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Rumors: Justine & Devon

Page 6

by Rachael Brownell

“Did you tell your boss?”

  “No, I rushed out of there like the building was on fire,” I explain, taking a giant gulp.

  “Oh, Justine. I’m so sorry.” Her voice softens, concern evident in the way she’s assessing me. “Are you sure you’re going to be able to work with him?”

  “Working with him is not an option, Audra. If he steps out of line, I’ll say something. Until then…” Letting my voice trail off, I realize I have no idea what I will do if he acts like an asshole. That seems to be the question of the hour. The simple fact is, I don’t know. If I had my choice, I wouldn’t have to decide. He would magically disappear; this morning’s meeting never would have happened.

  How did I not see this coming? I schedule all Tyler’s meeting. His name was not on the agenda. I would have noticed that. I’ve been a little distracted lately, but that wouldn’t have gotten past me. Would it?

  “I have to try, I guess. Maybe he’s grown up,” I say, my voice lacking the hopeful tone I was attempting to muster.

  “You don’t have to do anything,” Audra says, powering up the coffee maker and popping in a pod. “Talk to your boss. I’m sure he won’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Maybe he can get a different rep from the company.”

  Her suggestion isn’t a bad idea. I could talk to Tyler this weekend and see if there’s anything he can do. I hate asking for special treatment, but this is a different situation. I’m sure he’ll understand if I explain everything to him. If not, I’ll deal with it the best I can.

  Nodding my head, I’m about to reply when there’s a banging at the door. It opens a few seconds later and Devon’s large frame is standing in the doorway.


  This is not good.

  Looking at the clock on the over, I realize he was expecting me over an hour ago. How did he find me?

  “Thank God,” he says, rushing toward me and pulling me into his arms. “I called the office and Helen told me you left. When you didn’t show up, I got worried.”

  My eyes are focused on Audra’s as she lifts her brow at me suspiciously. Thankfully, Devon’s back is to her so he can’t see the look on her face.

  “Devon, this is Audra. Audra, this is Devon. He’s a friend of Ryder and Tyler’s,” I state, my voice lacking all emotion.

  Devon releases me and faces Audra, extending his hand to her. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Surprisingly she takes his hand and shakes it, greeting him warmly. After knowing her for almost six years, I can spot her fake smile a mile away. If this is a forced politeness, not even I can tell. She seems genuine.

  Knowing he’s going to want a reason for my disappearance, as short-lived as it was, I excuse us, and he follows me into my room. Scanning the floor quickly for anything embarrassing, I pick up a random bra, shoving it in the open drawer it must have fallen out of last night when I was packing.

  “So what happened?” he asks, closing my door behind him. “Did I freak you out? I didn’t mean to, I swear. I really was joking around with you.”

  Laughing, I shake my head at him. He would think that’s why I bolted. For a brief moment, I contemplate letting him think that, the alternative being worse. Not only do I not want to tell him about JP, I don’t want to have to say his name out loud.

  “It wasn’t you, I swear. I ran into someone I’m not particularly fond of and needed time to breathe, that’s all.”

  As soon as my lame explanation it out there, I begin praying he accepts it. If not, I won’t have an option but to tell him the details. All the details. Those are memories that I don’t want to relive. Memories that haunt me to this day. I remember everything and even though it’s been two years, those details refuse to fade away.

  In my nightmares, I can see the way his face looked when I walked into our bedroom. He was mid-orgasm, eyes closed, his face scrunched up in concentration as he pumped into our neighbor while her husband watched, yanking roughly on himself. As soon as he started to release, he opened his eyes and saw me standing in the doorway.

  I’m sure the look on my face was priceless. I remember feeling a mix of shock and anger. Confusion. Disgust.

  Even after realizing he was busted, in the act, he kept going, keeping eye contact with me the entire time like the sick bastard he was. When he was finally finished, he smacked her on the ass, eliciting a moan and flipped her over. Her husband came over and finished her off, brutally fucking her while I stood there, watching, unable to move.

