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Hollywood Kids

Page 34

by Jackie Collins

  She considered her answer. 'An asshole - like you said. Pissed at you 'cause of your success. Sees himself as old and finished, and sees you as what he used to be.'

  'You're very astute.'

  'It can't be easy for old movie stars in this town. One minute they're flavour of the year, and the next they're on the slag heap, hosting real-life drama shows on TV.'

  He liked Jordanna, she said exactly what she thought, a refreshing quality in a town full of bullshit. 'Is that what I've got to look forward to?' he asked, amused.

  'In about thirty years.'

  'I'll try to enjoy 'em.'

  'You should.'

  Pulling his car up to the restaurant he handed his keys to the valet.

  Brad Johnson - one of the owners - greeted them at the entrance. 'Where have you been?' he said to Jordanna. 'We've missed you.'

  Working,' she said, giving him a big hug. 'Can you believe it! Me, working?'

  'No, I can't,' Brad said, leading her into the crowded restaurant. 'Welcome back.'

  * * *

  Across the room Charlie had a perfect view of the entrance. 'You'll never guess who's coming our way,' he drawled. 'One of your personal favourites.'

  'Who?' Kennedy asked.

  'Bobby Rush.'

  'Oh, God!' she groaned.

  'You shouldn't've slammed him,' Charlie scolded good-humouredly. 'Bad karma.'

  'I told you, I didn't.'

  'Did you tell him that?'

  'He wouldn't take my calls, so I wrote and explained.'

  'You don't wanna apologize?' Charlie teased. 'Say you're sorry like a good girl?'

  'Are you serious? she snapped, highly embarrassed by the whole thing.

  'Just askin',' he said, pushing his chair away from the table and standing up as they approached. 'Kiddo!' he exclaimed, grabbing Jordanna in a lecherous hug. 'An' Bobby. What a fine young couple!'

  'We're not a couple,' Jordanna corrected quickly, observing two extight-butt lovers lingering at the bar.

  'Don't get excited,' Charlie drawled. 'I ain't feeding The Enquirer. Not this week anyway.'

  'I owe you a thank you, Charlie,' Bobby said. 'Jordanna's an excellent PA.'

  'Any time... An' I guess you know Kennedy Chase.'

  Bobby did a slow double-take. The blonde was sitting there cool as a long drink of water, like she hadn't done a major kill on him. 'Yes,' he said, distantly. Taking Jordanna's arm he steered her away from the table. 'That's the bitch who wrote about me in Style Wars,' he muttered.

  'Really?' Jordanna said, as they sat down at their own table. 'Want me to throw a glass of red wine over her?'

  'You'd do that for me?'

  'I work for you, Bobby. Just ask, I'll do.'

  She had him smiling again. 'I bet you would.'

  'Oh, I would,' she assured him. 'I'm very loyal.'

  'Loyal, huh?'

  'When I like someone,' she said boldly, staring straight into his amazing blue eyes. If he didn't get it this time he was either obtuse or totally uninterested.

  'Jordanna-' he began.

  'Yes?' she asked eagerly.

  'I like you a lot, but-'

  Before he could continue, Tyrone appeared and hovered by their table - handsome, tall and totally pissed off. 'What the fuck are we doing here?' he asked, as if he owned her. It was obvious he'd had too much to drink.

  She blinked. 'Excuse me?'

  'I asked what you're doing here?'

  'Hey, wait a minute-' Bobby began.

  Tyrone was not to be stopped. 'You break a date with me to have dinner with him.' He jerked his finger at Bobby. 'How about the courtesy of the truth?'

  'I'm sorry, Tyrone, this was unexpected. I didn't -'

  'Couldn't resist the movie star, huh?' he sneered unpleasantly.

  'Hey, buddy, you're out of line,' Bobby said, coming to her defence. 'This wasn't planned. We -'

  'I don't give a fuck whether it was planned or not,' Tyrone interrupted, grabbing Jordanna's arm. 'Don't play games with me. You-'

  She pulled her arm away, throwing him off balance.

  Bobby stood up. 'I think it's time somebody drove you home.'

  'Screw you,' Tyrone said. 'We're not in the office now.'

