Interconnected Hearts

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Interconnected Hearts Page 1

by Bethany Daniel

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33



  I used to be like every other girl. A fan chick that would drool over every picture of a celebrity man I could get my hands on or movie I could sit and stare at. Especially Liam Warren and Scott Adams, they were my biggest crushes, and the newest "Sexiest Man Alive" material, believe me.

  But that was before I found out that my best friend, Kate, was actually married to Liam Warren. Biggest shock of my life, and to top it all off, he wanted her back and didn't let her forget it. I thought I was gonna melt into a puddle in our dorm room the day he showed up unannounced and I caught he and Kate in a steamy lip lock.

  Everything changed after that.

  One day I went with Kate to the set of the movie Liam was filming in town and what do you know, Scott Adams was filming it with him! Scott is tall, has rich dark brown hair that you can just run your hands through and his smile...that smile will make any girl swoon. I was a total goner the minute I met him in person. The more I got to know him, the real him, not a character he was playing or a movie poster he was pictured on, I fell hard. Lucky for me, he fell for me too.

  You could say our relationship HAS been just like the movies, starting with a major bump in the road right from the start. Her name was Alexia Dalton. She was Liam's ex-fling and was completely obsessed with him. So much so, that she wanted to get rid of her competition, namely, Kate. Her obsession ran so deep the result was devastating. She chased us down and ran us off the road. I was left in a coma, Kate suffered serious damage to her legs, and our best friend Lucas lost his life.

  After that she went into hiding, and so did we. But being hidden in Liam and Kate's little house in Nevada wasn't good enough because Alexia found us. She poisoned our body guards where they were camped out in their cars and marched right into the house and tried to take out Kate. That was when I had to shoot her.

  Growing up my Daddy always told me "Princess, you may be blonde and beautiful, but don't ever let yourself be dumb and defenseless." He made me take all kinds of self-defense courses in high school, including a gun safety course, and I've been licensed ever since. That training saved our lives that day.

  Before word could spread about what happened, we got the heck out of Dodge. The guys surprised us with a vacation to an amazing resort in Hawaii. The first night there some of Scott and Liam's Hollywood friends got Kate and I some gorgeous designer dresses and the dining room got an overhaul to look like a five star restaurant.

  Scott proposed to me that night. It was everything I've ever wanted, and so was our wedding because we got to share it with our best friends. While we were saying our vows for the first time Kate and Liam renewed theirs. It’s a day none of us will ever forget.

  Tonight is going to be another unforgettable night too, at least for me and Kate. It's our first time walking the red carpet with our men. I can hardly believe it! Tonight's the night and I couldn't be more excited.

  "Babe, you're going to ruin that dress if you keep swishing it around like that." Scott teases me as he stands in the doorway watching me looking at every angle of my hot pink glittery gown in the full length mirror.

  "I can't help it. This dress is amazing, Scotty!" I smile at him and run my hands over the body of the dress. "I so love Elize for finding this."

  He laughs coming up behind me and pulling me close. "That's why she gets paid the big bucks. She knows how to please her clients." Scott presses a kiss against my bare neck. "You look beautiful baby."

  "Thank you," I smile watching our reflection in the mirror. "You look pretty amazing yourself sweetie." I turn in his arms and put my hand on his cheek, "I love you Scotty."

  "I love you too. I'd kiss you but I'm scared that Alicia will kill me for messing up that lipstick."

  I giggle and step out of his arms to grab my little clutch that has been designed to match the detailing on my dress. "You're probably right. She'll chew the both of us out if I don't look exactly the way I left her in pictures."

  Scott shakes his head taking a quick peek out the window. "Well, it looks like our getaway car has arrived."

  I laugh as he walks over putting his hand at the small of my back and guides me out and down the steps to the large black hummer waiting just outside for us.

  "We couldn't have at least gotten a pretty limo and not this big monster?" I frown looking at Scott out of the corner of my eye. "What if I fall out and ruin my dress?"

  "I'll catch you, I promise."

  I sigh shaking my head as he helps lift me into the backseat. "This is because of security isn't it?" I ask when Scott slides in beside me.

  He takes my hand in his before squeezing it tightly. "Yes, because tonight we're going to be in a group of people that loved Alexia, and they know what happened, and your part in taking her down. If anyone tries anything, I want to be in a car that is bullet proof and keeps you protected."

  I frown at that and squeeze his hand back. I think he's being over protective but I won't bug him about it, I love that he worries so much about me.

  By the time we drive up to the theatre, my heart is pounding. I'm excited as can be but I'm also scared I'll end up falling flat on my face or something in front of all those cameras, and hello, other hot Hollywood guys that I'm a fan girl of.

  "Ready for this babe?" Scott asks glancing out the dark tinted windows.

  I take a deep breath and nod, "Yep, let's go!"

  Scott knocks on the window signaling that we're ready and someone dressed in an all-black suit with a white earpiece stuck to his ear opens the door and Scott quickly climbs down and reaches his hands up to help me.

  "I swear Scott Adams, if anything happens to this dress I'm blaming you for making me ride in this thing."

