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Holding Aces

Page 12

by Nikki Groom

  As his fingers tighten, I tip my head back a little, exposing my throat. He places lingering kisses down my neck and across my collarbone. Shivers of pleasure follow the path of his lips as once again he manages to make me feel awakened. I open my eyes when the kisses stop. Denham has an intense look on his face. Carnal, and so goddamn sexy.

  “You have beautiful skin, Ari,” he says.

  I hesitate before saying, “Thank you.”

  He pushes us back so that I’m flat on my back and he has me pinned under his body in just a second.

  “It’s sexy as fuck,” he says with a grin. “Do you believe me now?”

  “You’re fast!” I laugh.

  “You didn’t answer me ...” Denham wraps his fingers around my ribs and starts to tickle me.

  I fling my legs wildly and start to buck my hips.“Get off me!” I squeal, playfully trying to wriggle free.

  “You didn’t answer. Do you believe me now?” he says with that delicious cocky smirk firmly in place.

  “Yes, yes I believe you.”

  His fingers ease, but stay in place.“Even when I stop tickling you?”

  “Yes, even then …”

  “Good. I only came to tell you I made plans for us this evening. I had no intention of pinning you to the bed and tickling you until you surrendered.”


  “No.” He frowns. “And now I’m aware that you’re only wearing a robe. Do you even have anything underneath?”

  “Nothing,” I breathe out. It amazes me how fast our interactions change from playful to sexual. He shakes his head before hopping off the bed in one swift move and heads for the bathroom. I sit back up, tightening my robe and covering as much skin as possible, hoping that this will make it easier for him to concentrate on anything but my lack of attire.

  When he comes back out he smiles at me gently. “I’m going to sit over here until you go and get dressed. I can’t sit on that bed with you knowing I could have you naked just by pulling the tie on your robe that’s keeping it all together.” He sits on the chaise lounge with his elbows glued to his jean clad legs.

  “You managed last night when I was just in my underwear.”

  “I did not manage Ari, I coped. There’s a huge difference. It was a long painful night made both equally better and worse by having you next to me. I never knew I had such self-control, but I can’t promise how long it’s going to last, so you had better get some clothes on that hot little body of yours before I break my own rules.”

  I slide off the bed, taking care not to flash too much leg, and walk toward him. I place a kiss on the top of his head. “You’re so cute, you know that?”

  “Fluffy rabbits are cute, Arianna. I am not cute,” he says, keeping his voice purposefully low.

  I pick up some clothes and smile to myself all the way to the bathroom. He is totally cute!

  “WHERE ARE WE GOING?” I ask as we stand side by side, fingers entwined as we wait for the elevator to descend. Denham had said to dress for dinner but remained tight lipped about what he had planned.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “I don’t like surprises ...” Surprises make me nervous.

  “You’ll like this one,” he says with certainty, keeping his focus forward but I can see his lips curl at the corners.

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because, Arianna,” he turns to face me with smug certainty, “we’ve only know each other for a few days, but it might as well have been a hundred years. I know you’re going to like this.”

  Well, that shuts me up.

  He steers me through the people in the foyer and we enter a beautiful restaurant. It’s dimly lit, sultry rather than dull, and every table is intimately lit with candles. The room is filled with the gentle, sophisticated tone of someone playing a baby grand piano in the corner.

  “It’s beautiful,” I remark.

  Denham gives me a knowing smile and a wink. Yes, he was right. So far, I do like this surprise. We are greeted by the maître d’ and he gestures Denham in the right direction. Denham whispers something to him and he nods in return.

  “I have someone I’d like you to see …”

  I look up at him nervously “You do?”


  He guides me in the direction of the private booths situated across the room and my heart starts to beat faster. When we near the booth, Denham slows and stands in front of me. He kisses my cheek, lingering a fraction longer than a peck, then stands to the side.

  This can’t be real. This doesn’t feel real.

  “Mom!” I cry.

