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Wicked Ghosts_A Harper Harlow and Ivy Morgan Mystery

Page 11

by Lily Harper Hart

  “She’s different,” Ivy replied, licking her lips. “She can see ghosts. She can talk to them. I watched her have an entire conversation with Tabitha yesterday even though I couldn’t see her.”

  “Are you sure that wasn’t just for show?”

  Ivy moved to pull back, annoyed, but Jack refused to release her.

  “It wasn’t just for show.”

  “Okay.” Jack held up his hands in a placating manner. “I wasn’t trying to irritate you.”

  “That’s not how it felt.”

  “Well … I was merely asking.”

  “Harper repeated things that Tabitha would know, like the fact that she had a crush on Max and that people refer to me as a witch. How would Harper know things like that if she was making it up?”

  “I don’t know,” Jack replied, opting for honesty. “I think the Max stuff could be guessed. I think the stuff about you … well … maybe that could be guessed, too.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Okay. I wasn’t trying to start a fight.”

  “I know you think I’m being ridiculous – and I guess that’s your right – but I like her because she reminds me of me,” Ivy explained. “I always knew I was different and I hate it. Harper always knew she was different and embraced it. I can’t help but wonder if … well … .” She drifted off lamely.

  “You wonder what would’ve happened to you if you’d done the same,” Jack finished, realization dawning. “You spent most of your time isolated, sharing all of your time with Max or hanging out by yourself.”

  “Until you came along.”

  “And made your life ten times better,” Jack teased, hoping to cajole a smile out of her. He got his wish, although just barely. He sobered instantly. “Honey, I happen to love the way you turned out. I might be a bit biased, though.”

  “A bit?” Ivy’s tone was wry.

  “A bit,” Jack conceded. “If you like and trust Harper, I like and trust her, too. It’s not just because she’s different, though, it’s because she’s taken a shine to you. I think that means she has good taste.”

  Ivy barked out a laugh, tickled. “You would think that.”

  “Honey, I never want you to feel isolated. I don’t want you to feel unwanted. I want you to be comfortable and be exactly who you want to be.”

  “I am who I want to be. It’s just … I’ve never been comfortable with the ‘weird’ label. I didn’t like it that everyone thought I was odd. It made me uncomfortable. Everyone in Harper’s hometown thinks she’s weird and she’s fine with it. She thinks it’s funny. I don’t get that.”

  “And yet you’re intrigued.”


  “Well, then keep being intrigued,” Jack suggested. “I believe you have another shot today. I heard you and Harper talking. You’re planning another excursion, right?”

  “We are.”

  “Are you planning on hanging in the woods together?” Jack hated asking the question, but he couldn’t stop himself. “If you are, I wish you would pick another location. I don’t want you hanging out in the woods given the state of the investigation.”

  “Because you think there’s a hunter out there stalking women?”

  “Because I think Tabitha Darden died a hard death and I will never get over it if something happens to you,” Jack answered without hesitation.

  “Oh, well, that was a really good answer.”

  Jack grinned. “I know. I don’t want to take away from your morel hunting but … um … if you could find a different outing for the day, I would really appreciate it.”

  “You know that’s not going to save you from morel season over the long haul, right?”

  “I have no doubt that I will somehow be forced to eat the feet mushrooms again in the near future.”

  “I wish you would stop calling them that.”

  “And I wish people would stop trying to get me to eat them.”

  Ivy scowled. “For your information, we’re not going into the woods.”

  “Good. Where are you going?”

  “To see Aunt Felicity.”

  In addition to being Ivy’s favorite aunt, Felicity Goodings also owned a magic shop one town over. She was a good listener, a bit of a kook at times, and altogether charming when she wanted to be. She was also a good sounding board when Ivy was trying to work through certain things associated with her growing abilities.

  “I think that’s a good idea,” Jack said after a beat. “You guys can hang out with Felicity all day and stay out of trouble.”

