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Bittersweet Love

Page 7

by Davids, Jesse

  “Oh come on mom, why such a hard head, I'm just having some fun.” Allison hands her the strawberries from the fridge and sat down by the kitchen island. “I just don’t want you to waste your time staring at boys, do something, and get a job; anything I beg you.” Naomi stressed her feelings deeply, making it clear and straight to the point.

  Allison felt guilty for just being at home, lifeless; doing nothing everyday turned her brain into an empty nutshell. “Al right, fine. I’ll look for a job. Happy?” Allison got up and head out the back door to play with Banjo. Wow, should've done that earlier. Naomi thought to herself while decorating the cupcakes. She sliced every strawberry with precision to form a roof top style cupcake.

  -Ding dong- The doorbell goes off followed by a knock on the door.

  Oh fuck already! Naomi washed her hands and set the cupcakes quickly on the coffee table in the living room, walking slowly making sure she doesn't trip over the rug in the middle of the living room. She looked through the doors eye to see who it was, and opened it quickly.

  Rachel, her friend for 17 years was standing at the door step awaiting a hug with a big smile on her face. “Hey!” Naomi hugged her as quickly as she could, for they had no contact since 8 years ago. “Hi! Wow you look so good, I haven't seen you in forever!” Rachel embraced her fully, while old emotions started to return.

  Naomi walked her in to the living room. “You can have a seat; make yourself comfortable, do you want tea or coffee?” Naomi asked as Rachel sat down next to the counter where the vase fell off. “Tea would be lovely, thank you.” Rachel replied in a soft yet grateful tone.

  Naomi went to the kitchen and placed the kettle over the stove as she saw Banjo sneakily trying to get in from the back door. “Banjo” She expelled a deep tone from her voice; Banjo retreated slowly back outside and sat next to Allison. “Awh what’s the matter, mommy won’t let you go inside? It’s okay it’s boring in there anyway, unless you like that kind of thing. Why am I even talking to you?” Allison realized she has gone crazy, being isolated at home for too long and made plans with her close friend Steve to see a movie tonight at 8pm.

  Rachel put her cup down on the table in frustration. “I can’t imagine that happening to me, my husband is already a douchebag. How are you coping though?” She asks Naomi with red teary eyes. “Every day gets a little better, it’s just me and Allison now, and without him this place does feel a little bit empty.” Naomi sips her tea slowly frowning at the ground. “It’ll be okay Hun, even though there’s more women in the world than men, it will get harder I can tell you that.” Rachel laughed hysterically at her own joke. “You know this morning before you came, Banjo let a blue crystal vase fall from that little table, and he got that for me, its just really hard letting him go.” Naomi started to tear up again slowly, gradually crying.

  “Naomi?” Rachel felt sad and torn, got closer to her and held her hands. “Hey, look at me. This can only make you stronger al right, I believe that fully.” Rachel reassures her while rubbing her back. Allison barged in unexpectedly and saw her mother crying.

  10 steps from the door she went and sat down next to her, ignoring the fact that Steve is waiting for her outside in the drive way. “Mom, I thought we agreed upon to not talk about him in this house.” Allison tries to make her mother forget, but something so big in a world so small, can’t simply be forgotten.

  The next morning Naomi took a brown box out of the top shelf of her closet. Today is the day that I move on.

  She took a peek in it one last time and put the lid on it for good. She made her way through the hall and pulled down the attic ladder, 3 steps up, she slips but managed to hold on to a step, saving herself from a horrible injury. The lid flew open and a piece of paper landed on the ground. You just had to fall out huh.

  She put her divorce papers back in the box and taped it, to properly seal the box, or from anyone trying to snoop around.

  Naomi turned on the light as she tried to navigate through all the boxes and junk that’s been stored there since she purchased the house with her ex-husband. We really need to clean this place up. Her eyes widen in fear. Oh my goodness. On second thought never mind.

  She dropped the box and rushed back down as she heard mice running everywhere. Naomi closed the attic as fast as she could and ran straight to Allison’s room; she opened the door and started yelling. “There are mice in the attic! Do not go up there al right, until we call an exterminator at least.” Naomi sat on Allison’s bed looking at her putting mud on her face. “What are you doing, didn't you say you'll go look for a job today?” Naomi felt confused at why she's even in the house at the time.

  Allison didn't respond, she showed emotions almost zombie like. “I did find one; sorry I couldn't talk right now because this stupid mud tends to fall off when I talk.” Allison replies after 5 minutes of silence and mud rubbing. “Oh yeah? Tell me more about it.” Naomi asks interested and finally relieved as she might be starting her own life soon.

  “Well, I have to take care of this old lady; it’s almost like a private nurse type thing. You get me?” Allison lowers her voice after each word. “If you're talking about me, forget it. Now get your ass up! You're burning day light.” Naomi got up and walked to her room, closing her ears ignoring what Allison is saying. “But mom!” Allison’s door closed shut because of the strong breeze that pulled through the house.

