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Hollywood Kids

Page 51

by Jackie Collins

  In the meantime, where the fuck was Bosco?

  He went back into the living room just in time to witness the arrival of Detective Carlyle.

  Jesus! Timing! If he'd come out to the coast a day earlier he'd have nailed his sonofabitch nephew, and he wouldn't be sitting in a hotel room dealing with private detectives, a dumb cop and his movie-director son who was scared shitless someone was going to find out about their relationship.

  When timing was off, nothing went right.

  * * *

  Michael called Kennedy from the hotel. Where are you?' she asked. He told her. There was a long pause and then she said, 'Uh... Michael, did I miss something along the way? I had no idea you were this close to the action.'

  'We've been working on something for Mac Brooks,' he explained, feeling guilty he hadn't told her before. 'He brought us to Carlotti.'

  Warning bells went off in her head. Like Rosa she could smell a story like a drug-sniffing dog. 'Working on what?' she asked curiously.

  'Uh... it's kinda confidential.'

  Hmm... this from a man she'd just spent the morning in bed with.

  'Mac Brooks was the director of the movie Zane was in,' she said. 'Did he know Zane was out of prison committing more murders? And what's his link to Carlotti?'

  'Can we talk later?'

  She hated it when someone answered a question with another question. 'No, let's talk now. Does Carlotti know where his nephew is?'

  'He doesn't seem to.'

  Her voice rose. 'Doesn't seem to? There's two girls' lives at stake here, Michael.'

  'Believe me, I'm aware of that.'

  'It doesn't sound like you are.'

  'Kennedy, I know Jordanna, I care very much about finding her - so get off my case.'

  'Get off your case? I didn't know it was your case.'

  He'd called to tell her he missed her, now she was giving him a hard time. He didn't need this. 'I gotta go-'

  'Keep me up to date on everything,' she said, all business. 'I'm going back to headquarters.'

  'Kennedy -'


  'Uh... nothing.'

  She hung up feeling let down and angry. Michael knew more than he was telling her and it disturbed her. What if he'd had information he'd kept back, and because of that two more women were dead?

  No. Michael wouldn't do that.

  Or would he?

  Suddenly she realized she hardly knew Michael at all.

  * * *

  'I want to see photographs of both girls on every TV station, every newspaper - anywhere we can get 'em out there.' So spoke Boyd Keller to a room full of attentive officers. We've discovered no bodies yet. If these two girls are still alive, the public will help us find them. And, believe me, we need all the help we can get. Perry,' he added, snapping his fingers at an eager young detective, 'take the photos over to Carlyle at the St James's Hotel. He's expecting them.'

  Boyd exited his office and surveyed his VIP guests through a two-way glass window. They were gathered in the conference room. Producers, movie stars, famous people everywhere he looked.

  This would not be a good case to blow - he had to rally every resource to locate these two girls.

  Frankly, he didn't think there was much hope of finding them alive.

  * * *

  Detective Carlyle sat uncomfortably in Luca Carlotti's suite, fidgeting on the plush couch. Getting information out of the New York mobster was a difficult task. Luca did not seem prepared to give him any of the answers he required.

  'I ain't seen the kid since he got out of jail,' Luca said, resentful he'd been put in the position of having to answer questions.

  'Where was he staying in LA?' Detective Carlyle asked in a not-too-pleasant way.

  'What's with this questions shit?' Luca said, suddenly losing it. 'I don't havta answer nothin' without my lawyer present.'

  'Why would you need a lawyer?'

  'Cause you fuckers ain't interested in the truth. I got my rights, an' I don't havta talk to no one.'

  Michael stepped into the picture, annoying Detective Carlyle who liked to think he was in total charge.

  'Mr Carlotti,' Michael said. 'What we're trying to do here is find these two girls before your nephew does them any harm. Now, if you do know anything, you'd be well advised to give that information to the police. All they're asking for is your help.'

