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by Susan Scott Shelley

  She snatched her sunglasses from the grass and followed him toward the two men in front of the dugout. Dressed in jeans and T-shirts, the taller of the two was easily recognizable even out of uniform. Slade MacInnes had graced the cover of every sports magazine last season. But the man by his side, leaning heavily on crutches and sporting a smile that didn't reach his eyes, captured her attention. Dark brown hair tousled by the wind begged for her hands to smooth it. And his eyes, as rich and deep as her favorite triple-chocolate brownies, burned with an intensity that was almost magnetic, daring to draw her in and hold her forever. The nerves zinging her stomach shifted into high alert, buzzing through her blood as she continued to hold his gaze.

  Raymond gestured to the man. "Claire, I'd like you to meet Liam York. He's the resident mascot and will be your go-to person. You'll be working with him closely. And Liam, Claire here was clearly the best of the try-outs, as I'm sure you agree. She graduated from Anaheim State a few years ago and was their original Anaheim Annie."

  Liam's brows rose, then he smiled and his eyes danced with laughter. "No way. I didn't recognize you without the fifty-gallon cowboy hat and pair of six-shooters. Annie was a genius idea. One of the best college mascots I've seen."

  She grinned. "I loved that costume. And the job, playing Annie for three semesters was so much fun. I was pretty bummed when I had to turn in the cowboy boots." She hadn't had a choice, she'd been needed at home.

  Liam adjusted his crutch and extended his right hand. "It's nice to meet you."

  "You, too. I get a kick out of Fin's antics. You're really good." She slid her palm against his and then his fingers wrapped around hers, warm and strong and firm. Her pulse ticked faster and awareness skittered through her like a gentle brush of a butterfly's wings. His grip tightened a fraction before releasing his hold. Her first impression had been right—he radiated heat and intensity. She tilted her head back to hold his gaze. He towered over her five-foot frame by at least a foot. A black T-shirt stretched tight across defined shoulders and strong muscles attained only through hard and frequent work. Work that wouldn't be quite so frequent now—thanks to the broken ankle. "I'm sorry about your injury."

  "Thanks. I'm going to miss playing Fin. But I hope he'll be in good hands. Or maybe I should say fins." He cracked a smile and she laughed.

  Smiling and shaking his head, Slade nudged Liam's shoulder. "So, Claire. I'm Slade. Where did you learn those moves? You looked like an Olympic gymnast out there."

  Claire dragged her focus to Slade. What was the first baseman doing at a mascot audition? She shook his hand. "I was in gymnastics from the time I was six until I graduated from high school. Then I worked part-time as a coach at my gym through college."

  Raymond nodded and added more notes to his tablet. "I know you have experience performing in front of a crowd, but our games frequently sell out. It'll be more than you experienced at your college football games."

  "Our team was terrible and we weren't in a good division, so I didn't feel a lot of pressure out there. But I have competed in large gymnastics competitions where I had a lot of pressure to keep myself together and execute a detailed routine. I won't choke in front of the Riptide fans."

  "Still. You've been away from performing for, what, six years?" Raymond waited while she nodded. "Being our mascot is a big responsibility. Liam will teach you everything you need to know. During games, you'll have a head set. He'll be there to talk you through it if you need help. I know it's a lot to ask you to jump right into the job, but I feel with your resume, you'll be the best fit."

  "I won't let you down." She didn't fail at things. Ever. Except romance. "Does that mean I officially have the job?"

  "Yes. Welcome to the team."

  She wanted to cheer and turn cartwheels across the field. Instead, she clasped her hands together and stayed in place. "Thank you. I'm excited to get started."

  Raymond typed in another note and then pulled his phone from his pocket. "We only have a day and a half until the home opener. If you can stick around today to fill out paperwork and work with Liam, I'd appreciate it. We don't have much time to create the shark costume. I'll call our costume designer and ask her to come in now to do your fitting. She'll need to make everything. No part of Liam's costume will fit you."

  Claire glanced from Raymond to Liam. Her new co-worker's smile was gone, replaced by stoic features.

  Slade rested a hand on Liam's shoulder. "If you're making a new costume anyway, Liam could still wear his and help out."

