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Two Sides to a Love Story: Rico & Raja's Story

Page 9

by Natavia

  “You putting your hands on me like that no good nigga? What’s next now? You going to shoot me too?” she screams. Lace grabs her then they both comes tumbling down the steps.

  “Shorty, on some real shit, you need help,” I say disgusted that I even fell in love with the bitch.

  “Fuck you! That’s why you not going to see Zy again! Stay the fuck away from my son! You ain’t shit! I can get another nigga to play daddy, you replaceable bitch! When I see that hoe I’m killing her ass!” she screams going crazy as Lace holds her back. I don’t know who this broad is.

  “I put this on my life. If you do some shit like that I’m killing you! I’m going to have your body laying somewhere nobody can smell you. Try keeping my son away from me and watch how I forget you the bitch who birthed him and murk your ass!” I grill her, walking out of the door as she starts screaming and yelling.

  I drive to my aunt Janice’s house. I’m mad as fuck right about now. When I arrive I get out and knock on the door. Samari answers it. “What I tell you about opening up the door? Didn’t I tell you not to do that? It could be anybody and they might snatch you up!” I fuss at her. She frowns her nose up.

  “What happened to your face?” she asks me.

  “A cat jumped on me!” I tell her walking in.

  “Who is that Samari? I hope it’s not those bad ass kids knocking on my damn door. You cannot go outside and play until you clean your room up!” she shouts from the living room. Janice doesn’t play. As strict as she is I cannot understand why Tarae acts the way he do. That nigga would rob you in a minute and not give a fuck.

  I walk into the living room and Janice is laid across the couch with her hair tied up with big rollers in it. She’s smoking a cigarette and eating a bag of pork skins.

  “What the fuck happened to your face? Don’t tell me that little ghetto bitch got a hold of you again?” she says getting up putting on her shoes.

  “Where you going?” I ask her shaking my head.

  “I’m going to stick my foot up that little evil bitch’s ass! She scratched your handsome face up badly! Why can’t you be with that Fashion chick? She is decent and she doesn’t come with a lot of drama. She came over here to see me yesterday and talked to Samari for a long time. You need to leave that damn Raja alone,” she says to me.

  “If I wanted Fashion like that I would be with her,” I tell her.

  “Well, if you didn’t want her you wouldn’t be in the situation you are in. She told me all about it,” Janice says.

  “That’s because Fashion ran her mouth when she shouldn’t have. What she told Raja wasn’t any of Raja’s business. Fashion knew what she was doing. Then she and Lannie both have been starting mess. Fashion pretends to be innocent. Did she tell you how she went to Raja’s job and showed off?” I ask her.

  “Can you blame her, Rico? You’re messing with her feelings!” she says. Samari comes down stairs with her lip gloss on and I frown up my nose.

  “Wipe your damn lips off! Who you looking hot for Samari?” I ask my sister. She’s just turning ten and she’s getting too grown for her age. My sister is darker than I with very thick hair. She has funny colored eyes also with a birth mark under her right eye. I don’t know who her daddy is though. I don’t even know who my daddy is. My mama was living rough before she had me. I barley know her or anything about her besides the fact she’s my mama. I gave up trying to have a bond with her after my sister was taken away and my aunt had to step up. My mama is just a walking body with no soul no feelings or nothing. She’s been getting high so long that she’s lost her mind.

  I remember a year ago I saw her out and told her she needs to see about her daughter; she didn’t even know who I was talking about. I don’t need her but I think all girls need their mama. I don’t care if she never comes into my life. I just want her to get right for Samari. But she so is so far out there she barely knows who we are. I asked my aunt why my mama gets high like that and she tells me it comes from prostitution. So, my mama always lived the fast life. She was the rebel out of her sisters.

  “It’s just lip gloss, dang! Where is Raja? I want her to do my hair in some braids again,” she says.

  “She’s home but if she doesn’t do them, I will ask Kenyatta for you,” I tell her.

  Someone knocks on the door.

  “I’ll get it!” I tell her. When I opens up the door, it’s Fashion standing there. Isn’t this some bullshit? My aunt really likes Fashion.

  “What the fuck you doing here?” I ask her. I have been ignoring her for a while. I don’t respond to her calls or text messages.

  “I came to see Janice! Now, move out of my way, Rico,” she pushes past me.

  “Hey, Samari,” Fashion says to my sister. Samari looks at her with her nose up.

  “Right, so Rico you got some money for me?” Samari holds her hands out like always. It’s my fault because I spoiled her. I go into my pocket to give her a few bills.

  “Thanks, and I’m team Raja!” Samari says to Fashion.

  “Get your grown ass on before I pop you!” I tells her. She looks at Fashion then licks her tongue running outside. That girl is too damn much. All the women in my life stress me out!

  “What happened to your face?” Fashion asks, gently touching my face.

  “That lil bitch did it. I’m still trying to figure out how she got him that good. She had to do it while he was sitting down. She comes a little under his elbow. There is no way he was standing up!” Janice says as she puffs on her cigarette.

