Interconnected Hearts

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Interconnected Hearts Page 2

by Bethany Daniel

  I roll to my back and sigh looking on Scott's empty side of the bed. He had to be at set at 4 a.m. I don't know how they can function and think about lines at that time in the morning. I kick the covers off my legs and force myself to stand and walk to the bathroom. Glancing in the mirror, I run my hand over the jagged scar at my hairline that is now the only reminder of what happened in the car that day, I don't even remember it though. When I was in a coma my memory was wiped clean. The last I remember was Kate, Lucas, and I leaving campus to go see the boys. In a way, I'm thankful for that. I'm scared the memory of being slammed into and thrown into a ditch would leave me with horrible nightmares.

  Shaking my head, I hurry to get ready for the day, slipping on some jeans and a school polo shirt, thank God for casual days, today is the last day before Spring Break.

  Once I'm all set, I walk out to my car and grab my phone to call up Kate before I start my drive to the school. I miss having her as a roommate, we used to just spend hours chatting away and now that we're both married off we hardly have the time. I have to get girl time in where I can.

  As soon as Kate says hello, I smile and ask "Is my adorable nephew awake to play with?" Baby Will is just too dang cute and he gives me a very bad case of baby fever every time I hold him.

  "Hello to you too....he's really too young to do much playing yet, Kris." I can just picture her rolling her eyes.

  "Oh you know what I mean...I just want to come get some baby snuggles in before I have to go to work."

  "How is the counseling job going?"

  "Really good, I feel like I get through to people. And better yet, since I still go by Quinn professionally, nobody other than the few that follow the celebrity news have a clue who my husband is."

  "That is definitely a bonus."

  "You have no idea. I accidentally let it slip to someone that I'm married to "the" Scott Adams and then I was suddenly their best friend and I just HAD to come to their house for a pool party and oh of course spouses are invited."

  "Mmm, of course. Well we'll see you guys tonight, right?"

  "Yep! We'll be there, be prepared to be baby snatched. He's just so cuddly; I want one of my own!"

  "That's what I hear.”

  I smile to myself, I guess Scott blabbed to Liam about me nagging him about our own baby, I sigh softly and shake my head. "We need to make Scott hold Will awhile, that has to set off his biological clock, right?"

  "He's a guy....I don't know if baby cuddles will turn him into a big teddy bear," Kate laughs in my ear.

  "Maybe if I tell him he's extra sexy holding a baby,” I think out loud leaning back in my head rest.

  "You do that. Now, if you don't mind, I have my own husband to get back to while your nephew is sleeping."

  "Oh, right! Sorry, sometimes it’s easy to get lost in girl talk after living with a guy."

  "I know…we'll see you tonight, have a good day!”

  "You too sweetie, give Will kisses and hugs from Aunty Krissy!"

  Once we say our goodbyes I glance at the clock and frown seeing that it's already 7:30. Not enough time to grab coffee on the way in, God I hope the faculty lounge stuff isn't gross.

  After drowning the sludge the rest of the staff calls coffee in sugar, I walk into my office and smile seeing Mona dash from her desk to come chat with me. We've become good friends in the little time I've been here. She knows who I'm married to, and while she loves to hear the dirt on the celebrity stuff, I think living in L.A has really made that life seem not as glamorous to her.

  "Morning," She smiles as she sits in the chair in front of my desk. "Aren't you so glad Spring Break is starting? I'm in desperate need of time to sleep in."

  I nod coming around the front to lean against my desk. "Very ready, but I won't be getting to sleep in, I'm going to be going to work with Scott."

  Mona raises an eyebrow to that, "Oh really? Are you leaving me to become an actress?"

  I laugh as I shake my head. "Oh no, I don't have a chance of ever being an actress, I would never be able to keep a straight face while pretending to be someone else. I'm going to be...helping out a new actress that needs some direction."

  "Anyone I know?"

  I shake my head, "Probably not. She's new and already causing Excite a lot of headaches. They think I might be able to help."

