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Ms. Infinity (Book 1): Earth's Greatest Hero

Page 29

by Kirschner, Andrew

  The door finally opened. Betty was behind, looking very sad. She did nothing but walk back to her bed and sit down. Bonnie sat next to her and began to cry, “I’m sorry, Mommy!”

  Betty embraced her daughter. Her own face conveyed a grief that she could not speak of. But as ever, she turned her attention outward, toward the daughter she loved and lived for. “I’m sorry about your father. I wish I could make it all better. But I’m always here for you, I promise. Maybe I’m here for you too much. I don’t know. But understand dear, you’re all I have. We’re all that’s left of our old life. We’re the only people like us on Earth. Nobody else can understand. I need you too, honey. I hope you understand that.”

  “I do, Mom. I really do. I need you too, but obviously you knew that. And I love you.”

  “And I love you. Always.”

  “You know what, though? We still have an awful lot to talk about. We do have ice cream, right?”

  They talked far into the night. At times they even reverted to their Centerian communication. They discussed many things, including their native world, their past, and their heritage. Still, their main concern remained their lives on Earth, their friends, and their future.

  “I can’t say too much about him,” said Betty, “I hope you won’t make me. But please understand that I was not much older than Misery when…well honey I’m sorry. Do you understand? But then I can’t regret it completely if it meant that you came into my life.”

  “Thank you, Mom. I understand.”

  “There is something else that bothers me deeply, but please dear, do not take it as criticism. What you did to save the Earth was necessary, and absolutely right.”

  “What are you speaking of?”

  “The army you fought. I am quite sure I know who they were. General Imperial told you that you had never known them because we had not conquered them, and that we had not conquered them because they had no natural resources. Both of those statements are bitter lies.”

  Betty paused a moment. Her face looked even sadder than before, but she continued stoically, “Their name, or at least the name I knew them by, translated to ‘slave.’ It troubles me to no end that I know no other name. There has to be another name that they call themselves by. Their world was once one of the richest and most diverse environments in the solar system that Center belongs to. Unfortunately, when the junta occurred, well it began shortly after a large-scale invasion of their planet, one that devastated their entire civilization. That invasion ended with the entire people being exiled to a small moon. That was where you heard that they belonged.”

  “I don’t understand why this is so important. I mean, it is a sad story, but…”

  “Please let me finish. This is hard enough. The junta would not have been possible without this invasion. It brought the military both the economic strength and the political credibility to overthrow the civilian government…”


  “Bonnie, please! This is hard enough. Just please…”

  Betty paused for a few more seconds, tears welling in her eyes. “My dear Bonnie,” she said, “Your father had me believing a lot of things. He also knew of my abilities, at least to a point. I thought I was helping to overthrow a repressive regime that was harming our people. Honey, I’m sorry. I helped a monster to do many, many horrible things…”

  Betty could hold back no longer. She fell into tears once again. It was now clear that she was holding tremendous guilt. “My whole family! He killed every single one of them! My mother. My brother and sister! My father! Honey, thank God I was able to save you. I live every single day of my life knowing I helped a horrible monster.”

  “Mommy,” said Bonnie, holding her tight, “I know it’s not your fault. It’s his. He’s horrible!”

  “It’s horrible too that those people had to pay again for his sins. At least you managed to fulfill your mission without killing any more of them. I seriously doubt though that it ended that easy for them. But then that is not your fault either.”

  As the night continued, they spoke more and more about their present life. Betty tried to persuade Bonnie to be more appreciative and trusting of Lisa. They also spoke of Bonnie’s budding relationship.

  “Please dear,” said Betty, “Don’t take anything I say as an attack on Hal. I am glad you have a relationship with him. Everything I know about him suggests that he’s great for you. You have wisely gravitated towards a man who is just about the opposite of your father. Please bring Hal over when you’re ready, and he will be welcome here.”

