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Hidden Truths (Violet Chain Book 2)

Page 9

by Kahele, J

  “I knew it, I fucking knew it,” David said as he walked into my office. He sat down on the chair and reached to the ring, picking it up. The ring glittered in the light. “Whoa, now this is a beauty.”

  I exhaled as I leaned my face into my hand. “Yeah.”

  “Well you sure don’t sound too happy.”

  “I don’t know, David, I mean maybe Violet is right, maybe I am not taking the marriage thing seriously, maybe I’m rushing it.”

  He looked at me like I was crazy. “Are you kidding, Chain? I have never met two people more suited for each other than you and Violet.”

  I glanced down at the clock on my desk. “I know but she is kind of right, we have only been officially together three months, five days, two hours and sixteen minutes.”

  He raised a brow. “You know exactly how long you two have been together down to the minute?”

  I beamed proudly as I folded my hands, placing them on the desk. “Of course I do.”

  “You need fucking therapy!”

  “Why, because I know exactly when Violet told me she loved me? When she became officially mine?”

  He nodded his head and leaned back on his chair. “You’re crazy, you know that.”

  I shrugged. “That’s what Violet said this morning.” I didn’t think it was crazy to know the exact time the woman I loved told me how she felt. “Do you think I’m rushing it?”

  He shook his head. “No. If you love someone you love them, time doesn’t change that.”

  “When did you know that Callie was the one for you?”

  He grinned. “The second I met her. There was this light that seemed to surround her and this song began to play in my head and I swear the voices sounded like angels.” And I was the crazy one? I might know the exact time that Violet said she loved me, but never did I see a light or hear angels singing. But then again, it was David and I suppose everyone deals with falling in love differently. Who was I to judge him?

  He handed me the ring back and I placed it in the case and slid it into the drawer of my desk. “Don’t say anything about the ring, I still haven’t figured out when I’m going to ask her.”

  He swiped his fingers across his lips like a zipper. “My lips are sealed, you can trust me, buddy.”

  He leaned forward. “By the way, it seems as though Candace has a little crush on you.” Crush? The woman was obsessed was more like it.

  I scratched the back of my neck. “Yes, it seems so. Today, I asked her to send Violet flowers and she sent them alright, but addressed the card to herself!”

  David burst into laughter. “Wait, Candace sent flowers to Violet addressed to her?”


  “Did Violet read the card?”


  He slapped his leg. “Oh my God, that is so fucking funny.”

  I glared at him. “Not funny, David. Lucky for me Violet is not a jealous person.”

  He nodded. “She is a great girl. I have to say, Chain, you hit the jackpot when you hooked up with her.”

  “You don’t think I know that? Why do you think I want to marry her? She’s everything I could ever want in a woman.”

  David shook his head. “I don’t think I will ever get used to you being tied down to one woman.”

  “Get used to it, David, I plan on staying with Violet until they throw me into the ground.”

  David stood up. “Let’s hope that’s not anytime soon. I better get back to work, I’ll talk to ya later,” he said as he disappeared through the door.

  I opened my drawer, flipping open the ring box and staring at the ring. I had never wanted anything more in my life than to marry Violet, to claim her as mine for the rest of my life. I had one chance to do this right and I needed to think further on it, so I decided today wouldn’t be the day I would propose.


  I drove to Violet’s. I despised going back and forth from my house to hers—I wanted something that was ours. I agreed only because it was what she wanted, it made her happy and I would move the world if I could to make Violet happy.

  I walked into the house and a vanilla smell lingered in my nose. I strolled into the living room to see lit candles spread across the coffee table and down the hall. I followed them to the bedroom. I opened the door and saw candles on the nightstand and dresser and more on the ground.

  “Hello, stranger,” a voice purred. I turned and lying on the bed, dressed in one of my suit coats and nothing else, was Violet. She stood up and walked over to me.

  She placed a kiss on my cheek. “How was your day?” Then she proceeded to kiss her way down to my neck.

  “Tiring,” I moaned as she sucked on my neck.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that,” she muttered as she slid my coat off. She loosened my tie, slid it off then began unbuttoning my shirt. And I didn’t know why, but I felt like the cabana boy again. Good enough to sleep with, not good enough to marry. I lightly removed her hands from my shirt.

  “No, Violet,” I told her as I buttoned up the two loose buttons.

  She looked up at me, wounded by my words. “What’s wrong?”

  “I just have a lot on my mind right now, that’s all.”

  “A lot on your mind, huh?” She buttoned up the coat, took my hand and walked me out to the living room and sat me down on the couch.

  “Talk to me, Chain, tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Violet, it’s nothing, it’s just work stuff.”

  She raised a brow and I could tell she didn’t believe a word I had said. “You’re not being truthful.”

  I shook my head. “No, I’m not.”

  “What is it?”

  I lowered my head. “When I asked you to marry me, you said no. And I don’t understand why you would say that, unless you were waiting for someone better, someone else. Maybe you’re thinking I’m not the one for you.”

  I felt her finger slip under my chin as she lifted my eyes to hers. “You are the one for me, the only one for me. I’m just not looking to get married right now, Chain.”

