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Diving Into Love (McCallister's Paradise Book 2)

Page 9

by Rhondeau, Chantel

  After they had loaded the four suitcases inside, Parker turned to Trish. “Did you have any problems? Did anyone try to stop you?”

  Trish shook her head. “No, but there’s one hell of a mess in that apartment. The coffee table’s all busted up and there’s quite a bit of blood.”

  “I know.” Parker gestured toward Sierra, who still sat on the couch, having been silent the entire time. “Neither one of you are to tell anyone where Miss Burns is, is that clear?”

  Both maids nodded and Trish inclined her head toward Sierra. “Miss, I’ve seen you many times on this island. Mind if I ask a question?”

  Sierra’s hazel eyes went wide, but she finally shrugged. “What?”

  “Was it your mother who did this?”

  Parker’s stomach dropped as he stared at Trish. “You knew this kind of thing was happening before this year?”

  Her mouth slashed to a thin line and her eyes narrowed. “I was never sure, but I’ve been assigned to Miss Burns’s room several times and a few things made me wonder. It wasn’t any of my business, but what I saw today...” She shook her head and glanced back at Sierra. “I’m sorry for never asking before. You can be sure no one on the staff will tell anyone where you’re hiding.”

  Brianne nodded her agreement. “I might not like you being with Parker, Miss Burns, but we’ll protect you.”

  Parker wished Trish had done something about this sooner. How many years of suffering could Sierra have been saved if the housekeeper had brought her concerns to Parker’s father? Why did no one help Sierra earlier?

  Forcing himself to keep his hands loosely at his sides, Parker expelled a long breath before looking at Trish again. “Thank you. Please do see that no one gossips. Sierra won’t be here long, but her mother must not find her until I have things settled.”

  “You should talk to your dad,” Trish said. “Those people shouldn’t be allowed on our island. It’s a peaceful place. We don’t want anyone worrying about their safety while vacationing on McCallister’s Paradise.”

  Trish grabbed Brianne’s hand before the young maid could give Parker a goodbye hug and they left the room, shutting the door behind them.

  Parker locked the deadbolt and turned back to Sierra. He’d been too afraid to really look at her right after Brianne kissed him, but he wondered what she was thinking.

  “Looks like they packed everything I own.” Sierra stood and walked toward the pile of suitcases, running her hand over the top of the tallest one. “It’s more than I expected to have, actually. Cece already tried to cancel my credit card. I wonder why she didn’t go back and take all my stuff.”

  Apparently Sierra’s mind was far from the kiss—either theirs or the one Brianne laid on him. She was back to all business. Maybe she’d had time to rethink her earlier convictions about not getting involved with him, and decided it was her best course of action.

  He’d hoped the kiss would soften her on that stance. Not that it mattered. Once she was on the island permanently, he would win her over, even if it took a long time.

  It was time to deal with the immediate issues. “She tried to cancel your credit cards? What do you mean try?”

  “Neenee said...” She glanced up at him and tilted her head sideways. “Neenee is Juanita, by the way. Kind of my word for mother. At least a mother who actually means something.”

  Parker nodded his understanding and took a step closer, reaching out to lightly stroke her arm and offer his support.

  She shook his hand away and stepped back.

  So much for romance.

  “Anyway,” she continued just as if he hadn’t touched her. “Neenee said Cece called the lawyer last night, but he’s refusing to cancel it until talking to my dad. Is there any chance of finding an ATM machine on this island and pulling money off the card so I have some cash?”

  Parker shook his head. “Sorry. Most of the businesses take credit cards, but I don’t think any of them can let you draw cash out. I could call around and check.”

  “That’s okay.” She sighed and ran her hand along her arms as though cold, even though the room was warm. “It’s not like I’ve ever been allowed any cash of my own. I do have some jewelry I can sell if I get desperate, if the maids packed it. I’d take a plane to the main island to find an ATM machine, but if I use the card to buy a ticket, my folks might discover where I am.”