  “Thank you,” said Bonnie, “He and I have agreed that he’s not going on any more missions like this. He wants to contribute, and I will find a way that he can, but I don’t want him needlessly risking his life.”

  “Alright, as long as you know that. Also, I dare not guess what your time manipulation was, but the very idea of it is terrifying. The very first thing my mother taught me is caution. You know, just because you can…”

  “Alright. I get it.”

  “I’m serious. You are very powerful, and well, you might as well know, so am I. And that is potentially very dangerous. Watch what you do with your power. You should never be reckless like that, certainly not just for the sake of convenience.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  “Okay. You also seemed to be showing off to him an awful lot. I get it. And sure, I can’t help but like that a man is looking at you this way. Still, that’s the thing with the whole superhero idea. It’s a little bit of an ego trip.”

  “It is, but it’s who I am.”

  “I’ll say! If anything you were holding back, showing off for only one person.”

  “I’ll suffer your jokes, mainly because you’re right, but understand something. There’s a place for ego. You might not appreciate it, but people need a personality. I know how you say there’s something silly about celebrity, and you’re right. I mean, it’s ridiculous to have so much interest in a complete stranger. But I eat it up. I can read my gossip magazines all night. And it is stupid stuff about who cheated on who, and the best and worst beach bodies. But then if I’m a celebrity, why not use it for something good? The influence is a power too, that I believe can be turned to good purposes.”

  “Just be careful dear. It’s very easy to say or do the wrong thing, and then there can be far reaching consequences.”

  Bonnie thought a moment. “Yeah. I think about these things too, you know. When the news reports one of my rescues, and all they can talk about is what my hair looked like, it gives me pause. And yeah the interviews are dangerous. I mean, even when you say the right thing, they can mess with it to make it seem wrong if it suits them. When I saw Misery mess with the video we took of the battle, I saw how easy it is to take things out of context. But you know, fighting battles is dangerous too, and consequences can be unexpected. There are risks that come with being a public figure. As with anything, I have to be brave, and face the consequences of what I do and say.”

  “My dear, you really have grown.”

  “Thank you. And maybe there are also things I need to think about doing in my personal life. I need some direction. I’m not exactly burning up the career paths right now.”

  “I’m glad you brought that up for a change.”

  “I just don’t know. If it makes you feel better, I have been giving it serious thought. Look, there’s another thing that’s a burning question on my mind. You always have something to say about my superhero stuff, and I’m always mad about the criticism. But instead of getting into an argument, maybe you could suggest what you might do differently if you were me.”

  “You’re asking me for advice on how to be a superhero?”

  “There had to be a first time, right?”

  Betty thought for a moment, and smiled. “Well I could complain about the flashiness, but I see your point about the need for a ‘personality.’ Still, I hope you understand how important it is to listen as much as you talk. You should consider carefu
lly how others feel, and what people really need, before you make a big scene. And the best thing you can do is to help others to help themselves. You can’t be the only hero. Your ultimate job is to see the hero in each person, and to help them to find it in themselves.

  “You need to be on the scene for many emergencies, and I get that. But corruption is usually much more subtle than a super villain hurling an asteroid. And it can be people with good intentions trying to find an expedient solution, and breaking laws and stepping on other people’s feet in the process. Or it can be people who feel they have been wronged, and are convinced that they have the right to do whatever it takes to even the score. Or sometimes it is someone with a poor conscience who is simply very good at hiding things. But it can also be hiding right under your nose. And you need to not only listen, but also keep your eyes open. If you can see across galaxies, then you can also look across the room and see something as small as a receipt. But then, you don’t have to take it from me. You know how clumsy I can be!”

  Bonnie looked at her mother sidelong and laughed, “You are still confusing to talk to, but I appreciate what you’re saying. I’ll try to take whatever suggestions I understand.”

  “Don’t worry Bonnie. You’ll get it all soon enough.”

  “Okay, Mom. I’d better get to sleep. You know what? I’m going to take another suggestion and put my pajamas on one leg at a time. I’m even going to climb the stairs instead of flying. How’s that for progress?”