  “Arianna, my girl!” She leaps out of the booth and we both wrap our arms around each other.

  I can’t let go. It’s been so long and I’ve wanted to see my mom for what seems like an eternity. I want to hold on tight and not ever let go. I have eighteen months to make up for.

  I look up through watery eyes to see Lottie, Brent and Spike, seated at the table. In my excitement, I hadn’t seen them.

  “Lottie!” I release my mom from the tight embrace, but keep her hand snug in mine. “What are you all doing here?”

  “Denham called and said there’d be a free meal in it for us, so of course, I was all over that,” Lottie jokes, and everyone laughs. One by one, I get a warm hug from all of them, even Spike who squeezes me like he’s known me forever.

  I’m ushered into the booth and sandwiched between my mom and Lottie. Denham sends little looks of happiness my way and his eyes dance. I smile wide, letting him know that indeed, he was right, I do love this surprise. This is by far the kindest thing anyone has done for me.

  We eat, we talk and we laugh. It all feels normal, and I love it. Hope blooms in my chest that this isn’t a one off. This is what I want my life to be like, spending time with the people I love.

  Mom looks brighter than when I saw her last. Her hair is longer than I remember it being with beautiful soft waves the color of brown sugar falling just below her shoulders. She looks happy. Brent and my Mom only met a couple of years ago, and married after four weeks, so I hadn’t spent a lot of time with him before I’d left and didn’t know him very well.

  Brent is her fourth husband. The previous three were good for nothing and didn’t treat her as anything more than someone to look good on their arm. It seems different with Brent; he treats her with respect and gives her enough love to make her skin glow. I know from the look in my mom’s eye when she looks at him that he takes care of her and makes her happy, so that makes him one of the good guys in my book.

  I watch Lottie and Spike. They are like a couple of teenagers, so cute and carefree with each other. I know from experience that Lottie has no control over what comes out of her mouth, and it seems that she has found someone who not only accepts it, but loves her for it. I can see it in the way they look at each other. From our conversation at dinner a couple of days ago, I’m pretty sure they haven’t declared their love for each other, but it’s plain as day that they are smitten.

  “So, darling, how long are you staying here? What will you do now?” Mom asks.

  “Well, there’s still a lot to sort out …”

  “Oooohh, I know,” Lottie says excitedly, bouncing up and down on her seat “You can come and stay with me! Chica, we’d have a blast.”

  “She’s staying here,” Denham quickly interjects.

  “Says who?” Lottie replies indignantly.

  “Arianna, can you afford to stay here?” Mom inquires gently. “You can stay with us, or like Lottie says, you could stay with her.”

  “Thanks, Mom. You too, Lottie, but I can’t come back to Boulder City. You know why. There’s just too many bad memories there and once I’ve gotten everything sorted out, I want a fresh start. You know?”

  “I understand,” Mom says while Lottie pouts like a child.

  I turn to her and laugh. “Babe, you’re always here anyway visiting Spike. I’ll see more of you here than I would at your place.” She nods resignedly. �
��Besides, you should see my new room.” I give her a nudge like an excited teenager, knowing that she will freak when she sees the penthouse.

  “You have a new room? Why do you have a new room?”

  My stomach drops. Just another situation that turned bad. I don’t want to explain it all. “I kinda got moved,” I say quietly, so quietly that the whole tables hushes.

  “I moved her to the left penthouse,” Denham says confidently. “That way I’m just across the hall, so she can shout if wants anything.” I watch him as he handles the conversation then slides his eyes to mine and adds, “Anything at all, just ask.”

  I want to kiss him. I actually want to get up from the table and kiss him full on the lips in front of everyone, but Lottie bounces excitedly next to me, veering my mind off the track it was taking.

  “The penthouse! You’re going to be living in the penthouse suite? Ari, that place is awesome! The bed is so—” Lottie squeals and Spike interrupts, shoving her with his elbow.

  “Lottie,” Spike hisses through his teeth.

