Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Small Town Accidental Pregnancy Romance (Secret Love)

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Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Small Town Accidental Pregnancy Romance (Secret Love) Page 9

by Nikki Bloom

  “Oh, Jesus. Madeline, you’ve worked doubles six days a week for who even knows how long, and even if Ben fires you, I’ll gladly poach you. With medical insurance.” This time, he casually draped his arm around my shoulders, and I inhaled a deep, stabilizing breath. “I would love someone like you on my team. You have a grueling work ethic.”

  “It’ll be a while until the hotel is even built, right? I’m sure that my working relationship with Benny is going to continue downhill... I can just feel it.” I felt queasy just thinking of the backlash I’d receive tomorrow, and I shook my head and huffed. “I don’t understand what happened this morning. I just looked at myself in the mirror and started freaking out hardcore. I know what you’re gonna say—maybe I’m not handling things well, but...I really... I don’t think that’s it.”

  “How can it not be it? You were rocking on the floor crying about your job.”

  “It just feels...not right. I don’t know. It’s like... it feels like... it feels like an excuse, almost. Like with Benny yesterday—it just feels like something I did because I just got... pushed. I don’t know how to explain it. I’ve freaked out about work before, and this wasn’t the same.” Reaching to scratch my head, I was glad Carter didn’t press the issue. Now that I was calm, and things were good again, I couldn’t pinpoint what was different compared to the last time.

  Of course, this breakdown was way more intense, but it was also shorter. I didn’t dread the thought of work and facing Benny. I didn’t even have that post breakdown confusion and panic of needing to think. Everything is crystal clear, and things are the same they always were. I just have to work hard, and it’ll be worth it in the end.



  “You’re a wonderful cook, Madeline.” Wrapping my arms around her, I pressed her ass against me with a palm on her abdomen. Craning my neck to kiss her cheek, I peeked at the brownie she was swirling peanut butter into. “I was kinda worried you wouldn’t have cookware or something, to be honest.”

  “I’m not dumb enough to sell the kitchenware, you know. I know it’s not fancy or coordinated, but it works.” Humor tinged her voice, and I pulled back her beautiful, red hair to brush my lips down her neck. “You know, I really should make up the other morning to you, Carter.”

  “Good thing I have a lot of time on my hands.” Slipping my hands up under her shirt, I squeezed Madeline’s plump, C-cup breasts greedily. Her tight ass flexed against the growing bulge in my jeans when she arched into my palms, and I took a deep breath of her smell. The floral shampoo she used tantalized my brain. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m having a good time, yeah. Like I said before... If that breakdown really was about my job, I wouldn’t have gotten over it so fast. Especially because I have to work tomorrow. I don’t feel like everything’s going to fall apart, or Benny’s going to yell at me. I just feel like I usually feel... kinda stressed, but okay.” She grabbed the pan off the counter and sighed at her own, confused voice. “I shouldn’t be feeling okay. Benny’s a good manager, if not a little bit of a hardass. He has every reason to fire me, but I... I just don’t know.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re happy. I’m not gonna be that person that asks you every other sentence if you’re okay, Madeline.” Nodding in thanks, Madeline ducked into the oven with a clatter, and I gripped her hips and bit my bottom lip. Wiggling her ass against me, she shut the oven and turned around to stare at me under heavy lids. Smirking slightly, I drew her to my chest to kiss her lips, burying my hand in her hair.

  “I can come over tomorrow morning?” Nodding at her sultry murmur, I reached my free hand to grab Madeline’s ass firmly. Her deep, brown eyes glistened with desire, and I groaned lightly as my cock became painfully hard. “Awesome.”

  “Awesome. It’s a date.” Satisfaction warmed my chest when Madeline blushed fiercely, and I squeezed her ass before pulling back. Rocking back on my heels, I shook my head as our moment came to an end. That seems to be how it’s going, isn’t it?

  We get close, just a taste, and it gets interrupted before it can even start. No wonder dating with kids is so hard.

  “Morning’s probably the best. I’m already out since I have to drop the kids off at school, but they’re out in three weeks. I wish there were more hours in a day.”

