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A Billion to One [Power Surge: The Billionaire Club 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Power Surge: The Billionaire Club 2

  A Billion to One

  Organized, assertive planner, with trust issues, seeks one-night stand. Chiara Costiano thinks it is a plan, thanks to her best friend Heather. Then she meets Cash Corbin and Zane Heston, two billionaires that want to share her and gain her trust. She’s not so easily convinced that they are for real, and that a ménage is what she wants, but they’re not taking no for an answer.

  Cash and Zane are looking for the perfect woman. A billion to one is their chance of finding her, and they hit the jackpot with Chiara. She’s everything they want and desire, but she’s caught in a bit of a jam. They’re about to take over her father’s company, and she believes it belongs to her. As if being abducted isn’t enough, Chiara faces crimes of revenge from her father’s past, corporate sabotage, a hitman gone psycho, and two loving men who swear to remain by her side, no matter who tries to break them.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 46,414 words


  Power Surge: The Billionaire Club 2

  Dixie Lynn Dwyer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-698-7

  First E-book Publication: September 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Dear Readers,

  May you enjoy the second book in this fast-paced mini series, created for those loyal reading fans who need a “Dixie Style” fix in between my regular book series. I hope you fall in love with Chiara, a woman of great caliber as well as a woman with a mean right hook.

  Cash and Zane sure do have their work cut out for them. They realize that money can’t buy them everything, and their chances of finding that perfect woman to share seems like a billion to one.

  Sometimes during the lowest points in one’s life, or even when it seems that life is monotonous, true love shows up. The question is, are these three people ready to accept it, embrace it, and put away their fears and reservations? Or will past and present circumstances pull them apart before they even realize what could have been?

  Happy reading, Dixie fans!



  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  About the Author


  Power Surge: The Billionaire Club 2


  Copyright © 2013


  “If I told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times, that I will get revenge. I don’t care about turning over new leaves, or making mistakes. He was part of it. He was one of us, we are the reason why he has that company. And you know what, B.F.? I don’t care about what attention it draws. This is what has kept me alive.”

  “Calm down. You always get fucking obsessed when you get something in your head. You’re finally back in the United States and now you want to risk losing everything over this? I don’t get it. Let it lie. Let the past stay in the past.”

  “No! I will make him suffer. I’ll take everything from him. His company, his money, Chiara, and maybe, after he’s miserable and scared shitless, I’ll take his life. He doesn’t deserve happiness. He deserves pain, like the pain I felt and went through. He deserves death.”

  Chapter 1

  “You need sex. And I don’t mean that nice, sweet, boy-next-door, my-best-friend, casual sex. I’m talking hot, wild, passionate sex. Sweat, body aches afterward, and all the good things that follow complete, satisfying orgasms. That is totally what you need,” Heather Mercury stated.

  Chiara Costiano stared at her best friend as if she were out of her mind. They were shopping for dresses for Saturday night’s dinner party at Chiara’s father’s mansion.

  “Do you think you could perhaps lower your voice a little?” Chiara whispered, feeling her own cheeks burn as numerous women around the store gave both Chiara and Heather the once-over.

  “Oh please, if half the old ladies in this place got some, they sure as shit wouldn’t look so damn uptight. Look at that one over there. You could freeze ice on her ass.”

  “Heather!” Chiara exclaimed then quickly moved away from her friend. Heather of course looked right at the uptight redhead and gave her the stare down back. Heather was a bombshell, and more often than not, Chiara was around when she went off.

  Chiara felt her belly tighten. It was that sensation she had whenever Heather mentioned wild, uninhibited sex. Now, Chiara wasn’t stupid. She knew she could have sex like that if she lived a normal life, but not as the daughter to Robert Costiano. Not as an heir to a fortune.

  She felt Heather nudge her ribs as she joined her by the next set of gowns.

