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Sweet Cry of Pleasure

Page 3

by Marie Medina


  “Well, it’s nice to know how I wound up being such a moody bastard.”

  Ares smirked. “But in the literal sense, you aren’t a bastard anymore.”

  “Yeah, guess not. I suppose it also gives you a little justification for picking on me so much over the centuries.”

  “Not really. I’m just an asshole.”

  Eros looked down at the floor. “So are we done? I wanted to let you know she’d told me, and that I’m fine with it. I kind of always knew and feel better to not have to worry about it anymore.”

  “I think that’s all you need to say. I always thought it was true, for the most part. Consistent with your mother’s constant torture.”

  Eros snickered. “Yeah. I’m more than willing to bet she’s only said about ten percent of what she wants to say.”

  Ares rolled her eyes. “But that’s my problem. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Well, Iris is worried about you.”

  “Tell her not to worry.”

  “Doesn’t work with her. Not at all.”

  Ares wondered what he’d done to suddenly earn so much female attention. Iris, whom he’d only thought of as an unattainable temptress months earlier, was mothering him, and Alala, who before last night had never given him reason to question her place in his life, was talking in cryptic riddles and confusing the hell out of him in addition to arousing him in a very unique way.

  “Actually, tell her she doesn’t need to worry about Aphrodite because I have someone else on my mind.”


  “Not telling. I’m still trying to figure some things out about me and the lady in question.”

  Eros shrugged. “I’ll relay the message. Be prepared for her curiosity.”

  “I will be.” He met Eros’ gaze. “Thanks for coming by. Sorry it wasn’t a big, dramatic event.”

  Eros laughed. “Don’t apologize. I get enough of that from my mother.”

  “Oh trust me, I know.”

  He shook his head, wondering if his straying thoughts were leading him to yet another entanglement. He wasn’t really considering sleeping with Alala, but he found himself very intrigued. He still wasn’t sure if he’d really been that confused last night or if she had actually been trying to tell him something.

  But if she had been, why had she never said anything before?

  * * * *

  Eris walked out onto the deck of Apollo’s yacht. The tanned, blond god lifted his sunglasses and smiled at her.

  “Hello, beautiful. Tired of your pasty, dark-haired boy already?”

  Eris managed not to roll her eyes. Apollo had an amazing body, but she preferred her men dark-haired and pale like Hermes. Something about the orange tint of Apollo’s skin and the bleached quality of his short blond hair seemed artificial. Drowning their looks in chemicals was fine for humans, but it struck her as out of character for a god. Zeus was tanned and blond as well, but his coloring was natural and very beautiful. Apollo always seemed very superficial and insincere for a god who supposedly could not lie. Eris was about to find out for certain if that myth was true or not.

  “No. I’m quite taken with my man. It’s called love, by the way.”

  “Love is overrated.”

  “If you say so. You’ve obviously never felt it. Or anything like it.”

  Apollo frowned. “I was teasing you, sweetheart, but I don’t think you’re teasing at all. What’s going on?”

  She sat down and looked over the water. “You know, I always thought you were a bit of a bastard, but now I know you are.”

  “What? I’ve never done anything to you, Eris. I mean, okay, maybe the only times I’ve talked to you the last few centuries I was trying to get you into bed, but you can hardly blame me. You’re a trophy, and Hermes won.”

  Eris narrowed her eyes, forgetting about her mission for a moment. “Excuse me?” She said it quietly, but her tone obviously got his attention. As powerful as he was, he knew better than to mess with her or Ares.

  “Let me rephrase that.”

  “Yes, I think you should.”

  He leaned forward and smiled at her, then laughed nervously. “You’re beautiful and sexy beyond words, and you have shunned every god who ever expressed interest in you. You slept with Zeus because he’s Zeus.”

  “I slept with Zeus because I wanted to.”

  “Okay. Fine. But you see, I’m used to getting what I want, especially from women. You were a seducer, not one to be seduced. You were a challenge.”