  I’m not going to even tell them Raja stood up on her vanity jumping on my back.

  “You just going to tell my business?” I ask her.

  “You damn right! I hope you knocked her out too! I’m tired of that lil bitch walking around here like someone can’t touch her,” Janice says getting worked up. She’s another one that runs her mouth. No wonder Tarae’s pops left her after he hit the lottery.

  “Look, I’m not going to let y’all sit here and talk about my baby mama like y’all bored or something. I’m crashing down stairs for the night!” I tell my aunt, going down the steps to her basement.

  My phone beeps and it’s a message from Raja.

  It reads:

  I hope you are happy with your decision! I’m putting your ass on child support! How about that hoe!

  I read the message and laughs at her simple ass. Females always hit a nigga with that shit. That bitch knows I take care of my son.

  I pull out a baggy and start rolling up. I know my aunt is going to bitch and even go as far as trying to beat my ass, but I need this right now.

  I hear the door creak open and someone is walking down the basement steps.

  Fashion comes and sits down next to me on the couch. I lay down on her lap and she runs her fingers through my hair. She used to always do this when I was kicking it with her heavy.

  “What’s going on, Rico?” she asks me.

  “Shorty, why can’t you just let me chill? I’m not trying to have you all in my business!” I tell her. She starts reaching for my belt.

  “Yo, stop that. If I fuck you now my feelings won’t be in it,” I tell her.

  “We need to work on us,” she says turning me off.

  “Yo, go home! Get the fuck out here Fashion! You should’ve kept your damn mouth shut and I wouldn’t even be in this situation!” I tell her sitting up.

  “I’m sick of you acting like Rico Jr. didn’t exist!” she yells with tears falling from her eyes. A nigga can never catch a break. My baby mama fucked my face up and now Fashion is crying about our dead son.

  “He is gone! What the fuck you want me to do? Dig him up and bring him back to life? I wish I could but I can’t! I’m sick of this shit! You keep using him as an excuse for every damn thing! Let my son R.I.P! Yo, get the fuck out and stop coming over here like you family. I don’t give a damn if you cool with my aunt or not. Raja is still a part of my life and this shit is disrespectful to her. I don’t give a fuck what my aunt says abou
t her. She is still my son’s mother!” I tell her.

  “Do you stick up for me when she talks about me?” she has the nerve to ask me.

  “She didn’t even fucking know you until you started that shit at her job! So, if she is saying some shit about you she has a right to!” I tell her.

  “You bitch,” she says stomping up the steps.

  “I still love you though,” I shout behind her. I text Raja back:

  “I’ll be there to see my son tomorrow! If you try and stop me I will fuck your life up! Real nigga shit! Keep testing my G and watch how gutta I get with your ass! You can get it like any nigga out here in these streets!”

  I lie down and remember I need to study for my exam I have to take tomorrow. I left my books back at the crib. Isn’t this some shit?


  I read Rico message and cries. I know majority of it’s my fault but I have too much pride to admit it. He knows I love him. Why does it matter if I say it or not? I held the cold rag on my lip from where he smacked me. Lace just stares at me and I know she wants to say something to me. She sprained her ankle when she and I both fell down the steps. She moved out here into my bullshit and it makes me feel bad.

  “What is it Lace?” I ask.

  “I can’t believe you did all of that,” she says shaking her head.

  “He put his hands on me,” I tells her and she actually rolls her eyes. She pushes her glasses up then shakes her head.

  “I saw his face! You scratched him badly! You are not Kemira! When will you realize that your sister’s life doesn’t have shit to do with you? You are pushing him to act like this,” she says walking out of the kitchen limping. My doorbell rings and I open it up; big mistake! I tried closing it and she pushes her way in.

  “What is it Cam?” I ask her. This is what I get for telling Tataliscious what happened when he called an hour ago.

  Cam walks in having a seat on the sofa, crossing her legs, clasping her hands together.

  “Come sit down for a sec,” she says to me.

  “No, I’m standing up! Why does it look like you about to beat my ass?” I ask her.

  “Sit your ass down, Raja! Make it quick! My husband’s expecting dinner in a few hours!”

  I sit across from her.

  “Rico did that to you?” she asks looking at my lip.

  “Yes, he did,” I tell her with my head down. This shit is embarrassing. Now I know how Rico feels when I stay clowning him.

  “I don’t condone domestic violence. I really don’t think a man should be putting his hands on a woman. But when you hit a nigga, be prepared to get hit back like one! These men now are not like they used to be, Raja; especially these young ones. They don’t give a fuck! You hit them they are knocking your ass out! Now on to the next topic…why you fucking with him? I remember at my wedding reception you were still pregnant with Zy. But anyways, I knew then that you loved him. I remember it like yesterday. I saw the look on your face when he came over to our table and approached you. Rico irks my nerves to the fullest! He is so full of life though. When he comes over he be all loud like, ’Cam, where my plate at girl?’” she laughs and I do too because Rico is always cracking jokes and laughing.