  “Always proud dear. I can now say it. It only took you till twenty-six till you started dressing yourself.”

  The next morning, Bonnie walked to work by her usual route. She was using the time to think about a lot of things, her mother, her budding relationship, and her possible future career. She was almost at The Big Box when suddenly she stopped, and spoke to herself quietly.

  “Wait a minute. Mom only found out I was gone when her student told her about her phone ringing. Then she never caught up to me. That’s what she said, right? So then how did she know I took Hal with me?”

  27. Between Friends

  As soon as Bonnie entered The Big Box, she was called into Yvonne’s office. “This can’t be good,” she thought, “One does not get called into the store manager’s office for a chat about recipes. Not that anybody would chat with me about recipes, unless they wanted to talk to themselves.”

  Yvonne let Bonnie into her office, but made her wait while she talked on the phone. She was clearly talking to a superior; there was tension in her voice, and she was being interrupted numerous times.

  “No, I promise you, he’s gone. I…I know. I agree. The numbers from last quarter are unacceptable, and I promise you won’t see anything like it again. I have the complaints, and I’m going through them as fast as I can. So listen, I have an employee here…Okay. I know. I agree. Yes. I promise you, he is off the floor, and we will find a new one as soon as possible. Right. No, obviously not her. Yeah. Of course, you know I won’t let them organize…Listen, can I call you back? Thank you. No, of course. I promise, I will call you back immediately. Bye.”

  Yvonne hung up, and took a deep breath. “Hi Bonnie. I’m sorry to keep you waiting. There has been a lot of commotion here lately. So I have a few things to discuss with you. I’ll start with the easiest. Yesterday you used Lisa to check out. As you recall, you can’t check out family or close friends. I’m not making a big deal about it, but if it keeps happening, I might have to. Do you understand?”

  “Oh, okay. I’m sorry.”

  “So here’s the second thing. Last week you were written up for an incident with some handbags that somehow ended up in the parking garage. Now I have chosen to review this. Apparently Denny ordered you to take them to the storeroom in the basement. I asked Lisa about this, and she told me that there were some extenuating circumstances. She wouldn’t specify, but I’ll take her word for it, since that was the moment when we were being held up. Whatever happened, it’s fine. I’m more concerned that you were down there in the first place. You’re customer service. That’s not your job. If your supervisor asks you to do something like that again, you can come to me and I’ll correct the matter. Anyway, you’re no longer written up for the incident. You have a clean slate again.”

  “Oh! Thank you. I appreciate it.”

  “No problem. Here is the most important thing, the matter of sexual harassment. We are going to have a workshop by the end of next week. It will be announced by tomorrow. Everyone is required to attend. In the meantime I have to stress this. If at any time a supervisor, or any other employee says or does anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, you absolutely do not have to stand for it. You should come to me immediately and I will take care of it. If there’s anything you want to tell me now, please do so. And you might as well know that Denny has been suspended, and is in the process of termination. You don’t have to be afraid of any consequences from him, not that you should be afraid anyway.”

  “Wow,” said Bonnie, “You must have had quite a day.”

  When Bonnie returned to the customer service desk, she saw Hal arriving with a young girl. “Hi Bonnie,” he called. Then they kissed, to the surprise of the coworkers watching.

  “It’s great to see you, Bon,” said Hal, “You’ve met my little sister Stacy.”

  “It’s very nice to see you Stacy,” said Bonnie warmly.

  “Hi,” said Stacy, “I told my mom that you’re really nice, and pretty.”

  “That’s good to hear. You are a very pretty girl yourself.”

  “Thank you.”

  Just then a woman ran in calling, “Stacy, Get over here! How can you be outside without a jacket?”

  “A jacket?” shouted Stacy, “Forget it, Mom. It would ruin the outfit. Talk about a mother’s fashion sense!”