  "Well if anyone can, it's you Krista. You're great at what you do, I see many kids come in and out of these doors needing guidance and you always go above and beyond to help them. Hollywood might just need a good dose of your southern charm."

  "Sometimes I'm scared the southern girl will be lost in being a Hollywood wife." I whisper looking down at the floor.

  "Krista," Mona says firmly and I look up to meet her eyes, "From everything you've told me has happened since you stepped into this life, I know you are one tough chick. You aren't going to crumble like so many other girls do living here, if anything I think you're gonna put a lot of stuck up celebrities in their place and not be afraid to do so."

  "You're right about that...I grew up in Georgia, I'm not afraid to run my mouth. They'll just have to beware."

  "That's my girl. So, what are you and that fine hubby of yours doing tonight?"

  "Oh, we're having dinner with Kate and Liam."

  "Liam? As in Liam Warren?"

  "M-hmm. He's Scott's best friend and it just so happens that his wife is my best friend."

  "You are one lucky lady, K."

  I laugh and shrug my shoulders, "Yes I am. If someone had told me that I would be in Scott and Liam's real life back when I was drooling over those shirtless posters that are in the magazines I would have laughed my head off. But this is my life now...and it might be more than a little well, hectic, but I wouldn't trade it for my quiet little existence back in Georgia. My life needed a little shaking up. L.A is so different than what I've grown up with, but I'm not going to let this place shake me down."

  Chapter 3

  Later that evening, Scott and I are at Kate and Liam's place for dinner. First thing I did was snatch that baby out of Kate's arms. She laughed at me but didn't object, so now I'm walking him around the kitchen while his Mama cooks and I get to chat while Scott is being otherwise entertained by Liam.

  "So, what's it like putting your degree to work?" Kate asks me as she stirs the spaghetti sauce on the stove.

  "It's good. I'm really happy that I decided to go in this direction. There's so many kids that have this illusion that just because they've been born and bred to be an actor that they're going to walk out with their diploma and be the next face on the highway billboards. Not all of them have that golden actor blood in their veins, and it’s those that feel they have something to prove just because they grew up here in L.A."

  "They are definitely in for a rude awakening then. Just because they've done school plays with some B List actor's kids doesn't mean they're going to get special treatment."

  "Exactly. You're not gonna grow up to be a silly movie star are you Will?" I coo turning him in my arms to face me, "You're gonna grow up and be their boss, right?"

  He smiles a little baby smile at me that just about melts my heart. This boy has his Daddy's smile and eyes and his Mama's personality, girls are gonna be in trouble in about 15 years.

  "So, why are movie stars silly?" Scott asks as he walks over wrapping his arm around my waist.

  "How long were you watching me talk to the baby?" I ask raising an eyebrow up at him.

  He smiles a lopsided grin before leaning down to kiss me, "Long enough...don't you listen to your silly Aunt Krista, Will, actors have lots more fun than those boring executives do."

  I laugh rolling my eyes. "Well, you missed the other part of that conversation. Some of the kids in Franklin think they are going to walk out of high school and into a casting call because of who their so-called friends are. They have no idea what they're in for." I shake my head. "Anyways, wanna hold Will, Uncle Scotty?" I beam up at him.

  He laughs as he lifts him out of my
arms, "Hey there big boy."

  Will kicks his pudgy little feet and babbles away making me smile. Scott is going to make such a great Daddy someday, I can't wait until we get to that point of our lives and I get to see him like that on a daily basis with our own babies.

  "Kris?" I hear Kate say and shake myself out of my daydream.


  Kate laughs shaking her head, "Mind helping me carry dinner to the table?"

  "Oh sure!" I kiss Will's and then Scott's cheeks before turning to follow Kate to grab various dishes on the counter.

  "You looked like you were deep in thought over there." She whispers as she lifts up a salad bowl.

  "Just picturing what it'll be like to see Scott with our own little one someday," I smile softly looking over my shoulder at Scott holding Will. "He's really sexy with a baby."

  "Yuck," Kate mutters. "Is he working on his new movie now?"