  Bobby put his arm around him. 'Let me-'

  Before he could finish, Tyrone hauled back and hit him, taking him completely by surprise. He almost fell.

  Jordanna leaped up, furious. 'You jerk!' she yelled. 'How could you do that?'

  Tyrone went to throw another punch. Bobby defended himself. Jordanna hurriedly flung herself between them.

  Fists were flying, and somehow or other one lethal punch connected with the side of her jaw.

  She fell like an Acapulco diver, and the last thing she remembered was one of her ex-tight-butts running across the room - presumably to save her.

  Darkness descended.

  Her dinner date with Bobby was definitely over.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  'The show's finite,' Charlie said.

  'It's obvious he never got my letter,' Kennedy said.

  'What letter?'

  'I told you, I wrote to Bobby explaining it wasn't my piece.'

  'Too bad.'

  'What can I do?'

  'Forget it. It's old news. How about a drink at my place?'

  'Sorry,' she replied briskly. 'I have an early press conference to attend in the morning. I should go home.'

  Charlie called for the cheque. 'A press conference, huh?'

  'Yes, the Chief of Police is making an announcement. They're about to form a task force on the murder cases.'

  'You nudged 'em into it, right?'

  'They would have done it eventually with or without me.'

  'But you gave 'em a little jog?'

  'I hope I had something to do with it.'

  'So, no nightcap for you and me. An' I was gonna take you to Homebase Central. I own the place.'

  'Of course you do, Charlie.'

  He chuckled darkly. 'What does that mean?'

  'I'm sure you can own anything you want.'

  He treated her to his insane smile. 'You think so?'

  'I'm right, aren't I?'

  'You're right and you're smart and when am I gonna see you again?'

  'You've got dozens of girlfriends. You live with Dahlia Summers. Why would you want to spend another evening with me?'

  'Don't tell me that's a touch of insecurity I hear in your voice?'

  'Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm merely curious.'

  The cheque arrived. Charlie donned tinted spectacles, scanned it quickly, then signed it with a flourish. 'Y'see, the thing is,' he said, removing his glasses and pinning her with his roving eyes. 'I don't believe in being monogamous.'

  'You don't?'

  'No point to it. We all got one life to live - why not spread a little happiness around?'

  'You're incorrigible,' she said, shaking her head. 'In this day of AIDS you can actually say something like that. I bet you don't even use a condom.'

  A self-satisfied smile spread across his face. 'Not my style.'

  'Then you're definitely off my list.'

  He cocked an eyebrow. 'You've got a list, have you?'

  'Y'know, Charlie, I enjoy being in your company, so I really hope you believe in platonic friendships, because I've got a feeling we could have a stimulating one.'

  'Tell you what, green eyes, I'll wait an' see what you write about me first.'

  'Do that.'

  * * *

  Grant dropped Cheryl off at the hotel, instructing her to call him when she was through.

  She glared at him. 'What do you expect me to do? Sit in the lobby waiting for you? I'll look like the town tramp.'

  'It'll take me five minutes to drive over. Or better still - call a cab.'

  'Yes, that's what I'll do - call a cab,' she said, her voice heavy with underlying anger.

  'Don't get pissed.'

  'I'm not pissed.'

  'Yes, you are.'

bsp; She continued to glare at him, willing him to stop her. 'I don't even know why I'm doing this.'

  'Cause it's a turn-on,' he said encouragingly.

  'It might be a turn-on to you, you're not the one doing it.'

  'Just so long as you tell me every little detail.'

  She would never admit it to him, but she was nail-biting nervous. This wasn't right, she hadn't gotten into business to become one of the girls. Why was she doing it? Simply to impress Grant? What a crock of shit!

  She took another look at the name on the piece of paper he'd handed her - Bosco Nanni. What kind of stupid name was that?

  She got out of the car, slammed the door behind her, and strode into the hotel, high heels clicking, head held high.

  She knew Grant was watching her. Screw him, he didn't give a damn about her feelings.

  She marched boldly up to the reception desk. 'Mr Nanni, please,' she said with authority. 'He's expecting me.'

  'Mr Nanni requested you go to the penthouse suite,' the desk clerk said. 'The elevator's right over there.'