  Ivy made a face. “I never find trouble.”

  “You are trouble.” Jack smacked a kiss against her lips. “This works out well since Jared is coming with Brian and me for the day.”

  Ivy rolled her neck, happy to have something else to focus on. “Yeah, don’t you think that’s weird?”


  “He’s on vacation with his girlfriend and yet he’s more interested in solving a crime with you.”

  “Oh, that.” Jack ran his thumb over Ivy’s full bottom lip as he internally debated the question. “I think that he wants to see things through. If I were in his position, I would feel the same way.”

  “I think cops are simply odd ducks.”

  “Ducks, huh?”

  Ivy wiggled her butt like a duck for emphasis. “Quack, quack.”

  “Come here.” Jack grabbed her before she could waddle away. “I want to quack you before we separate for the day.”

  “I DON’T WANT TO go to a magic shop,” Zander whined as his group finished their breakfast in the hotel dining room.

  “I don’t believe I invited you,” Harper replied calmly as she sipped her juice.

  “We came here for wine tastings,” Zander reminded his best friend.

  “I think you’re handling the ‘whine’ end for everyone,” Jared noted.

  Zander narrowed his eyes, annoyed. “I know what you’re insinuating and I don’t like it.”

  “You’ll live.” Jared was blasé. “What time is Ivy picking you up, Heart?”

  Harper checked her watch. “She should be here any minute.”

  “And you guys are going to do what again today?” Jared tried to play it nonchalantly, but he was keenly interested in Harper’s plans.

  “We’re going to Ivy’s aunt’s store.”

  “I know that part.”

  “And then we’ll probably have lunch.”

  Jared did the math in his head. “That doesn’t seem like a full day of activities,” he said after a beat. “What else do you have planned?”

  “It’s certainly not wine tasting,” Zander complained.

  Jared shot him a look. “Do you want me to smack you around?”

  Zander’s expression was haughty. “I would like to see you try. I’ve been working out.”

  “Maybe we’ll schedule in a slap fight for later,” Jared said dryly before turning back to Harper. “I’m not trying to keep tabs on you, Heart. I know it may seem that way but … I’m not.”

  “That’s exactly what you’re trying to do and I get it,” Harper said. “You don’t want me wandering around the woods without you.”

  “I definitely don’t want that.”

  “We’re not going into the woods,” Harper promised. “At least that’s not the plan.”

  “Well, I want you to make sure it doesn’t become the plan no matter what,” Jared prompted. “I don’t want you in the woods without me.”

  “Well, I’m not sure how I feel about you giving me orders,” Harper hedged. “I would like to point out that I was with you yesterday and you almost got us lost. Ivy is the one who led us to the correct area.”

  Jared scowled. “I knew you weren’t going to let me forget that.”

  “Women never forget,” Zander pointed out. “They’re like elephants.”

  “Take that back or I’ll wrestle you to the dirt outside and rip your shirt before the bus for the wine tasting tour gets here,” Harper threatened.r />
  Zander balked. “You’re mean today.”

  “And don’t you forget it.”

  “Fine.” Zander heaved out a sigh. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get you all riled up. It won’t happen again.”

  “It had better not.” Harper cracked her neck and offered up a gleeful grin to Jared. “What were we talking about again?”

  Even though he was mildly annoyed, Jared couldn’t stop himself from returning the smile. “We’re talking about the fact that you’re not going to wander into the woods with Ivy even though she’s a better outdoor guide than I am.”

  “I’m not sure I agreed to that.” Harper averted her gaze.

  “Heart, I’m not kidding.” Jared’s tone was chilly. “I need to know you’re going to be safe today.”

  “I’ll be totally safe.”

  Jared ran his tongue over his teeth, Harper’s innocent expression frustrating him. “Fine. I’ll cancel my plans with Jack and go with you.”

  His reaction wasn’t what Harper was expecting. “What? Why?”