  “Hey, I was just trying to make you laugh. I still think you need to loosen up. Go have some fun. Let yourself go a little. It doesn’t mean you’re going to go to hell or get knocked up.”

  “Heather, I’m not like that. You know my deal. You know how I am. I need meaning. I need more to be there.”

  “Bullshit. You lost your virginity on a contractual agreement with your best friend. Emanuel and his brother Keith now share women.”

  “I didn’t have sex with both of them. I only had sex with Emanuel and that was years ago.”

  “Exactly. You haven’t allowed anyone near your snatch in almost a decade.”

  “Heather! For crying out loud.” Chiara was at a loss for words. When Heather got onto something, she didn’t give up.

  “I can hook you up with someone. You know I’ve been with some hotties.”

  “Heather, that is just downright gross. I am not going to have sex with men you’ve slept with.”

  Heather raised her eyebrows at Chiara.

  “What? Like you would want to sleep with someone I’ve slept with?”

  “Oh, I would do Emanuel in a second,” Heather said as she snapped her thumb and pointer together.

  Chiara shook her head and laughed as she pulled a gorgeous silver slim-fitting cocktail dress from the rack of one-of-a-kind dresses.

  “I think I saw this one in Nordstrom’s,” Chiara said as she looked at the price. Because they were in a fancy boutique Heather had insisted they come to, the price was triple the amount.

  “I think if I like this, we should get it in Nordstrom’s,” Chiara said as she held it and prepared to go try it on.

  “Why are you looking at something you can get in a department store? You can afford the price tag here.”

  “I don’t like getting ripped off, or how do you like to say it? That’s right, bent over and—”

  Heather leaned closer challenging Chiara to continue. But Chiara couldn’t say the vulgar words the way Heather did. Chiara was so reserved, except of course when her temper flared.

  “Bent over and fucked up the ass. That’s what these prices here are doing to us if we let them. I don’t know why you can’t say such things. If you did them, they would come easily. Then again, so would you, come easily, I mean.”

  “You are relentless.”

  “That’s because I know what you need.”

  “Well, I can’t exactly go be free to explore sex, like a seventies hippy chick with no responsibilities.”

  “Sure you can. You’re overthinking this. I’m telling you. Think of the prospects. You’re using them for sex, and with your big breasts and round bubble ass, the men will be lining up to have sex with you.”

  “You think I have a fat ass?” Chiara asked, as she turned sideways to try to look in the mirror.

  “No, you have the kind of ass guys see as fuckable.”

  Chiara rolled her eyes and began to walk out of the store. Now that they’d snagged the negative attention of the manager and saleswoman, it was time to go.

  So why as they were walking out, did Chiara want to know what Heather meant? Is my ass big enough to hold on to while a man…? Oh God, what the hell am I thinking? I can’t just have sex with anyone. I can’t.

  “Oh, I know that look. You’re thinking about what I’m telling you. So let’s see, who is available and at your fingertips. Someone who won’t try to latch on. Someone who likes to engage in casual sex and knows what he’s doing. Well, I know a bunch of men like that, but since you don’t want my ‘sloppy seconds,’ I suppose the list will be much shorter.”

  “I’m not doing it. Men cannot be trusted. They hear my name, they know who I am, and they think they’ve hit the lottery.”

  “Well you’re in charge. You have to remember that. You’re on the pill for your cycle. So it’s not like you can get knocked up or something. You make sure they use condoms anyway. You don’t need a sexually transmitted disease on your first round of uninhibited sex.”

  Chiara was in shock as Heather continued to name some men they knew.

  All of them were declined by Chiara.

  “How about Marvin? He wants you. He is hot and has a big dick from what I heard.”

  “He’s the president of my father’s company. I would have to see him every day. No freaking way. Besides, he is exactly the kind of guy I don’t like. If guys could get knocked up to land a woman, he would be the type of guy to do it.”

  Heather laughed.

  “You’re right. He’s such an asshole and a kiss up. But I wouldn’t write him off. He could be a good fallback guy if something goes wrong with picking a stranger or two.”

