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Hidden Truths (Violet Chain Book 2)

Page 2

by Kahele, J

  The officer tapped his pen on his notebook. “Rubbing? Can you please elaborate? Precisely what was he rubbing against you? Was it a foreign object, or a part of his body, like his leg or arm?”

  Was this officer a fucking idiot? Obviously if it was his arm or leg she would have stated it.

  Although I knew what she was going to say, I still wasn’t prepared for her to say it out loud.

  She cleared her throat before saying, “His penis. He was rubbing his penis against me.” I knew it! That fucking bastard! The anger was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was almost painful, tearing me apart inside and out. I tried to conceal the fury that was rising within me, but I was obviously doing a horrible job, because Violet’s hand brushed against my shoulder, her eyes filled with concern. “Are you okay?”

  I flashed her a half-assed smile and lied, “Yeah.” But I wasn’t alright. In fact I was mad as hell, enraged, beyond insanity.

  Phillip, that fucking lowlife piece of shit. I should have snatched him out of the police car and smashed his head all over the concrete. It may not have made the situation better, but it sure would have given me some relief, some satisfaction.

  The officer cleared his throat. “So, Ms. Townsend, what else did he do?” he said with a bored roll of his eyes.

  He was really starting to piss me the fuck off. Sorry, Mr. Officer, that you have to do your job!

  Violet blew out a long breath, then replied, “He had his hands in my panties and was kissing my neck.” Dear God, how much more was I supposed to take? To hear that Phillip had invaded her personal space, touched her most intimate area, which belonged only to me, angered me so furiously I could feel the heat scorching across my face, the muscles in my body blistering beneath my skin as blind fury seared through me. I wanted to smash something, rip it to shreds, annihilate it to extinction, but I didn’t want to upset Violet, she had been through enough, so I clenched my fists tightly, digging my nails so deeply into my palms I could feel them throbbing.

  The officer nodded. “So tell me, what happened next?”

  “I think I hit him with the shovel from the fireplace,” she murmured.

  The officer tilted his eyes up at her. “You think? Do you remember exactly where you hit him?”

  “No, I blanked out…I mean I saw the gash on the side of his head, but I don’t remember hitting him. I’m sorry, I can’t tell you more.”

  “Understandable, given your situation,” the officer mumbled as he wrote on his paper. He studied his notes then looked up at Violet, confused. “You never hit his face?”

  “I don’t think so,” Violet answered with a light shake of her head.

  The officer lifted his hat and itched his forehead. “Well that doesn’t make any sense. He has injuries to his eyes, nose and mouth.”

  Victor walked up. “Yeah, that was kind of my fault. When I picked him up, he kind of fell out of my hands and slammed face first into the fireplace.” He chuckled. “He is one slippery sucker.”

  The officer’s eyes thinned as he glared at Victor and wrote on his pad. He closed his notebook. “That is all the questions I have for now.”

  “Thank you, Officer,” Violet responded. With a tilt of his head he turned and walked away.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about Phillip and his bloody face. The injuries I saw were definitely not from a fall into a fireplace. Victor had to have thrown him around quite a bit before the police arrived and honestly I was surprised, as protective as Victor was of Violet, that he didn’t choke the life out of him.

  My thoughts were interrupted as Violet wrapped her arms around me, snuggling into my chest. Now this was a very welcome interruption. I pulled her into my chest, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead.

  I heard Victor growl. “Okay, so is someone going to tell me what the hell is going on? Why has Vi been cuddling up to Chain Alexander the whole time he has been here?” Victor walked till he was standing next to me and I released Violet, placing her behind me protectively. “Are you sleeping with my sister?” Victor demanded as he pressed his finger into my chest hard.