  “Because I’m worried.” Jared opted for honesty. “I’m worried you and Ivy are going to take off into the woods to talk to Tabitha’s ghost again and I don’t want you out there alone.”

  “We’re perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves,” Harper reminded him. “We’re not helpless simply because we’re females.”

  “I didn’t say you were. I honestly don’t think that … ever. I still love you. I don’t want you in the woods right now. We have no idea what’s going on – or why – and I want to know you’re safe.”

  “I told you we were going to the magic store,” Harper reminded him. “I never said a thing about the woods.”

  “That’s a good thing,” Jared agreed. “I still want you to promise me you won’t go into the woods today.”


  “Because you won’t purposely lie to me.”

  The answer was so simple, so heartfelt, Harper couldn’t stop the leading edge of her building anger from diminishing. She exhaled heavily, blowing her blonde hair away from her face. “Fine. We won’t go into the woods.”

  “Good.” Jared leaned over and pressed a kiss to the corner of her sulky mouth. He could tell she was going to hold a grudge for a bit. He was fine with that as long as he knew she was safe. “I know you don’t understand why I’m taking off with Jack but … well … I feel it’s necessary.”

  “Oh, I understand that,” Harper countered, spearing one of the sausage links on her plate. “You want to see this through to the end. Even though it’s technically not your case, you feel responsible because we found Tabitha in the woods.”

  Jared knit his eyebrows. “How did you know that?”

  “Because I know you.”

  “You do indeed.” Jared leaned over and bit into the sausage link Harper had on her fork, causing his girlfriend to scowl. He chewed and swallowed before continuing. “I want you to have fun today. I think it’s cute that you and Ivy have bonded like sisters.”

  “I never wanted a sister when I was growing up,” Harper mused. “I had Zander so I didn’t really need one.”

  “I heard that,” Zander grumbled. “I’m manly and strong. I can grow chest hair if I want – but don’t because it’s gross. I am not a girl.”

  “I never said you were.” Harper patted his hand in a placating manner. “That’s not what I meant by that. I just meant that I could always talk to you like you were a sister. I never really thought I needed one because I had you.”

  “Oh, well, continue.”

  Harper smirked. “I like Ivy, though. She has things she’s dealing with – things that make her different – and she’s a lot like me.”

  Jared arched an eyebrow, intrigued. “What kinds of things?”

  Harper shrugged, noncommittal. “Just things. She can do things like I can. Not the same things I can, mind you, but she can do things other people can’t. I’ve never met anyone like her before.”

  “I know I made a joke about it the other day, but now I really am starting to get worried that you’re going to run off with Ivy. You seem enamored with her.”

  “I am enamored with her, just not in the same way I’m enamored with you.”

  “I guess I’ll have to take your word for it.” Jared leaned forward and pressed his forehead to Harper’s, inhaling heavily so he could get a whiff of her body spray. “Be careful. I know you always are, but be extra careful for me. I love you and want you safe.”

  “I’ll be careful.”

  “Good.” Jared smacked a kiss against her lips before straightening and focusing on Zander. “You be careful, too. Don’t get so drunk you make an ass of yourself.”

  Zander scorched Jared with a dark look. “Oh, I didn’t know you cared so much,” he drawled, disdain positively dripping from his tongue.

  “Believe it or not, I love you almost as much as Harper,” Jared offered.

  “I don’t believe it.”

  “Well, be careful anyway.” Jared stretched in his chair. “Remember, this isn’t our turf and we’re not familiar with all the players. Everyone needs to be on the lookout.”

  “The only thing I’m going to be on the lookout for today is wine,” Zander said. “Whatever you two have planned is none of my concern. I’m officially over this murder.”

  “Still, I want you to be careful,” Jared pressed. “We’re family … and family sticks together no matter what.”



  “You don’t think they’ll find trouble, do you?”

  Jared remained nervous even as he stood next to Jack in the hotel parking lot, both of their hands raised in farewell as Ivy drove off with Harper in the passenger seat of her car.

