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Lover's Road (Forever and Always #11)

Page 15

by E. L. Todd

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m just trying to get you in a better mood. And of course I would never do that to Scarlet. But she and I are never divorcing. I’m not letting her go anywhere. She can try to get away from me, but I’ll hold her down and make her be mine.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “I sincerely hope not…”

  “You know what I mean, Dad. I treat her like a queen so she’ll never leave me. There’s only one woman for me. And that’s her. But Scarlet and Mom are totally different. Mom is being a fucking lunatic, and she’s been that way for a while. The love didn’t end recently. It’s been dead for a while. So if you want to take a dip in the pool, Mike and I wouldn’t judge you.”

  Ryan honked his horn so we would pull out of the driveway.

  My dad checked the mirrors again then pulled on to the road, both of his hands on the steering wheel. He didn’t even speed because he was so boring. “I’m disappointed you and your brother haven’t visited your mother.”

  I looked out the window. “I know you’ve been disappointed in me your entire life, and it hurts most of the time, but in this case, I don’t care. She’s been nothing but a terror to everyone, especially my wife. You can’t make me care. She did this to herself. She took you away from Mike and I because she was too busy being a bitch.”

  My dad didn’t berate me for cursing my mom like he usually did. He was gentle with me. “I’m very proud of you, Sean. The few times I’ve been disappointed in you lasted for a few seconds. You always redeemed yourself and made it back on top. Look at you now. You turned your life around and became the man I always wanted you to be. You’re generous and respectful with your employees, you treat Scarlet with the love she deserves, and you love and appreciate the people who matter most. I’m more proud than words can say.”

  I still looked out the window, unable to meet his gaze.

  “But you need to learn from your wife. Scarlet has suffered a lot from your mother, but she has compassion like I’ve never seen. That girl has been through hell and back, and yet, she can still forgive and forget. I’m not asking a lot, Sean. I just wish you wouldn’t take sides in this divorce. Your mother needs you and Mike for support.”

  “But she hurt you,” I snapped. “How can I just be okay with it? How is she ever going to learn the error of her ways if we baby her all the time? No. I love you, Dad, and I’m not putting up with it. You’ll just have to think less of me.”

  He kept his eyes glued to the road. “I hope you change your mind.”

  “How can you be so calm about this? You should be badmouthing her and spending your nights on the town. You should be happy you’re free of her. You should be done with her, letting her bite the dust as you haul ass.”

  “But I love her—very much.” The sadness was in his voice. “And I’ll always love her.”

  The silence stretched in the car. I felt the weight of his grief in just those few words. I looked up to my parents my entire life. I saw the love they had for each other every single day. It was a love I admired, a love I aspired to. Even though things were different now, those memories were still alive. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. I patted him on the shoulder.

  “It’s hard. I’m just glad I have my sons for support. I really don’t know what I’d do without them.” His meaning hung in the air. I felt the guilt wash over me. I realized he manipulated me into doing exactly what I didn’t want to do. That fucking genius.

  “I’ll go see her.”

  He smiled. “Thank you.”

  When we got to the green, we teed off and began the game. We rented a golf cart, but Mike wasn’t allowed to drive it.

  “Let me take the wheel,” he said.

  “No,” my dad said. “You flipped it last time.”

  “So? You have enough money to buy a million of them.”

  My dad gave him a firm look. “Just because you have money doesn’t mean you should spend it frivolously.”

  “I have a Jaguar and there isn’t a single dent on that thing.”

  “Because you actually paid for it. When you respect other peoples’ belongings, we’ll talk.”

  Cortland snickered. “Someone’s in trouble…”

  Mike hit his shoulder. “Shut up.”

  My dad was the best at golf. To say he kicked our ass was an understatement. Cortland came in a close second.

  “When did you learn to golf?” Ryan asked.

  “I didn’t,” Cortland said. “Monnique and I have played putt-putt golf a few times.”

  “That’s not golf,” he argued.

  “Then I’m just a natural,” Cortland said with a shrug.

  “What aren’t you good at?” Ryan asked.

  Cortland rubbed his chin. “I can’t think of anything, actually…”

  “Douchebag,” Ryan muttered.

  “Let’s get to laser tag,” Mike said excitedly. “I’m going to destroy all of you.”

  “So you can top your abysmal performance during golf?” I said with a laugh.

  “Thank you,” he said with a smile. It was like he didn’t understand what I said.

  “Do you even know what abysmal means?”

  “Duh,” he said as he placed his club over his shoulder and walked off. “It means I’m the man.”

  “No, it means you suck,” I snapped. “Damn idiot.”

  “You know what?” Mike threatened. “I’m going to hog your wife all week. We’re going to talk shit about you, get dinner, and then braid each other’s hair. How do you like that, asshole?”

  I glared at him. He hit me right where it hurt.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “Dick head,” I said under my breath.

  “Knock it off,” Andrew said.

  “Are you guys five?” Ryan asked.

