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Loving the Wrong Lord

Page 12

by Bethany M. Sefchick

  Now, as they walked, Josie and Phin were so busy conversing, however, that neither of them noticed the sun begin to fade behind the clouds or the storm clouds that were quickly gathering overhead. When they had started their stroll around the lake, the sun had been shining brightly in the sky, the air a bit unseasonably warm as the afternoon progressed and the winds light.

  Now, as they approached the older of the two boathouses that sat on the edge of the lake, Phin could see that he should have at least kept a partial eye on the weather.

  “It is going to storm,” he said just as a gust of wind caused Josie’s skirts to whip into a pink, frothy cloud. “Damn it all! I should have been more careful!”

  “I was not paying attention either,” Josie reminded him as thunder rumbled in the distance. “I am as much to blame as you are.” She looked around, seeing only the boathouse, which was missing part of its roof – a roof Phin hadn’t bothered to repair for reasons he no longer remembered – and the summerhouse which looked more like a painting of a Far Eastern pagoda she had seen in the British Museum just the other week. “Will either of these places offer sufficient shelter? I don’t believe we will make it back to the house.”

  As if to emphasize her point, a bolt of lightning crackled in the distance.

  Spring storms, while not rare, could be dangerous. When Phin had been a child, one of Havenhurst’s cottages had burned down after being struck by lightning. He would not risk Josie’s life by trying to go very far in this weather.

  “The boathouse is a loss, I fear, but we might be able to find a way into the summer house. Come quickly!” Without waiting for her consent, Phin grabbed Josie’s hand and made a mad dash for the pagoda just as the rain began to fall lightly.

  Running up the crushed stone path, Phin’s gaze raced madly over the larger stones just to the side of the path. “Where are you?” he whispered to himself as his eyes roamed back and forth. “Do not tell me someone moved you! A-ha!”

  Lifting up a squat rock with the letter “P” crudely carved into the top of it, Phin reached beneath in search of the summer house’s key. With any luck, it was still exactly where he had left it two summers ago. When his fingers closed around cold metal, he sent up a prayer of thanks that no one in the last two years had bothered to come here or, if they had visited his mother’s old pagoda, they had the forethought to bring their own keys.

  While hardly the sturdiest building at Havenhurst, this pagoda was probably the newest. His mother had ordered its construction about six years prior, just after Faith had announced she was expecting. Completed within a year, the red, black, and gold pagoda was to have served as a site for Philip’s first birthday party, even though Faith had objected, saying that she didn’t like the “pagan” structure, no matter how many times Phin tried to convince her it was not pagan but simply a tribute to an architectural style that his mother happened to like.

  Then Faith had died, his mother had fallen ill, and the pagoda had only been used a handful of times for estate events. Most of the time, it sat empty, though it was cleaned once a month under his direction.

  He hadn’t thought about the pagoda much in recent months. Not since he had gone off to London. Now, he hoped and prayed that his staff was still following his orders and that the place was both clean and well-stocked.

  The rain was falling harder now, and Phin had to push his hair out of his eyes as he attempted to jam the key into the lock. He might have risked hiding in the boathouse if he was alone, but he could hear Josie’s teeth start to chatter and knew she would be getting chilled to the bone if she wasn’t already.

  Finally, the tumblers clicked, and the door sprang open, allowing Phin to yank Josie inside before slamming the door shut behind them. He also snicked the lock back into place quickly as the wind was beginning to howl, and he had no wish for the door – which had been finicky since the day it had been installed – to spring open and allow the rain and chill inside.

  Phin quickly set about building a fire in the large hearth that dominated the center of the single room. In the summer, the fire was lit at night as both an insect deterrent and a way for female guests to keep warm during various entertainments. Now, it would hopefully keep them both from catching a chill and developing a fever.

  When he was finished with the fire and satisfied with the few branches of candles he had scrounged, he turned around to find Josie already wrapped in a blanket she had found somewhere, her gown and at least some of her undergarments already drying in front of the fire.

