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Sweet Cry of Pleasure

Page 5

by Marie Medina

  He ran his hands over her stomach. He seemed to enjoy the feel of her so much she became more aroused.

  “I’ve always thought you were beautiful, and I thought you wouldn’t care I was a virgin. You’re very sweet. You’re different.”

  “What do you want?”

  He ran his hands over her breasts again, but then he pulled her shirt closed. “I want to keep kissing you. I want to see you again.”

  She put her arms around his neck. “Are you asking me out on a date?”

  He smiled. “Yes. Hope that isn’t too mortal and boring.”

  She shook her head. “No. It’s refreshing. I’m tired of all the drama. Sex and relationships seem to do nothing but hurt people here.”

  “Not always. And things go wrong for mortals all the time.”

  “I know, but I guess I mean I’d like a break. I’d like to have a date, not a romp in the garden.”

  “Guess this ruins my tough guy rocker image, huh?”

  “I never bought into that. The image has nothing to do with who you really are. I was surprised, but I don’t mind or think of you differently.”

  “Not at all?”

  She smiled, thinking he might enjoy a bit of teasing. “Well, maybe a naughty thought or two. I could teach you all the things I like.”

  He laughed and pulled her close. “I’d like that.”

  His innocent response was refreshing. For the first time, she wouldn’t have to worry about who her man was fucking. She liked that.

  * * * *

  Ares hit another baseball over the fence. He threw another into the air and hit it into the bushes. The next one went into the pond. The next one fell to the ground because someone was holding his bat.

  He turned to see Eris staring at him as if he was smashing priceless antiques.

  “What?” he asked curtly.

  “I could feel your anger so strongly it woke me up. It’s five in the morning. What are you doing?”

  “Just working out a little energy.”

  “What happened?”

  He finally managed to jerk the bat from her hand and threw it to the ground. “You can give up your matchmaking. I saw her with Demeter’s simpering little emo boy last night.”

  Eris laughed. “Arion? You’re jealous of Arion? Well, at least it proves you care.”

  “It proves you were wrong. There’s nothing there. We aren’t meant for each other.”

  “Then why are you so angry?”

  “Because I can’t get her out of my head.” He picked up the bat and started hitting balls again. He didn’t know what had happened or how long they had been together, but that kiss on his back porch had definitely had some heat to it. And if he wasn’t mistaken, her blouse had been buttoned wrong, as if she’d taken it off after leaving the house. The idea of that simpering weakling taking her or even touching her made his blood boil.

  “Have you ever met Arion? Had even one conversation with him?”

  “No. I will confess to being completely uninterested in soulless, gutless boys.”

  “He’s very sweet and kind. He would never hurt her.”

  “He better not. I’ll have his head on a pole in his mother’s blessed cornfield.”

  Eris burst into a fit of laughter. “I love you when you’re jealous. And this is even funnier.”

  He threw the bat down again, sending several baseballs scattering. “Why?”

  Eris leaned forward and whispered. “That boy’s a virgin. He’s unsullied. Pure as the driven snow.”

  “They kissed.”

  “That’s probably all they’ve done. She’s never said a word about him. They can’t have been together long at all.”

  “Well, the point is something has happened. End of your plans.”

  “Why are you calling them my plans? You came to me with a question. I merely expressed an opinion.” She took a breath and waited for him to look at her.

  He finally did. “What? What momentous proclamation do you have for me?”

  “No one loves you as much as that girl does. Your mother and I could never compete.”

  He wanted to pick up every single baseball and hurl them at his sister. “You’re impossible.”

  “You’re stubborn. She kisses another man, and you think that means the end of any possibility with her.”

  “She’d be better off with him. I might not like it, but I’m not meant to find love. I’m just not the type, and she deserves a love that will outlast eternity.”

  Eris smiled at him. “That’s a lovely thought. Since when do you think things like that?”

  “I want to fuck her. That’s it. And if you like, I’ll admit I’m a macho jerk and feel like she’s mine and no one else should have her. She’s always been mine, and I don’t want that to change. But I can’t be a husband. I’m not the sort to fall in love.”

  “I don’t believe that.”

  “Believe what you will. Leave me alone.”

  “I won’t.”

  He sighed. “I know.” He found it mostly disconcerting, but it gave him some comfort. He’d get his lust for Alala out of his system eventually, and perhaps Eris would eventually see that the two of them weren’t meant to be. Then she would help him. He just had to wait it out.

  So that kid was a virgin? He smirked. It didn’t surprise him. He wouldn’t know what to do with a woman like Alala. She was so beautiful he’d probably be nervous the whole time, fumbling and unable to please her. He would never manage to stir the passion deep inside her and bring her a thunderous climax. She needed a skilled lover who would touch her just right and bring her exquisite pleasure every way possible.

  He picked up the baseball bat, but he hardly saw the ground. He saw Alala on his bed, naked and opening her legs for him. She ran her hand over her wet pussy and then reached for him. He licked her wet fingers before running them over her own lips and kissing her roughly.

  “Ares? Wake up!”

  He looked at his sister, stunned. What the hell was happening to him?