  “You’re one to talk,” I said with a laugh. “You argued with Scarlet for fifteen minutes before we left.”

  “Totally different,” Ryan said. “She’s a brat.”

  “And you think Mike isn’t?” I countered.

  Mike hit my shoulder with his club.

  “Ouch!” I punched him back. “Knock it off.”

  Andrew sighed then rolled his eyes. “I’ll be a parent until the day I die.”

  Cortland clapped him on the back. “At this rate, they’ll kill each other so you don’t have to worry about it.”

  “Well, that’s a relief.”

  We drove to the laser tag facility then put our gear on. It would just be us inside the arena. I made sure Mike wasn’t on my team because I wanted to kill him. It was me, my dad, and Ryan. Cortland and Mike formed their own alliance.

  “If my wife was here, the teams would be even.” That was a jab at her brother.

  “We see too much of her as it is,” Ryan said as he tested his gun.

  “Coming from the guy that runs to her every time he hits a bump in the road,” Cortland said.

  Ryan pointed his gun at Cortland’s face and fired.

  “Let’s get this party started,” Andrew said.

  “Who says that?” Ryan whispered to me. “Does he think we’re in the 90’s?”

  “Just let him be,” I said.

  We broke into our teams then started the game. We were ridiculously competitive at a child’s game. Ryan and I organized an attack against Mike. Ryan snuck up behind him then pulled his arms behind his chest and kept him steady. I fired at his target repeatedly, getting so many points that they’d never catch up.

  “You’re cheating!” Mike yelled.

  “Are you going to tattle on me?” I kept firing.

  “I need backup!” Mike yelled.

  My dad rounded the corner and his eyes widened when he saw us.

  “Dad, tell Sean to let me go.” Mike tried to yank loose of Ryan’s hold.

  My dad held his gun and started firing. “Sorry, son. All is fair in love and war.”

  I laughed and continued to shoot him.

  “Cortland!” Mike yelled.

  Cortland came behind Ryan and pull
ed him off. “That was low, you guys.”

  Mike jumped then headed straight for me. He was bigger than I was, so I took off and ran through the maze. I kept running until I lost him. He may be bigger than me, but I was definitely faster.

  Just when I thought I was safe, Cortland appeared out of nowhere and got a few hits in. I took off but ran into Mike the opposite way. I knew it was payback time.

  “I’m going to make you scream like a girl,” Mike threatened.

  He wrestled me to the ground then put his weight on me. His gun was aimed at my chest and he fired repeatedly.

  “Looks like the score is evened,” Cortland said. He stood by and let Mike get the shots in.

  “You dick face!” I yelled.

  “You’re a dick face,” he argued.

  My dad entered the zone then shot Mike from behind. “Get off my teammate.”

  “Cortland, take the old man out,” Mike commanded.

  My dad ran off, Cortland chasing him.

  Ryan came from behind a box then pushed Mike off me. We ganged up on Mike then got our points back. When he rushed us, we took off again. The game continued for the next hour. I was sweatier than I was when we played basketball. I was sore everywhere and my lungs hurt every time I breathed. We were taking this game way too seriously.

  When the lights finally came on, we checked in our equipment and headed home. I was dead silent in the car, barely able to keep my eyes open. My dad was just as tired. Being in the sun all day then playing an intense session of laser tag really wore us out.

  When we came back to the house, Scarlet had snacks and food prepared. There was tons of booze and plenty of finger food. The table and cards were already set up in the center of the room. My wife was nowhere in sight. She must be in our bedroom.

  We sat down and started the game.

  Andrew dealt the cards and lit up a cigar.

  “Dad, you smoke?” Mike asked incredulously.

  “Once in a while,” he said with a shrug.

  “Can I have one?”

  “Go ahead.”

  Mike raised an eyebrow. “You’re letting me smoke?”

  “You’re an adult. And you’ve been one for a long time. Do what you want.”

  Mike lit it then took a hit. “You keep getting cooler and cooler.”

  I didn’t take one. Scarlet never bossed me around or told me what to do, but I knew she wouldn’t like it if I smoked. Since her mom smoked, I knew that was something she wouldn’t put up with. I stayed away from it.

  Andrew held the cigar in his fingertips then drank his whiskey. “Thank you for taking me out.” He dealt the cards without looking at any of us. “This has been a very difficult time for me, and it’s nice to be distracted for a while. I don’t have a lot of friends…at least people who like me for me and not my money, and it’s nice knowing I have people I can depend on.”

  Every time my dad made a little speech like that, it went straight to my heart. He moved me without even trying. Perhaps it was because I respected him so much, or just because I loved him. I didn’t know. But he got to me every time.

  Ryan clapped him on the shoulder. “We got you, man. You can always count on us.”

  “You’re a lot more fun to be around than your sons,” Cortland said with a laugh.

  Mike and I both glared at him.

  Cortland shrugged. “It’s true.”

  My dad smiled. “Whatever the reason, I appreciate it.” He handed out the cards then we began the game.