  “We’ll work it out when we have to. I think you just need to step back and figure out if working yourself to death is worth it. Why do you work so much, anyway?” Walking over to the fridge, I grabbed a water bottle and cast Madeline a curious look. “I imagine you make a good amount in tips, and you work all year round, right?”

  “It’d be fine if it was just me, but I’m trying to save up to send the kids to camp. Sophia wants to go to this day thing with sewing and design and stuff, and Michael wants to go to a computer science camp thing in the next town over. I have to pay for at least four weeks for both, and, obviously, Michael’s is astronomically expensive.” School was probably these kids’ only saving grace, and I ducked my head in a nod. Madeline leaned against the counter to cross her arms, a frown tilting her lips. “Thankfully, they told me months ago. There was a thing at school where they came in and talked about summer programs.”

  “Bored children get in trouble. I get that. So, how much is it, and how much do you have, if you don’t mind my asking?” I knew it wasn’t cool to ask about Madeline’s finances, and she shot me an apprehensive frown. Holding up a hand in surrender, I shook my head slightly. “I’m not gonna offer to pay for it. I know you wouldn’t appreciate it.”

  “Oh, good. Okay. Yeah, it’s almost $250 a week for Michael’s, not including travel and field trips and stuff. Sophia’s is, like, $300 or so for all four weeks. Michael stays at the camp all week, though, and comes back Friday evening. Sophia only goes for five hours a day.” The disparity was surprising more than the price itself, and Madeline sort of shrugged listlessly. “I’ve got it, for the most part. Thanks to you and the four-hundred-dollar tip your party gave me.”

  “You’re really amazing.” She covered her face but giggled, and I smirked broadly. “So, about why I was at the House yesterday... Ben and I agreed to partner to get a sense of the demographic. The cards should be here next week. Thing is...”

  Trailing off, I uncapped my water bottle as I hesitated slightly, debating how to bring up the next part of my announcement. I took a swig from the bottle for some extra time to think. Ben’s face flashed behind my eyes when I blinked, and I glanced up at Madeline as interest picked up her beautiful, freckled features.

  “It’s a plan. Basically, you’re going to be paid per table, per card, and multiplied by your hours.” Instantly, realization flashed in Madeline’s eyes as they widened, and I licked my teeth before continuing. “I did propose this with you in mind. It’ll be three per table, fifty cents per card, multiplied by two. So, if you work a hundred hours, serving seven tables an hour, and each table has four people who all fill out a card...”

  “That’s like...more than I can count right now. That’s like... That’s like over $2,000, I think. A pay period.” If I was honest, the math escaped me at the moment, so I only nodded as a little gasp of disbelief escaped Madeline’s parted lips. “That’s a lot of money to sink into someone else’s restaurant.”

  “I think you’re forgetting that most of the other waitresses only work part time. Ben said that only you, one of the bartenders, and the assistant managers are full time. None of them work more than 40 hours a week either. So it’d only come out to about 800-ish every two weeks. It’s not a lot of money either. I’m hoping it can offset you enough to slow down.” Her eyes glistened at my admission, and I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly as goosebumps swept down my arms. “I know it’s a shitty thing to do, and I know I’m not exactly the kind of person anyone wants to hear this kind of thing from...but if you just take a minute and stop thinking the world is going to end, you’ll find that it’s not going to.”

  “Don’t you think I wish I c
ould?” I took another swig of my water rather than try to come up with a reply. She didn’t have juice or soda or anything, only water, and I focused on that as I trained my gaze on a crack between the linoleum.

  I felt bad for keeping it a secret, but Ben and I had also talked about my buying the restaurant when I let him know I was contacting the owners. He was obviously open to the idea, but I could tell he realized that maybe he shouldn’t be yelling at his staff in front of customers. And then, he promptly screamed at his waitress in front of customers and in front of me.

  “Both the kids are asleep. They had it rough today.” Sauntering into the kitchen, Evan snatched my water bottle and drained it before shooting Madeline a friendly smile. “You’re an amazing cook, Madeline. Dinner was amazing.”

  “Thank you for being so good with them, Evan.” His smile widened, and I scratched my jaw absently as I checked my watch. “Are you sure you don’t want me to pay you back for the food and all day hanging with them?”