  “Put this on now,” shouted the woman, “And don’t talk to your mother that way.”

  “Bonnie,” said Hal “This is my mother. Mom, I’d love you to meet Bonnie.”

  “Hi Bonnie,” said Hal’s mother shaking her hand, “My name is Sarah Holstein.”

  “Hi Mrs. Holstein. My name is Bonnie Boring. I’m very pleased to meet you.”

  Sarah looked at Bonnie carefully. “Pleased to meet you too. ‘Boring?’ You don’t look like a Boring.”

  “Yeah. My name was changed…”

  “I thought so! My maiden name is Blank. It was shortened from Blankowski. I know. It happened with all of us.”


  “I’m sorry to come in shouting. It is a pleasure to meet you. I can see that Hal is very excited about you.”

  “You didn’t have to shout,” said Stacy.

  “And you don’t have to give me attitude,” said Sarah.

  “No,” said Stacy, “I guess I don’t technically have to.”

  Bonnie smiled ear to ear, but Sarah rolled her eyes. “Stacy, you can at least show your brother’s girlfriend some manners. Say goodbye.”

  “Bye,” said Stacy, “I’ll see you again soon.”

  “Bye Stacy,” said Bonnie sweetly, “It was wonderful to meet you, Mrs. Holstein. I look forward to meeting you again.”

  Sarah smiled warmly. “We will have you over soon.” Then turning to Hal, she said, “When you’re off, call me and we’ll discuss when you’re moving back home.”

  “Can we talk about that?” asked Hal.

  “We can talk, but you’re moving home. This is no life for you. You will call me later. Have a good day.”

  As they left, Bonnie smiled very warmly. “Hal, I really, really like your family.”

  “Thank you,” said Hal, “I know they can be noisy.”

  “Noisy is fine, Hal. Noisy is great. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with noisy. Just be glad that you have them, and that you can rely on them. Your family is important.”

  “I do know that,” said Hal, “I think I know that now more than ever.”

  ”So I just heard Denny’s out,” said Bonnie.

  “He is,” said Ha
l. “There was a lot of commotion here yesterday when I got back from my break.” He raised an eyebrow, and Bonnie smiled.

  Hal continued, “There was a lot of talk. Denny had been dragged away by the security guards. Bobbi too. Apparently he had been using the register to override prices. She was buying lots of expensive items, and he would discount them by something like ninety percent. I guess that was his way of shutting her up. They had been having an affair, or maybe he was trying to have an affair with her. I don’t know. I’m hearing conflicting stories. They might never have noticed it, but a security guard just happened to look at the receipt and see the discrepancies. It wouldn’t have happened, but Bobbi had just fallen down after a woman bumped into her, and the guard came to help her up.”

  Bonnie looked away from Hal and thought for a moment, but said nothing.

  “Excuse me,” interrupted Lisa, “There’s something both of you space cadets don’t know. Before that even happened, he was as good as fired. I know because I had just had a long talk with Yvonne about him. Maria and Nadine were in there with me too. So was Teddy. She was just about to call him into her office. While you kids were gone, we had an eventful time. Isn’t that right, Julia?”

  “Lisa schooled him!” said Julia, “You should have seen it! He tried to scare her to make her leave for something, and then she just yelled at him. Then he told her to punch out, and she left. Then she came back and got Teddy to film her secretly. Then Denny made an offer to bribe her too. He made ass of himself, and everyone saw it. It got on the monitors.”

  “There’s really more to the story than that. I overheard a discussion he was having with security. I found out he was having the cameras turned off so he could get away with stealing for Bobbi. By the way, those cameras were off when this place got robbed. Hal can thank Denny for that. Anyway, then I saw what he was doing with Bobbi. I told him I knew what was going on. I refused to let him take over customer service. Then he sent me home with a write up. Then when I came back, I set that thing up with Teddy. Denny actually fell for it. Then Yvonne called me into her office. Maria and Nadine came with me, and we told her everything.”


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