  He laughs shaking his head, "I promise, nothing is going to happen to your dress. Although, we don't have a good track record with you and pretty dresses do we?" He teases and I pinch his side.

  "Oh hush, just that first date, and the night you proposed because you made me cry so much that my mascara ran...well ok, yeah not a good track record."

  Scott laughs pulling me into his side as we get in line to go onto the red carpet. Holy crap, a real red carpet!

  I look up taking in the sights of everything around me. There are probably millions of fans behind barricades holding up signs, girls in t-shirts that say "I <3 Liam Warren" or "I'll be Your Leading Lady." There are even girls holding up "MARRY ME!" signs. I shake my head looking through the large crowd.

  I'm a self-proclaimed fan girl but even I didn't ever go out of my way to get the guys' attention like that. We take another step forward and my heart stutters when I see someone wearing a shirt with Alexia's picture on the front and under the picture "RIP Alexia".

  Scott squeezes my hand, "Ignore them. They want to get a rise out of you, just do
n't give it to them."

  I nod squeezing back and smile gratefully when we get into the more wide open area where there are cameras galore making me blink my eyes over and over again against the flash.

  "How do you ignore the flash?" I ask between gritted teeth as we're told to turn to a different camera for a better angle.

  "Look to the side", Scott replies in a whisper. "It helps."

  After probably 50 different people have snapped our picture we get a short break while some other actors are getting interviewed. I pull Scott to the side for a breather when I hear, "Kris!"

  I turn around and grin seeing Kate and Liam not too far ahead of us.

  Picking up the skirt of my dress, I run as much as I can towards her. "Oh Kate! Can you believe this? I get to be within feet of some of my biggest crushes! This is like a fan girls dream come true!"

  Kate laughs shaking her head at me, "Being married to a celebrity hasn't changed those thoughts huh?"

  "Heck no! I'm married not blind!"

  We laugh and huddle together whispering about the celebs we see, "Look, that's Jake Vincent!" I whisper pointing to a corner where there's a shaggy black haired guy that is in a movie or two Kate and I used to waste our weekends watching.

  "This is crazy, isn't it?" Kate says and I nod.

  "Beyond crazy!"

  "Krista, come on, time to go in the theater," Scott interrupts us.

  "Ok...I'll see you in there Kate!"

  She waves at me as Liam tugs her through the crowd and before Scott and I make it very far we're stopped by yet another interviewer.

  "Hello there Scott and Krista," the interviewer beams. "This movie has a lot of Oscar buzz, how do you feel about that?"

  "Oh, I'm just happy it's being received well." Scott flashes his killer grin at her. "This movie was a lot of fun to make, and hey it brought me to my wife." He squeezes my hand and smiles down at me.

  "Krista, a year ago you were a college girl. Is it crazy capturing the heart of one of the most sought after men?"

  I laugh nervously and squeeze Scott's hand back. "It is, but I'm really happy. I don't think the students I work with believe me when I say who I'm married to. So "hi Franklin High kids!" I wave towards the camera. "They'll probably be swarming me Monday morning."

  "Alright, I won't keep you much longer, thank you for talking with us."

  Scott waves and pulls me ahead of him and behind a group of people trying to get into the theater.

  "Who's that girl?" I ask spotting a girl with long black hair and a skimpy little glittery silver dress on just ahead of us.

  "That's Zoie Reese; she's in talks to play my younger sister in my next project, if she straightens out anyway."

  I frown looking over at him, "Straightens out? What's wrong with her?"

  "She's been trouble since she stepped foot in Hollywood. She has a lot of talent, but she's this close," he holds his fingers up to a pinch, "to throwing it all away. Mitchell and the other execs haven't been happy with her because she keeps getting caught at raids and wild parties in compromising positions."

  I shake my head at all that. "Where are her parents?"

  He shrugs his shoulders helping navigate me towards our assigned seats, "They seem to be very hands off about it all. They just pay to keep everyone quiet when she gets into a mess and move on. Zoie doesn't seem to have very much direction."

  We take our seats and I look over my shoulder to where Zoie is now seated beside Mitchell and some other young actress I don't know, Zoie seems like a little girl lost in this crazy life, maybe I can help her find her way.

  Chapter 1

  As soon as I step foot in the school building on Monday morning, I'm swarmed by Freshman girls freaking out.

  "Ms. Quinn! Oh my God you're married to Scott Adams?!"

  "Ms. Quinn, can you get me his autograph?"

  "Ms. Quinn, can you bring him to work with you...please please please?!"

  I laugh shaking my head as I step out of the circle they've created around me. "Sorry sweeties, he doesn't come to work with me. All this," I motion around the hallway, "is more my place. He loves his fans, believe me, but he wouldn't come here and trample all over my space."

  A red headed girl pouts, "But he's your husband! You can make him come here, Ms. Quinn. You would be our most favorite counselor ever!"

  "I bet I would be too...but he's going to be super busy filming his new movie. He's not going to have time to stop by anytime soon."

  There's a collective groan as the bell rings and they slowly disappear to their classes.