  'Hey, if I knew anythin', you think I'd allow that dumb cocksucker to be runnin' around doin' what he's doin'? I ain't proud he's my nephew.'

  There was a knock on the door. Reno answered it. Perry entered and handed the envelope of photographs to Detective Carlyle.

  'What's that, a subpoena?' Luca said roughly. 'Cause if it ain't, get the fuck outta here. I ain't answerin' no more questions.'

  Detective Carlyle wished he had the power to run Luca Carlotti in and beat the crap out of him. If there was one thing he hated it was people who were not intimidated by the fact that he was a police detective and had authority. He ripped open the envelope and handed the pictures of the two girls to Luca. 'Jordanna Levitt and Cheryl Landers,' he said, fighting to keep an impersonal tone.

  Reluctantly Luca glanced at the two photographs. 'This ain't Cheryl Landers,' he said, frowning. 'This one's Bambi.'

  'Who's Bambi?' Mac asked, wishing he were somewhere else.

  'A friend of mine,' Luca said cagily.

  'I'd like to know more about your friend, because this girl is Cheryl Landers,' Detective Carlyle said.

  'Hey, Reno,' Luca said, beckoning him over. 'Take a look at this photo an' tell 'em who it is.'

  Reno studied the picture. 'Bambi,' he said. 'No doubt about it.'

  * * *

  It was frustrating. Now that he was a movie star Bobby was used to everything going his way. He hated sitting around at the police station unable to do anything.

  Grant Lennon, Junior turned up. He sat hunched in a corner looking depressed.

  'There's nothing we can do here,' Ethan Landers said, walking over to Bobby. 'I'm in constant touch with the Chief of Police. He'll let me know as soon as anything happens. We're going home. You should do the same.'

  'No,' Bobby said. 'I'll stay here.'

  Jordan didn't leave. Whatever Jordanna might say about him, it was quite obvious he really loved his daughter.

  Bobby sat down next to him. 'Whyn't you go home, I'll keep in touch.'

  Jordan shook his head. 'I'd sooner be here.'

  'How about your wife? Shouldn't you be with her?'

  'No, I should be right here,' Jordan said.

  They were both surprised when Charlie Dollar arrived, followed by two assistants with trayloads of sandwiches and refreshments.

  'Came by to see if I could do anything,' Charlie said. 'I got this psychic thing - I'm tellin' ya, they'll be fine.'

  Bobby nodded. He wanted to believe him, but it wasn't easy. The two girls had been snatched the night before, now it was nearly two in the afternoon.

  Their chances of survival were getting less and less.

  * * *

  Cheryl sat on the ground and rested for a moment, dizziness and nausea overcoming her. She daren't emerge into the open, better to hide in the thick underbrush.

  Jordanna. I've got to get help for Jordanna. The thought kept her going.

  The further down the hill she went, the louder the traffic sounded. Thank God, finally she was nearing civilization.

  She tried to compose herself. It was important to stay together long enough to tell the police every little detail.

  * * *

  Kennedy returned to headquarters, unable to stay away. She kept on thinking about Michael and the fact that he might have known something without telling her.

  He'd been aware she was working on the story the first time they'd met, surely he should have mentioned it?

  The press were everywhere, but Rosa managed to hustle her inside past the rest of the reporters and TV crews. 'Boyd Keller and I are developing a very special friendship,' Rosa
said, winking conspiratorially.

  'What about Ferdy?'

  'All good basketball players miss the shot eventually.'

  'Does that mean it's over?'

  'Right now he's on the bench.'

  * * *

  It didn't take long for Detective Carlyle to start putting it together. When he had to, he could figure things out pretty good. Luca Carlotti thought Cheryl Landers was Bambi. Bambi was a hooker. Could it be that Cheryl Landers and her boyfriend, Grant Lennon, Junior, were running hookers? And that Cheryl herself wasn't averse to doing a little putting out on the side?