  “We could take the family’s private jet,” Parker said. “I’m allowed to use it when I want, as long as I pay for the fuel.”

  She rubbed her thumb against her lower lip, eyes narrowed. “You’d do that? There’s no way I could pay you back.”

  Parker decided it was time to press his luck. He advanced a step forward, closing the space she’d put between them. Running his hand along her cheek and then backward through her hair, he stared deep into her eyes. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Sierra. I told you, there’s been something about you since the moment we met. I want to get to know you more.”

  She leaned into him instead of pulling away, moistening her lips with the tip of her tongue as she stared at him. “You do? I don’t understand why. Every girl on this island wants you. Just look at that employee. She’d jump your bones in a second.” Her cheeks colored pink and she broke eye contact. “I’m not ready for something like that. I barely know you.”

  Smiling at this small victory, Parker kissed her forehead softly and then released her, stepping back. “I’m not ready for that either. You’re too special to jump straight into bed with. I want to know the real you. Any two people can have sex. I’m looking for a bond with someone.”

  She glanced up, taking his hand in hers. “For love?”

  Parker gulped slightly. He never thought he was the type of man meant for love, not after all his playing around. But... “Yes,” he whispered. “I want real love.”

  They stood in silence, staring at each other and holding hands. It was magical in Parker’s mind, until the hip-hop music from his cell phone shattered it.

  “That’s my dad’s ringtone.” Parker released her hand. “Maybe he’s ready to meet with you.”

  He pulled the phone from his pocket, wondering if he and Sierra would share more moments like this. They had to. He didn’t think there was another girl in the world he ever wanted to flirt with again. Sierra’s heart was the one he wanted to win.

  Chapter 11

  Sitting across the desk from John McCallister in his home office should have been more nerve wracking. However, Sierra couldn’t quit thinking about the kiss she shared with Parker. Even more than that, she couldn’t stop picturing the look on his face when he admitted he wanted love.

  He continued insisting he wasn’t just looking for a one-night stand, but for the first time since meeting him, Sierra believed in his sincerity.

  “Umm, Miss Burns, are you listening to me?”

  With a guilty jolt, Sierra sat ramrod straight in the leather chair and put on her best smile. “I’m sorry, Mr. McCallister. It’s been a rough couple of days. I’m not at my best right now.” Mostly because of Parker’s hot body and deep soul, but that wasn’t something you said to a father.

  John smiled with sympathy and leaned toward her, seeming open and friendly. “Parker told me a bit of what happened. I’m sorry for what you’ve been through. Anyone who could do that to another person, let alone their own child...” His face clouded over and the dark-haired man seemed at a loss for words.

  Feeling on more firm footing, Sierra shook her head dismissively and smiled to put him at ease. “Please don’t worry, Mr. McCallister. I’ll be okay.” As long as I get a job soon, that is.

  “You seem like a resilient young lady,” John agreed. “Now, tell me what you think you’d be suited for as far as jobs on the island. I’m sure Parker told you we’re fully staffed, so we’ll have to make a position for you if you stay. I’ve talked to Quinn and Larissa about finding you a place to live already.”

  Without letting her smile falter, Sierra knew she’
d have to put on a good show. She didn’t know who Quinn and Larissa were, but it sounded as though it would be a problem to hire her right now. She had to make John think he couldn’t live without her. The only problem was, she didn’t have many skills he might find useful.

  “I graduated from Cornell University with a Master’s degree in Economics. From there, I went straight to work for my father. He owns a horse ranch where we have champion race horses and provide stud services.” She gave a calculated grin. “Perhaps you’ve heard of some of our racers? I hear you McCallisters are horse people.”

  “That we are, but no racing horses. I personally like to ride for pleasure, but we do have our own breeding program here.” John let out a low chuckle. “That horse you stole earlier in the week happens to be our prize stallion. My oldest son, that’s Quinn, raised and trained Shadow all on his own. He’s an excellent horse.”

