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Shotgun Marriage (Leadville, Co. Book 3)

Page 21

by Danica Favorite

  “I’ll be fine,” she told him, wishing she had the strength to move out of his embrace but feeling proud that she hadn’t snuggled any closer. At least it was progress.

  As they pulled up in front of the hotel, Emma Jane’s confidence sagged. Too many people were there, watching. Waiting to see who had arrived in such a spiffy sleigh.

  Jasper alighted first, ignoring the crowd, and held a hand out for Emma Jane. She took it, careful to hold Moses against her as she stepped down.

  As soon as she set foot on the sidewalk, she heard the familiar screech.

  “Jasper, darling! Is that you? Everyone has been so worried since your disappearance after your unfortunate wife ran off on you.”

  Emma Jane took a deep breath, telling herself it didn’t matter, yet straining to hear Jasper’s response.

  “Hello, Flora. My wife did not run off on me, as you can see by her standing beside me. I’m sure you’re very eager to spread gossip about our return, and I won’t waste your time with the truth. If you’ll excuse us...”

  He took Emma Jane by the arm and bustled her into the hotel.

  “Is that a baby?” The words echoed behind Emma Jane, but Jasper did not stop to answer the question. He’d have to at some point, but she appreciated that they didn’t have to deal with the confrontation so immediately.

  He continued on to the front desk, where a brief discussion with the clerk confirmed that the Jackson suite was empty and Jasper was given a key.

  “I’m sorry Flora was so ugly to you when we arrived,” he said as they made their way to the room.

  “It’s not your fault. I’m glad you didn’t turn it into a long conversation.”

  He stopped and looked at her. “Why would I? I thought you’d understand by now that I can’t stand the woman. I owe her nothing, and given her penchant for gossip, I’m not telling her anything that would get to my parents before I have a chance to talk to them.” Blowing out a sharp breath, he went on to say, “As it is, I can only hope the messenger I had the clerk send over gets to the house before she does.”

  He continued down the hall and stopped at a door, which he opened. “Here it is. Home sweet home.”

  The room, far larger than any of the modest rooms at the Spruce Lakes Resort, was a sitting room, as finely appointed as anything at the Jackson mansion. Emma Jane recognized the furniture as carved by the same hand that had done the intricate pieces she’d seen in Jasper’s home. A crystal vase sat on a table, filled with delicate silk flowers. Even the wealthiest families couldn’t get fresh flowers this time of year in Leadville, but the reproduction astounded her.

  Abigail and Charles entered behind them.

  “Oh, my,” Abigail breathed, stepping inside.

  “Mother decorated it,” Jasper said with a sigh. “Father helped finance the hotel, and Mother asked that she be allowed to decorate our suite. It’s not very practical, but it made her happy.”

  As Emma Jane’s eyes swept the room, she couldn’t help but feel pity for her mother-in-law. Imported lace was draped over every surface, and she was certain that the crystal chandelier hanging from the center of the room had to have come from a far-off place.

  But had any of this stuff really made the other woman happy?

  They quickly sorted out the rooms, and Emma Jane insisted that Abigail and Charles take the larger of the two bedrooms. Jasper had thoughtfully gone to find a basket for Moses to sleep in, and when he returned, Emma Jane quite happily began filling it with the blankets Olivia had sent her home with.

  “He’s going to grow up well loved, isn’t he?” Jasper’s deep, masculine voice came from the doorway.

  “I’d like to think so.” Emma Jane stood and stretched out her back, stepping away from him. Even at a distance, he was too close.

  Jasper stepped into the room, looking around. “I hope you have everything that will make you comfortable.”

  “It’s far more than I would have expected.” Emma Jane smiled at him. “I hope you know how much I appreciate all of this...”

  He seemed to not hear her words, taking a step toward her, then reaching out and touching her cheek. “You are so beautiful when you smile. I know it makes you uncomfortable when I say it, but I wish you could accept how much I love your smile.”

