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Hearts Break: A Dark Stepbrother Bully Romance (Wicked Hearts At War Book 3)

Page 8

by Mallory Fox

  His eyes smolder. “This again? Do you have a fucking death wish?”

  “Maybe I do,” I snap.

  There’s terrible pause and then his eyes search mine, penetrating, brutally cold. “Do you even know what you’re asking?”

  “He’s going to come for me and my family if I do nothing.”

  He shrugs his shoulders. “Maybe not.”

  “You don’t know that,” I say, glaring at him.

  “No, you’re right. I don’t.”

  His answer pisses me off. Mainly because Sophia is his fucking child and he should take better care of her. The fact that he doesn’t know yet that he has a daughter does nothing to ease the anger burning in my chest. It’s not at all logical but my emotions are running high from being cramped in a tiny rectangle for fucking hours. Anything would piss me off right now.


  I jut my chin out at him, eyes blazing. “You’re going to just let him hurt her, aren’t you? So much for all your holier than thou bullshit. I was fucking seventeen when I made the biggest mistake of my life, but you just keep on fucking making them.” I shake my head, tears coming now because I couldn’t stop them if I wanted to. “You’re a hypocrite and bully, and I fucking hate you. Go ahead, punish me all you want, let Marcel kill me, I don’t care. But keep Sophia out of it. She’s just a little girl. She’s done nothing to you. Absolutely nothing.”

  I’m practically screaming at him.

  Something akin to admiration and lust flickers in the depths of his eyes and I can feel the hard bulge between his legs as he pins me down. Of course, this whole power struggle thing would turn him on.

  It’s turning me on.

  But he doesn’t kiss me or make any advances. He just stares. And then…

  “Have you quite finished?’

  I nod. “Yes, I’m done.”

  He releases me and I sit up, massaging my wrists, deep down mourning the loss of his body against mine.

  Then it hits me.

  I just told him about Sophia.


  I glance up at him, heart beating like a racehorse’s would straight out the gate. I assumed Seth knew about her because of what he stole but what if he doesn’t?

  He’s not acting confused. He’s acting contrite. Rubbing the back of his neck, Seth gives me a once over with wounded eyes. “You think I’m a bully who would let a little girl be hurt?” The words out of his mouth have me wondering what the hell to say back.

  Fuck. So he does know about her.

  I swallow. “Without a doubt.”

  He nods, eyes bitterly dark in the cabin light. “I guess… I deserve that.”

  “You deserve more than that,” I cut back.

  He regards me across the bed, jaw clenching. There’s the slightest shadow of stubble on his face, his lips are curled into a snarl, and his hooded eyes look worn out… but it’s Seth. He’s still so bloody beautiful regardless of everything. Our gazes connect and for a second my eyes flit to his crotch. When I look back, his eyes have darkened.

  Shit. Fuck. Why did I do that?


  He doesn’t wait. He’s grabbing me and bruising my lips with his before I can blink. After a slight hesitation, I’m doing the same back. I’m tearing his shirt off and he’s dragging the strap of my jumpsuit down, taking my bra with it. Next, he pushes me back onto the bed, taking my exposed breast in his mouth, sending shivers up and down my spine. In the back of my mind, as I tug at the opening of his jeans and slide my hand in to cup his balls, I think of Sophia.

  This is for her. I tighten my hand around his package.

  Immediately, he halts and pulls back. “Ow, fuck. Pearl, careful what you’re doing down there.”

  “Where are the documents you stole?”

  Rage and desire still burns in his eyes as he glares at me. “Christ, Pearl, are you fucking joking right now?’

  “No, I’m not.” I squeeze harder.

  “Fucking hell. Stop. You’re gonna make me pass out.”

  “Then you’d better tell me where they are.” I’m breathing hard now and it’s not from being horny anymore.

  He hesitates, eyes cautious, a storm brewing behind them as they search mine. “Safe. Somewhere safe. Let me go and I’ll give them to you.”

  Lies. But, I let him go, reluctantly.