  “I picked out your truck for you. I was taking Royal’s greedy ass some lunch and Rico was there at the dealership trying to find you a ride. Girl, he was going to get you a damn Tahoe! I’m like what the fuck she going to do with all that truck. But anyways my respect level changed for him that day. I didn’t see him as the annoying teenager or the hoe you claim him to be. I saw him as a young man that will do anything to make his woman happy. You struck gold girl! Do you know when I was your age I was still with Koran? That nigga was older than Rico and owned a tattoo shop and he couldn’t even buy Parker a bag of pampers. He degraded me every chance he got! What I’m saying is that he could be worse. Not all men are alike and it took Royal to come into my life for me to know that. I just don’t want another woman taking your spot for you to know you have a winner. Men and women forgive differently. You can hurt us and cheat on us and we will still love you. But men not so much; once their pride is crush that’s it,” she says to me as I wipe my eyes.

  “I’m not here to patronize you or be nosey. I don’t know what happened to you in the past. But whatever it is let it go! It’s tearing your family apart. It’s time to grow up. You’ll be twenty- one in a few months. You and Rico are young but when you have a child in the mix, age ain’t shit anymore,” she says getting up. Her cell phone rings and she answers it.

  “Yes Royal?” Cam says into the phone.

  “I will be home shortly, I’m talking to Raja!” she says then rolls her eyes.

  “Okay, love you too,” she says hanging up.

  “Let me get out of here and go home to my bad ass kids and my annoying ass husband,” she giggles.

  “How is the married life?” I ask her.

  “Beautiful! I’m not going to lie and say we don’t argue though. Last week he slept in one of the guest rooms. Royal knows I don’t play that shit hanging out all late,” she says.

  Lace comes from her room and I forgot to introduce them.

  “I’m sorry for being rude. Cam, this is my cousin Lace. Lace this is Mother Goose Cam,” I say and Cam gives me the evil eye.

  “Hi, Lace! Don’t listen to Raja! I’m not Mother Goose!” she laughs.

  “Someone needs to be around here,” Lace mumbles.

  “I heard that!” I say to her and she smiles.

  “Nice meeting you Lace. I hope to see you at our barbeque at the house. It’s going to big so come and bring a bathing suit,” Cam says walking to the door. She hugs me then kisses my cheek.

  “Be safe Raja! If you need me call me anytime,” she says and I shut the door behind her.

  “So, what are you going to do?” she asks me.

  “I don’t know!” I say before she hugs me.

  I thank God for Lace being here with me because I will lose my mind. Now all I need to do is call Tataliscious and cuss him out!

  I walk into the kitchen grabbing my purse, getting my phone out of it. I dial him and he answers on the second ring.

  “Yesssssss, hunntyyyyy! The queen of all the queens is speaking! But before you speak you bow down,” he states seriously.

  “Shut the fuck up! What you calling Cam on me for?” I snap.

  “I think you have the wrong number! I don’t argue with peoples’ kids!” he says.

  “Don’t make me come and fuck you up bitch! When I tell you shit, hold on to it like you would do a ten-inch dick,” I tell him.

  “Raja, I know you better go on somewhere! But before you hang up, please tell me one more time how you got on Rico’s back!” he says.

  “I climbed on top of the dresser!” He falls out laughing through the phone.

  “Bitchhhhhhhh! I knew you had some Chucky in you! Girl, that little fucker stay jumping on motherfuckers’ backs,” he cracks up.

  “Okay, Raja I will call you later. My new flavor is on his way over here. And hunntyyyyyyy, I need to get this baby oil nice and slick. When he fucks me against the wall I want to slip and fall right on that dick!” he says.

  “When am I going to meet him Tata? You always in my business but I have never met any of your niggas. I’m starting to believe you are one colorful, lonely bitch. We need to get you some cats,” I say to him.

  “I don’t do pussy cunt!” he snaps and I laugh.

  “Seriously Tata, I want to meet this new nigga you have. He’s taking you away from me! Y’all stay going on trips and he got you riding clean. I want to meet him,” I tell him.

  “Okay, fine bitch, and you better not come for me when you do! I won’t take you to Chuck E Cheese if you do!” he says and I roll my eyes.

  “Okay Tataliscious!” I say hanging up.

  “You have some very interesting friends!” Lace says.

  “I know but I love them all!” I laugh.


  I went looking for
a new apartment. I love staying with Raja but I need my own space. Rico and she scared me so bad with their arguing I just thought they were going to shoot. I sit in Starbucks after a long day at work circling places I could afford. I was working at the post office in South Carolina then got transferred up here. The apartment they were going to set me up in needed to be remodeled. I’m staying with Raja until I find something better. I only took the position because it was more money. Once I get situated in my new apartment when I move, I might get me a car. But for the time being, cabs and the city bus is my only transportation.

  I stuff my newspaper in my purse then grab my strawberries and crème frappe. I walk out passing a few stores in the shopping center. I walk pass Downtown Locker room and Tarae is coming out, yapping on his phone. I speed up walking, trying to get away from him and ended up tripping over my shoe strings. My frappe is spilled everywhere.


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