  "Yep, they got started on Redemption this week. He leaves before I even wake up," I frown grabbing the breadstick bowl and follow behind her to the dining room. "But, while school is on break this week I will actually be going with him to set."

  "Really?" Kate asks with a raised eyebrow, "Why?"

  "Did you meet the new girl, Zoie, at the premiere?" I ask as I sit on a chair at the end of the table.

  "I wasn't introduced to her, but I saw her and Liam told me a little bit about her, why?"

  "Well, Mitchell called and asked me to see if I can come and try to get through to her. She's apparently causing them a lot of trouble."

  Kate smiles softly, "I suggested you to Liam to suggest to Mitchell. I'm glad he took you up on it. That girl needs help."

  I sigh and lean my arms on the table, "I just hope I'm the right person for the job. You have the same qualifications I do Kate, why didn't you volunteer?"

  "Because I'm better with the older crowd, when Will's a little older I'm going to put some feelers around to some of the rehab facilities and places like that, I feel more of a calling to work in that field."

  "You really want to work with the wacked out celebs?"

  She laughs and shrugs her shoulders, "Like Zoie, under it all their just like everyone else in the end, even if the whole world knows their name."

  "Alright ladies, can we eat now?" Liam asks walking into the dining room now holding Will.

  "Yes we can," Kate smiles taking Will from his arms as he walks around to sit beside her.

  "Great, I'm starved." Scott says walking towards the table and grinning when he sits beside me.

  I laugh grabbing his hand, "You are always starved, sweetie."

  "I work hard, I burn it all off." He pats his stomach, "Gotta make up for it somewhere."

  I shake my head grabbing a plate and put a heaping amount of spaghetti on it before passing it to him, "Well then, by all means dig in."

  As he twirls some spaghetti around on his fork and gets sauce by his lip, I lean over and wipe it off with my finger before licking it off, "Mmm...Tasty."

  Scott's eyes cloud over as he pulls me closer to him and kisses me deeply, "You're pretty tasty yourself, Mrs. Adams," he whispers to me in a husky voice that has me biting my lip.

  "Alright you two, none of that in front of the baby!" Liam laughs tossing a napkin at us. "Save that for when you get home, please."

  I blush and scoot my chair a little bit away from him, "M-hm...Home." I sneak a glance in Scott's direction.

  He smiles and that little dimple I love shows. "Oh, there will be plenty more when we get home baby." He promises and I think my cheeks nearly burn.

  Kate laughs as she stands to grab Will's highchair. "Since when do you blush so much, Kris?"

  "Since I have a very hunky hubby of my own that is just as much of a flirt as I am." I giggle before placing my hand on Scott's knee and pull his head to mine for another sweet kiss. "I'm holding you to that promise." I whisper by his ear and smile hearing a soft groan come from him.

  "So anyways...." Kate interrupts changing the subject, "How's your new movie going Scott?" she asks as she pops open a jar of baby food.

  "So far so good," he runs a hand through his hair. "Zoie is a bit of a handful though. She's great when the cameras are rolling, but as soon as the director yells cut she's a snooty little brat."

  I frown at that, I can only imagine what has made her into the person she is. "I hope she isn't too hard to get through to."

  Scott squeezes my hand, "I've seen you work with some of your students, and I know how you are as a person, babe. I think Zoie thinks flaunting herself and being a diva is the way to be around here, she needs a good dose of reality."

  "Well honey, I think I can do just that," I smile taking a drink of some sweet tea. "Remind her that the world does not revolve around her little ego."

  He smirks as he leans over to kiss my cheek, "That's my girl."

  Chapter 4

  As soon as dinner was done, Scott and I hurriedly made up an excuse to get home. The whole time we were eating he kept rubbing his hand higher and higher up my thigh and would whisper things in my ear that made me blush again and again. I was very ready to get home and make Scott keep his promise.

  As soon as we're home, we rush out of the car and up the porch steps stopping to kiss in front of the door like a couple of teenagers coming home from a date stealing kisses before someone else saw us. I giggle and touch my finger to Scott's nose, "You know you're a dang good kisser movie star."