  “Sorry. Just thinking.”

  “Of her?”

  “Shut up.”

  “It’s a good thing she knows how to deal with your temper.”

  “Give it a rest,” he said as he walked away. “She deserves to be happy. Why don’t you ask the Fates? They’ll tell you I’m meant to be alone. I won’t hurt her trying to have something not meant to be mine.”

  “I just might do that.”

  “Fine,” he called back.

  The morning air suddenly felt cold and damp as sweat ran down his face. He wanted to get home before Alala got up. She worked in the garden some mornings and got up at about this time. He didn’t want to see her again. He was too afraid he’d pull her to him and demand to know what that faint-hearted boy could mean to her when she was a goddess of war and had a fire to match his own deep within her.

  Chapter Three

  Eris watched Apollo walking over to her. She didn’t want to talk to him, but she knew he’d have something interesting to say, even if it made her angry. So she remained still on the grass and waited for him, wondering if he was going to apologize or make excuses. She suspected the latter, so this encounter might turn out to be very entertaining.

  He ran his hands through his golden hair and smiled at her as he sat beside her on the grass. She tried not to laugh.

  “Hello, beautiful. Still angry with me?”

  She smiled politely. “Yes, but that shouldn’t surprise you.”

  “You seemed confused when you left. Or should I say when I pushed you away?”

  “I was. I didn’t understand what I’d hoped to get from you, and I didn’t understand your motives any better. I gained nothing.”

  “It’s not as complicated as you think, lovely lady. I wanted to fuck a girl who wouldn’t even look at me. I knew who she would fuck, then got myself into a bit of hot water. I was lucky she didn’t go straight to Zeus.”

  “Yes, your father might have been worse than Artemis. He c
an be quite a jerk himself, and he’s had his share of virgins, but he would have been protective of one so quiet and gentle, not to mention loved and protected by someone as powerful as Ares.”

  “You know, she’s very strong and bold. She’s quiet, yes. Very sweet and gentle, but there’s fire there too. She could take care of herself.”

  “And did she?”

  “I saw no weakness in her.”

  “She hides her emotions. She always has. It’s why people don’t understand her. They don’t know how to take her.”

  “Then that’s her fault. She should have stood up for herself.”

  Eris sighed. “That’s just it. She didn’t care about you. She didn’t want to keep you.”

  He seemed offended. “She kept coming back.”

  “She was lonely, and I’m sure you’re good in bed.”

  He smirked. “She had interesting tastes.”

  Eris waited a moment. Was he trying to goad her? Was he going to make something up? “Be careful what you say next.”

  “How do you know what I’m going to say? I just found it interesting. A very unique mix.” He smiled. “It’s nothing unusual.”

  “Just tell me. You obviously want to.”

  His smile broadened. “See, she’s a submissive. Completely so when she thought I was Ares. But then when I was me, she told me what to do.”

  “She changed to a dominant? That’s not so strange.”

  “No. Still submissive, but told me how to dominate her. How to do everything.”

  Eris was unimpressed. “You found that so unique? Lots of subs and doms go back and forth, give instructions. There is no magical formula or one true way for any of that stuff. What’s so unusual?”

  “I’m not explaining this right.”

  “No, you must not be.”

  “She made me a better dominant.”

  Eris nodded. “Okay, that makes more sense. So you liked that? Great for you.”

  Apollo frowned. “How could a virgin do that? Train someone in sex play?”

  “So that fascinated you?”

  “It did. She knew what she wanted, and she taught me how to give it to her. Even when she’d stay away for months, when she came back I knew just how to touch her.”

  Eris rolled her eyes. “I’m a little tired of your ego. Why are you here?”

  “I was complimenting her ability.”

  “And what else did you want from me today? Just an audience?”

  “I wanted to make sure you hadn’t changed your mind.”

  “About telling someone?”

  He nodded.

  “So you know what a bad thing you did?”

  “Maybe at the start, but we had some good sex. She went away satisfied.”

  “Until she found you with Aphrodite.”

  He groaned. “You can’t say you expected me to turn down the goddess of love?”

  “How did it happen?” She hoped what he told her would show that Aphrodite truly hadn’t known about Alala. She really didn’t feel like having another confrontation with the goddess, especially as she didn’t want her brother to get involved with her again in any way.

  “I was waiting for Alala. Getting myself ready for her.”

  “Jerking off?”

  “Getting ready. She sometimes liked to be fucked right away. She’d be very wet when she arrived.”

  Eris ignored his lewd smile. He found it sexy, but she knew what it probably meant. She’d come to him at times when her desire for Ares had overwhelmed her. That thought made Eris sad. “Go on.”

  “Well, I happened to say Aphrodite’s name.”

  “So you thought of her while you were with Alala?”

  Apollo looked into her eyes. “Sometimes. You ever think of Hermes while you were with one of your boy toys?”

  She nodded, conceding his point, but the connection intrigued her. How could he have guessed that so quickly or readily if his feelings for Aphrodite weren’t stronger than he let on? She kept her expression neutral. “And Aphrodite appeared when you invoked her?”