  “So I was a way to prove how virile and manly you were?”

  “Come on, I would have enjoyed it. You would have too. I’m a little shallow for you to love though, so it would have just been a nice fling.”

  She smiled. “At least you admit how shallow you are.”

  “Yeah, well, I like to fuck women. Not crazy about talking to them.”

  She searched his face, but his expression was blank. He wasn’t hiding anything. His expression was genuinely blank. “And you certainly don’t sugarcoat things.”

  “I can’t. The only way I can hide anything is by staying silent.”

  “So I’ve heard.”

  “It’s true. It’s why women think I’m a jerk. I don’t flatter them and lie to them.”

  “You wouldn’t need to lie to someone if you really cared for them. An intelligent woman wouldn’t want that anyway.”

  “I don’t want an intelligent woman.”

  “That’s obvious.”

  “Look, what’s this actually about? You haven’t just suddenly decided to teach me a lesson about women.”

  Eris wondered how Alala had managed to put up with him for even five minutes. She wondered how he could have seduced her. “I’m here because of Alala.”

  Apollo went a little pale, but then he smiled and sat back. He was obviously going for nonchalance, but it came off very awkward. “Yeah, she hates me.”

  “With good reason. I don’t care how long it’s been. If I tell Ares you deflowered her and then abandoned her for another, he’ll have a blade at your throat, even if you are half-brothers.”

  “Whoa. Let’s slow down for a minute here.” He looked around as if he expected Ares to show up. “Let’s talk about this.”

  “Tell me how you did it, and I’ll listen to the rest.”

  Apollo ran his hands through his hair. “It’s not going to help my cause to tell you how we hooked up.”

  Eris glared at him. His eyes widened. She knew he could see the flames behind her eyes. They appeared in Ares’ eyes as well when he was at his angriest. “You tell me, or I’ll throw you at Ares’ feet after I’m done with you.”

  He cleared his throat. “I can’t lie, but I can still deceive people.”


  He paused, looking like he was going to throw up.

  “You better tell me.”

  “I appeared to her as Ares.”

  Eris balled her hands into fists and tried to keep her seat. She didn’t manage to. Standing up, she pushed him out of his deck chair, but then she stalked away from him. She had to keep her temper under control because Ares would feel it if she became too angry.

  “And how did that work out?”

  He got up off the deck of the yacht. “It worked, but then there was one little matter I hadn’t known about.”

  Eris scowled at him, knowing what he meant. “Alala was a virgin. You took a virgin with trickery. Your twin sister would not have been pleased at all.”

  “Yes, Artemis would have reacted rather strongly.”

  “She’d probably have cut your cock off.”

  He nodded slowly. “That’s entirely possible.”

  “So what did you do?”

  “I told Alala the truth. I never have much choice. I told her I hadn’t known she was a virgin.”

  “And she just forgave you?”

  “Not really. She said she was tired of wanting someone who would never want her. She took it as a compliment
that I’d gone to the trouble of seducing her that way.”

  Eris rolled her eyes. “That’s macho bullshit.”

  “Okay. If you say so. I won’t argue, but she liked being wanted. She actually said those words. For a virgin, she was amazing, and not just because she was, well, uh, you know…”

  “Tight, yeah, whatever. Just keep it to yourself. Go on before I punch you.”

  “Well, she was so passionate. It was very good. Very satisfying. I wanted to be with her again. I told her that. I also told her I promised nothing. She said the same.”

  “It was so good because she thought she was making love to a man she loved, you ignorant ass. You have no idea what she really felt.”

  “She didn’t say anything about not liking it. She didn’t object about anything.”

  Eris really wanted to toss him overboard, but that would accomplish nothing. “You think you know anything about women, the way you think about them?”

  “I’m also the god of pure reason, in case you’ve forgotten. If she had a problem, she should’ve said something. I don’t have time for emotional bullshit.”