  He smiles down at me and I reach to trace his dimple. "I'm glad to hear you approve of my kissing skills." He pulls me tightly against him and crashes his mouth down onto mine again. "Now let’s get inside before someone with a camera gets a chance to get some pictures that Excite will definitely not approve of."

  I bite my lip as he slips the key into the lock and grabs my hand dragging me in quickly behind him before securing the door. "Now...where were we?

  "Hmm...I think somewhere around here..."I whisper before standing on my tiptoes and pressing my mouth to his. "Yep, right there."

  He smiles down at me before lifting me so my legs are wrapped around his waist. "I think I like it better here though."

  Scott kisses me deeply before stepping backwards towards the steps that lead to our bedroom and sets me down on my feet. "Better hurry up, babe" he says with a twinkle in his eyes and I rush up the stairs and down the hall with him at my heels.

  "You know Mr. Adams, you were a very naughty boy at dinner." I tease him tugging him by the hem of his shirt towards me and rub my hand absently over his rock hard abs.

  "Mmm...And just what are you gonna do about it, Mrs. Adams?"

  As I yank his shirt up and over his head, I trail my hands from his abs, up his chest and around to his back. "I can think of a few things." I whisper kissing up his chest until I find his lips again, "But I think I'd like to show you just a little bit."

  "Just a little?"

  I smile up at him and put my fingers together, "M-hmm...just a tiny little bit."

  He grins at me before scooping me up and throwing me on the bed, making me giggle when he jumps up with me and covers my body with his.

  "I'd much rather show you what I have in mind, Krissy."

  "Then by all means, show me."

  We stay tangled in each other for a long time, and by the time my head hits the pillow and I drift off to sleep, it feels like only minutes before I hear Scott's alarm blaring from his side table.

  "Turn that off, Scotty," I mumble pulling the covers closer to my face, "I need a few more hours..." I squeeze my eyes tighter when he flips on the bedside lamp.

  "Babe, you're coming with me today, remember? It's your first day on Zoie duty."

  I groan flopping onto my back grabbing my phone as I look at the time. "It's 4:30 in the morning! You really have to be there this early?" I pout and rub my eyes tiredly.

  He laughs as he leans down to kiss me, "Afraid so, come on...I'll call ahead and have someone waiting with a large cup of your favorite coffee."

I kick the covers off and sit to the side, "Promise?"

  Scott walks around and pulls me onto my feet and kisses me soft and slow. There could definitely be worse ways to be woken up. "I swear."

  I smile at him before turning to hunt down something to wear for the day and settle on some dark wash jeans and a fitted pink t-shirt.

  "You look good baby." Scott smiles as he runs a hand through his tousled hair.

  I roll my eyes, "I don't even have my make up on yet, Scotty. I look like a monster." I frown turning to go into the bathroom to at least put on some blush and mascara to look a little bit alive before I'm in the middle of celebrity central.

  "You do not,' Scott says as he comes to lean against the bathroom door and watches me. ”You're way hotter than any monster I've ever seen."

  I shake my head throwing a make-up sponge at him, "You're a real suck up in the morning, you know that?"

  He laughs before checking his watch. "Alright scary monster, chop chop we gotta leave here in the next 15 minutes or else I'll be late and get in trouble."

  "And we don't want that." I yawn walking out of the bathroom grabbing his hand as I go. "Let's go then, the leading man can't be tardy to his own movie."

  He pulls me closer to him placing a soft kiss on my lips. "I really wish we had some more time."

  I give him a look stepping backwards towards the door. "You are insatiable."

  As he smiles at me, I nearly give in all over again when that dimple appears again. "I can't help it...have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?" He asks.

  I giggle at him pulling him out the door and into the still dark morning. "Like I said, you're a big suck up." I tease him and kiss his cheek.

  We walk down the steps and towards our dark green SUV. "Think I can drive?" I ask innocently tracing my finger down the side of the car. Scott treats this thing like it’s his baby, I hardly get to drive when we ride together.

  "What do you think babe?" He smirks at me and slides into the driver's side.


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