  Emma Jane’s face warmed. “I...I don’t know what to say.”

  “Thank you would be a good start.” He gave an impish grin, and for a moment, Emma Jane thought he might lean down to kiss her. Her heart fluttered at the prospect. Instead, he straightened, then took a step back.

  A knock sounded at the main door, but before either of them could answer it, the door opened and Mrs. Jackson walked into the suite.

  “I believe you owe me some answers.”

  * * *

  Jasper winced. He should have known it wouldn’t be enough to send a message to his father informing him of the circumstances. His father would wait, just as Jasper had requested. But his mother was an entirely different matter.

  “Hello, Mother.” He stepped forward and kissed her on the cheek. “I assume you read the note I sent Father.”

  “Note? What note?” She glared at him with enough ferocity to melt all of the snow in Leadville. “I was just at the dressmaker’s, where I heard the most awful story from Flora Montgomery.”

  Jasper groaned. “Every story from Flora Montgomery is awful.”

  “How dare you speak of such a fine young lady in that manner? Her family is...”

  “I don’t want to hear it.” Jasper shook his head, trying not to say exactly what he thought of Flora and her family. But he also wasn’t going to allow the woman to continue maligning him and his wife. “Flora Montgomery has done nothing but spread vicious lies about me and Emma Jane, and I won’t have it. And if you would ask me the truth rather than take her word on everything, you’d understand things a lot better.”

  The wounded expression on his mother’s face gave him pause. “Sit. We’ll order tea, and Emma Jane and I will tell you about everything that’s transpired.” He used a gentler tone with his request, and he was pleased to see that Emma Jane had already rang for service.

  He’d asked her to try harder with his mother, and despite the fact that they were going to end their marriage, Emma Jane was still being kind to the difficult woman.

  His mother sat on one of the gilt chairs, and Emma Jane sat across from her on the sofa. He took a seat next to his wife, then placed his hand over hers.

  Then, calmly, as though being kidnapped by bandits and escaping through a snowstorm was an everyday occurrence, he relayed their story. Fortunately, his mother was too busy sniffling through her handkerchief to interrupt.

  The tea service arrived, and Emma Jane immediately rose to serve them all tea. His hand grew cold without her warmth, and he found himself hoping she’d hurry so she could join him again.

  Abigail entered the room carrying Moses. “He’s been fed and changed, and I’m sure you’re eager to have him back in your arms.”

  He watched as Emma Jane rushed over to her and immediately brought the baby against her. How could he have even suggested that she not raise this child? Her face glowed every time she held him.

  “What is the meaning of this?” his mother demanded, looking at him rather than Emma Jane. “I know plenty of orphanages that can take the child. There’s no sense in getting attached.”

  “Emma Jane is going to raise Moses,” Jasper said quietly, looking at Emma Jane rather than his mother.

  Did she understand what he was trying to say? What he couldn’t say in front of his mother? He finally understood how Emma Jane felt about the baby, and hopefully, it wasn’t too late.

  “Why would she do such a foolish thing? Do you have any idea what people will say?”

  He hated how his mother sounded, especially whe
n he saw the way Emma Jane cringed.

  “I would hope that they would say what I believe to be true. That Emma Jane is a fine woman, with a good heart and that she’s doing a very noble thing by loving a child who needs a mother.”

  Continuing to keep his gaze on Emma Jane, he said quietly, “And I wish I’d realized that sooner, before pushing her away.”

  Then he looked at his mother. Taking a deep breath, he braced himself for his mother’s reaction. “During our time away, we realized that our marriage was a mistake. Once things are settled with the bandits, I’ll be speaking to Father’s lawyers about getting an annulment. Emma Jane did nothing wrong, and she shouldn’t be forced to marry me because of others’ mistakes.”

  His mother turned a shade of scarlet that matched the lamp shade on the desk. “What kind of nonsense are you speaking? Have you any idea of the scandal it will cause?”