  “My lady?” Was she trying to tell him something? Phin had not thought her the sort to play these kinds of games. Was she more like Faith than he had initially believed?

  Josie rolled her eyes at him, as if guessing his thoughts and judging him an idiot for it. “I am soaked to nearly my skin, and I am cold. Staying in wet things will not help us, and the sooner we set about drying ourselves, the sooner we can return to the main house when the rain ceases.” Then she gave him a reproachful loll. “Come, Phin. That is common knowledge, I should think.”

  “It is,” he admitted grudgingly. “It is just that I thought…”

  “Thought what?” she asked, her hands on her hips and looking far too delectable in that blanket for her own good. “That I was trying to entice you or trap you as the other young women here are? I know we agreed that we would explore this desire for each other, but I did not mean that! I am not some lightskirt, despite my somewhat adventurous nature.”

  Meaning no fucking. Phin could respect that, even if his cock did not.

  With a nod, Phin moved to strip himself of his jacket. “Right, then. I should do the same.”

  “I’ll turn around. Let me know when you are finished.” She sounded very prim just then, likely as he occasionally did, and he found that he didn’t like it. Was he really that bad? Lud, he hoped not.

  Phin wanted to tell Josie that she didn’t have to turn around. That she could look at him all she liked. However, that wasn’t proper, and he had the feeling she was still attempting to hang on to some small shred of propriety. He also wished to tell her that he wanted to look upon her as well. But he didn’t. They were wet, cold, and, perhaps not thinking clearly.

  Such things were probably best saved for another time.

  “I am finished. You may turn back around.”

  Or maybe he was thinking clearly after all. Because just then, he was thinking how very clearly he could see a great deal of Josie’s skin beneath that blanket.

  Josie had attempted to adjust the scratchy wool so that it wouldn’t irritate her skin, but instead, she had only succeeded in loosening the blanket so that it dipped dangerously low on one shoulder, very nearly revealing the sweet curve of her breast.

  No fucking. He would abide by that unspoken rule. But she hadn’t said they could not indulge in other activities.

  “Josie.” Phin was aware his voice sounded strangled, but he didn’t care. Nor did he care that the very sight of her stole the breath from his body.

  In the flickering firelight, she looked less like a fairy and more like a goddess borne of the sun. Fire and flame and passion. Her skin, which was normally quite pale, had taken on a bronzed hue and her mahogany-colored hair was shot through with copper, red, and gold highlights.

  It was her eyes, though, that caught and held his attention. Normally a light blue, the fire and shadow made them appear a rich sapphire color. The twin orbs glowed now with a mix of curiosity and wisdom. As if this woman knew what he would ask of her before he could say the words.

  “Phin.” She took a step toward him. “I did not mean for this to happen. I swear. Perhaps this is a bad idea.” Yet she took two more steps, indicating that she didn’t think it was an entirely bad idea.

  “I know you didn’t. It is simply how you are.” He paused. “But that doesn’t mean we cannot…explore. Just a taste, Josie.” He reached for her, and she came into his arms willingly. “You shall remain an innocent, but I need just a taste of you.

  He could tell that it was the “please” that broke her, for without saying another word, she slowly peeled back the top part of the blanket without hesitation, revealing her breasts to his hungry gaze. The bottom half of the blanket remained firmly secured around her waist, but the rest of her was gloriously bare.

  “Just remember that I am no whore,” she cautioned him. He could tell she was waging a war within herself over what she was doing. Thankfully, the passionate side of her was winning.

  Phin’s gaze met hers, and he hoped she could see the sincerity in his eyes. “I never believe that you were.”

  Josie looked as if she didn’t quite believe him, but it was also evident that she desired him as much as he desired her.

  “You are, however, perfection,” he breathed as he slowly reached out to cup one of her breasts in the palm of his hand. “You are perfection, sweet.”