  All three of them were staring at me until it was over. When I turned to walk away, finally able to get my feet to cooperate, JP had the balls to ask me if I wanted to join for round two.

  My answer came in the form of a crystal vase shattering again the wall near his head. It was too bad it missed. I loved that vase and its demise was for nothing.

  Audra helped me move out the next day and move in with her. She had a month left on her lease, but we made the tiny one-bedroom apartment home until we found something bigger. We’ve been here ever since.

  “Are you sure that’s all it is? You still look shook up.” Reaching out, Devon grips my arms and then begins running his hands up and down them, warming my skin.

  “Really, I’m fine now. My head is much clearer after talking to Audra, and I’m ready to start the weekend.” Wrapping my arms around his waist, I pull him close to me. I love the way he feels wrapped around me, but more importantly, this way he can’t see my face. I’m far from fine, unless you use the acronym.

  Fucked up, insecure, neurotic and emotional.

  “Good, because I made plans for us tonight.” Pulling back, I raise my eyebrow at him suspiciously and he continues. “Ryder agreed to play nice and host everyone this weekend so we’re on grocery duty since everyone else is at work. We need to stock up on food and alcohol. We need to be set up and ready to cook by the time Ryder gets home.”

  A party. That’s a great way to kick back and relax. I’ll be surrounded by friends and won’t have to worry about seeing certain people.

  “What about Amara? I thought it was his weekend.”

  “Megan decided to go visit her parents and took Amara with her. He’s not happy about it so don’t bring it up.”

  “Okay. Who’s all coming over?” I ask, stepping toward the door to open it.

  “Just the six of us, and Allison if you want to invite her. You could invite Audra if you want,” he says, opening my bedroom door, Audra appearing just as her name is mentioned.

  “Invite me where?” she asks, continuing down the hall, ducking into the bathroom.

  “There’s a party tonight at my boss’s house,” I inform her, hoping she doesn’t accept the invitation. Things could get awkward with her there, especially if her morals come into play.

  Three couples. All unwed. Sleeping together.

  Well, not us. Not yet. But hopefully soon.

  “Sounds fun. Which boss?” she asks, popping out of the bathroom and heading back into the kitchen.

  “Ryder. His house is the hub when he doesn’t have his daughter,” I explain, knowing that she’ll start interrogating me about things like this if I don’t provide the information.

  “Is it okay if I bring Keegan?” she asks, avoiding eye contact with me as she begins pulling together ingredients to preps her next batch of cookies.

  “Who’s Keegan?” Devon asks.

  “My boyfriend. We’re going out to dinner tonight, and I thought we’d stop over after if that’s okay.”

  “Sure, the more the merrier,” Devon says before I can stop him.

  Does he not remember the conversation we had about her boyfriend? I don’t remember if I used his name or not, but I know for a fact I was clear about how much he and I hated each other and about how judgmental he was. This night could only get worse if JP were to show up.

  God, I hope I didn’t jinx myself by thinking that.

  “Okay,” I say, grabbing my purse off the chair and tugging on Devon’s hand. “I’ll text you the address.”

p; “See you later,” she calls out as I close the front door.

  As soon as we’re out of the building, I smack Devon across the chest.

  “Ouch. What was that for?”

  “You invited Keegan. You know how much he hates me,” I explain as he takes my hand and walks me toward my car.

  “Exactly. Let him be an asshole to you in front of me. I dare him. Plus, your roommate seems nice. Maybe hanging out with normal people will open her eyes to how he is. He’ll be the odd man out tonight, I guarantee it.”

  He has a point. A good one. If Audra is surrounded by good people, good men, who treat the people they love with respect and dignity, maybe she’ll see how she’s being treated. She deserves better than Keegan. She deserves better than to be treated like a piece of property and told how to live her life.

  I’m sure he’s going to flip out on her when she tells him about the party. He likes to be in control. He has to be the one that makes the plans.

  Not tonight, Satan.