  “Why not, Violet? What does it matter if we wait a year or a week? I love you and that is never going to change.”

  She began fiddling with her fingers nervously. “I don’t know, I have this phobia of being engaged, that’s all.”

  “Because of what Harrison did?”


  I placed my hands on each side of her face. “I am not Harrison, I would never do what he did.”

  “I know. Just give me some time, please?”

  I gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Okay.” I felt a lot better knowing at least she was not saying no, she was just asking me to wait till she said yes. I stood up and held my hand out to her. “You can continue undressing me in the bedroom.”

  She stood and took my hand and I walked her to the bedroom. “Maybe I’m not in the mood anymore.”

  I slapped her behind. “Undress me, woman, now!” I exclaimed jokingly.

  She grabbed my shirt collar with both hands, pulling me closer to her. “Gladly.” Then her lips claimed mine.

  Making love to Violet was always amazing. It wasn’t about position or how many times I could get off, it was about feeling her on the inside and out. I had never felt the emotion, the love I felt for a woman when making love like I did with Violet. It was so magical, so unbelievable. I sounded like a fucking romance novel! But I didn’t care, because it was a romance, a love story written by her and me, one that could never be replaced.

  She emerged from the bathroom and slid into the bed beside me.

  “You gave me a hickey,” she said, pointing to the side of her neck.

  “It’s not a hickey, it’s a love bite.”

  She rolled her eyes sarcastically. “Same thing.”

  I slid on top of her. “No it’s not, miss sassy pants.” I placed my lips right above her breast and sucked hard.

  She punched at my shoulders. “Stop, Chain!”

  I smiled proudly as I stared down at the
large red mark. “Now that’s a hickey.”

  She put her chin to her chest, gazing down at it. “Now I have to wear turtlenecks.”

  I slid to the side of her. “I like you in turtlenecks, it means I don’t have to worry about men checking out your breasts.”

  She smirked. “You have never seen my turtlenecks.”

  This woman was always trying to pull the jealousy out of me but it never worked. Jealous men were insecure men, and Violet never did anything to make me feel insecure, I trusted her completely.

  I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. “You look sexy in anything you wear. And I feel sorry for those other bastards who can only look but not touch.”

  She caressed my cheek with her hand. “Because I belong to you?”

  “Yes and I belong to you.”

  She flipped me over and straddled me. “Now it’s your turn.” She placed her lips on my neck and began sucking hard. I could have easily pushed her off, but to be quite honest, it felt so good that I let her continue. She sat up and glanced down at her handiwork.

  “Nice,” she mumbled proudly.

  I pulled her down to me. “I love that mouth but I would prefer that you use it elsewhere, if you know what I mean.” I took her hand and placed it where I was erect. She slid her tongue across her lips then moved down my body and I grinned as I slipped my hands behind my head. Her hand gripped me tightly as it slid up and down my erection.

  “Oh, baby,” I moaned. She looked up at me with desire in her eyes as her tongue flicked around the head of my erection, before taking me completely in her mouth. My body shook as she sucked and licked, her mouth moving up and down my length. I grunted as I felt myself beginning to climb.

  “Fuuucckk,” I moaned, enunciating every letter. Her mouth clamped down harder and that was my undoing.

  I placed my hands on each side of her head and thrust hard once, reaching my peak, emptying into her mouth. I felt a tickle as she drained me of every last drop of my release, then swirled her tongue around, washing away any remaining evidence.

  She laid her head on my chest and I nuzzled my nose in her hair, inhaling her scent as I cocooned her in my embrace, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.


  Violet was gone when I woke in the morning. I glanced to the nightstand and saw a note lying there.

  Sorry, had to go in early, didn’t have the heart to wake you.

  Love you, Violet.

  I smiled as I kissed the note, before placing it back down on the nightstand and making my way to the bathroom to ready myself for the day. As I was leaving, I folded the letter in half and stuck it in my pocket. I liked to keep everything Violet wrote close to me. I had at least ten notes tucked into my desk. They helped me when I was having a stressful day. I would reread them and they would make my day better.

  I stopped at the receptionist desk to pick up my mail. “Is this all the mail?” I asked Candace.

  When she didn’t answer, I glanced up and saw a shocked look across her face as she blurted out, “Oh my God, you have a hickey!” Her face flushed and I could tell immediately she regretted her outburst. “Sorry,” she mumbled as she looked down. I turned away from her and grinned as I thought about last night.

  I was barely in my chair when the office door burst open and David sauntered in.

  “So you want to tell me why Candace is talking about you?” David asked.


  “I came in and she was on the phone talking to someone, stating how immature it was of your ‘lady friend’ to mark you up. What the hell is she talking about?”

  I tilted my head sideways and pulled the collar of my shirt away from my neck to reveal the dark purplish-red mark.

  David shook his head. “Is Violet a vampire? Why the fuck would she put that mess on your neck?”

  “I put a mark on her chest and she thought it was a hickey and complained, so I gave her a real one and she paid me back.”

  “That mark is pretty dark; it doesn’t look like you fought her much.”