  Before I could answer, Violet came from behind and moved so she was standing in between Victor and me. She pressed her hand to his chest, pushing him back. “Back up, Victor, I mean it!” She was protecting me. Not that I needed it, for Violet I would definitely take a punch or two, but I was extremely grateful that she intervened. I wanted Victor and myself to have a friendly relationship. I was after all planning on spending the rest of my life with his sister and the last thing I wanted was something to complicate it, like a fist fight between him and me. I smiled as my words streamed through my mind again: the rest of my life. I most definitely saw myself spending forever with Violet.

  Victor placed his hands on his hips before he choked out, “I thought you were seeing some douche named Corey. When the hell did you have time to take up with Chain Alexander?” He shook his head frantically. “Oh God, please don’t tell me you were shacking up with two guys at once! Did Harrison fuck you up that bad?” She clenched her fist by her side. I could see the fierce flare of anger storming through her eyes and I knew the shit was about to hit the fan!

  “You arrogant bastard! How dare you bring Harrison into this! If you had one ounce of a brain in that empty head of yours you would realize Corey is Chain!”

  Victor was not pleased by her comment. “So you lied to me? What the fuck, Vi, why the hell would you lie to me?”

  “Because you’re an overbearing asshole, that’s why!” she exclaimed.

  He folded his arms. “Okay, tell me the truth now, are you or are you not sleeping with Chain Alexander?”

  She flashed him a dirty look before saying, “What I do with my personal life is no concern of yours. So stick your nose out of my business!”

  “I told you before, you’re my little sister, you are my business!” he retorted.

  The argument elevated as they stood nose to nose, screaming back and forth at each other. I couldn’t help but smile watching Violet take him on full throttle; she really knew how to handle herself with her brother. I liked it, I liked it a lot. She looked sexy throwing her hand around, screaming and putting him in his place.

  I would definitely never want to be on the other end of her rage; I took a mental note to never piss her off.

  “Stop!” Vince shouted. Violet and Victor halted as their heads simultaneously whipped around to face Vince. “Violet is old enough to decide who she wants to date. You need to back off, Victor. Christ, she was nearly raped and you’re yelling at her about her new boyfriend?”

  From the disappointed expression that stretched across Victor’s face, it was obvious that Vince’s words had affected him and that he truly felt bad. He grumbled something under his breath as he backed up, his head low. “I’m sorry, Vi.”

  Violet smiled. “It’s okay, Victor, I know you’re just worried about me.”

  He grinned. “I love you, you’re my little sister, I will always worry about you.”

  “I love you too and I appreciate that you worry about me, just give me a little space, okay. I promise I can take care of myself.”

  He took her into a bear hug. “I’ll try,” he murmured as he kissed her on the cheek before releasing her.

  Violet was lucky in many ways, to have brothers who would move the world to make her happy, who would protect her no matter what it took. It made me feel a little envious, not of her brothers, but that she had a tight bond with her siblings, something I never had a chance to have with my sister Carena.

  Vince approached us. “So, Chain, is Violet going back to your place, because I don’t really want her staying here after what has happened.”

  I looked at Violet. “I agree with Vince, you shouldn’t stay here. You’re welcome to stay with me, if you would like.”

  She waved her hand. “I really don’t want to impose.”

  “You can always stay with me and Vince,” Victor offered. A look of horror splashed across Violet’s face. Sh
e leaned up to my ear. “Please don’t make me go with them.” I chuckled. “Of course not, you will stay with me,” I responded as I strung my fingers through hers.

  She exhaled and a relaxed smile plastered her face. “Thank you.”

  “Why don’t you two get out of here,” Vince said to Violet and me.

  “I can’t, the police are still here,” Violet responded as she released Victor and walked over to me.

  “Victor and I will stay, I’m sure they are just getting evidence and stuff.”

  “Are you sure?” Violet asked.

  “Positive, go—you’ve been through enough today,” Vince responded.

  Violet hugged him. “Thank you for being here for me, Vince.”

  “You’re my sister. I would do anything for you. You know that.”