  He nodded, smiling.

  Must be a nice memory, she thought with disgust.

  “She appeared, completely naked. She felt immediately how much I wanted her. She ran her hands over her breasts, pinching her nipples. Then she ran her hands down to her pussy. She kissed me as she touched herself then bent herself over the railing in the arbor.”

  “So you had no choice but to fuck her?” She felt ready to punch him right in the face.

  “Not even Zeus could have stopped me.”

  Eris shook her head. “You just let Alala walk away. You haven’t spoken to her since. You’re disgusting.”

  He made a sulky face. “What do you want me to say?”

  “Nothing. It would only make it worse.”

  “So why hate me? We could be friends.” He ran his hand over her knee, teasing the hem of her skirt with his finger.

  She grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard. “You came here because you want to fuck me? You were turned on the other day when I got angry with you, weren’t you?”

  He twisted his hand in her grip. “Hermes isn’t the only god who likes to be held down and fucked until he can’t see straight.”

  She pushed him away. “So, you thought talking about sex would get me hot? You thought I’d just get horny and jump on you?”

  He rubbed his wrist. “Guess not. Hermes must be pretty good to keep you so satisfied.”

  Eris tried to rein her thoughts in. If her anger became too great, Ares would know. Someone would feel it. “I’m very satisfied because I share not only a bed but a life with a man I love. You’ll never understand that. You’ll never know that kind of satisfaction.”

  Apollo jumped onto her, pinning her to the ground. “You think I couldn’t satisfy you? You like being on top, but you have a taste for being subdued now and then.” He held her wrists above her head and tightened his thighs around her. “I think you’d like it. You have more fire than any other goddess. I bet the world trembles when you come.”

  She stared up into his eyes. He made no further move, staring back at her. “What do you want to prove? Is this more seduction?”

  He tightened his grip on her wrists, smiling down at her. She could feel his cock getting hard. “You know you like it.”

  “It disgusts me. Answer me this, or I will call my brother.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “What?”

  “Have you ever raped anyone?”

  He paled. “No!”

  “Then what are you doing? You can’t say the consequences of forcing me don’t scare you.”

  “I would never force a woman, mortal or immortal.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “Be with me once and I’ll do whatever you say.”

  She laughed, pushing him off her and sending him flying across the grass. He looked stunned.

  “I could have done that at any time.”

  He shook his head. “I know. That’s why I thought you might be willing when you didn’t do it immediately. I thought we were having fun.”

  It blew her mind that he could have thought that for even a second. “So now you have a taste for someone new? Well, give up now. It won’t happen.”

  “You’re as cruel as Aphrodite.”

  “If you say so.”

  He stood up. “I seduced Alala. I didn’t rape her.”

  She nodded. “I know. I asked to make you angry.”

  “So now you hate me even more.”

  “I don’t hate you. I dislike what you are.”

  “A jerk?”

  “Unfulfilled and unhappy.”

  He turned and began walking away. “Leave me alone!”

  “That’s what you said last time, but then you came to me.”

  He stopped. “Will you tell Hermes?”

  She stood and walked over to him. “If I want to, I will tell him we were having an argument. I won’t tell him you touched me.”

  “He has every right to challenge me.”r />
  “You wouldn’t have done anything to me.”

  He laughed. “So I’m the biggest jerk who ever lived, but I wouldn’t have hurt you? How does that make sense?”

  “Maybe you’re more complex than I realized.”

  He stared at her. “You trying to seduce me now? Make me want you so you can hurt me the way I supposedly hurt Alala?”

  Eris flinched. The accusation, however tentative, hurt her feelings. Obviously some Olympians still thought her petty and mischievous. “No. I love Hermes. I don’t want anyone else, and I have no desire to hurt you.”

  “Okay. Let’s forget it then.”

  She wanted to say something, but she knew he wouldn’t take her seriously. She couldn’t tell what he was feeling. He seemed hurt by her opinion of him or maybe embarrassed at being rejected, but she couldn’t really tell, so she let him walk away. She had no idea what she had gotten herself into. Or why she cared so much.

  * * * *

  Alala took Arion’s hand. He rubbed his thumb over her hand. She could feel that just touching her made him happy. He’d kissed her cheek when he’d come to get her. Everything about him was gentle and sweet. He was so different from Ares. It was refreshing, and maybe it would keep her from falling for him, even though she doubted there was any danger of that. She was more worried about him falling for her.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Picnic in the park. If that’s okay.”

  She smiled. “It sounds lovely.”

  He smiled back at her. “I’ve only ever dated mortal girls. We can certainly do more exciting things if you want to.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with the ‘less exciting’ things. Being together is what matters.”

  He blushed. “Yeah. You’re right.”

  She had the feeling he would agree with anything she said.

  “So what’s it like living with Ares?”

  Alala looked down at the ground. She didn’t want to think about Ares at all. She just wanted to be with Arion and enjoy herself. She looked back up at him and smiled. “Difficult, at times. He certainly has his dark moods.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “He’s my friend. He’s not the kind to express it, but I know he cares for me. I’ve been a part of his life since I was born.”


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