  Tonight he’ll be on my turf… or rather, Ryder’s turf. But around my friends. My colleagues. People who love and respect me. People who care about me and don’t judge me for my past mistakes but are helping me every day to become a better person.

  Devon is one of those people.

  He makes me want more for myself. When I’m with him, he makes me feel special. Not because he says certain things or through confirmation. It’s the way he treats me.

  He cares. Plain and simple. Sometimes that’s all it takes to make someone feel worthy.

  Chapter Eight

  Grocery shopping with Devon is interesting. He didn’t make a plan and has no ideas about what to cook tonight. By the time we hit the checkout line, the cart is overflowing with food. We have every variety of cracker and dip the store offers on top of veggies to slice up for a dipping tray and bags upon bags of frozen appetizers.

  We still need to hit the liquor store, and we’ve already spent close to two hundred dollars.

  Well, he’s spent two hundred dollars. He wouldn’t let me help pay for anything. It’s the same story when I go to pay for the alcohol. He insists on paying.

  I’m not rolling in money, but I have a comfortable savings account. I don’t spend much aside from rent and bills, all of which are split with Audra. I’m not much of a girly girl, but I do like getting my hair and nails done on occasion, my one expense aside from girls’ nights out. I don’t buy shoes or purses or clothes just because. I enjoy coffee, but I avoid stopping at the cafe in the lobby as much as possible, brewing a cup to go at home.

  Maybe I’m a bit frivolous from time to time, but it’s taken me a while to build up my savings account. I’m saving for a trip, somewhere with a beach and sunshine. I’m not sure when I’m going, or where, but I’m hoping to plan something for next year. I mentioned it to Allison and she’s starting to save now too.

  Shit! Allison. I need to call her.

  “This is the last of it,” Devon announces, placing two more bags on the kitchen island.

  I’ve already unloaded most of the bags and there’s still a ton to unpack. Devon steps up, wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me on the neck before jumping in to help without being asked. Thoughtful.

  “I need to call Allison real quick,” I say, handing him a bag of carrots to toss in the refrigerator.

  “Go. I got this. Don’t forget to invite her.”

  Nodding, I head into the living room and power up my phone. As soon as I have a signal, text messages begin to ring through, making me unable to call out until my phone catches up.

  DEVON: You almost here?

  ALLISON: Where are you going? Why is he here?

  DEVON: I’m getting worried.

  DEVON: Helen said you left. Why aren’t you answering your phone?

  DEVON: I’m freaking out. Tyler gave me your address. I’m headed to your house. Call me when you get this.

  ALLISON: You’re starting to worry me. Call me ASAP.

  ALLISON: He just left. Are you coming back? Why aren’t you answering me?

  ALLISON: I’m seriously getting worried. Where are you? Are you okay?

  ALLISON: I’m leaving work and heading to your place. No one knows where you are. Helen said Devon called the office looking for you. You need to call me back.

  Her phone barely rings once before she’s yelling at me.

  “Four hours! I’m been worried sick for four hours! What the hell, Justine!”

  “I’m sorry,” I say, holding back my laughter at her dramatics. “I just needed time to think.”

  “And while you were thinking, everyone else was worried sick.” Allison pauses, I can hear her hiccup, and that’s when I realize she’s almost in tears. “Are you okay? You know, about seeing him and all that.”

  “Not really, but I’ll deal with it. It’s just a lot to process and there was no warning. He caught me off guard.”

  “I know. I talked to Tyler after he left. He had no idea who he was when he walked in. I guess the guy that was supposed to come was sick, so he was filling in.”

  She talked to Tyler. About JP. About me?

  “What did you tell Tyler?” I inquire.

  “Only that JP was your ex. He didn’t ask for more information, immediately headed into his father’s office, and when he emerged, he wasn’t happy.”

  After a few more minutes of Allison’s play-by-play of the events after I left today, I invite her over, but she declines. She has a date, another one, with a new guy tonight. She claims he has potential, but they all seem to at first. For her sake, I hope one eventually sticks.