  She smiled then walked over to Victor, curling her arms around him, giving him a hug. He lifted her up in the air. “Be careful, Violet, if you need me, just call,” he murmured as he placed her down.

  She brushed her hair from her face. “I will.”

  I traveled up to Vince, giving his hand a hard shake.

  “Thanks for being there for my sister, Chain, I really appreciate it,” Vince said with a big smile.

  “No problem,” I responded as I released his hand.

  I walked over to Victor and he turned away from me. The big brother vibe, I got it.

  “Come on, Callie,” Violet called out as she walked towards her.

  “Actually, Violet, I’m going to stay here. I want to help clean up so you don’t have to come back and see all this. I’m sure Vince will give me a ride back,” Callie stated as she gazed at Vince.

  Vince nodded. “I will give you a ride back.”

  “Great,” Callie responded.

  Violet hugged Callie. “Thank you.”

  “I love you, girl. Go to Chain’s and relax.”

  I clutched Violet’s hand and we made our way out of the house. As we walked towards the car, Violet picked up a stray bag lying by the side of the house.

  “What’s that?” I asked her.

  “It’s the bag I packed to go over to your house tonight; it was the reason why I came home before I went to my parents’.”

  Guilt swarmed me. This was all my fault. Had I not asked her to come over tonight, she would never have stopped at the house to grab her things, thus never running into Phillip.

  “It’s not your fault, Chain,” she mumbled. Was this woman a mind reader? “Come on, I want to get out of here.” I nodded, placing my hand on the small of her back, guiding her to the car.


  During the ride to my apartment, Violet was quiet, staring out the window. I reached for her hand, rubbing it gently. “Are you okay?”

  “No, Chain, I’m not. I can’t believe Phillip did this to me.”

  I pulled up to my apartment, placing the car in park, the guilt still pressing on me hard. No matter how much Violet tried to convince me differently, I still couldn’t shake that all of this was my fault.

  I swiveled my body to face her. “Violet, I’m sorry. If you had never met me none of this would have happened.”

  A look of concern encompassed her face. “It’s not because of you that this happened, so stop blaming yourself.”

  “The only reason why he was angry was because David and I stopped talking to him.”

  “Even if you and I weren’t seeing each other, this still would have happened. He attacked me at the bar, remember? And he didn’t even know about you and me then.”

  “I know in my gut, part of the reason he came after you again, was because David and I didn’t want to have anything to do with him.”

  She exhaled. “So you think because we were seeing each other he attacked me?”

  I blinked hard before answering. “Yes.”

  “No,” she countered.

  “How can you say that, Violet? He knew about you and me.”

  “When he attacked me at the bar he didn’t. I’m assuming David would still have disowned him, right, even if you and I weren’t seeing each other?”

  “Oh, for sure.”

  “And if David had told you about it, you would still have done the same thing too, even if we weren’t seeing each other, right?”

  “Of course, I’m not going to be friends with a man who forces women to have sex against their will.”

  “Exactly. Don’t you see, this still would have happened. So it’s not your fault, Chain, it’s Phillip’s.”

  This woman was beyond amazing; she just went through one of the most horrific ordeals a woman could encounter and she was sitting here, trying to make me feel better.

  I leaned closer to her. “I think I may be in love with you,” I whispered as I slid my index finger across her collarbone.

  “You think?” she queried.

  I moved till my lips were almost touching hers. “I know. I’m in love with you, Violet.” Then I pressed my lips to hers.

  As I deepened the kiss, she pulled away gasping, a frightened look splashed across her face. “I’m sorry,” she said as she turned away from me, looking out the car window.

  “It’s fine, Violet, I understand,” I responded. And I did, she had just had a man try to violate her, rape her against her will, her actions were normal.

  Violet and I stepped out of my car simultaneously. I strolled behind her as she walked quickly to the elevator, sliding the key card into the slot.