  Naomi was about to close her bedroom door, but noticed the bedroom in the corner’s door open.

  What the fuck, Allison better not be messing around with me.

  Naomi walked up to the door and went inside, one of the windows were half opened when she noticed a dirty hand print on the side of the wall.

  Before she could close it a huge gust of wind blew inside the room bringing autumn leaves with it, as it slowly laid down on the bed in the form of a man. Naomi rubbed her eyes for her brain couldn't explain what just occurred, as soon as she opened her eyes the leaves were gone, disappeared in thin air, only to leave dust residual on the pillow.

  I’m seriously losing my mind.

  Naomi stood there in shock, her mind couldn't comprehend anything. The hand print also disappeared, like it was never there. She quickly closed the window furiously and made sure it couldn't be opened again, as she turned, Banjo was sitting by the closet just staring at her like he knew something.

  “You can’t open doors can you?” She quizzically asked the dog with squinting big eyes aiming right at his soul.

  Banjo replied with a bark and ran down stairs with his tail wiggling in the air as he made himself comfortable on the living room couch.

  Naomi still baffled by what happened, closed the door and checks on Allison eagerly to make sure she hasn't gone crazy. “Allison, have you noticed anything strange happening lately?” Naomi stood next to her while she was searching online for any available jobs in her area. “You mean why that door keeps opening, and you keep blaming me for it?” Allison lowered her glasses till the tip of her nose, looking at her with lazy red eyes.

  Naomi just nodded her head and went to her bedroom locking it after she entered. She fell on her bed, curled up, and cried silently for the only thing she truly misses is him, and the memories he left behind still haunt her till this day. Naomi looked up and thought to herself.

  Why me? Why me?

  Noon struck when she heard the doorbell ring, she quickly fixed herself up and went down stairs to check who it is. As she opened the door the mail man rode away on his bicycle leaving her with mail lying on the front porch.

  Naomi picked it up and went back inside, the mail was sent from University of New York to Allison Forest.

  University of New York? Huh.

  Naomi quickly ran upstairs to give Allison the letter, she barged in unannounced and handed it to her. “What is this?” She asked Allison curiously. “Wow! Its NYU mom! I applied for a scholarship a few weeks ago.” Allison quickly got up and tore the letter apart, eager to see what’s written inside. The letter sta
ted that she received a scholarship worth $10,000.

  “Mom, Oh my god! Can I? My community college doesn't have shit on NYU.” Allison jumped on the bed pleading her mother to join one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Naomi could only think about how she might lose another. “I’ll think about it al right, plus, will you continue your degree there and what about living expenses? You're almost done sweetheart, just this term and then another one.” Naomi replied monotonously and couldn't help but show a frown on her face. “Mom, they only accepted me for the last term, it would be a good experience for me, and it’s only going to be 4 or 5 months then I’ll be back here with you and Banjo.” Allison hugs her, reassuring her that everything will be fine, but the events that haunt Naomi couldn't spare her soul.

  Naomi got up and made one condition. “Once you're done, you come straight back home, you promise?”

  Allison jumped from joy and hugged her mother with full open arms. “I promise on my life mom.” She replied joyfully, not letting one smile hide. “Well, I guess you should answer back and accept the offer.” Naomi smiled as she only wanted the best for her daughter. She ran into her bedroom looking through everything to find a gold necklace with half a heart dangling on it. After endless searching she finally found it.

  “Allison, can you come here please!” Naomi yelled from her end of the house, Allison showed up quicker than normal. “Yeah what is it?” Allison looked confused as her mother is holding a golden necklace in her hands. “Here, I want you to have it, it was mine but I lost the other half.” Naomi carefully put it around her neck and snapped the hooks together.

  “Thanks mom.” Allison gratefully hugs her. “Now go find your other half.” Naomi stated as Allison ran off of to go brag to Steve that she got into NYU, Naomi waited for Allison to the leave the room so that she can call her ex-husband.

  “Hello?” Peter answered his cellphone curiously for it was an unknown number calling him. “Hi Peter, it’s Naomi.” Naomi stuttered as she has not heard his voice in a very long time. “Oh, what do you want?” Peter with no hesitation changed his tone more serious. “I’m just calling because you haven't sent Allison her money for almost 2 years now, and she will be going to New York University soon for her last term so she’ll need money for a dorm and what not.” Naomi shaking in fear of him ending the call or not listening to her at all; not wanting to take any legal actions against him.

  Peter’s voice went silent for 30 seconds. “How much do I owe her?” His voice changed as he felt relieved that it’s not about them, but for their daughter’s sake.

  “Well, it would be around $6,000 right now, you can do the calculations yourself if you don't believe me, you still have my bank details right?”