  “You cooked, so we paid. It’s fine. Your brother’s got a lot going for him, you know?” The immediate awkwardness on Madeline’s face showed she did not know, and sympathy swirled thickly in my chest. She was trying so hard but couldn’t seem to get ahead. If she didn’t work, she couldn’t afford to give her siblings a life, but she also didn’t know anything about their lives because she worked so much. Her situation was a catch-22.

  “So, I’ll see you in the morning? It’s getting pretty late.” Speaking up, I checked my watch again as the time slowly ticked closer to 9pm. Madeline had slept all day, but that tiredness hadn’t left her face. Surely, she looked a little perkier, a little happier, but she’d slowly reverted as the hours slipped by. Nodding hastily, Madeline gestured us out of the kitchen with a sweep of her arm. She definitely wasn’t the only one that needed a nice, hard sleep.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, yeah. Drive safe.” Today was a lot to process, and I didn’t try to prolong leaving. Evan and I walked down the hallway in silence, but it wasn’t heavy. I could do this more often.

  Granted, Evan had done most of the talking, but I liked to think I provided a good distraction. One on one, Sophia and I talked a lot about art and design. Michael definitely clung to Evan more, but he seemed to like me and didn’t snub his nose when I tried to talk to him. It was awkward. It was not easy to come up with things to talk about.

  But it was a start to something big.



  I lifted my hand to knock on the door, but it swung open before I could rear back my arm. Tensing in surprise, I stepped back automatically, and Evan grunted lowly before doing the same.

  “Sorry. Carter’s not awake yet. We stayed up drinking after we got home.” Slipping past Evan, I nodded as I fought a wince of guilt, and he shut the door to run his hands up his face roughly. “Yesterday, I meant what I said. You remind me a lot of my mom. After so long, it’s... it’s not nice, but it’s refreshing that some people still work hard and don’t complain about how shitty their lives are.”

  “My life isn’t shitty. A shitty thing happened. There’s a difference.” Evan paused, his eyes flying to mine at my admission, and his face froze in a mix of surprise and something else I couldn’t identify. Slowly, he smiled, memories flickering in his gaze, and he reached to nudge my shoulder gently. Warmth weaved between my ribs, and I grabbed his hand to squeeze firmly. “You deserve every great thing life can throw at you, Evan. I know we don’t know each other well, but good attracts good.”

  “I attract high-maintenance bitches, too.” We had this weird relationship budding, and Evan rubbed the back of his neck roughly as a sheepish expression overtook his pretty features. “That’s what my mom said once. Your entire life can’t be shitty; it’s just that shitty things happen.”

  “How’s your mom doing now?” Evan walked into the kitchen, and I plodded along behind him as I posed my question.

  “She’s good... good. Yeah. My dad drank himself into a coma when I was 19, died officially when I was 20. My mom remarried when I was 25, and she and her husband are living in Florida in an old-people community. They’re happy. All the hard work definitely pays off, I promise.” Nodding, I didn’t say anything at Evan’s assurances as I headed for the stairs at the back corner of the kitchen. “I’ve got a meeting this morning, so I won’t be here.”

  “Oh, I hope it goes well.” Heading upstairs, I ran my hand through my hair and adjusted my purse strap on my shoulder. The Cape Cod style house was just...kinda ugly, to be honest. “I hope they didn’t rent it out for a lot. It’s not even close to anything, either.”

  Very quietly opening the door to Carter’s room, a smile tilted my lips when I caught sight of him. He curled up around a pillow, hiding from the conditioned air under a thin sheet. I set my purse on the dresser and shimmied out of my jeans and shoes, but I left my tank top on before crawling onto the bed. Carter grumbled, burying his face in his pillow, and I held myself on my hands and knees above him.

  “Good morning, Carter.” Mumbling softly, I kissed his cheek, and Carter inhaled sharply as he rolled sluggishly onto his back. Deep, brown eyes met mine, clouded with sleep, and he smiled up at me as he caressed my cheek with the backs of his fingers.

  “Morning. I wouldn’t mind waking up like this every day.” Kissing down his sharp jaw, I murmured an acknowledgment, and Carter arched slightly with a groan. His hot, taut skin bristled under my lips, and he blustered a huge sigh as he stretched his legs against mine. “You’re in a sexy mood.”