  Liam's brows shot high and the spark returned to his eyes. "I can't do the stunts, but I can still walk around and greet people here. Or drive around in the golf cart or ATV so people don't bang into me." He gestured to his cast and crutches. "And I can keep my commitments to the hospital and charity."

  Raymond shook his head. "We can't have two Fins running around at the same time."

  "Not two Fins. Create a new character." Slade's voice was like steel but he winked at Claire. "Can't Fin have a friend?"

  She didn't think that was such a bad idea, especially knowing how much pressure she'd be under to do as good a job as Liam did. "As Fin's friend, I could shadow Liam until I have a better idea of what to do and gain more experience. It might be easier than him watching and directing me from someplace in the ballpark." Although, the idea of him watching her sent a tingle through her blood.

  Liam's gaze met hers. "I promise I can play well with others."

  "A new character would be a new marketing and merchandising opportunity." Raymond stuffed his phone away and began typing like mad into his tablet. "The public knows you're hurt, Liam, so we should play that up."

  "No offense, Ray, but I'm not injuring myself further."

  "Of course not. In the first game, Fin can come out like usual, but with his crutches. Still try to do his stunts, but falls." Pausing, Raymond lifted a brow. "Falls carefully, where your leg won't be compromised. And that's when the new character comes in."

  "I've got it," she blurted then patted Liam on the shoulder. "If you want to keep with the shark theme, my character could be a nurse shark. And we can make her like a real nurse, wearing scrubs and a stethoscope. She can come over and reprimand Fin and point him off the field. Then the announcer can say something about how I'll be taking over while Fin recovers."

  Liam nodded and a crooked smile lit his face. "Only, Fin isn't following directions. He keeps trying to sneak onto the field during games."

  Laughing, she bounced up a few times on the balls of her feet, unable to check her enthusiasm. She shifted closer to him, caught up in the power of his smile and how it deepened when his gaze landed on hers. "I love it. And my character can chase him off and play up her frustration to the crowd. It'll be great."

  Raymond nodded, typing faster. "We can do recorded scenes with you two in costume, too. Videos one or two minutes long, showing the nurse shark taking care of Fin, with him doing antics and being a bad patient."

  "How will the scenes work if we can't talk while in costume?" Claire turned toward Raymond. She hadn't had that limitation in her college mascot days.

  "There'll be music and you'll be able to convey enough with your actions. We'll add in a narrator or subtitles if necessary." Raymond punched a button hard then looked up, a smile curving his thin lips. "We'll film the first few on Monday. I'm thinking we'll broadcast them during the afternoon games while the other team is warming up, maybe in between the top and bottom of the fourth inning. And they'll go up on the website the following day. If this pans out the way I think it could, we'll sell more tickets." He glanced at Claire. "We usually have one afternoon game during the week and it can be tough to fill those seats. This just might do it."

  Liam frowned. "How? I mean, I like the idea. I'm all for any way I can still be Fin. But I don't see how this will sell more seats than usual."

  Raymond stroked his beard, eyes focused on the stands before his gaze settled on Liam and Claire. "Because it's going to become a romance."r />
  "A what now?" Claire felt heat rush to her cheeks. She spun toward Liam. He stared at Raymond with the same surprise she felt.

  "A romance. A few episodes in, Liam will pull out a bouquet of flowers for the nurse shark. After that, we can show their first date. The first kiss. Maybe even a fight, and then how Fin wins her back." He made another note. "Corporate will need to think of a name for the new character."

  Her thoughts spun, taking in the news and tossing names around that would go well with Fin. "How about Fiona?"

  Liam grinned and nodded, and even Raymond smiled. "Fin and Fiona. I like it."

  "It's cute." Slade grinned, looking far too pleased. "The fans will eat it up. Fin and Fiona swimming in the sea..."

  "Dude, you're messed up." Liam's laughter rang out and warmth washed over Claire's chest. He looked so happy, the full-on smile reaching his eyes, crinkling them at the corners. His gaze flicked to hers and shifted from friendliness to smoldering. "What do you say, Claire? Want to let the fans watch us reel each other in?"