  “Do you want the truth or do you want me to lie to you?” Jack asked.

  Jared internally cringed. “I don’t know. Start with a lie.”

  “Ivy never finds trouble.”

  Jared blew out a resigned sigh. “Okay. Try the truth on me.”

  “Ivy finds trouble even when she’s not looking for it,” Jack replied. “Technically Ivy most often finds trouble when she’s not looking for it.”

  “That’s what I thought you were going to say.”

  Jack took pity on him. “Listen, Ivy can take care of herself. She finds trouble, but she almost always gets herself out of it.”

  “When has she not gotten herself out of it?”

  “When I’ve gotten her out of it.” Jack studied Jared’s profile for a beat. “They’re going to be fine. They’re going to Felicity’s store. It doesn’t get safer than that.” Jack purposely pushed the two times Ivy had found trouble at Felicity’s store out of his mind. There was no reason to give Jared more to worry about. “The worst that will happen is that they’ll overdose on tea and be jacked up on caffeine by the time they get back.”

  Jared flicked his eyes to Jack. “Do you honestly believe that?”

  Jack nodded. “I do. I trust Ivy. She promised to be on her best behavior.”

  “Harper did, too.”


  “But she doesn’t even realize she’s heading for trouble half the time until she’s already there,” Jared complained. “I mean … I love her. I didn’t know it was possible to love someone as much as I love her. She’s still a pain in the butt.”

  Jack chuckled. “I feel the same way … and often. Ivy promised not to go into the woods, though. She’s got enough morels to get through a few days. If I have to, I’ll go out with her tomorrow morning before my shift and collect more.”

  “Yeah, what is it with your girlfriend and the mushrooms? I find that odd.”

  “Your girlfriend travels with her best friend and his boyfriend,” Jack pointed out. “My girlfriend is the sanest person in the room compared to that.”

  “Zander is part of the package,” Jared explained, climbing into the passenger seat of Jack’s truck. “I knew that when I met Harper. They’ve been best friends forever. If I wanted her
– which I desperately did – I knew I would have to take on Zander. It’s been something of an adjustment, but we’ve made it work.”

  “He seems … high strung.”

  “He’s extremely high strung.”

  “That has to be hard on you.”

  “It’s not terrible,” Jared countered. “It was difficult at first because I wasn’t used to having a third party so intimately involved in my relationship. He actually used to climb in bed with us every morning so he could gossip with Harper.”

  Jack pressed his lips together to keep from laughing at the scenario. “How did you handle that?”

  “I bought better locks.”

  “And when that didn’t work?”

  “We agreed to a compromise,” Jared replied. “He can hang out with her in bed on weekend mornings. Weekday mornings are out because I need my beauty rest.”

  Jack couldn’t hold back his laugh. “Okay, that is flat out hilarious. Still, you guys seem to get along fairly well all things considered.”

  “It’s been better since he found Shawn,” Jared said, opting for honesty. “Before Shawn, Zander was the type of person who went out with a guy once and then found something terribly wrong with him. This includes abnormal levels of toe hair, a blackhead by one guy’s nose, and the fact that he realized another guy willingly wore flannel and it wasn’t forced upon him by some unseen lumberjack king.”

  “I see.” And, because he did, Jack felt a bit of pity for Jared.

  “When Zander met Shawn, he kept the relationship a secret for a little bit and it drove Harper bonkers,” Jared said. “I almost went crazy myself because she was out of control with the anger. Then, when she settled down and got to know him, she fell in love with Shawn, too. He’s a good balance for Zander. Zander tends to fly off the handle and Shawn is always calm, even in dangerous situations.”

  “Can I ask you something?” Jack had been holding back the question since he met Jared, but he was dying to ask and figured he wouldn’t get a better time.

  “You want to know about the ghost hunting,” Jared surmised.

  Jack nodded his head. “I do. Do you believe she can see and talk to ghosts?”



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