  I grinned. “I didn’t fight her at all. Violet can abuse my body any way she likes.”

  “I see that. But Candace is right, it’s not very professional to be walking around with that thing on your neck. Tell her if she wants to mark you up to put it somewhere no one will see.”

  “David, you act like an old man. It’s all in good fun.”

  “That’s great, I’m glad you two kids are having fun. But I am in charge of doing what is right for this company and you walking around with hickeys on your neck is unacceptable.”

  “What are you going to do, fire me?” I challenged.

  He scoffed. “Stop being a dick, Chain, just do as I say.”

  Sometimes David could be a real righteous bastard. “Okay, Dad.”

  He waved his hand at me. “The reason I came in here is because the shareholders called an emergency meeting to discuss the Minneapolis project. They are waiting for us right now.”

  I stood up and slid on my suit coat and walked over to David. He reached to the collar of my shirt and pulled it up. “Shit, I didn’t realize how big that thing is. Make sure you sit with your head tilted so the shareholders don’t see that.”

  “Okay, Dad.” He laughed and I followed him out of the office.

  Chapter 3.5 – Violet

  Finding someone was harder than I thought. I spent most of the morning searching on the web for Chain’s father, Devin Michaels, in Ohio and came up empty handed. I decided to search under the last name alone and the search engine showed over a thousand hits.

  It took me nearly two weeks to call each number—since I was trying to be inconspicuous about it, hiding it from Chain, I could only call from work, which made the feat even harder.

  One by one I marked my list off. All of the responses were the same, they had never heard of him. I had come no closer to finding Devin Michaels than when I started. I was at a dead end and it was very discouraging and I almost thought of giving up. But I wouldn’t, I couldn’t. Finding Chain’s father was very important. I had to find out why they were estranged, why they didn’t talk and try to fix it. I wasn’t buying that story Chain had given me about blaming his father for his sister’s and mother’s deaths. I knew there was more to the story, I could feel it deep in my gut.

  Clearing my head, I tried to refocus, tapping my fingers on my desk as my mind searched for an answer. Where was Devin Michaels? God, I wished I could just find a clue, an address or a phone number. Then it hit me, the letters in the white box. They had return addresses on them. I could easily search by address for a phone number. That was it, that was my answer, I needed to look in that box. I stood up and grabbed my purse from the drawer and made my way out of my office.

  “Violet,” a voice bellowed. I turned to see my brother Vince running up. “Where are you going?” he asked. I loved my brother Vince, but he was always too concerned about what I was doing. I knew if I told him the truth, he would lecture me about minding my own business, about giving Chain his privacy, and I did not have the time, nor did I want to listen to it. So I did what any girl would when backed against the wall—I lied.

  “I have to run home for a second, I started my period and need to get some tampons,” I muttered.

  A look of disgust flashed across his face and he backed up as if I was a bomb getting ready to explode. “Vi, I don’t need to know about your woman problems. Saying you have to go home would have sufficed.” That was all I had to say? I was definitely going to use that excuse more often.

  I pushed the door open. “I’ve got to go.” And I left before Vince could say another word.

  As I drove to Chain’s, my conscience began to get the best of me. Was this wrong? Was I stepping over the line? Honestly, what choice did I have? The only way that Chain and his father would ever reconcile was if I could fix it and how could I do that if I didn’t know the reason it was broken?

  I slid my key card into the slot and surprisingly the elev
ator door didn’t open. I slid it again and a loud, piercing noise began to screech as the alarm rang. I had forgotten about the alarm. I fumbled with the keypad, putting in numbers, but none of them were working. Chain must have set it remotely from his office. Whenever he did that, I had a hard time shutting it off. I had no choice but to call him.

  I placed my cell to my ear, one finger in the other to drown out the noise. Chain mumbled something when he answered.

  “Chain, it’s Violet, I tripped the alarm, can you please turn it off?” I said, screaming over the loud alert.

  A few minutes later the noise ceased.

  I exhaled. “Thank you,” I said to him as I stepped into the elevator.

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart. What are you doing at the apartment? It’s only 11:30 am, are you ill?” Damn alarm. Only I would bust myself. I pressed the up button on the elevator.

  “I started my period. I was coming home to get some tampons.”

  He paused for a moment before saying, “You had your womanly monthly two weeks ago, is it normal to have it again so soon?” This was the disadvantage of practically living with a man, he knew your cycle better than you did. I swear Chain had it marked on his calendar.

  I slid the key card into the front door, opening it up. “Sometimes this happens when you take birth control.”

  The line grew silent and I could tell he was thinking. “Are you sure you shouldn’t see a doctor?”

  I suddenly felt guilty. I could really hear the worry in his voice. “Chain, please don’t worry about me, I will be fine.”

  “Alright, sweetheart, if you need me, just call.”

  “I will.” I hung up my cell and slid it into my purse as I made my way to the bedroom.

  I flicked on the light to the closet and stared up at the box. Should I? Was I stepping over the line by peeking once again into Chain’s past? I was only intending to get the address, what was the big deal? Chain did say he had nothing to hide, so taking a quick peek into the box wouldn’t hurt anything.


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