  “Uh, I mean … oh shit.” Lottie flushes a shade of pink and hides her head in her hands as the whole table starts to laugh. Spike glances nervously at Denham.

  “Spike, relax. You think I don’t know? I live across the hall and your girl is not quiet.” He emphasizes this with a small shake of his head.

  “Oh god …” Lottie groans and buries her head behind my shoulder. Spike has turned almost the same color as Lottie. They really are like a couple of teenagers. I glance at my mom and Brent who are trying to hide the fact that they are finding this funny too.

  “Sorry, man,” Spike says sheepishly.

  “No problem, just don’t do it again. Arianna is living there now so the penthouses are off limits, okay?”

  “You got it.” Spike’s shoulders relax and he affectionately pats Lottie’s knee, signaling that it’s safe for her to come out of hiding from behind my shoulder.

  “Arianna,” Brent says quietly, leaning over to me. “I don’t want you to worry about money. Your mother and I will take care of your hotel costs if it makes things easier for you.”

  The offer makes me choke up a little. He doesn’t have to do that, he doesn’t even have to offer, but the fact that he did makes me feel like I have him as part of my supportive family.

  “That won’t be necessary,” Denham says harshly.

  What was meant as a sweet gesture has created a suddenly very tense atmosphere. Brent tries to make his point. “Mr. King, your kindness is appreciated, but Alice and I can take care of Arianna, I wouldn’t expect you to—”

  “I know it’s not expected. Arianna and I have an agreement regarding her stay,” he says before looking at me pointedly.

  I know what they are doing. It’s the alpha challenge, a pissing contest. Even though I don’t know Brent or Denham particularly well, I know them enough to say that Denham would win. It warms my heart that a few days ago I had no one fighting my corner, now I have a whole table full of people ready to argue over who gets to help me out.

  “Guys, it’s okay,” I say, trying to diffuse the situation. “Thank you Brent. If I need anything, I won’t hesitate to call.” I turn and look at the stern handsome face I have grown very fond of. “The same goes for you, Mr. King.” I treat him to the same sexy wink as he has given me many times this evening and his expression softens.

  My mom clears her throat. “So, Arianna ...” she looks between Denham and I “What are your, uh … plans?” I know what she’s subtly trying to ask, but I can’t answer because I don’t have one. It’s that simple.

  “Well …” I look over to Denham who is waiting for my answer, and I smile. “I’m just going to see where things take me,” I say without breaking his gaze. Seemingly happy with that answer, he flashes me his dimple. “There’s a lot to be sorted out, finalized.” I think about Aaron and feel my voice go quiet. I swallow noisily, it’s like someone flicked off the happy switch. “I have a lot to tell you about, Mom, but not tonight, okay?”

  “All in your own time, my girl,” she says softly and I rest my head on her shoulder.

  Not wanting to bring the mood of the evening down, I straighten up, push up a smile and change the subject. “What I would like to do is get a job. Earn some money and have some fun.”

  “That sounds like a great plan to me, darling,” Mom says, taking my hand. Not wanting to be left out, Lottie takes my other one and squeezes. My smile then comes from the inside, up through my chest and across my face. I’m sure it touches every part of my body as an actual feeling rather than an action.

  This is what happiness really feels like.

  A waiter arrives at our table with a bottle of champagne and six crystal glasses. Denham flashes me a wink as he takes the bottle from the waiter. Skilfully twisting and letting the cork out with a soft pop, he pours the champagne into the glasses. He hands me the first one and purposefully brushes my fingers with his, before making sure everyone else has a drink in hand.

  “I’d like to propose a toast.” Denham clears his throat before proceeding “To Arianna, new beginnings and a happy future.”

  Everyone agrees and we chink glasses, then Lottie announces, “To my bestie. Thank god I got you back. All my other friends suck!” Everyone bursts with laughter.

  It feels weird. Good weird. It’s surreal to be here, drinking a toast to what’s to come with my nearest and dearest and new friends that look set to be part of my future. It’s a situation I never dreamed could happen. For as long as I can remember, I’ve held very little hope for the happiness of my future until now.