  He called Boyd Keller and told him of the new developments.

  Boyd summoned Grant into his office and began questioning him. Grant told him everything.

  Luca, realizing that Bambi/Cheryl was in trouble, revealed how Bosco and Reno had followed her the night before.

  So... if Cheryl was really Bambi, and Bosco and Reno had followed Bambi home, it figured that the man they'd assumed was her boyfriend could actually turn out to be Zane.

  Luca slumped in a chair. He was in shock. No wonder he'd gotten off on the broad. She was a rich Hollywood kid, and he'd thought she was a simple working girl. What a scam! Jeez! You had to respect somebody who could pull off something like that. Especially on him, because nobody had ever accused him of being naive.

  'Can you find the house?' Detective Carlyle asked Reno.

  'It was dark,' Reno said. 'But I know where it is.'

  'Let's go,' Detective Carlyle said. 'I'll call for back-up.'

  * * *

  Rosa got the news first. She'd attached herself to Boyd Keller, who didn't seem to mind one bit. And because of this she knew something was going down before the rest of the press.

  By the time Boyd strode from the precinct and jumped into an unmarked squad car, Rosa was in the camera truck with her crew and Kennedy.

  'Follow that car,' she said dramatically. We got ourselves a story. Let's hope it has a happy ending.'

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  The Man felt powerful and triumphant. He was soaring high - like an eagle.

  He was an avenger. A true hero. Even better - an ACTION HERO.

  He marched back to the house, striding down the middle of the road because he didn't have to hide from anyone. His days of hiding were over. He was the MASTER OF THE CITY.

  Steven Seagal. Who was Steven Seagal? Arnold, Sly, all of them. They were nothing compared to him. Soon the world would realize.

  He reached the house, double-locked the front door behind him, and kicked open the door to the cellar. The bitch was down there waiting for him. Waiting for him to bury her.

  He swaggered down the stairs, swinging the Uzi in one hand, his pistol stuffed into the belt of his blood-soaked pants.

  What would his mother say if she could see him?

  Would she be happy? Would she be proud?

  She wouldn't call him poopsy now. She wouldn't dare.



  * * *

  Jordanna heard Zane kick open the door to the cellar. Her heart was beating so loudly she could feel it thudding throughout her body.

  Although she was terrified, she was not paralysed. She lay on the ground where he'd left her, concealing the slab of wood beneath her body. Now that she had a weapon, she could fight back.

  Any second he'd trip over the dead rat she'd placed on the stairs, and when he did, she was prepared.

  Her hands clutched on to the piece of wood ready for action. She had a plan - go for his eyes first, then smash the weapon across his face, and keep on hitting until she rendered him unconscious.

  She was truly petrified, her throat felt dry and parched and she was sure the imprint of his hands would mark her neck for ever. Yet her adrenalin was pumping. She knew she had to do it - had to be the winner in this deadly game.

  She heard Zane stumble and fall just as she'd hoped. The Uzi flew out of his hands clattering on to the hard cellar floor.

  Did she have time to go for it? She wasn't sure. Had to be careful - couldn't take any risks. This was a test of her strength. And she would pass the test because Bobby was waiting for her, and she didn't intend to disappoint him. Bobby Rush was her future, and no insane psycho was going to rob her of the opportunity to be with him.

  She willed herself to stay perfectly still. It was imperative her timing was just right.

  He got up cursing and muttering. She heard him getting nearer and nearer. Soon she felt his presence hovering over her.

  Now was the moment for action. Now! Now! Now!

  Gripping the piece of wood tightly, she turned her body and struck out with a mighty lunge.

  The slab of wood cracked against his skull with a sickening thud, sending him flying back.

  She leaped to her feet, grabbed the can of dirt and ran for the stairs.

  He came after her with a furious roar, blood coursing down his forehead into his eyes. He reached out, his muscled arm once again encircling her leg.

  She spun around, flinging the can of dirt into his face and eyes.