  'Thank you.'

  * * *

  'Oh, God,' Jordanna groaned. 'Where am I?'

  'In the back room of the restaurant,' Bobby replied, relieved she was still in the land of the living.

  'What happened?' she asked, groggily.

  'Unfortunately you got in the way of somebody's fist.'

  'I don't believe this,' she said, rubbing her tender jaw.

  'Believe it. Tyrone completely lost it. You sent him out of control.'

  'Yeah,' she said, gingerly sitting up. 'I have that effect on all the guys.'

  'Seriously, I've never seen him so out of it. What did you do to him?'

  'Exactly nothing.'


  'Did he hit me, Bobby, or was it you?'

  'It happened so fast - I think it was him.'

  'Sure, you would say that.'

  'Hey - if it was me, I'm not admitting it.'

  'What a prince!'

  'C'mon, I'll drive you home,' he said, helping her to her feet.

  'I feel lousy,' she complained. 'What if my jaw's broken?'

  'It's not. You'll survive.'

  'All right for you to say,' she mumbled crossly. 'It wasn't you who got flattened.'

  'It was an accident.'

  'Yes?' she said truculently. 'I'm gonna sue anyway.'

  'Who are you planning on suing?'

  'You, Bobby,' she said, with a sly grin. 'You're the rich movie star around here, you can afford it.'

  'At least you're cheerful.'

  'That's 'cause I'm gonna score mega bucks!'

  He got her safely outside and into his car.

  'What about my southern fried chicken?' she moaned. 'Kindly do not forget that I am one starving person. I need nourishment.'

  'I had the food packed up and put in the car - I didn't think you'd want to go back into the restaurant.'

  'And he's thoughtful, too,' she said mockingly.

  'We can eat at your place or mine.'

  'I'm staying at the Sanderson mausoleum. Let's go to yours.'

  'I'd better call Jerry,' he said, reaching for the car phone. 'See what he's decided.'

  He connected with Darla, who sounded pleased to hear from him. 'Jerry would love to be in your movie,' she said effusively.

  It was a shock that Jerry had agreed so fast, but he remained business-like. 'Good. I'll put everything in motion first thing tomorrow.'

  'Thank you, Bobby.'

  'No, thank you, Darla. Keep him sober - that's all I ask.'

  'Well?' Jordanna asked, as soon as he put the phone down.

  'I guess he's doing my movie.'

  'Don't sound so thrilled, you'll enjoy it.'

  'So she says.'

  'I'm always right.'

  'Modest little thing.'

  'Fuck modesty.'

  'Did you always have a mouth like a truck driver?'

  'No. I learned it at Daddy's knee.' She pressed on the radio, switching stations until she got En Vogue. 'Where do you live, Bobby?' she asked.

  'I'm renting a house in the Hollywood Hills.'

  'I should rent a house, but I can't afford it on the pittance you pay.'

  'Your fortunes may improve.'

  'How's that?'

  Well, you never know, something might be coming up.'

  'Like what?' she demanded.

  'If I tell you, you've got to promise not to say anything.'

  She held up two ringers. 'Girl Scout's honour.'

  'The truth is I made a big mistake hiring Barbara Barr.'

  'Oh, you're finally realizing it. She was never right for Sienna, and you know it.'

  'Don't get into one of those "I told you so" things.'

  'I'm not.'

  'You are.'

  'So go on, tell me what's happening.'

  'Business Affairs is working out a deal to pay her off. The studio guys promised if I signed Jerry I could cast whoever I wanted.'


  'Yes, really.'

  She tried not to let him see how excited she was. 'And who's the lucky person?' she asked casually.

  'Someone you know very well.'

  The cool facade was too difficult to keep going. 'Don't do this to me, Bobby,' she blurted excitedly. 'Not unless you mean it.'

  'I mean it,' he said, enjoying her excitement.

  'Oh, my God! I'd actually be making more money than the paltry salary you pay me?'

  'Exactly. You can rent your own Hollywood Hills house.'

  'For once in my life I don't know what to say.'

  'You're very talented, Jordanna,' he said, suddenly serious. 'Your test was excellent. It impressed me, and I'm not easy.'