  I’m overwhelmed and I feel my eyes start to gloss over. For all of the days I’ve had that are worth forgetting, this is, without a doubt, one to remember. I wipe the stray tear that is sliding down my cheek, and it triggers a hug response from the women either side of me. I’m squashed between them, their arms wrapped around me, and it’s the best feeling a girl could wish for.

  “It’s just the beginning for you, Ari,” Lottie murmurs.

  I nod in agreement. I hope so, I truly hope so.

  I feel a foot against my leg under the table and look up to find a gentle smile from Denham. I lift my foot to tangle with his and he breaks into a sexy grin. I want to kiss him. I want to kiss his handsome face and tell him how happy he’s made me. I’m not even sure if words could explain how I feel about what he’s done for me, not just this evening, but for the small time I’ve been here. He’s healed some of the cracks. They may only be little cracks, but they’re healing nonetheless.

  I realize I’ve been holding his gaze and the intensity of our exchange starts to pick up. Neither of us wants to look away, but it’s not appropriate for us to be looking at each other like this in company. He breaks first, pulling his shoulders up and downing the last of his champagne.

  “Who would like more drinks?” he asks.

  My mom loosens her grip around me and places a hand on Brent’s knee. “That’s very kind of you, Mr. King, but we really should be going. Leave you kids to your evening.”

  “Please, no formalities. Call me Denham.”

  “Thank you, Denham,” Mom says with a genuine warmth in her voice. “It’s been a wonderful evening.”

  “It’s been my pleasure. You’re welcome here anytime, both of you.” Denham dips his head toward both my mom and Brent, but I don’t miss the tightness in his smile when his eyes settle on Brent. The pissing contest is obviously not over yet. It’s touching that they both feel like they need to take care of me, but I need to learn to take care of myself first.

  We say our goodbyes and, of course, there is a disagreement as to who will pay the bill—Brent or Denham. Both insisted, but Denham won. Brent only relented after insisting he return the favor sometime very soon, which I have no doubt that Denham will not allow him to do.

  I’m reluctant to let them all go home, not being used to having them so close at hand, but knowing I can see any of them at any time is enough for me to be con
tent with them leaving.

  When we arrive back at the penthouse, Denham and I find ourselves in the same place as we were two nights ago. I’m backed into the door with Denham’s hands resting on my waist. I feel like a teenager on a first date, not knowing if the boy is going to kiss me or whether I should kiss him.

  I should kiss him.

  I want to.

  I’ve wanted to all night.

  It’s not like we haven’t shared kisses throughout the day, and we’ve both given them freely. Hell, we both shared a bed last night so kissing shouldn’t be awkward.

  “Denham I—”


  We’re both nervous for some strange reason and start to speak at the same time, halting each other in our tracks and breaking out into giggles.

  “May I go first?” Denham asks. I nod. “Arianna, I know a lot of things have happened to you, and I know yesterday was hard for you. Hell, the last eight years of your life have been hard.” He pauses, seemingly trying to steer the direction onto a more positive path. “I’m just trying to say that I know you have things to work out, but I’ve had an awesome day today and I really want to do it again soon, but only if you want to. Don’t feel like you have to just because you’re staying here because our agreement still stands even if you don’t—”

  “Denham ...”

  “Yes, Stunner?”

  “Shut up and kiss me.”

  I give him no time to think or answer as I close the distance between us. He meets me halfway, and our breath meets and mingles before he nudges my lip with his. I need no encouragement to open up to him. My tongue darts out to wet my lip and catches his at the same time. It elicits a deep groan from his chest as he covers my mouth with his. He kisses me with the fervor of a desperate man, and each time it’s like we’re kissing for the very first time, exploring each other like our lives depend on it and making every second count. I’m pressed tight against the hardwood door, his hands tangled in my hair and mine in his. His tongue sweeps the roof of my mouth and I think I’m going to melt.


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