  She wanted to deny his words. He could tell. However, some part of her must have wanted to believe that what he said was true because slowly – even more slowly than he had moved – she reached down and took her other hand in his before placing it over her other breasts.

  “If you say so.” He could see the blush stealing over her cheeks, but he could also see how much she was enjoying the touch of his hands on her body. “Phin, I am not…” She shook her head. “I have no experience. Not in this. I am not like the women you have known before. And yet, I want this more than I can say. It might be wrong, but I fear that once I leave here, I shall never know this kind of passion again. I don’t want to live like that, without knowing. I want a taste.”

  Gently, Phin drew Josie down into one of the nests of pillows that were scattered about the floor. It seemed as if his staff was doing their jobs after all.

  “You are exquisite, Josie, and while I vow that you will remain an innocent, I also need to taste you so much that my cock aches with it.” He ran a thumb over her nipple, and she shuddered. “Allow me to taste you, Josie. To teach you. At least about this. Please.”

  If she said no? He would stop. He had no idea how, but he would. He would never dishonor or disrespect Josie in that fashion.

  Finally, as if coming to a decision, Josie settled back into the nest of pillows. “Then teach me, Phin. If you desire me that much? As much as I desire you? Teach me. Teach me everything.”

  Oh, if he only could! But that wouldn’t be wise. Still, he could teach her some things. Give her a taste.

  “I will teach you enough,” he vowed as he nuzzled the hollow of her throat. “Too much would be too far.”

  She might have protested, or she might have mewled in response, but all Phin could hear was the blood racing in his ears as he licked and kissed her tender skin. As he had hoped, Josie tasted sweet. Sweeter than the finest honey he had ever tasted.

  She smelled of roses and sunshine and tea and everything good that he had ever wished for in his life. He wanted more than this from her, but she wasn’t his to take. Gossip. Scandal. Such things could ruin them both. So could this moment, if anyone ever discovered what they were doing.

  And yet here in the pagoda, while the storm raged outside? It was as if the rest of the world had ceased to exist. It was only the two of them, and this world that they shared was perfection.

  Just as she was.

  Slowly, Phin kissed his way down Josie’s body until his lips were brushing the tops of her breasts, and oh, those breasts were glorious. Her nipples were the color of ripe berries, and their tips already swollen and eager for his attentions.

  When Josie ran a hand through his hair and urged him lower, Phin responded. He lapped first at one swollen bud and then the other until he felt her body begin to undulate beneath his. Swirling the tip of his tongue around her nipples, he teased and tasted her until he felt her hips being to quiver and then buck, indicating that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  God, he wished that he could have her, but he would have to be satisfied with what she was offering. For a moment, he thought about reaching beneath the blanket and teasing her swollen nubbin. He could smell the musky scent of her sex and knew she was already wet for him. He also knew that would be too much too soon.

  So instead, Phin shifted so that his body could ride Josie’s, only the blankets between them preventing him from slipping deep inside her feminine heat. As they moved together as one, he began to suckle at her breasts, first lightly and then harder, switching his attentions back and forth. Whichever tit did not have the benefit of his mouth enjoyed the attentions of his hand. He rolled her still-swelling nipples between his fingers, pinching and plucking them until Josie was arching up harder and faster against him.

  Phin allowed her to ride his body as he played with her breasts. Licking. Suckling. Tugging. Teasing. Tasting. Just as he wished to taste her everywhere.

  “Phin! Oh, God! Phin!” He loved how she said his name, a cross between a prayer and raw begging. As if she was craving more, because the lord above knew very well that he was.

  “Come for me, Josie,” Phin urged. “Let go. Give in. Find your release.”

  She probably had no idea what he was talking about, but her body knew, and as he pressed her hips down hard into the pillows, she arched up against him just as fiercely. His hands covered her breast, his fingers teasing her higher and higher while his mouth plundered hers, taking what she would give and coaxing yet more from her. Lips, tongue, and teeth tangled until Phin found himself ready to release as well.