  Sierra swallowed hard as the feeling left her fingers and toes. Everyone had heard about her taking Shadow on a forbidden beach, it seemed. Would that cut her chances of John finding a spot for her?

  “I didn’t mean to disobey your rules, sir,” she said in as respectful a tone as she could while trying to remain confident sounding at the same time. “He really is a fabulous horse, though. I didn’t want to be confined to the groomed trails. It’s like flying, being on his back out in the open.”

  John shifted backward in his chair, but still seemed pleasant enough. “So, did you work directly with the horses then? Or, well, having an economics degree, I’d imagine you spent most of your time in the financial department, right?”

  This was where things got tricky. She had to keep him from knowing she’d been a glorified secretary with an expensive education. “I worked directly with my father.” That was noncommittal enough. John could assume whatever he wanted to. “For obvious reasons, I don’t want you calling him for a reference.”

  His eyebrows rose slightly before settling into place. “Anyone else I could talk to in the company?”

  Sierra bit her lip, for the first time truly worrying that she didn’t have anything John McCallister would be interested in for a new employee. “Sir, I’m willing to do whatever you can give me. I’ll clean toilets for minimum wage. I’ll muck out the horse stalls. Anything. I’ve been around horses my whole life. If that doesn’t work for you, I’ll learn something else.” She knew John could likely see the desperation on her face, but she was past being proud. “I just need help landing on my feet. I’ll start at the bottom. I’m not expecting to be head of your financial department or anything. I know you’re fully staffed. Just, please, find something for me to do.”

  He folded his hands together on top of his desk and grinned. “Good. Nice to know you aren’t too uppity to muck out horse stalls.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Sierra thought it best not to point out she’d never done such a thing. That’s what employees were for, after all. It didn’t matter. She could learn.

  “There’s just one problem I can see,” John continued, dashing the security Sierra had begun to feel. “And that problem’s name is Parker.”

  * * *

  Parker paced back and forth in his parents’ kitchen, glancing at the clock for the fifth time in twenty minutes. “What’s taking so long? I thought this would be a formality.” Well, he had an idea that it might be harder than that to get Sierra a job on the island, but his dad would pull through, wouldn’t he?

  Susan, Parker’s mom, pointed at the small breakfast table beneath the bay window in the sunny corner of the kitchen. “Sit down, watch the waves come in, and drink the tea I made. You’re driving me crazy.”

  Walking toward him, she grinned. Smile lines around her mouth deepened and her gentle reprimand and kind face had the same affect on him it always did.

  With a nod, Parker sat and obediently sipped his mug of tea. “You don’t think Dad will turn her out, do you?”

  Susan ruffled his hair and then sat in the chair beside him, raising her own teacup and blowing across the top of it. “Your father will do what’s best for the business, but you know he always tries to help out where he can.”

  “We can’t turn her back over to her mother. Did you see the bruises on the back of Sierra’s arms? That doesn’t even begin to paint the picture of how much damage was done. Glass everywhere in her arms and back. What if one of those glass shards had gone into her neck?”

  For the first time since picking Sierra up off the beach, Parker allowed himself to be more angry than afraid. If he could, he’d go pack the elder Burns’s belongings himself and order them off the island.

  Susan tucked her honey brown hair behind her ear, compassion and concern clear in her blue eyes. “I saw the bruises, dear, and after your phone call this morning, Dad called down to the clinic to talk to Betty and Carl.”

  It surprised Parker to think they would say anything to John. Betty had been so concerned about Sierra’s privacy when Parker wanted answers.

  “What did they say?” he asked.

  His mom shrugged and took another drink. “I didn’t ask, but whatever it was made your dad angry. You can stop worrying. If Sierra doesn’t stay here on the island, your dad will help her somehow. She isn’t being turned over to her abuser, if that’s what has you concerned.”