  Fuming, I sit up.

  Seth’s exhales like a wounded solider and falls back onto his back, staring at the ceiling. “You had a kid. I figured you did. It’s none of my business and I won’t tell anyone, but there’s a reason you’re keeping it a secret, right?”

  I can’t even breath right now. I just sit there listening to him talk bullshit at me.

  He looks over at me. “Does the father even know?”

  I feel sick. I feel physically sick. I open my mouth to speak but no words come out.

  He scoffs, getting the message, his voice cutting in the dark. “Fine. You’re right that’s none of my fucking business how many dicks you rode after me.”

  He’s jealous. Tell him, Pearl, tell him already.

  “Fuck, Seth…”

  “What, Pearl, what do you want now?”

  “Just bloody give me back what’s mine.” I say, unable to deal with the hurt in his voice any longer.

  I don’t know how to tell him he’s wrong. That Sophia is his. That I faked the birth certificate to keep her safe. The confession is stuck in the back of my throat and refuses to come out when I open my mouth.

  We sit there in silence for a few minutes. I’ve no idea what do or say. Eventually, he gets off the bed and stands in front of the interior wall next to it. His fingers press the centre of one of the ornate decorations. A compartment door that was completely hidden before swings right open.

  Seth looks inside, sorting through some of the papers before selecting one and chucking it onto the bed at me. “Here. This is what you came for, right?”

  “How did you know that compartment was there?” I didn’t even know that was there.

  The corner of his mouth twitches. “Never you fucking mind.”

  I pick up the torn envelope. Hanging out of it are some of official looking documents. I extract them and open both up. It’s the deed to the yacht and Sophia’s fake birth certificate. I stare at them for a few beats and then I leave the deed and the envelope on the bed and get to my feet. Retrieving my phone and clutch from inside the ottoman where they have fallen, I fold the birth certificate and tuck it into my clutch.

  This copy, it’s the only one I have. I know it’s a lie but it’s a lie I’ve told myself so many times that I need it to be true. Having it in black and red ink makes it so. I need it. Even though I’ve no idea why. I also don’t want anyone else having it. Even her fucking useless asshole of a father.

  I take a deep breath and check my phone. There’s a whole load of messages on my phone from Gabby wondering where I am.

  Shit. I need to go.

  I have what I came for. I said what needed to be said.

  Fuck him. Fuck the lot of them.

  I’m at the door when Seth finally speaks. “If you want to take Marcel down, I’ll help you.”

  Chapter 12


  I turn back, eyes wide, not really believing the words that just came out of his mouth. “You mean that?” A small flutter of hope twists in the pit of my stomach.

  He nods, mouth grim, hardened eyes locking onto mine.

  Instantly, I’m curious. “Why?”

  He runs his hands through his hair, blue eyes back to being unreadable. “Because you’re right, she’s just a child. Because Marcel is a cruel bastard, and you and your family don’t deserve him after you. And because I’ve done things I’m not fucking proud of and I don’t want this to be another regret I have to live with.”

  I press my lips together, looking at him directly, deciding to push my luck. “Why didn’t you tell me about Blackheath?”

  He scowls. “I didn’t need your pity on top o
f everything else.”

  His words rip through me.

  “You still should have told me.” I hear myself sigh.

  “Why? Would it have changed things if I had?”


  “You told Lana,” I say, whining like a brat.

  “Because things between Lana and I are black and white.”

  I angle my head at him, brow furrowed. “And they’re not between us?”

  He scoffs. “Babe, nothing is black and white between us.”

  I’m not sure how to take that so I let out a breath.

  Outside, someone shrieks and Seth looks to window at what must be a view of the harbor below, and then at his watch. “It’s late. Come on, I’ll walk you down. We should show our faces at least. I’ll figure out what to do and then we can talk. You still have your bodyguard, right?”

  “Er, yes,” I lie. I couldn’t keep paying for two, so I got rid of the one following me and now there’s only the one at home watching over Grams and Sophia like a hawk. At least, he’d better be for the amount of money I’m paying him.