  Just then, Josie stiffened beneath him and let out a high, keening cry, her body arching one last time as she experienced her first taste of sexual bliss – and reveled in every glorious moment of it.

  And in that moment, Phin let himself go as well. This was too perfect of a moment not to share it with her.

  Just then, she was his, and he was hers. And as their breathing slowed, they both slowly drifted off to sleep in front of the roaring fire while the rain pounded down upon the pagoda roof overhead.

  Chapter Ten

  Town Tattler

  (Far Too Early Morning Edition)

  Rain puts a damper on all things, including house parties, it seems. Other than a seemingly endless afternoon tea hosted by Lady Averill in Lady Priscilla’s absence, there is little news to report from Lord Fullbridge’s house party. Many guests were caught out in the rain, as the storm blew up rather unexpectedly. Of all of the fascinating Society events I enjoy writing about, soaked to the skin lords and ladies are not among my preferred topics.

  -Lady A

  “Where, again, did you and Lord Fullbridge seek refuge from the storm yesterday?”

  That question from Lady Margaretta was punctuated by the thwack of a pall mall mallet as she attempted to hit a ball in the general direction of a nearby iron hoop. Unfortunately, the woman was an abysmal shot, and instead of reaching the hoop, the ball went skittering off toward the part of the lawn where other party guests were playing bowls. One man nearest to the pall mall hoop let out a yelp as Lady Margaretta’s ball connected with his ankle.

  Lud, this was going to be a very long day, indeed.

  “In the orangery with Lady Cheswick and her daughter, Lady Sophronia.” Josie expertly hit her ball and sent it flying through the hoop – and in the opposite direction of the other guests.

  “I have told you that nearly a dozen times already,” Lady Sophronia snapped at Lady Margaretta. “Are you deliberately being dense? Viscount Copeland was there as well. Ask him if you don’t believe me.”

  While at least part of that story was true, another part of it was not. Lady Sophronia and her mother had both been caught out in the rain as well, along with Lord Copeland. However, they were on the far side of Phin’s hedgerow maze toward the lake (not the near side by the orangery) when the rains had come. The trio had been forced to take shelter in a gazebo at first, though it had done little good, and they had all become soaked to their skin, just as most guests had been.

  When Phin and Josie had awoken from their nap i
n the pagoda, they’d had no idea of how much time had passed, so they had hurriedly dressed and doused the fire only to find that their post-sexual-bliss nap had only lasted a mere quarter-hour or less. Still, the rain had abated enough for them to begin the long trek back across Havenhurst’s now-muddy ground.

  They had encountered Lady Cheswick and her daughter, along with the viscount, all huddled together in the gazebo, embarrassed and soaked to the bone.

  Either Lady Cheswick had no sense of how long it took to walk somewhere, which was unlikely, or that trio had been in the middle of something scandalous as well, for Lady Cheswick had all but begged Phin to say that they had all been caught in the rain while exploring the maze and had taken refuge in the orangery.

  As such an excuse covered up Josie’s own indelicate behavior with Phin, she had only been too quick to agree. In very un-ducal-like fashion, Phin had agreed as well. He also hadn’t pressed Viscount Copeland for any further details about what the group had been doing in the maze.

  By the time the rag-tag lot had returned to the main house nearly an hour later – cold, wet, and shivering – it was difficult to believe that they hadn’t actually taken refuge in the orangery, just as they said. Except that when Josie closed her eyes, she could still feel the press of Phin’s lips on her skin and remembered the way his mouth had tugged on her nipple.

  “It was fortunate the group of us went into the maze together so that his grace could lead us safely out. I would have hated for Lady Cheswick to catch a chill or develop a fever since she was kind enough of heart to serve as our chaperone.” That came from Viscount Copeland, who still seemed a bit uncertain as to whether or not Phin would keep his secret, though Josie could have told the viscount that he needn’t worry. Phin had no desire for additional gossip either.


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