  “A stranger or two?”

  “Yeah, Chiara, there’s still the option of a ménage. Now that would satisfy you all over. You know, and untighten all the parts that need loosening.”

  Chiara gave Heather a smack in the arm.


  “You have no decorum. No boundaries whatsoever.”

  Heather shrugged her shoulders.

  “I’m not the one who’s all dried up and uptight all the time. With your body and good looks, you could be the bachelorette of Manhattan.”

  Chiara laughed. “Maybe I don’t want to be. Maybe being alone, and waiting for something meaningful is what I’m after.”

  Heather rolled her eyes at her as they headed toward the department store.

  “Perhaps there’ll be some prospects at the party Saturday night. Or if not, then you could always persuade your good friend Emanuel and his brother Keith to play.”

  Chiara shot her a look. “I never had sex with Keith.”

  “Oh, I know that, but you did with Emanuel, and he adores you ’til this day.”

  “He’s my best friend. We’ll always have a special bond.”

  “He and Keith share women now. They could teach you the ropes, and ease that need you have.”

  “Now you want me to have sex with my best friend and his brother. Next, you’ll want to have it with me,” Chiara said. Heather raised her eyes at Chiara and gave her the once-over then grabbed her hips and gently pumped against her from behind.

  “I’d do you,” Heather said in her attempt at a deep man’s voice.

  Chiara slapped her hands away as they got hysterical laughing.

  “You are a bad influence and very naughty.” Chiara reprimanded her as they walked arm and arm through the mall.

  “And you, my bestest friend, need to get naughty.”

  Chiara suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotions. Heather was her best female friend and Emanuel her best male friend. With all this talk about sex and finding release she felt even higher strung than when the conversation started. There were more important things to focus on, like work. She was trying to prove to her father her capabilities. He was a hard man, a distant one, but since Mom died they had gotten closer.

  She couldn’t disappoint him. She couldn’t bring him any grief. But she was twenty-six years old. She wanted a real relationship or at least a sexually active one. Perhaps Heather was right. Maybe Saturday night would bring some prospects, and maybe she would consider a few flings.

  Chapter 2

  “Daddy, what is it? What’s wrong?” Chiara Costiano asked her father as she entered his study. The party was going on in the mansion. He had disappeared, and she was concerned. Her father, Robert, had not been himself for months now. She knew that he worried about the business. She had some ideas, some plans of action, but he wasn’t exactly keen on her being part of the company.

  He had tried to keep her out of Costiano’s for years. He hadn’t always shared his thoughts on the company, and he even trie
d to dissuade her from asking any questions. She worked her way up to a management position on her own. She remembered begging him to let her have a job when she was fifteen. She then told him that if he wouldn’t hire her then she would just have to wait tables and stay with friends down at the New Jersey shore for the summer.

  With no parental supervision and a bona fide schedule of work all day and party all night, he quickly got her a job. She had ideas. Why was he being so stubborn? She was talented when it came to designing and campaigning. Why couldn’t he see that?

  She obviously surprised him by walking in unannounced.

  “Chiara? I didn’t even hear you come in. Wow, you look stunning as usual, honey.” The normal smile that always reached his dark blue eyes didn’t make it. Something was on his mind.

  She’d learned enough about her father’s behavior over the years to identify when he was troubled, when he had little sleep, or when he was getting sick. Now that Mom was gone, Robert Costiano was even more protective of Chiara than ever before. Sometimes she wondered why. Most of her childhood he seemed detached from her. She shrugged her shoulders. Her mom said that he loved her, so Chiara believed that her father did.

  She walked to him as he stood and met her in front of his desk.

  “I was worried about you, Daddy.” She leaned up on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. He held her by the shoulders, and then hugged her gently. In her mind, in her gut, she knew something wasn’t right. A hug from my father and it isn’t even my birthday?


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