  “I have a good reason to be.” Carter wasn’t jacked, but the faint definition of his muscular torso deepened as I kissed down his sternum. Hunger gnawed at my gut, and I pulled the sheet out from between us as he propped his pillow under his head. “This time, we’re gonna go all the way.”

  “Technically, we went all the way last time.” Humor tinged his tone thickly, and Carter gathered up my hair as I drew closer and closer to the waistband of his boxers. “I guess one really good cum doesn’t cut it, huh?”

  “Not even close. We spent enough time getting to know each other.” Hooking my thumbs under the elastic of his boxers, I licked the edge of his light v-line. Delight rose my body temperature when Carter shivered, and I glanced up to find him staring down at me. “You better be able to back yourself up.”

  “Now, Madeline... why are you still talkin’?” Giggling breathlessly, I scooted back a little more, and Carter tightened his hand in my hair to keep the strands out of my face. Rubbing his cock outside his boxers with my nose, I relished his gasp and the way his feet flexed against my calves.

  Tugging down his blue plaid boxers, I licked my lips as my mouth watered, and Carter lifted his hips. His cock was beautiful, half hard, and his warm, smooth skin twitched when I palmed his shaft. The bulbous head tightened, and my tongue tingled with excitement.

  Licking up the length of his cock, I shivered at the deep, guttural groan that swept down my spine, and Carter fisted my hair tighter. The taste of him was musky, and saliva pooled against my teeth as I wrapped my lips around his head. Squeezing his base, confidence shot through me when he tilted his hips, and I reached to brace my forearm against his chest. His free hand tangled with mine, and my gaze flickered up as expectation and carnal desire hung heavy in the air.

  My abdomen cramped as I took Carter’s cock into my mouth, inch by inch, and his eyelids fluttered closed. Swiping my tongue along the underside of his shaft, I loved the ecstasy on his face. His lips parted in a gasp, and his face tinged red as spasms rippled up his muscular chest.

  “Fuck...” Pulling back, thick ropes of saliva dribbled down Carter’s shaft to ease my pumping, and he slurred when I squeezed his base. I loved the way his jaw ticked, the straining muscles in his neck, and I sucked his cock between caved cheeks. Reaching between my legs, I groaned as I slipped my fingers under my panties to circle my clit.

  Carter pushed down my head, taking control as he thrust up, and I gagged lightly when his hea
d brushed the roof of my mouth. Closing my eyes to relish the taste and feel of him, I gulped around the tight head of his cock and clenched my core. Slipping my fingers between my folds, I shuffled a little to the left to straddle his knee. Carter rubbed my pussy through my panties, sending shivers down my legs as I tilted my head to take him all the way down my throat.

  Choking around his thick cock, tiny tears welled in my eyes, and Carter ground against my chin. His cock pulsed and heated along my tongue, the thick vein throbbing wildly. Grinding against his leg like a dog in heat, I gagged harshly when my fingers slipped past my entrance. Pressuring my knuckles with his knee, he pulled my head with a slight jerk, and pleasure engulfed my abdomen in flames. Only giving me a moment to breathe, his harsh breaths were cold by the time they reached me, and I slathered spit on his shaft sloppily.

  “Harder—” My whine made him sit up, and Carter crowded me back until I was off the bed and on my knees on the floor. Excitement tingled my scalp and toes, and he buried his free hand in my hair to fuck my mouth with the sexiest growl I’d ever heard. My chest tightened as his cock bent down my throat, and saliva dribbled off my chin as I wiggled my fingers inside me.

  “Fuck—fuck, you sloppy, beautiful woman—” Grunting with each thrust, Carter tilted my head, and his pelvis pressed against my chin until it ached. “Open your eyes.”

  My throat closed around the head of his cock, and I spread my knees to finger myself harder. His eyes blazed with need, and I reached to grab his ass cheek and draw him even further. Flopping his head back, he groaned loudly before pulling back, and I sucked his tip as it leaked beads of precum.

  The taste of him skittered across my face and rose the fine hairs on my cheeks even as they hollowed, and I shuddered viciously. Carter thrust hard down my throat, and the sound of my choking rose above the blood drumming in my ears.


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