  “Which had to be why you wanted Aphrodite so much. She’s as emotionally bankrupt as you are.”

  “She’s a whore.”

  Before Eris could think, she had moved across the deck and slapped Apollo. He looked stunned.

  “Since when do you like Aphrodite?”

  “Never said I liked her or got along with her, but you’re not going to call any woman a whore in my hearing. She enjoys the same sexual freedom you seem to cherish. She must’ve hurt you to make you say that.”

  “You just said she was emotionally bankrupt.”

  “Yes, I did. I said that because she’s willing to hurt people to get her own way. I said it because of things I’ve seen her do in the past. It’s my opinion of her, but I’d willingly change it if she gave me reason to. What’s your excuse? You like a woman and want her to hop right into your bed, but the minute she’s not yours anymore that very behavior makes her a whore?”

  “Look, what do you want? If Alala wants satisfaction, she can go to Hera and Zeus.”

  “I’m here because of my own feelings. Alala doesn’t care about you. But she still loves Ares, which is why she was so passionate in your arms.”

  He colored a bit, and she couldn’t resist goading him a bit.

  “Was she as good afterwards, when she knew it was you? When you were just someone to get under to get over her broken heart?”

  “That’s classy, sweetheart. But it won’t work. You can’t hurt me.”

  “Maybe most women can’t. Maybe none of them matter enough. But Aphrodite did. I’ve seen you glare at her and Ares. I always thought it was just competitive, macho crap, but now I’m thinking she turned her eyes to him while she was still with you.”

  “You can’t hurt me. Aphrodite hops from bed to bed and leaves a little piece of her heart there. She cares too deeply when she lets a man fuck her. I don’t care. I can fuck anyone I want without worrying about missing them when they’re gone. I didn’t care when she started fucking him. I was done with her.”

  Eris felt puzzled. If that were true, and it had to be, then why had Aphrodite hurt him? And how? She knew he would be dismissive instead of defensive if he meant his words. “I don’t understand then.”

  “So I can only think a woman is a whore if she hurt my feelings?”

  “No, but that would make more sense.”

  “Once again, why are you here? Are you going to tell someone?”

  “I don’t know yet.”

  “What more do you want to know?”

  Eris shook her head. “I’m not sure. I was angry to discover you’d treated Alala that way.”

  “She can’t still be upset.”

  Eris thought quickly. “No, but it has affected her. How do you think she feels now, seeing the man she really loves with Aphrodite after what you did?”

  “Perhaps her quarrel is with Aphrodite.”

  “But that doesn’t leave you blameless.”

  “If she wants Ares, she needs to speak up or do something. He and Aphrodite are through now. She has her chance.”

  “It’s not that easy.”

  Apollo laughed. “Yeah, it is.”

  Eris groaned. He genuinely thought it was. He really believed people were free the moment they left their most recent lover’s arms. He could think that all he wanted. She couldn’t imagine living that way.

  “Is it my fault other people have emotional baggage and I don’t?”


  “Then why are you mad at me?”

  “Because of the way you treated her. Because of the blatant selfishness it shows.”

  “And what do you want me to do?”

  “I wanted you to explain it all to me and prove you aren’t as shallow as we all think you are. You are the god of light and truth, of prophecy and healing. How can you then be the man I see before me?”

  His expression turned stony and cold.

  “Say what you feel. I can handle the truth, Apollo.”

  “I have nothing to say.”

  Eris shook her head. “What did Aphrodite do?”

  “Leave me alone.”

  “Tell me, Apollo. Trust me. Maybe we aren’t friends, but that doesn’t mean I won’t care or understand. I came here to hear the truth, hoping to learn something good that would help me understand you and the situation.”

  “Leave me alone!”

  Eris didn’t know what else to do. He obviously wouldn’t give her any answers now. “Okay.” She started to go, but then she turned back. “I won’t tell anyone. I didn’t come here for revenge.”