  Parker looked away from his mom, picking at some lint on his black denim jeans. “I don’t want her to leave, though. She has to stay here, or I’ll never get a chance to...”

  Susan’s hand covered his, stopping its motion. “Do you care about this girl, honey? Quinn’s worried about you, and I’m starting to think he’s right to worry.”

  Groaning, Parker pulled his hand away from hers. He knew it was a bad idea to trust Quinn with his secrets. “What did he tell you?”

  “That you were in love with someone who broke your heart last year, and he’s afraid Sierra will do the same thing.”

  “Did he tell you... who?” Parker peeked up to see her reaction.

  “No.” She shook her head. “But I’m always here if you want to talk. I didn’t know you were that serious about anyone. Was it one of the waitresses? Or maybe that girl working on the boat with you, Paige?”

  “No, Mom. Don’t worry. It’s not someone I have to see every day. I’m fine.”

  He hoped he really was fine. Vanessa had been full of life and had a great sense of humor. When he was with her, Parker felt like the only man in the world who mattered. She treated him like a king, and he was so naïve, he thought one day she might consent to be his queen. All along, she’d just been using him. While sleeping with any other man on the island with enough money to make it worth her time.

  “Sierra’s not like that,” he muttered, certain she’d never use him in that manner. Even now, when pretending to like him could get her everything she dreamed of, Sierra insisted they take things slow and keep distance between them.

  “Not like what?”

  “Nothing, Mom. Please don’t worry. Sierra wouldn’t hurt me. She’s not sure she even likes me, but I want a chance with her. I want to see if we could be something more than what I’ve had before. I’m not sure I was actually in love with my ex, but Sierra feels like a girl I could have those feelings for.”

  “Okay.” Susan rubbed his shoulder and stood, placing a kiss on the top of his head. “I’ll go talk to your father.”

  * * *

  A light tap sounded on the office door before John could elaborate on why Parker was a problem. Sierra tucked her trembling hands beneath her thighs and tried to keep her smile plastered into place when John called for the person to enter.

  Parker’s mom, Susan, slipped in and shut the door behind her. She crossed the room, seeming to glide in a graceful manner that Sierra could never quite replicate. Her medium-length hair was exactly the light brown color of Parker’s and even in her older age, she was beautiful.

  John obviously knew how good he had things. His previously serious face brightened as he watched his love move toward him. Sierra had
never seen her own parents look at each other the way the McCallisters did. Was that what real love looked like? Was that what Parker longed for?

  “What’s going on, dear?” John asked.

  Susan stepped around the desk beside him and leaned down to place a brief kiss against his cheek. “Did you already ask about her intentions toward Parker?”

  John shook his head, the goofy grin he’d had since Susan stepped in not fading. “Was just getting to that.”

  Her intentions? What were they thinking she had planned for him? To make him fall in love with her and then steal all his money or something? Well, actually, that might be exactly what they thought. Sierra knew plenty of women in her life who would do that sort of thing. People married for money all the time in the set she associated with, but Sierra would not be one of those.

  “I have no intentions,” she blurted. “Parker is persistent, and I really, really think he’s a great guy, but I want to stand on my own. I want to live a life I choose. If that includes Parker and things work out, well, great. But I promise I’m not out to hurt your son.”

  Susan offered her a kind smile. “I believe you, Sierra. His brother always feels like he has to protect the family, and that’s why Quinn warned us about you. I guess someone in the past has hurt Parker badly, and Quinn doesn’t want that happening again.”

  “Someone hurt Parker?” That surprised Sierra. He’d seemed shocked when he admitted he was looking for love. Was it because he’d had it once and lost it? Maybe all she was to him was a way to get back in the saddle of love. “I don’t want to be his rebound relationship.”

  John sighed. “And now we’ve meddled. Dear, I wasn’t planning to tell her all that. It’s up to Parker if he wants her to know.”

  “I didn’t mean to,” Susan protested. “It slipped out.”


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