  'Then how come you didn't hire me in the first place?' she asked breathlessly.

  'I gave in to pressure. The guys who run the studio chose to go in a different direction.' He pulled up in front of his house. 'Now don't get too carried away,' he warned. 'There's always a chance it might not happen.'

  'Yes, it will,' she said fervently. 'I know it will.'

  'We're here,' he said. 'Are you sure you're feeling OK?'

  'I'm feeling sensational. In fact, I've even decided not to sue you.'

  'You're too kind,' he said, getting out of the car.

  'Yeah, I'm real thoughtful that way.'

  He came around to the passenger side and helped her out.

  Impulsively she gave him a big hug. 'Thanks, Bobby. You won't regret it.'

  He pushed her gently away. 'It hasn't happened yet.'

  What was with this guy? Had her hug offended him? It wasn't like she was going to jump him or anything. Maybe the old Jordanna would have gone for it. But not now... now she was this new controlled person. Sex was not on her mind.

  Or was it?

  'I told you,' she said confidently. 'It will.'

  'You're into the power of positive thinking, huh?'

  'It beats negativity any day.'

  They walked towards his house.

  'Do you always leave your front door open?' she asked.


  'Well, it's wide open. Do you carry a gun?'

  'Why would I do that?'

  'Cause everybody should carry a gun in LA,' she said wisely. 'It's rule one of survival.'

  'Do you?' he countered.

  'Nope, but if I did, I certainly wouldn't be frightened of using it.'

  'I can believe that.'

  'What if there's somebody inside?'

  He shrugged. 'Maybe I forgot to close the door when I left.'

  'There could be a couple of crazed drug addicts armed with knives and guns,' she paused dramatically. 'Once we're inside, they'll slice us up and take everything we've got, which in my case is nothing. We should go for help.'

  He looked at her quizzically. 'Just 'cause I left my door open?'


  'I've done it before.'

  'OK, you go in, I'll wait out here.'

  'Thanks. I appre
ciate your support.'

  'Hey, Bobby, tonight I've met your father, missed dinner, been knocked flat on my ass. Altogether I think I've been a pretty good sport. I do not wish to add getting mugged to the list.'

  He grabbed her hand. 'C'mon, Jordanna, live dangerously,' he said, pulling her inside the house. 'Oh, Jesus!' he exclaimed, surveying total chaos.

  His home was completely trashed.

  * * *

  The door of the hotel suite was opened by a fat man with pop eyes and hairy hands. A taller man hovered next to him. Cheryl's stomach dropped. What was she doing?

  Bosco looked her over and nodded approvingly. 'In there,' he said, gesturing to the living room of the large suite.

  'Not bad,' Reno said as she passed him and walked into the living room where she came face to face with a short dark man who looked to be in his late fifties. He had patent-leather hair, a deep suntan and heavy hooded eyes.

  'Hi,' she said, in her best very expensive call girl voice. 'I'm... Bambi.' The name came to her in a flash of inspiration.

  Luca blinked. She was not what he was expecting. She had red hair and decent tits, but she didn't have the usual hooker look. There was a touch of class about her, and he liked that. 'Bambi, huh?' he said, clearing his throat. 'Well, come on in, baby, make yourself comfortable.'

  She stood in the centre of the room, not quite sure what to do. What did hookers do when they went on house calls? Grab the client's dick and go right at it? Or cool it until he made the first move?

  'Is this your first time in LA?' she asked. Stupid question.

  'Nah, I've been here before,' he said. Stupid answer.

  'I'm happy to meet you, Mr Nanni,' she said, lowering her voice seductively.

  Luca decided Mr Nanni would do just fine for now, no point in frightening her with his true identity. 'You, too, Bambi,' he said. 'Wanna drink?'

  Oh, yes, I want a drink desperately.

  'That would be nice,' she said, smoothing down the front of her skimpy dress.



  He poured her a vodka and handed it to her, standing close. She could smell his strong aftershave, it was overwhelmingly sweet.

  'You got pretty hair,' he said, reaching out to touch. 'You a natural redhead, baby?'

  'Just what you ordered,' she said, attempting to stick to the low sexy drawl.


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