  He turned to look out over the waves. “If you say so. Hope you got what you wanted.”

  Eris went home with a thought, appearing in her new study so Hermes wouldn’t see her. She hadn’t meant to get involved, and now she felt even more confused. She’d wanted to help Alala, but now she couldn’t understand what she’d hoped to get from Apollo that would help her do that. Apollo was right about one thing. If Alala wanted Ares, she would have to pursue him, maybe even fight for him. Ares had grown tired of Aphrodite’s manipulations and games. He needed a bold woman who would go after what she wanted, a woman who knew her own mind and possessed a heart worthy of him. Surely the goddess of the war cry could summon up enough will to end her silence and do just that.

  Chapter Two

  Ares found Eris stretched out by the pond, throwing flower petals into the water. She looked pissed off, her face drawn and her eyes hard and unblinking.

  “You okay?” he asked as he stretched out on the ground beside her.

  “Just thinking.”

  “Looks serious.”

  She met his gaze. “It could be. It’s something that happened a long time ago.”

  “You angry with someone?”

  She hesitated, but then shook her head. “I was. Now I’m puzzled. I’ll tell you about it once we settle things.”

  Ares knew not to push. If he needed to know, she’d tell him, and if she needed help, he’d be the first to know. He hoped.

  “I gotta ask you something. I know you’re going to make fun of me, but I don’t care. I’m a little puzzled myself.”

  That got Eris’ immediate attention. “What is it?”

  “It’s Alala. Has she been seeing anyone lately?”

  “Seeing anyone as in involved with anyone?”

  “Yeah. Does she go for mortal guys? I’ve never seen her with anyone.”

  “Why does it suddenly matter?”

  He knew she’d ask lots of questions, so he’d prepared some answers. “She seems so lonely and withdrawn. She doesn’t talk about anyone. I was just wondering.”

  “She doesn’t talk about many things, so are you really surprised she’d keep her personal life to herself?”

  He’d thought about that, but he felt sure he’d know if she was seeing anyone. That wasn’t what he really wanted to know, of
course, but he didn’t know any other way to introduce the subject without arousing suspicions from the beginning.

  “No, but I’ve got a bit of a problem.”

  Eris leaned forward. “What?”

  His sister was looking at him so intently, he wasn’t sure he wanted to go on. “Why are you so interested?”

  She rolled her eyes, but he felt he’d flustered her for a second there. “You came to me, remember?” A thought seemed to occur to her. “And I’m interested about you mentioning Alala in this way. I’ve always thought you two would be good together.”

  He wanted to ask several questions, but he settled for, “Why?”

  “I think she’s actually good enough for you.”

  “Oh.” He’d always known his sister had high standards for him, and apparently every woman he’d ever been with had failed to meet them. But what had made her think of Alala at all? Had she seen or noticed something in the past that he hadn’t?

  She poked him to bring him out of his reverie. “Tell me the problem.”

  He gathered his thoughts. “It’s going to sound odd now, but here goes. Any woman I have ever wanted, I’ve gotten. If I want to fuck someone, I can.”

  “Doesn’t sound like a problem.”

  “But I can’t do that with her! She’s different.”

  “You think you two can’t have sex? Why?”

  “She’s like my ward or something. I’ve known her since the day she was born. We’ve always lived together. Something about that makes it feel wrong.”

  Eris burst out in loud laughter.

  He glared at her. “How is that funny?” He had no idea why she was laughing at all, let alone convulsing as if he’d just delivered the best punch line ever. “What? Come on.”

  “Since when do you care about something like that?”

  “I do have a few decent bones in my body, if you can believe it. I’ve fucked my share of married women, but that’s different. I wasn’t taking advantage of anyone.”

  Eris shook her head. “You think Alala would allow herself to be taken advantage of?”

  “No, but I think she’d do anything I told her to. As if it were an order.”


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