  I sigh as I open the office door and start making my way to my little office. Before I get very far though, the receptionist, whom I've come to be friends with, hurries into the hallway and blocks my way.

  "Ok Krista, tell me everything! Is it really as glamorous as it looks on TV?"

  "Oh it's even better than watching on TV," I smile and walk into my office. "It's amazing being in the middle of all that. And don't even get me started on the stars..."

  "Are they just as hot in person?" Mona asks with an eyebrow raised.

  "Uh-huh...oh my God Mona, you wouldn't believe what it's like being that close to them! Don't get me wrong, I love staring at Scotty too, but that many hot guys in one place should be illegal."

  A knock on the door brings us out of our conversation. "Excuse me Mrs. Garrett, but I need a late pass." A girl dressed in a jean skirt and tight tank top says from my door.

  "Again, Sofie?" Mona says shaking her head. "Alright, come on......more about your big night later!" she whispers the last part to me before ushering Sofie out the door.

  I laugh before settling into my usual routine for the day. As I'm putting some student files away my desk phone rings and I walk around grabbing it as I slide into my chair.

  "Ms. Quinn speaking."

  "Hello Ms. Quinn, or well Mrs. Adams. This is Mr. Fallon at Excite Entertainment."

  Mitchell's calling me? He's Scott's boss, what if something happened? My heart starts pounding as I take a breath trying to calm myself. "Yes, Mr. Fallon, is everything ok?"

  "Yes, Mr. Adams is fine. But it's another one of my clients that I'm calling you about."


  "Yes, Ms. Reese, Zoie. She is causing us all kinds of headaches. Mr. Warren came to me after his wife suggested you might be able to help out, you work with kids in high school, correct?"

  "Yes sir, I'm a high school counselor. I got my Psychology degree just over a year ago."

  "Perfect. I need you Mrs. Adams."

  "Please, call me Krista, Mr. Fallon. And um, what exactly are you asking?"

  "I need you to save Zoie from herself, she's on the path of self-destruction and I think someone like you is exactly who she needs. She's working with Mr. Adams on Redemption; it would be a great place for you to interact with her in a not so formal setting. Plus, you are way under the radar. If we bring in the big wigs for this, the paparazzi will likely get wind of it and cause a lot more issues."

  "Uh, is Zoie aware of any of this? And what about her parents?"

  "Her parents have basically washed their hands of her; she's been out of their control for a while now."I know I don't know you very well Mrs.--uh-- Krista, but I know from the way Mr. Warren talks about you that you are great at what you do, and you have a good heart. Zoie doesn't have anyone on her side. I'm scared that if she keeps this up then Excite will be forced to let her go and she'll just end up another child celebrity statistic."

  I lean back in my chair and bite my lip thinking this all over. Spring Break is coming up soon and I could use that break to hang around set while Scott's filming. What little I saw of Zoie on that red carpet showed me that she is really just a little girl playing dress up in front of the camera.

  "Ok. Ok Mr. Fallon, I'll try and speak with her and see if I can get anywhere with her."

  "Thank you Mrs. Adams." He replies and quickly hangs up the phone.

  I blow out a breath and push a loose curl behind
my ear. I really hope I didn't just agree to do something that is impossible.

  As soon as I walk in the door after work, Scott pulls me into his arms and kisses me, "Welcome was work?"

  I sigh shaking my head, "Long. A lot of seniors who are scared to death of flunking, some who are scared of the real world after graduation, you name it. Oh, but I did receive an interesting phone call today."

  "Oh? From who?" he asks slipping his hand into mine as we walk into our living room.

  "Your boss." I tell him sitting down on our big brown leather couch in the center of the room. "He wants to hire me."

  Scott raises an eyebrow to that. "Hire you? As an actor?"

  I laugh shaking my head, "Nope, I wouldn't be switching my day job. He actually wants me to help them with Zoie."

  "Really? Hm...He spoke with me about it a little bit, but I didn't know if he was going to actually offer."

  "Well, he did. And I told him I would help as much as I can, starting on spring break."

  Scott pulls me into his arms and settles against the back of the couch, "You don't have to you know, that girl might need more help than you can offer."

  "Hey! I worked my butt off for my degree, Scotty. I deal with non-celebrity girls just like her every day, Zoie Reese does not scare me."

  "Well, maybe she should."

  "Why's that?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

  "I've seen her type around before...they're a dime a dozen. They make a grand entrance, do a couple movies then the partying turns into worse things and their stars fizzle out faster than the next magazine can write a headline about it."

  I frown at that and shake my head. There's something about Zoie that draws me to her, yes, it's my job to help troubled souls like hers, but there was a time that I was a wild child and needed that guiding hand to aim me for a better path.

  "I have a feeling about her Scotty, she's different, trust me."

  "Oh, I do. I just don't want her to bring you down with her."

  Waving my hand in dismissal, I lay my head on his shoulder. "I have more than enough sparks in me to keep her star burning bright."

  Chapter 2

  At 6 the next morning my cell phone alarm blasts in my ear and I quickly grab my pillow and throw it over my head. "Stupid phone..." I grumble before grabbing it and fumbling for the off button.


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