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Run Delia Run

Page 35

by Cindy Bokma

  “My brother and his family are coming for a visit. I haven’t seen him in so long.” Elation bubbled into my words as I told him about my chat with David. “He’s coming next month. I don’t know how I’m going to stand waiting for four weeks.”

  Vincent’s mouth was curved with tenderness. “That’s great news. I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “Meet who?” Will asked.

  “Your uncle.” I wanted to share memories of David and talk about the good times with him and my parents.

  There was so much I wanted to tell Vincent. Though we had talked a lot, I was guarded. As the trust between us grew, I dropped little details about my past. In time I’d share more stories about Leo, my parents, about living with Aunt Priscilla.

  “I can’t wait for him to meet you.” I gave a fleeting look at Vincent and blushed.

  “And I look forward to asking him all kinds of questions about you when you were growing up. I bet he’s got some great stories, don’t you think, Will? Like embarrassing stories of when mom was a teenager?”

  Will giggled. “Super embarrassing.”

  “I have a great idea. Let’s have a big party and we can introduce your brother to my family and some friends . . .”

  Will clapped his hands, “And I can invite my friends from school . . .”

  “. . . it’ll be a blast. We can relax and hang out. Totally casual. What do you think? Weather shouldn’t be too cold.”

  “It sounds wonderful.” I looked from Vincent to Will and back again, their wide grins nearly identical.

  The glow of Will’s face lit up the room and I couldn’t stop smiling.

  Vincent’s kiss was slow and thoughtful. His hand caressed my face and I touched his inky black hair as I ran a hand along the stubble on his cheek.

  “What do you think about making this a more long-term situation?” Vincent pulled away from me and his eyes shimmered with the light of the fire in the fireplace. Wood snapped and popped in the otherwise quiet of the room.

  “What do you mean?” I whispered.

  His large, rough hand held my face, tilting up toward him, and my heart hammered in my chest. I wondered if he could feel it too.

  “I want to get married.”

  “Married?” I almost choked on the word.

  He nodded. My heart stopped.

  I couldn’t breathe. Was this excitement or panic? I put a hand on my chest. Time slipped by for a few moments as my mind raced.

  I pushed myself away from him and raised my eyebrows, meeting his eyes.

  “I talked it over with Will. He approves.”

  For a long moment, I experienced a sensation as if I were floating. My brain buzzed. Vincent took my silence as ambivalence. “I love him like a son. You know that. And I think you know how I feel about you. You must know I love you.”

  The familiar sting of tears flooded my eyes, but this time, they were joyful tears.

  I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and prayed my nose wouldn’t start to run. I cleared my throat, “I know. And... I love you, too.”

  My pulse raced. A girl only dreams of a romantic proposal by a fireplace, underneath a flannel blanket while rain pelts against the roof outside—at least, this girl.

  “I know it seems fast, but it feels right to me. Doesn’t it? We can have a long engagement if you want. But I want to get a ring on that finger. I want to marry you.”

  His gaze was as soft as a caress, his black eyes staring into my soul.

  “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  He kissed me full on the mouth. “Yes. Will you marry me?”

  That night, I fell asleep quickly and effortlessly. I had a dream that was so wonderful and so real that when I woke up, I thought I was still living it.

  I was with my mother, her cinnamon smell and her cottony sweater enveloped me in a feeling I can only describe as love. And in my arms, I held a beautiful little baby with black curls and eyes as dark as currants. Vincent was there, and my father too. Will was next to me.

  Even though it was a dream, I knew it was a glimpse into my future with Vincent.

  I was finally home.

  The end


  Huge thanks to my family for supporting my writing and the long hours I spend on the computer. I'm so grateful to my parents for fostering a love of both reading and writing.

  To the friends who have read my manuscripts and given me feedback and encouragement, thank you for taking time out of your busy days to read the pages I send you and for your valuable feedback!

  Throughout my writing journey, I have had the good fortune of authors popping into my life when I needed an extra push to keep going when I felt like giving up. Thanks to Robyn Harding, Caroline Leavitt, Gayle Brandeis, Maria Semple, Jen Lancaster. . . just to name a few writers who were there for me in my various times of need.

  I appreciate all of the hard work from the Foster Embry team, especially Rachael Tamayo whose excellent advice shaped this book.

  About the Author

  Cindy Bokma is an emerging author, bringing us poignant work about family and love.




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