  She groaned at the pun but she wouldn't have any problem showing an attraction to Liam. "How many fish puns do you have?"

  Slade rolled his eyes. "Too many. And don't worry, you'll hear them all. He's a born comic."

  Raymond motioned toward the dugout. "I have calls to make and meetings to set up to get everyone up to speed on our newest mascot. Claire, let's get you squared away on that paperwork now, and then Liam can show you around while we wait for the costume designer to arrive."

  She stepped toward Ray, then glanced back at Liam. "I'll see you soon?"

  "I'll hobble my way up to Ray's office in a bit. My assistant here," he grunted when Slade's elbow connected with his stomach, "will make sure I get there. Then we'll strategize about Fin and Fiona's first meeting." He reached toward her and then dropped his hand back to his crutch. "I'm looking forward to working with you."

  "Me too. I can imagine this isn't the way you wanted the season to begin, but I promise to do all I can to help you. I think we'll make a great team." Claire waved and followed Raymond through the stadium's maze of hallways. She could provide the antics and stunts that Liam wasn't able to do. And the added story of a romance between the mascots might mean they'd keep her on for more than half the season, maybe even long after Liam healed. The amount they were willing to pay her to essentially have fun didn't hurt either, and would go a long way toward paying off her student loans.

  For so long, she'd been the responsible one. She'd never really had the chance to be a kid. Becoming the new mascot might be her last and best shot at being responsible and having a little fun. And she intended to do whatever was necessary to keep the job as long as she could.



  SLADE MACINNES WAS late. He sped through the hospital's hallways, following the directions for his meeting with the Wishes Granted Foundation's recipient, an eight-year-old boy named Mason. He hated being late, especially for a meeting like this. But L.A.'s horrible traffic hadn't cooperated during his drive.

  Musical laughter drifted from the room where he was supposed to have arrived five minutes earlier. The tone, the bubbly happiness, tugged at something inside him. He knew that voice. And really wanted to kick himself for being late.

  He stopped at the doorway and took in the perfection that was Savanna Soto. Dark hair cascaded to her shoulders and she tossed a wayward lock off her forehead and laughed again, focused on something Slade couldn't see. Creamy olive skin, hazel eyes, arched brows and perfect pink lips—her face always drew him in. Her blue dress hugged curves and a narrow waist rivaling those captured on canvas and immortalized by Italian masters. Not for the first time, he wished he knew how to paint.

  A little kid in a wheelchair, wearing a Riptide T-shirt, rolled into view. "Miss Savanna, do you think Slade can show me how he hits a curve ball?"

  "Not indoors, sweetie." Smiling, she patted his bald head and then pushed his wheelchair closer to the large window that looked out over the courtyard. "He should be here soon."

  Slade cleared his throat and stepped into the room. "Mason? I'm sorry I'm late."

  The little boy's brown eyes widened. "Wow. You're really here."

  Savanna crossed to him with graceful movements, her hand extended. "Mr. MacInnes, it's nice to see you again."

  "None of this formal Mister stuff. Just Slade." He grinned over her shoulder at Mason and then captured her hand in his. Smooth, delicate, and soft. So soft. Her eyes warmed with her smile and he forgot to breathe. After a moment, he remembered to relax his grip, and the reason for his visit. He took a step toward Mason.

  Savanna stepped back and gestured toward the boy. "Mason's been looking forward to this visit for a long time. And this is his mother Christine."

  Slade shook hands with Christine, and then crouched beside the boy’s wheelchair and shook his hand. "Hey, buddy. It’s good to meet you."

  "I used to play baseball. You know, before I got sick." The boy's grin spread wider in his sallow face. Dark and deep set eyes sparkled despite the painful effects of his treatment. "I liked playing first base best."

  "That's the best position." Slade grinned and fist-bumped him. He settled into the visitor's chair by the bed, ready to stay for as long as the boy wanted him. "If your doctors give the okay, you can visit the ballpark and take batting practice with me."

  "Really? That'll be great!" Mason leaned over the side of his chair. "Did you hear that, Mom and Miss Savanna?"

  Savanna gently cleared her throat. "I'll mention it to your doctors and if we can arrange a visit, I'll make it happen."