  By the time Ryder and Emerson’s voices echo through the hall, we’ve already started prepping food, still without a plan. If I see something I can make into something else, I gather the ingredients and start putting it together. Devon is focused on the main dish. He fired up the grill a few minutes ago and is currently seasoning steaks.

  “Did you buy the entire store?” Ryder asks as he drops his bag on the table and joins us the kitchen. “You know it’s only the six of us, right?”

  “Eight,” I say, correcting him. “Devon thought it would be fun to invite my roommate and her boyfriend.”

  “Okay,” he says, drawing the two-syllable word out.

  “As long as you’re okay with it,” I quickly retort. “I can uninvite them if you want. It’s not a big deal.”

  “No, it's fine, Justine. I just got the impression you don’t exactly like the boyfriend. There was that time you came over here and were crying to Megan about him.”

  I forgot about that. Allison was on a date that night. Keegan decided to be a super-special asshole, and Megan was the only person I could get a hold of, so I came over here and we drank wine all night while I bitched about him.

  “I don’t, but it’ll be fine. I promise. He’s only an asshole when he thinks no one is watching.” Turning to Devon, I point the knife in my hand at him which gets his attention. “If you leave me alone with him, I will kill you. This was all your idea.”

  Ryder laughs when Devon’s eyes grow bigger, the tone of my voice catching him off guard.

  “What did I miss?” Emerson asks, walking in the room at the perfect moment.

  Extra hands in the kitchen help us finish up quicker. Ryder and Devon head out back to start cooking while Emerson and I begin placing the rest of the food on the table. Angela and Tyler walk in just as we’re finishing up.

  “Perfect timing,” Angela says, reaching down and snagging a jalapeno popper.

  Emerson slaps at her hand, but she pulls it back, taking a bite. “You didn’t help make it, you can’t eat it.”

  “If that’s the case, I’m going to go help the guys grill,” Tyler announces, kissing Angela on the forehead before leaving the three of us in the kitchen. He tosses me a sympathetic smile before he walks away, my senses going on high alert.

  Did Allison share with him more than she told me about?

  Wine begins to flow, and after two bottles a
re polished off, the guys emerge from the back patio, a plate of steaks that smell heavenly leading the way.

  Everyone grabs a plate, and as I’m about to load mine up, my phone vibrates in my pocket.

  AUDRA: Hey, not going to make it. Thanks for the invite.

  ME: Sure. Everything okay?

  My message goes unanswered, leaving me with an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’m worried about her. I wish she understood why, that she could see how he can be. Love can blind people. I fell victim to it once. JP wasn’t who I thought he was. Looking back now I can clearly see the signs of what I was missing. I saw only what I wanted to and chose to ignore the rest.

  Audra’s in the same boat.

  Keegan puts on a good show. He can be a charming, intelligent man if he needs to be. When you first meet him, that’s generally the Keegan you’re introduced to. The other side of him, the darker side, is what you need to watch for. My fear is that Audra will see that side of him when they’re alone and no one will be there to help her.

  After hours of laughter and great food, everyone starts picking up the table, bringing platters of food into the kitchen where Emerson and I are finding space for them in the fridge. Making it all fit is like playing a game of Tetris. Once the last plate is in, we shut the door and claim victory, silently praying that nothing falls out when the door is opened again.

  “Can I talk to you?” Tyler asks as I’m about to go in search of Devon. He headed out back to clean the grill a while ago and hasn’t come back inside.

  “Sure,” I reply, sounding more hesitant that I was expecting.

  Following Tyler into the living room, I take a seat across from him and wait for him to speak. He’s assessing me, the same look of curiosity graces his gorgeous face as it did earlier, in his office, when I almost sank to my knees.

  “What?” I finally ask, the silence strangling me.

  “James Shuran,” he says, stating his name plainly.

  “What about him?” I ask, my voice betraying me as it cracks.

  “You two use to date, is that correct?”


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