  She leaned against the elevator as it zoomed up to my apartment, staring at the wall. I could tell she was in her own world, her mind deep in thought. Most likely about what had just happened, about Phillip. Phillip, that fucking bastard! I hated him for what he had done to her so much, I found myself wishing him dead, something I had never wished upon anyone before.

  We stood by the front door of my apartment and I slid my key card in and Violet ducked inside.

  “Do you mind if I take a shower?” she asked as she threw her backpack on the couch.

  “I don’t mind.” She walked to the bathroom and I heard the door close.

  I sat on the couch waiting for her. Twenty minutes went by and I began to worry, then forty, then a full hour. I decided to check on her, so I stood up and walked to the bathroom.

  I knocked on the door. “Violet, are you okay?”

  I waited for her to answer, but was met by only silence. I tried the doorknob and was surprised to see it was unlocked.

  I walked inside of the bathroom and saw her in the corner next to the shower, naked, curled up in a ball.

  I rushed over to her, kneeling down. “Violet.”

  She lifted her head and the first thing I noticed were her red-rimmed eyes, swollen, like she had been crying the whole time she had been in the bathroom. Tears were still running down her cheeks. “Why, why did he do this to me? Why me, Chain? Why me?” she asked, her voice cracking from the tears that constricted her throat.

  “I don’t know why, I wish I could answer that.” God, what I wouldn’t do to have an answer that would take away her pain.

  I helped her up. “How about I shower with you?” She did a half nod and I guided her over to the shower.

  I reached into the shower, turning it on.

  As I went to undress myself, she let out a high-pitched scream that made me jump. I turned to see her slumped on the floor, her hands circling her head frantically. “I can still feel his hands all over me.”

  I felt helpless, destroyed and ruined. To watch her suffer for even one moment annihilated me inside, ripping at my heart, shattering my mind. I wanted to take it away, I wanted to make her better, make her feel safe, but how? How do you take away something that was already done?

  I reached down and scooped her into my arms, carrying her into the shower. She was sobbing so hard, tears welled up in my eyes as her pained engulfed me. I placed her on her feet, grabbing a bar of soap and sliding it across her shoulders and back frantically. “I’m going to wash him away, baby, I’m going to wash him away.”
/>   I washed her from head to toe and it seemed to relax her; her sobbing ceased. I turned off the shower and grabbed two towels from the rack, wrapping one around my waist and the other around her. I scooped her out of the shower and carried her to the bed. I laid her down and went to stand when she grabbed my arm. “Please don’t leave me.” I could see the fear and pain in her eyes.

  I lay next to her and pulled her to my chest. “I will never leave you, ever.” And I meant every word.

  Chapter 1.5 – Violet

  Phillip ended up spending only a few days in jail. His high-paid attorney was able to get him bonded and after three months of fighting in court, the judge allowed him to take a plea to avoid further prosecution.

  Chain was livid when the judge made the announcement and started yelling out obscenities. The judge seemed very patient with Chain’s outbursts, until he attacked him personally, accusing him of receiving his law degree from a Cracker Jack box. When the judge threatened to throw Chain in jail, my brothers and David forcibly dragged him out of the courtroom, leaving me to hear the finalities alone with my parents.

  Overall, Phillip received only probation, where I received a lifetime sentence. I felt cheated, the punishment a slap on the wrist compared to what I had been through and was still enduring. The only positive thing that came out of it was that he now had a permanent record and had to register as a sex offender wherever he went. It made me feel a little bit better to know that at least another woman would never have to suffer the fate I had been handed. But unfortunately, it still wasn’t enough to wash away the insecurity that haunted me every second I breathed.

  Phillip’s father was embarrassed by what he had done and thought it was in his best interest to move from Philadelphia. I wasn’t sure if his father was doing it for Phillip or to save his own reputation from the gossip that flooded the town after Phillip was arrested. Whatever the reason, I felt his father made the right decision in sending him away. Between my brothers and Chain I honestly believed that Phillip would have ended up missing or found in a dumpster somewhere had he stayed.


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