  Jasper took a deep breath, then nodded. “I won’t have Emma Jane be miserable for the rest of her life. Scandal will blow over. But...”

  “Miserable?” His mother rose, turning her ire at Emma Jane. “You were taken from a low station in life, brought into my home and given everything a girl could have possibly wanted, yet you’ve somehow convinced my son that it makes you miserable?”

  “How could it not? When you speak to her like that and treat her as though she were lower than a servant?”

  Jasper moved to stand next to his wife. “Emma Jane is the kindest woman I have ever known, and she’s tried so hard to do the right thing by all of us, yet none of us have given her the respect she deserves.”

  Then he turned to her, blocking his mother from her view. “I am sorry. I’ve been blind to a lot of things concerning you, and selfishly only cared about how I was affected by it all. I have been the worst of husbands to you, and I deeply regret that I didn’t do more to make our marriage work.”

  Tears rolled down Emma Jane’s face, and he reached out to gently wipe them away. “I’m sorry for all the times I’ve made you cry. I do not deserve a wife of your character.”

  “A wife of her character?” His mother’s voice clawed at his back.

  Stepping so that Emma Jane was by his side, he regarded his mother coldly. “If you had taken the time to get to know her, you would have realized that for yourself.”

  “She is nothing but a gold digger. Need I remind you how much money your father spent to pay off her father’s debt, send them away and put her sister in that fancy boarding school? There’s nothing we can do about what we already spent, but if she thinks we’ll continue supporting them...”

  “Then she is absolutely right,” he said smoothly. “I’ve already promised her as much, as well as a house and future support for her and Moses.”

  Jasper held out a hand to Emma Jane, and she took it. “Even if it means giving up everything I have, I will keep my promise to you.”

  More tears flowed down Emma Jane’s cheeks. He hated putting her in the middle of his fight with his mother, because none of this was about her. No, this was about Constance’s need to control everything. When he told Emma Jane about his mother’s losses, he realized just how much of his world she controlled. He’d done so much to please his mother, but just like Emma Jane working tirelessly to please everyone else, he’d only made himself miserable.

  He regretted the fact that this decision hurt his mother, but this was his life, and by continuing to fall in line with what she wanted, he was hurting someone even dearer to him—Emma Jane.

  “You clearly are not right in the head. I’ll be speaking to your father about this, and when you come home tonight, we’ll discuss matters further.”

  “I’m not coming home.” Actually, in his note to his father, he’d said he’d be home, but at his mother’s words, he realized the Jackson mansion was no longer home to him.

  Home was where Emma Jane was, and while he’d have to come to terms with her absence once they filed for the annulment, for now, he knew where he belonged.

  “I’ll send my apologies to Father. I know he was expecting me.”

  “You can’t be serious,” his mother said indignantly, looking from him to Emma Jane.

  “I am. I won’t stay anywhere where Emma Jane is not welcomed with open arms.”

  “Why have you turned him against me?” Tears filled the older woman’s eyes as she looked at Emma Jane.

  Before his wife had a chance to respond, Jasper did it for her. “She did nothing other than try to be agreeable in a place where everyone was unkind to her. I would suggest that you search your heart and find a way to make sure that Emma Jane is offered every kindness among those in your circle. I will not be kind to those who are not kind to her.”

  His words shamed him. They should have been uttered so long ago, and he should have done more to stand up for Emma Jane before they were even married.

  Once again, he turned to her. “I’m sorry for not taking a stronger stand in your favor sooner.”

  “I...” Her lower lip quivered. “You don’t need to do this. I’ve made my share of mistakes, and I can’t bear...”

  “We can talk about it later,” he said, squeezing her hand, then releasing it.

  Bringing his attention back to his mother, he said coolly, “You should leave now. I need to report in with the sheriff about everything that’s happened, and I won’t have you upsetting Emma Jane while I’m gone. When you feel that you are able to be kind, you may send us an invitation to dinner.”