  Downstairs, the party is still roaring away, and the DJ is still booming his tunes out. I’m surprised the local polizia haven’t turned up. Someone must have paid them off.

  Groups of girls and guys are huddled around the fire pits and on the decks around the heaters. There’s a lot of powder on the tables and dusting under peoples noses as they swan past. Seth steers me through them and out onto the main open part of the deck where Charlie and Flick are huddled at one of the lounge tables, talking quietly.

  Gabby is nowhere to be seen. I wasn’t expecting her to still be here. The last message she sent said she had to go home, something about curfew. I make a mental note check in with her when I get back.

  Flick looks up as we approach.

  I take my cape from her lap, wrap it around my shoulders and grab my shoes ready to slip on as soon as I get off the boat. “Are you ready?”

  Flick gives me a sheepish look. “Do you mind if I stay?” I shake my head, It’s obvious they’re in the middle of something.

  “There’s plenty of spare cabins if you want to stay here,” Seth interjects.

  As lovely as that sounds, just falling into bed in a cabin, I’m done with boats and I’m done with Seth for the night. I just want to go home. Or to the hotel Flick and I booked at the last minute.

  “No, I’m good. We have a hotel booked.” I hold my phone up and show him the message from my driver. “The car will be here in a few minutes.”

  I leave Flick, Charlie, and Seth on board and take the gangway to the shore where students are still drinking and dancing. The music is louder down here. I can’t hear myself think. I take a minute to sling my sandals onto my feet and avoid the people grinding against each other by walking along the marina edge.

  After what just happened, I really need a place quiet to just stop for a minute, catch a breath, and think. So I take my time to stroll down the marina to the other end of the harbor where the access road is. About halfway down, I spot a pontoon floating gracefully between the hull of two yachts. The car isn’t here yet so I remove my sandals, and step onto it. The pontoon bobs, sending minute thrills running up and down my body.

  I walk to the furthest end and I’m greeted with a view of the Italian coastline lit up like a Christmas tree. I pause for few minutes, watching the waves and absorbing the view of the night-time coastline filled with cute houses and shop fronts, and pretty flickering lights. Out here, the sea air is more salty, frigid, waking me up and calming me the hell down. For the first time, I feel alive and scared.

  Teaming up with Seth after everything he’s done—is it the right thing to do?

  What about everything you’ve done to him?

  I breathe deeply. Whether I trust him or not, Seth is the only one who has shit on Marcel. The fact that he’s gathering evidence against his grandfather gives me hope that he’s planning something. If I settle with Seth, give him what he wants, then he has no need to keep screwing with me. Seth only wants his life back. He may be a stepasshole but he doesn’t deserve what happened.

  He’s also Sophia’s father and that has to count for something. Even if he doesn’t know it yet.

  Breaking me out of my thoughts, my phone beeps from within my clutch. The car must be arriving.

  The pontoon sways suddenly as though there’s extra weight on top of it, and I have to balance myself to avoid falling in.

  Why would it sway?

  Goosebumps shiver over me and the hairs on the back of my neck prickle.

  There’s someone behind me.

  I know it before I turn around.

  Lit by the light of the moon, a tall girl I don’t know, with pale blonde hair and familiar piercing blue eyes, frowns. She takes one step closer before placing her hands on my chest, shoving me off.

  I slip from the pontoon.

  And hit the ice-cold water, hard.

  Air is sucked out of my body as I plunge under. The sea, like a frozen fist closes, pulling me down from all sides.

  I’m under the water.

  I kick and thrash. There’s nothing to grasp, nowhere to go.

  I can’t breathe.

  Somehow, I hit the bottom of the pontoon. I scrabble at it underneath, trying to make it move, but it won’t. I claw at it. Anything to breathe. Anything to escape.

  But I can’t escape.

  Is this my punishment for what I did?

  To die the way Seth nearly died?

  I don’t want to die.

