sophie’s daughter, Ava, and loves her as if she was his own. The two also had twins, Matthew and Michael, who remind him a little too much of Kane and Kieran, but whom he loves nonetheless. Sophie left law enforcement eventually and accepted a position as a Criminal Justice Professor at Columbia University. Jimmy continued to rise through the ranks at the NYPD and is a captain now.

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  Cousin/Adopted Daughter, Casey Kavanagh: Casey and Flynn fell deeply in love and got married in a small wedding in their local church. They had one daughter together, named Elle after Casey’s deceased mother, and decided that was enough for them. Under Seamus’ tutelage, Flynn became one of the best sports agents in the country and started his own agency. He spends most of his time traveling, which works out well, since Casey became a sports journalist and travels around the country with him, writing and doing broadcasts for ESPN. They take Elle with them everywhere they go, hiring tutors on the road, and she loves every minute of it.

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  The Kavanaghs continue to get together every Sunday for dinner together.

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  Patriarch/ Father: Seamus Kavanagh

  Matriarch/ Mother: Diedre “Dee” Kavanagh

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  Oldest Son: Rory Kavanagh, Business Owner (son of Seamus & Dee Kavanagh)

  Wife: Clare Ivers, Veterinarian

  Children: Murphy (son), Brontë (daughter), Ciara (daughter), and Eve (daughter)

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  Second Son: Kieran Kavanagh, Legends Gym Manager (son of Seamus & Dee Kavanagh, Kane’s twin)

  Wife: Fiona Doherty, Florist

  Children: Shea Doherty (Fiona’s little sister, adopted by Kieran & Fiona), Gavin (son), and Grace (daughter)

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  Third Son: Kane Kavanagh, Retired MMA Fighter (son of Seamus & Dee Kavanagh, Kieran’s twin)

  Wife: Nora Hannigan, Psychologist

  Children: Became foster parents to children in need instead of having their own.

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  Fourth Son: Quinn Kavanagh, Artist (son of Seamus & Dee Kavanagh)

  Wife: Kiera Finley, Physical Therapist (daughter of Patricia Finley and stepfather, Dr. Jay Prentiss)

  Children: Daniel (son), Olive (daughter), John (son), and Ryan (son)

  * * *

  Youngest Son: Jimmy Kavanagh, NYPD Police Captain (son of Seamus & Dee Kavanagh)

  Wife: Sophie Conroy, Criminal Justice Professor at Columbia University (Flynn’s former foster sister)

  Children: Ava Conroy (Sophie’s daughter from an earlier relationship, later adopted by Jimmy), Matthew and Michael (twin sons)

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  Cousin/Adopted Daughter: Casey Kavanagh, Sports Journalist & Broadcaster (daughter of Murphy & Elle Kavanagh, Seamus’ brother)

  Husband: Flynn Gallagher, Sports Agent (Sophie’s former foster brother)

  Children: Elle Gallagher (daughter)

  Want more Kavanaghs?

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  Keep reading for a free short story with Rory & Clare, as well as two free excerpts from other Sarah Robinson novels, Nudes and Not a Hero!

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  Rory & Clare

  A Short Story

  Author Note

  This short story takes place chronologically between Becoming a Legend (Book 3) and Chasing a Legend (Book 4).

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  It is not for sale and only offered free in the back of Kavanagh Christmas or as a free download here.

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  Please TBR this short story on Goodreads and leave a review here!


  One Year Ago

  “By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I pronounce you husband and wife.” The minister turned to face him, a wide grin stretching across his lips. “Rory, you may kiss your bride.”

  He didn’t need to be asked twice. Clare’s emerald green eyes glistened with tears as he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her softly. Something about the genuineness of this touch, this moment, this woman was brand new, yet completely familiar.

  Four years since the day they met, and yet he could hardly remember what his life was like before she waltzed into Woodlawn and changed him forever. The man he’d once been, before her, was barely recognizable to him now.

  Every dream he hadn’t even known he’d wanted had come true. He owned his own business helping former fighter dogs or bait dogs be rehabilitated and find new happy homes. He trained boxers and mixed martial arts fighters, like his brother Kane, at Legends. They’d just closed on a new home on the outskirts of town that Clare couldn’t wait to redecorate—though he wasn’t sure when she’d find the time as she was in a veterinarian program and close to graduating.

  All of it led to this one moment, standing at the altar hand-in-hand with a woman who had his whole heart. Nothing could make him happier.

  Roars of applause rose from the crowd behind them, but the sound barely registered in his ears. All he could hear was the thumping in his chest, his heart drumming with excitement. All he could see was the beautiful blond locks cascading behind a veil. All he could feel was his new bride’s hands in his—her ring pressing into his palm.

  The minister clapped a hand on his shoulder, turning to address the audience. “Ladies and gentleman, it is my honor to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Rory Kavanagh!"

  Stealing another kiss from his bride, Rory pulled her to him and smashed his lips to hers.

  "Rory!" Clare giggled against him but returned his affections as she threw her arms around his neck. “Or, should I call you husband now?”

  Damn, he liked the sound of that.

  “Whatever you want, wife,” he teased, taking her hand in his and leading her down the aisle as their family and friends cheered and tossed confetti over them. Ace, his old black-and-white dog and faithful friend for years, let out a loud bark and galloped down the aisle, chasing after them.

  They all burst through the church doors onto the streets of New York, fingers laced together and smiles wider than ever before. Ace circled their legs, pushing them closer together as he tried to steal their attention.

  “Hey, Rory.” Clare wiggled her brows, one stray hand reaching to pet Ace’s head.

  Rory kissed her forehead, noting the smell of vanilla. There was a good chance he wouldn't be able to wait till after the reception to taste her. Maybe the limo? Was there a place at the reception hall they could sneak off to? His mind was going a million miles an hour like it always did when he thought of being with her. “Mhm?”

  Clare leaned in closer, a conspiratory look on her face. “We’re married,” she whispered. “Took four years, but we’re freaking married!”

  Rory burst out laughing, scooping her into his arms just as the church crowd began piling out on to the street after them. “You’re stuck with me forever now, mhuirnín.”

  “There are worse things,” she teased, kissing him.

  Chapter 1

  “What about sunscreen?” Dee Kavanagh, Clare’s new mother-in-law, slid a butter knife thro
ugh the center of a sandwich she’d just made. “That California sun is killer.”

  Clare leaned against the kitchen island across from Dee while nervously chewing on the edge of her nail. “I’m not sure we’ll be outside much.”

  “Take it anyway,” she replied. Smiling, she lifted a brow and winked. “The Irish tend to burn to a crisp. Rory will be a lobster, and you have a seafood allergy.”

  Clare burst out laughing. “Sunscreen it is, then.”

  Dee nodded her head and split the sandwich between two plates, handing her one. They took their plates to the breakfast bar on one end of the kitchen and perched on stools as they ate their lunch.

  “I have to admit…I’m pretty nervous,” Clare finally said, swallowing the last bite.

  “Of course you are. That bastard should have gotten a life sentence. Good behavior, my arse. That fecker stabbed you—and Ace—and now he’s getting a parole hearing? The world’s gone mad.” Dee’s mouth was full as she spoke, so her thick Irish accent was even more garbled than usual, but Clare understood every word.


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