  Her face turned as white as the scenery around them when they’d been lost in the blizzard. The anger replaced with the knowledge that Jasper was serious. She would probably go home and cry, and as much as he’d always hated making her cry, maybe her tears would serve a purpose.

  Jasper walked her to the door and closed it gently behind her. His father would be angry, but hopefully once they sat down and talked, he would understand.

  When Jasper returned to Emma Jane’s side, she looked as though she was trying to find her way in that same blizzard.

  “I don’t understand what just happened.”

  “A lot of things you said to me finally sunk in. I’m sorry it took so long to see reason.”

  Then he looked around the room. “I hope it’s all right that I stay here. I can sleep on the sofa, and I’ll try not to get in your way. We can settle things more firmly once the bandits are apprehended.”

  “Of course.” Emma Jane frowned. She opened her mouth to say something, but then Moses began to fuss. After adjusting his blankets, she looked back at Jasper.

  “I’m sorry. He needs to be changed.”

  “It’s all right. I need to go talk to the sheriff, anyway.”

  Jasper turned toward the door, then paused. “I know it frustrates you that I’ve put you off in favor of pursuing this case. But I hope you understand the urgency of the situation.”

  “Yes.” Emma Jane shifted the baby in her arms. “I suppose I owe you some apologies over that, as well. But as you’ve said, we can talk about everything later.”

  “Thank you for understanding.” Jasper nodded goodbye, then left, torn between his duty to see the case through and his desire to make things right with Emma Jane.

  Did she see enough sincerity in his words to his mother that she’d listen to what he had to say to her? Would she give him time to court her, to show her the true emotions in his heart?

  Was there even room in her heart for him?

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jasper’s absence created a void in the room that Emma Jane hadn’t been prepared for. As much as she’d tried not to get attached to him, already the emptiness seemed as if it would swallow her whole.

  What had he meant with all of his apologies and promises of talking later? Didn’t he know it was only going to make their annulment that much harder? Leaving thoughtless
Jasper was so much easier than leaving a man who seemed to genuinely care about her.

  Moses had fallen asleep, and she’d laid him in his bed. Part of her yearned to pick him up and cuddle him close to have something to do, but Abigail had admonished her that if she held Moses too much, he’d be spoiled, and then when she needed to lay him down, he wouldn’t let her.

  At least she had her Bible. Since Moses had come into her life, she hadn’t had as much time to read it as she’d have liked. The silence, with Abigail and Charles gone to bed and Moses asleep, was the perfect time to catch up.

  Rummaging through her bag, she realized her Bible was missing. Emma Jane sighed. In her hurry to gather their things for their return to town, she must have left it at the resort.

  She walked down to the front desk to see if they had one she could borrow, but as she neared the entrance to the saloon, she heard voices.

  “Stupid rich boy. Thought he was so smart, telling them about the hideout. Little does he know the trap we’ve got rigged.”

  The man’s cohort chuckled. “Thanks to you letting us know when the posse was leaving. Some of the men have doubted your loyalty, but they’ll be mighty glad we have you after tonight.”

  “I’m just happy to be sitting here in the saloon, enjoying a drink and getting an alibi, instead of being near Mack and his explosives. I don’t care what he says, he gets it wrong more often than not.”

  Emma Jane’s heart seized. Of course Jasper would be with the posse. But for it to all be a trap? How had the bandits been able to put everything together so quickly? They’d only been back in town for a few hours.

  Glasses clinked. “You’re telling me. I was there when he blew up the outhouse. How’d you get out of posse duty?”

  “At least one deputy has to stay behind in case there’s trouble in town.”

  Deputy. Emma Jane could feel her pulse racing as she closed her eyes and leaned against the wall. Jasper had been saying that he suspected someone inside the sheriff’s office had ties to the bandits. Now she knew for sure.


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