  He yelled and fell back.

  Heart pounding, she scrambled up the stairs, shot into the hallway and raced to the front door.

  He'd locked it. The sonofabitch had locked it!

  Stay calm.

  Don't panic.

  You will survive.

  Dashing into the kitchen, she picked up a chair and attempted to smash the window. It didn't break. Desperately she tried a second time. The glass shattered, but it was too jagged for her to climb through.

  She turned around. He was at the door of the kitchen, blood pouring down his face now, anger and fury contorting his features.

  'Fucking bitch!' he screamed. 'Fucking cunt bitch! You're going to die now.'

  She opened her mouth and let out a primal scream. Then she hurled the chair at him.

  It slammed into him, and she ran for the door of the kitchen, trying to dodge past him.

  He caught hold of her and dragged her down on to the floor.

  They struggled. She clawed at his eyes, bringing her knee up, pounding into his balls.

  He wrestled her shoulders to the ground, turned her over and attempted to jam his lips down on hers.

  It was too grotesque. His blood was dripping on to her face, and to her horror and disgust she felt him growing hard against her thigh.

  'You sonofabitch!' she screamed, striving to shove him off. 'You piece of shit sonofabitch?

  'There's nowhere you can run to get away from me,' he yelled triumphantly. 'I had nowhere to run in prison, and you've got nowhere to run here.'

  'Fuck you!' she screamed. 'FUCK YOU!'

  He started pulling at her jeans, trying to get them off.

  She spat in his face and attempted to knee him again.

  He slapped her so hard she was momentarily stunned.

  She lay very still for a moment, desperately trying to remember everything she'd learned in self-defence class.

  Window of opportunity!

  Window of opportunity!

  The words screamed inside her head as she saw him going for his pants. But first he had to remove the pistol stuck in his belt.

  She watched as he reached for the gun, ready to lay it on the ground while he unzipped his pants.

  Window of opportunity!

  Fucking go for it!

  With all her might she sat up, surprising him, smashing her head under his chin, causing him to grunt with pain.

  Twisting her body, she managed to wrestle the gun from his grasp, and point it at him.

  'You wouldn't dare use it,' he said, taunting her.

  'Oh, yes, I would,' she said, clicking back the safety catch, just as he'd done to her.

  And once more they were in the same position, only this time she was in control, ready to blow him away for ever.

  But she hesitated just that moment too long, and he took advantage
of the pause, jerking his hands upwards, knocking the gun out of her possession.

  They rolled around on the floor, each scrabbling to get the weapon.

  Eventually the gun became wedged between them - locked in between their bodies as they continued the life and death struggle.

  And then the gun went off.

  One loud blast, and after the explosion there was nothing but a deep and deadly silence.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  Bobby was swigging Coke from a can when he saw Boyd Keller rush for the door. He knew immediately something was going down. Grabbing the detective he said, 'Wherever you're going, I'm coming, too.'

  'No way. It's against all regulations.'

  'I don't give a fuck about regulations.'

  'We'll keep you informed - if anything happens you'll know immediately.'

  'Screw it,' Bobby said fiercely. 'If you don't want me to come you'll have to arrest me.'

  Boyd shrugged, sometimes rules were made to be broken, and he'd had word from the Chief of Police to keep all the big shots happy.

  'OK,' he said reluctantly. 'As long as you stay outta my way, an' keep a low profile.'

  'You got it.'

  * * *

  Cheryl staggered into the street, desperately attempting to flag a car down. There was a steady stream of traffic travelling up and down Laurel Canyon, but nobody stopped.

  She waved her arms frantically in the air. Drivers averted their eyes and kept going.

  Oh, God, they think I'm some kind of homeless person or a drunk, she thought, running unsteadily down the hill.

  She couldn't believe nobody would stop. For one wild moment she considered throwing herself in front of a car, but they'd probably knock her down and drive off. Didn't people care any more?


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