  My phone rang so I pulled it out quickly, worried it had something to do with work. When I looked at the screen, I recognized the number from the clinic. “Shut the fuck up! Nobody talk.”

  They all looked at me like I was crazy. But none of them dared to defy me. Even Mike, my smartass brother, kept his silence. I took the call.


  “Mr. Preston? This is Dr. Peterson. I apologize for calling so late but I knew you were anxious for the results as soon as they came in.”

  My heart was beating so fast I thought it would cave in. My fingers moved through my hair because I didn’t know what to do with myself. I tossed my cars at Ryan, for absolutely no reason at all. He caught them with a quizzical expression but didn’t say anything. “I appreciate that.”

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  God, no. “Just give me a second.” I closed my eyes and breathed through the stress. If he said we couldn’t have children, it would kill me. But it would devastate my wife even more. She was such a good person and didn’t deserve anything but the best. I just wanted to make her happy, to tell her everything would be okay. What if he said there was no possibility of having kids? We’d have to adopt? How would that make Scarlet feel? When I calmed down, I opened my eyes again. Everyone was staring at me like I might fall over and die. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  “Okay,” he said. I heard papers move in the background. “Your tests showed there’s nothing wrong with either of you. The miscarriage your wife experienced was just an abnormal accident. If you conceive again, she should be fine.”

  I jumped up and knocked the table over. Cortland dodged out of the way so it wouldn’t crush him. “Thank you! Thank you!”

  He chuckled over the phone. “Congratulations, Mr. Preston. I know your wife will be thrilled by the news.”

  The guys grabbed the table and turned it back on its stands. They still didn’t talk or yell at me.

  “Thank you. I’ll tell her right now.”

  “Have a good night.”

  “Bye.” I didn’t even finish speaking before I hung up.

  “What?” Ryan asked.

  “Everything okay?” Cortland asked.

  My dad stared at me with wide eyes. “Is it good news?”

  I sprinted out of the room and took the stairs two at a time until I was in the bedroom I shared with my wife. She was lying in bed, reading a book on her tablet. I jumped on the bed and snatched the device away.

  She flinched at my sudden appearance. “What? What’s wrong?”

  I grabbed her face and directed her gaze on me. “The doctor called.”

  Her eyes suddenly became serious. She breathed harder, her hands moving over mine. “And…?”

  I smiled. “We’re fine, baby.”

  Her eyes bubbled with tears and they fell. “We can have a baby?”

  “You bet your ass we can have a baby.” I loved seeing the happiness in her eyes.

  She sniffed. “God, I’m so happy.”

  I kissed her tears away. “Let’s start now.”

  She laughed then wrapped her arms around me. “I’m was so scared…”

  “Now you don’t need to be.”

  “I won’t…lose the baby again?”

  “He said it’s very unlikely.”

  More tears fell. “I’m so happy.”

  “I am too.” I held her in my arms. I was so glad my wife was happy. After the trauma she experienced, she needed something good to happen. She deserved everything she wanted. I cherished the moment with her.

  “I want to have a bunch of babies,” I said. “Like ten.”

  She laughed. “Whoa…let’s not get carried away.”

  “If it happens, it happens,” I said with a smirk.

  “I’d be a cow.”


  She hit my shoulder. “You’re so gross.”

  I pulled her out of bed. “Let’s share the news.”

  “Right now? Aren’t you doing something for your dad?”

  “He’ll understand. And believe me, he’ll be thrilled.”

  We came downstairs. The guys were still sitting at the table, the cards forgotten. They all stared at us, waiting for an explanation.

  “The doctor said we’re ready for blast off.”

  My dad’s face stretched into a smirk. “That’s wonderful.”

  “Yes!” Ryan jumped up and threw his fist in the air. “That’s awesome.”

  Cortland came out of his seat and hugged Scarlet. �
��I knew this would happen for you.”

  Mike shoved him out of the way then grabbed Scarlet. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Umm…what about me?” I asked.

  “Yeah, whatever.” Mike continued to hold Scarlet.

  Ryan gave me a bear hug. “This is great news. It couldn’t come at a better time.”

  “It really couldn’t,” my dad said. “We all need some joy in our lives right now.” He hugged me next, embracing me longer than he usually did. “You two deserve this.”

  “I know we do.” I pulled away then looked at Scarlet. Her face was glowing with a radiance I’d never seen before. I remembered how broken she was when we lost our first baby. The stark contrast was a joy to see. This girl deserved nothing but pure joy. I was sad we lost our first child, but I was grateful we would get a chance to have another.

  We gathered around the table and basked in the joy of the moment. Scarlet sat on my lap and hooked her arm around my neck. Drinks were downed and cigars were lit. It was a moment I’d never forget. Everyone seemed to be falling apart in their relationships, but something wonderful was bringing us together. And right now, we all needed that.

  The Next Installment of the Forever and Always Series

  Meant to Be

  Available Now

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