  Slade met her gaze and nodded. He didn't want to make a promise that Mason's health wouldn't let him keep. "So, what else do you like besides baseball?"

  "Dinosaurs and race cars."

  "Yeah? I just spent the morning driving a pretty fast car." He pulled up a picture of the cherry red Ferrari 458 GT on his phone and grinned over Mason's exclamation. "It can go two-hundred-two miles an hour." Pocketing the phone, he leaned in and lowered his voice to a whisper. "But don't tell my team manager Dusty. He doesn't like when I drive that fast."

  "I won't tell anyone. I promise. Have you driven anything else? My favorite is a Lamborghini."

  "I drove a Lamborghini Gallardo GT the last time I went to the speedway. That one can also go up to two-hundred miles an hour." He liked the speed, the thrill of zooming around the track. Liam had gone with him that time. He'd missed having his friend along for the morning's ride but the need to blow off some steam had outweighed wanting to wait until Liam's ankle had healed.

  "Cool. I got some remote control Lamborghinis for my birthday. They don't go as fast as a real one though." His thin shoulders lifted in a shrug.

  "That reminds me. I have something for you." Slade pulled a Riptide jersey from his bag and placed it in the boy's hands. "It has your name on the back."

  "Wow." Mason traced his finger over the letters. "I'm never gonna take it off."

  "And a new hat." He handed over the gray and blue cap. The stylized R riding the crest of a wave on the hat's crown matched the hats the team wore on the field.

  Mason's grin tugged on Slade's heart. "Thanks. This is the best day ever."

  "No problem." He engaged Mason in discussions on the team, superheroes, favorite ways to spend summer vacations, and how he hit a curve ball. Mason reminded him of himself as a kid, spending hours and hours alone with only baseball and his imagination to occupy his time. Unlike Mason, his solitude hadn't been due to sickness, but to living with someone who never wanted him, no matter how hard he tried.

  Toward the end of his visit, Mason's father arrived. Slade again extended his invitation to Mason’s parents for the boy to take batting practice with the team, and then crouched beside Mason once again. "It was good meeting you, buddy."

  "Thanks for my visit and my presents." Mason reached up and hugged him, surprising Slade by the strength in his hold. "Good luck tomorrow. Mom and I will be
watching the game here. I hope you guys win."

  "I'll try to hit a home run for you."

  "A home run on Opening Day would be awesome." Excitement radiated from his small form. "I hope I can come to batting practice with you soon."

  "Don't worry. We'll make it happen one way or another." He'd do whatever was necessary to fulfill that promise. Even if he had to somehow bring batting practice to Mason. After shaking hands with Mason's parents again, he turned toward Savanna. She'd been mostly quiet during the visit, allowing Mason to have Slade's full attention. Even so, he'd been conscious of her watching and liked the way she smiled the few times he'd caught her eye.

  She gestured toward the hall and he followed her out of the room. The sway of her hips and the way her hair flowed from side to side distracted him. That is until she turned abruptly. Suddenly, she was so close he forgot to breathe.

  "Thank you for coming. You made his day."

  "He made mine." It was true. Slade pulled in a deep breath. A mix of spices and flowers filled his lungs, replacing the hospital's antiseptic scent. Her height put her eyes level with his mouth. She'd fit against him perfectly. "You'll let me know if he can come to batting practice with the team? I can get you a schedule. I'm hoping he and his family can come to a game too."

  "We're actually taking a group of the kids to the game on the thirtieth, for Fin the Shark's birthday celebration. We have a suite reserved. As long as Mason's condition stays the same or improves, he'll be able to attend."

  "That's great. I'll come up to the suite and see you and the kids then. And make sure Liam and some of my teammates stop by. If Mason can go, we could do a private batting practice for him and the kids that day too."

  "With Liam getting hurt, I wasn't sure if they were still planning on holding the party but he left me a message today, assuring me that it was still on and he would be able to honor his commitments with the kids."

  Slade grinned, thinking of Liam and Claire. They'd been at the ballpark until late into the evening, working on ideas, and his best friend seemed to be back to his usual happy self. "It's going to be an interesting season. Liam's not going to let a broken ankle hold him down."


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