  Naomi is talking to him for one reason only, making her point clear and straight to the subject at hand, as she wanted no arguments whatsoever. On the other end Peter felt guilty that he hasn't been a father to his daughter for longer than he could remember. “I’ll send the money today.” Peter ended the call and started tearing up in a house all by himself, cold, isolated and alone.

  He got up and left his cellphone on the office table, heading to the kitchen for a glass of red wine. I am an asshole.

  He thought to himself while pouring the wine in to a glass, Peter turned to put the bottle away and his phone rang again.

  I said I’d send it today dammit.

  Peter took his glass in one hand and rushed over to his office chair and sat down, checking the caller ID.

  Now what the fuck does she want?

  “Yes?” Peter gave out a huge sigh before answering the call. “I need you at the office today, are you busy?” Melissa spoke in a professional tone, demanding everything she wanted in the palm of her hands. “I’ll be a little late; I have to attend to my daughter’s needs.” Peter seemed annoyed as he took two huge gulps from his glass of wine. “No later than 8 pm please.” Melissa stated in a sensual tone, always horny for men that had things to do or other things on their mind other than her, it turned her on like a red stop light in an intersection. Melissa couldn't control her lust full ideas.

  Peter ended the call furiously, he got up and took his keys and went straight to the bank for it was crowded at this hour and he didn't want to upset the one and only.

  “Hi, I would like to make a deposit to this account please.”

  Naomi waited in bed for Peter to call back and tell her the good news, she fell asleep and had a clear vivid dream she was walking down a hall way, the presence in the air felt dull and miserable. Naomi knew she was dreaming and controlled her every move. From the corner of her eye she saw Banjo running away from something, she ran after him quickly yelling his name, but he didn't answer back. Naomi lost track of Banjo and felt discouraged, from a distance Banjo’s bark echoed throughout the building, as she got closer every step felt harder to take than the one before. She could see a dark tall figure approaching her, before she could turn to run away it grabbed her by the arms while she fell on the ground.

  The dark figured stared at Naomi as it had no face, only a mouth with sharp teeth that appeared bigger than normal. It got close to her face until only a piece of paper could move in between them; the figure opened its mouth yelling out.


  Naomi woke up distraught with a cold sweat running down her back, as she tried to make sense of it all, but couldn’t.

  After 30 minutes of lying in bed contemplating everything that has happened in her life, she finally decided to get up and make dinner for her and Allison, she put on her robe and headed down stairs to the kitchen. Naomi opened the fridge and took out 2 hand sized chicken breasts, bell peppers, mushrooms, cooking cream, broccoli, and she let the pasta cook in a big pot next to a small sauce pan.

  “Allison! I made pasta for dinner can you come down please.” Naomi yelled as she started to dish out 2 plates, she walked to the pantry and got out dog food and threw it in a bowl and sat it next to a water bowl for Banjo.

  Allison came down and sat next to her mother at the dining table bringing with her a piece of paper. “What’s the paper for?” Naomi looked at it with curiosity. “I got an email from dad, and the bank.” Allison puckered up her lips and gave it to her with a big smile on her face.

  Naomi slowly took it and started reading, half way through the letter her eyes jumped out of her head. “Did he really send you $20,000?” Naomi shocked beyond belief as she was looking at Allison’s bank statement. “I don't know what you told him but it worked mom! I’m going to NYU even if it’s just for a couple of months; at least I get to say I went there for a little while.” Allison calmed down after a while and started digging in with her mom watching her as she ate, watching her every move. In the back of her head she only wished they would've been together, she just couldn't let that thought go.

  I’m sorry I haven’t been the farther that I always wanted to be to you, you are my daughter, my only child. I hope this amount of money I'm sending you will take care of the dorm and living expenses that your mother told me about, as I know it is my duty to do so. The most important thing in this world is education and I want you to have the best of it while you're still young. Don't be like me; I want you to be better.


  The clock struck 9pm. Silence filled the room with blurry vision over taking his eye sight, drugged in such a way not even cupid could save him, they sat quietly not uttering one word. Melissa using her signature deal breaker got up with nothing on her body but panties, little goose bumps started forming in the most evil way possible, obsessed with one man she could never get, but wanted so badly.

  Peter rudely fueled by a drug unknown but by the devil itself, threw Melissa on the table, opening her legs widely. With no control over his actions he bent down on his knees and started licking every inch of her opening. His image blacked out completely, not being able to see a thing, but he still couldn't stop, fueled by this drug that made him lose his wife and daughter; with side effects unpredi
ctable by man. Damaging his brain Melissa couldn't stop, she got addicted while relapsing harder every single day.

  A single glass of water, predicted motion, vibration, and the level of sound in the room was enough for the people in the building to know when to leave. Melissa controlled everything, and loved it. A sick twisted idea became a parasite in her brain, growing bigger, and bigger with each time she got those damned supplies.


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