  But I’m too numb all over to feel anything but a pounding in my head and surging panic within my chest as my lungs scream for air. I should feel something else. But I don’t. Everything feels soft and so far away. I could just let go. I could just stop.


  Ignoring the burning of my lungs, using every last reserve of effort, I scrape around the underside of the floating dock until I get to the edge of it. A glimmer of light ripples above so I dive for it, clinging to the edge of the walkway. Finally, I break out of the water and take a breath.

  Relief. I fill my lungs.

  Icy cold locks my muscles and smothers my chest.

  Get out of the water, Pearl

  Gasping, spluttering, I haul myself up and onto the floating dock as it bobs and dips.

  I’m shivering all over as I look around.

  The bitch who pushed me is long gone. When I see her next…

  Who the hell was she? Do I even know her?

  I lie for a few seconds before forcing myself to my feet. Teeth chattering, limbs like ice, I stagger back to the marina. The car is there, as it should be, waiting for me.

  The driver sees the state I’m in and runs to open the door. A blast of warm air makes this whole effort worth it. I clamber onto the back seat, dripping water. The driver shoves something heavy and material at me, one of the blankets usually kept the back, and cranks up the heating.

  “Miss Darlington, I’ll take you to the hospital, yes?” the driver says, looking appalled and worried. He’s paid not to ask questions, only to wait for instruction, so I give him one,

  “N—No. J—Just heating.” Is all I manage to say before huddling under the covers. Warm jets of air fill the compartment, teasing life back into my skin, bringing with it pins and needles.

  It’s only as we drive away do I realize my shoes and clutch are missing. They must be in the water still. Everything was inside, including Sophia’s fake birth certificate.

  At that, I curl into a shaking, shivering wet ball, and I try not to bloody cry.

  Chapter 13


  Not long after Pearl leaves, the party winds down. My head is fucking pounding after everything so I kick everyone off the boat who shouldn’t be there and retreat to my cabin.


  Lana has long disappeared onto another yacht and Charlie is still totally engrossed with Felicity. I won’t see either of them until morning.

  The ottoman is stil
l open when I enter. I tap the lid closed, smiling to myself at the balls she had climbing in there. I shouldn’t be surprised that she broke into my cabin at all. It’s what I would do. Seeing the room untidy has my fingers itching, so I head to the comforter to straighten it. Old habits die hard. You’d be on shit cleaning duty if you so much as left a wrinkle in the sheets during inspection at Blackheath.

  A faint trace of her perfume lingers over the bedspread as I pull it smooth.

  Who needs security cameras. I knew she’d been in here the moment I stepped in and smelled her perfume. Though I had no idea she was still here until her phone gave her away.


  She drives me fucking crazy.

  When I had her pinned on the bed, all she had to do was give me that look, and I was so damn hard for her. The slight blush to her cheeks, the sound of her breath on her lips, the desire for me in her hazel eyes that she fights every step of the way. I wanted to devour her, fuck her, ruin her so badly. No girl has ever dug under my psyche as much as Pearl.

  But it was the accusation on her lips that made me hesitate.

  I pick up the deed where she left it, fold it back up and put it away.

  I meant what I said about helping her.

  I’m not even going to ask her settle out of court in return. Something has changed between us. I don’t know when I started seeing her like I used to, like every dream and nightmare I have had rolled into one. As something I want more than money or power.

  I thought that feeling had died the day she ripped my life away from me. When she became the cold-hearted bitch everyone warned me about. Even after I gave it all up for her, the pain of being betrayed by the one person I thought cared, hurt like hell for a long time. I didn’t want to believe that she regretted it. I thought she was making a fool out of me. I told myself she hated me.

  Her hatred of me.

  That’s what drove the monster she created.

  But the look in her eyes tonight, the words out of her mouth, shamed me. Something snapped. It’s like a box has opened and I can’t close the lid back. She’s still undeniably beautiful… broken, bold, and brave. But she’s also a fierce mother who will do anything to protect her little girl.


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